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Community Club | (A) Plants in the pond can be classified according to how they grow. Identify the aquatic plants you see in diagram below and write the names of the plants in the space provided. 7 water cattail water lily || duckweed lettuce arrowhead cabomba water elodea | | lotus hyacinth 1 Classify the above aquatic plants into the table below. water hyacinth water lily water lettuce lotus duckweed arrowhead cattail (B) Besides aquatic plants, there are many different animals which can be found in a pond as well. The picture below shows an example of a pond community. 4 How many population(s) of living things is/are there in the above community? 5 populations Definition of population- 2 or more organisms. 2. State two abiotic factors that determine where a particular type of animal is found. The amount of light, the temperature of the water, the amount of food, the salinity of water. Biotic Factors Abiotic Factors eee} Community Club Il Leer Lae es . Earthworms, beetles, housefli (A)Leaf Litter Community maggots are NOT decomposers. 1. Describe the conditions in the leaf liter. re The leaf litter is dark and damp. | PECOMPOSERS. 2. What is the role of decomposers in a leaf litter? Decomposers help to break down dead matter into ‘woodlouse millipede earthworm centipede 4. What is the ecological relationship between a centipede and a woodlouse? The centipede preys on the woodlouse. 5, How would the population of the woodlouse be affected if the entire centipede population is taken out of the leaf litter? The population of the woodlouse wi increase drastically. 6. How are centipedes helpful to the woodlouse in the leaf litter? (D)_The experiment below was setup to observe the changes that a dead organism ‘Theegputipedes help to control the population of the woodlouse so that there will not be too many woodlice to compete for food and water. Control Setup 1. In the space provided, draw and label the control setup. 2. The limewater becomes chalky after 2 weeks. Explain why. The dead organism decomposes and in the process releases carbon dioxide which travels through the inking straw and turns limewatl 3. What is the purpose of the control setup? chalky. To confirm that it is the dead organism which causes the limewater to turn chalky. 4. Explain why decomposition is important to organisms in habitats such as the leaf litter. Decomposition helps to break down dead matter into simple substances in the leaf litter, so that dead matter will not pile up. During this process, it returns carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere and releases nutrients back into the ground as well.

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