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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 3 Human resource management

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyễn Gia Phong Student ID GCS200772

Class Assessor name

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
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Student’s signature


P4 P5 M4 M5 D2 D3
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Mụ c lụ c
1.Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 . Digital Business Transformation plan........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Internal and external factors affecting the preparation of HR...................................................................................................................................................5
3.1 The internal factor............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 The external factors............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4. The proposal of motivation plans to engage employees in this plan.........................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Devoloping........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Tranning............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Reward Management.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Factors affecting the preparation of HRM for the digital transformation plan..........................................................................................................................9
6. The propose to improve the sustainable performance of the organization............................................................................................................................10
7. Factors affecting the preparation of for the digital transformation plan................................................................................................................................11
8. How to improves the sustainable organizational performance..............................................................................................................................................12
9. Conclusion............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
10 . Reference.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Digital transformation is not only an inevitable trend in the banking industry today but also becomes a fierce race, requiring
banks to have tactics and "endurance" on the track. VPBank is one of the joint stock commercial banks with a long history in
Vietnam. Not only providing customers with diverse services with many incentives.
VPBank is currently the bank with the largest digital conversion rate in the market today, with the ratio of
online transactions to total channel transactions reaching 98%. This result is achieved thanks to the maximum digitization of
products and services, making it possible for customers to perform most financial transactions in any circumstances and
without any obstacles.

In the context of strong development of digital transformation, recently, VPBank and Insider signed a strategic cooperation
agreement, providing solution packages to promote growth and implement digital transformation in the banking sector. The
cooperation between VPBank and Insider is expected to open up the banking industry to new trends in the 4.0 era.

2 . Digital Business Transformation plan

In order to bring more modern and convenient digital payment solutions to customers, recently, Vietnam Prosperity Bank
(VPBank) and Insider signed an official cooperation agreement between the two sides. VPBank chose Insider as a growth
solution provider to create more "touch points" on its platform.

VPBank has just launched the VPBank NEO Universal Digital Banking Platform to bring a completely new experience to
customers using digital banking.

Up to now, VPBank is the bank with the largest digital conversion rate in the market. The goal is that by 2022, VPBank will set
foot in the Top 3 most valuable banks in Vietnam. To realize this goal, VPBank chooses Insider as a partner to provide growth
solutions to gain more insights from customers. use, give specific deployment plans, better retain users.
Image of digital transformation at VP BANK

Stimulate users to complete the online customer identification and registration process; Promote successful transaction
execution rate; Improve the user experience on the app to increase user retention and engagement; Reach the right set of
customers to cross-sell, increase the usage rate of financial products.

The optimal platform solution that personalizes the user experience across multiple channels plays an important role.
Businesses will have peace of mind when automation and machine learning systems will interact with users from the
moment they download the app to the stage that calls them back to use the app.

Insider has come up with solutions to support VPBank to improve users' shopping experience. Among them, two main
solutions are eKYC (online customer identification) & multi-channel user experience optimization solution.
3. Internal and external factors affecting the preparation of HR
3.1 The internal factor
Human resource is considered an extremely important issue for the existence and development of enterprises. Digital
transformation at VP BANK is marked by reformatting the brand logo, affirming its image and prestige. VP BANK is currently
one of the 5 banks with the largest number of employees in Vietnam, so digital transformation into human management is
extremely necessary.

At VP BANK, the recruitment of personnel is always carefully evaluated and selected. The application of technology in human
resources reduces the time and effort of the employer, thereby evaluating the most objectively each candidate.

Contributing to connecting the working apparatus between departments thanks to available technology that businesses
digitally transform. Besides, improving corporate culture is a necessary factor for businesses to operate at their best.

3.2 The external factors

In recent years, according to the State's digital transformation policy, the banking industry has facilitated the development
and restructuring. VP BANK is also constantly developing and changing. Knowing the importance of digital transformation VP
BANK has continuously increased its company capitalization in recent years.

Creating conditions for economic development to promote organizational performance. Applying new technologies to the
apparatus as well as human resource management mainly such as cloud computing, employee management software,
artificial intelligence, face recognition, nanotechnology and science,...

The great impact of digital transformation at VP BANK positively affects the business environment as well as society,
reducing cash costs and even increasing the potential development needs for each individual business.
4. The proposal of motivation plans to engage employees in this plan
4.1 Devoloping
Banking is considered to be identified as the field with social impact, related to people's daily life, changing perceptions the
fastest, bringing efficiency to save costs, prioritizing digital transformation.

Digital transformation at VP BANK

VP Bank has always affirmed its position in the recruitment market, thereby attracting a large number of talents in the labor
market. Brand building is very important. Applying digital technology to attract or retain responsible and talented employees
for the company is what VP BANK always does well.

With the digital transformation process at VP BANK, improving management capacity in the industry, reducing the
cumbersome and efficient staff management system. Focus on developing, promoting as well as exchanging electronic
products and services to facilitate product diversification in the industry.

Create conditions for employees to have the opportunity to develop their potential, cultivate, learn, and interact with each
other in the industry. Building an advanced management system thanks to the digital transformation process, capturing
opportunities and opinions of employees and customers when working as well as using services at VP BANK.

4.2 Tranning
With the remuneration and salary policy among the top Vietnamese enterprises, it is not difficult to do this.

VP BANK is willing to spend a lot of money on management in order to attract key positions for the business with maximum
quality. To enhance competitiveness in recruitment activities as well as business development.

The training for employees at VP BANK has clear activities and long-term plans. VP BANK always leads and supports new
employees with a clear roadmap. New employees when working here are guided and trained properly when there is a clear
VP BANk is one of the 7 banks with the best working environment in Vietnam, so the policies here are also very good.
Creating a competitive and cohesive working environment, a clear career path for promotion opportunities helps individuals
to be motivated to work and stick with the company.
Training staff at VP Bank

At VP BANK, the human factor is always appreciated. Therefore, employees are trained to become talented elite employees
by opening training classes for new employees. Provide plans for employees to have the opportunity to interact with other
departments in the company, thereby connecting the spirit of solidarity and communication between individuals and leaders
in the company.

In order to improve the knowledge of employees at VP Bank, the company opens annual training courses to help employees
improve their knowledge individually, facilitating the development of skilled and professional staff. improving the quality of
working in the bank.

VP BANK understands that employee development is a long-term process in order to improve employees' capacity and
motivation. Therefore, the development not only for employees but also for the human resource management system is
extremely important to VP BANK.

At VP BANK, the bank continuously opens skill training classes for new employees to develop themselves. For opportunities
and a career advancement path. Create opportunities with clear annual roadmaps for employees to have the opportunity to
grow, learn and advance.

Digital transformation also contributes to saving time when recruiting at VP Bank. Help employers grasp the most objective
way about the ability of each candidate, creating great opportunities to attract talented people to work for the company.

4.3 Reward Management

For employees when working, salary is the main source of income for each person. VP BANK understands the importance of
that, so there is a very good treatment for employees. Therefore, in addition to the salary that employees enjoy, VP Bank is
also a unit with an extremely good reward system.

Every year, VP BANK often pays billions of dong in bonuses to excellent employees at work. With a clear salary and bonus
plan, paying employees is worthy to help each individual have more motivation when working at VP Bank. In order for each
individual's results when working hard at the bank to be highly effective, VP BANK is not afraid to give a strong bonus in
quarterly and annual bonuses to employees when working.

Always encourage healthy competition in the business through which there is a reward system worthy of the effort that each
individual spends worthy of their efforts. Ensure benefits for each employee working here when there are welfare regimes
such as insurance, sick leave, contributing to the survival and development of the business.

Such policies and plans contribute to opening up opportunities to attract employees and talented people to work at an
organization that promotes business development.

5. Factors affecting the preparation of HRM for the digital transformation plan

Digital transformation forces the banking industry to transform and approach customers in a whole new direction.
Developing digital banking applications that reduce time as well as interact with customer service staff is more convenient.
This requires the banking industry to change its perspective as well as improve the entire apparatus to be complete with
innovations in the digital transformation process.

The preparation of personnel in the company is extremely important. Therefore, getting ready and having a roadmap for
each individual is something that VP BANK is always ready for. The change in the digital transformation process 4.0 also
changes the human resource management at VP BANK. This change makes the personnel plan also have a plan to change
themselves from all the apparatus here.

This transformation requires training as well as building cadres with leadership and management capabilities. Successfully
promoting digital transformation of human resource management requires a push from the organization by changing
industry culture as well as shifting towards individuals who use quality instead of quantity.
In the context of globalization, knowledge transfer and HR functions are part of the business and so is VP BANK. VP BANK
focuses on the use of technology and human resource policies to ensure all activities for the business through which the
human resource management is extremely good.

6. The propose to improve the sustainable performance of the organization

The change of the state policy on mandatory digital transformation for the banking industry makes the industry's business
strategy ensure a positive change.

Contribute to optimizing the departments that need to control customer data as well as understand customer needs
through technology management.

Under the development of technology, management recruitment can now take place anywhere in the country. Information
processing technology has changed the way banks store information and other technologies.

The digital transformation also contributes to reducing time as well as a large amount of work with new technologies.

VP BANK always ensures that senior leaders can collaborate as well as support junior employees to create trust among key
staff in the business.

Always evaluate the satisfaction level of each individual during the working time, and constantly change and innovate to
overcome shortcomings.
Encourage a culture of collaboration by giving employees time to develop partnerships and giving them the freedom to
create and innovate, including the freedom to fail. Reward employees for building relationships, as well as the results of well-
formed partnerships.

Set goals for each individual to create competition in the business, thereby encouraging each individual's morale to have the
opportunity to advance at work.

7. Factors affecting the preparation of for the digital transformation plan

Digital transformation offers significant benefits to commercial banks, but only if some of the challenges are addressed. In
the current period, banks not only meet the increasing demands of customers, but also have to maintain their level of
competition with other credit institutions. To make this happen, traditional banks are more flexible, embrace innovative
standards and focus more on simplifying professional procurement services anytime, anywhere for potential customers

VPBank pioneers in market digitization

Banks should focus on providing online services; competition on banking products, innovative digital solutions; invest in
artificial intelligence technology and reduce risks in cyberspace. The lack of financial literacy of many customers is one of the
main reasons for the growth of online banking services.

The first solution when conducting digital transformation is cognitive transformation. Perception here is not only the
perception of customers, but also the perception of employees as well as leadership.

The cooperation of financial institutions is cooperative or competitive, typically the relationship between commercial banks
and Fintech companies.

With new technology platforms, typically artificial intelligence and big data, financial institutions run the risk of depending on
external suppliers and losing control over their own business. Karma.

Another important issue that bank leaders need to pay attention to is the cost of digital transformation. The resources for
digital transformation are not available, so the exploitation, allocation and use need to be careful to achieve the purpose.

8. How to improves the sustainable organizational performance.

At VP BANK, to outperform the opponent is to outperform yourself. Therefore, in the process of working at VP BAnk, the
competition between departments is extremely exciting, creating a corporate culture of constant efforts and sustainable

The application of digital transformation aims to enhance the experience and efficiency to the highest possible level. VP
BANk always listens to users' opinions about each of its products.

Enables effective quality control and notification of quality problems before reaching the customer.

Improve customer service to increase brand interaction, effective promotion.

9. Conclusion
In general, the digital transformation at VP BANK contributes significantly to changing the apparatus of the whole system.
Thereby increasing customer demand, helping customers to have easier access to new technologies introduced by the bank.
Moreover, digital transformation plays an important role in human resource management at VP Bank.

10 . Reference

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