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(A) Conjunc ons

1. **Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Conjunc on:**

- I wanted to play outside, _____ it was raining too hard.

- She must finish her homework _____ she can watch television.

- Would you like tea _____ coffee with your breakfast?

- We can go to the park _____ stay at home and read a book.

- He ran fast _____ he missed the bus.

2. **Iden fy the Conjunc ons in the Following Sentences:**

- We will go to the movies if it doesn't rain.

- She is neither tall nor short.

- I was red but I s ll finished the race.

- You can have a cookie or a piece of cake.

- Although he studied hard, he didn't pass the exam.

3. **Choose the Correct Conjunc on to Complete Each Sentence:**

- You can play outside (a er, because) you finish your homework.

- I didn't buy the shirt (but, or) it was too expensive.

- She will not succeed (unless, and) she works harder.

- (Because, Although) he was ill, he went to school.

- We can go swimming (but, or) we can go hiking this weekend.

4. **Combine the Following Pairs of Sentences Using the Conjunc on Given in Brackets:**

- He is smart. He is very humble. (and)

- She was sick. She went to school. (yet)

- I like to read. My brother likes to play video games. (while)

- It was raining. We decided to go out. (even though)

- I would like to visit Paris. I don't speak French. (but)

5. **Rewrite the Following Sentences Using the Conjunc on in Parentheses to Create a Compound

- The cake was delicious. It was very expensive. (for)

- I wanted to go to the beach. It was closed. (so)

- He must apologize. He will not be forgiven. (or)

- She studied hard. She wanted to get good grades. (because)

- It was late. They decided to leave. (therefore)

B- Subject Verb Agreement

Certainly! Here are five ques ons on subject-verb agreement tailored for a class 6 ICSE board English
grammar lesson:

1. **Choose the Correct Verb:**

- The list of items (is, are) on the desk.

- Either the students or the teacher (has, have) the books.

- Each of the players (want, wants) to win the championship.

- Neither the cat nor the dogs (likes, like) to be out in the rain.

- Mathema cs (is, are) my favorite subject.

2. **Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Form of the Verb:**

- Every one of the cakes _____ gone.

- The flock of birds _____ flying south for the winter.

- The news _____ on at six o'clock every evening.

- The commi ee _____ their decision tomorrow.

- The herd of ca le _____ grazing in the field.

3. **Iden fy Whether the Following Sentences are Correct or Incorrect. If Incorrect, Correct Them:**

- The team of players are ready for their match.

- A group of us is going to the theater tonight.

- The bunch of grapes appear fresh and juicy.

- The audience was clapping loudly.

- The number of people in the mall are increasing every year.

4. **Rewrite the Following Sentences to Correct the Subject-Verb Agreement Errors:**

- The teacher, along with her students, have planned a field trip.

- Neither the boys nor their coach know about the cancelled game.

- The bouquet of roses smell very fragrant.

- The quality of these apples are not very good.

- The data show that the experiment was successful.

5. **Select the Correct Verb Form to Maintain Subject-Verb Agreement in Complex Sentences:**

- The teacher, as well as the students, (has, have) arrived for the assembly.

- There (is, are) a pen and three books on the table.

- Here (comes, come) the par cipants of the marathon.

- The basket of muffins (was, were) made by my grandmother.

- One of the boys (run, runs) faster than the others.

C- Transi ve and intransi ve verb

1. **Iden fy the Verbs and State Whether They Are Transi ve or Intransi ve:**

- The children laughed loudly during the show.

- She sent a le er to her friend.

- The sun rises in the east.

- The dog barked at the stranger.

- He carried the box into the room.

2. **Fill in the Blanks with a Transi ve or Intransi ve Verb:**

- The audience _______ (applauded, slept) when the performance ended.

- The cat _______ all night long. (purred, vanished)

- She _______ the book on the table. (read, sat)

- The leaves _______ as the wind blew through the trees. (rustled, placed)

- He _______ his keys somewhere in the house. (lost, fell)

3. **Choose the Correct Verb to Complete the Sentence and Indicate if It Is Transi ve or Intransi ve:**

- The athlete (ran, won) the race with an impressive me. (Transi ve/Intransi ve)

- The students (listened, showed) to the lecture a en vely. (Transi ve/Intransi ve)

- The flowers (bloomed, displayed) beau fully in the spring. (Transi ve/Intransi ve)

- The chef (cooked, tasted) a delicious meal for the guests. (Transi ve/Intransi ve)

- The bird (flew, laid) across the sky gracefully. (Transi ve/Intransi ve)

4. **Rewrite the Following Sentences Using a Transi ve Verb Instead of the Intransi ve Verb:**

- The baby slept peacefully. (Add an object to make the verb transi ve)

- The choir sang beau fully. (Add an object to make the verb transi ve)

- The horse galloped quickly. (Add an object to make the verb transi ve)

- The fire burned brightly. (Add an object to make the verb transi ve)

- The teacher spoke loudly. (Add an object to make the verb transi ve)

5. **Iden fy the Object of the Transi ve Verb in the Following Sentences:**

- She completed the assignment in one hour.

- The magician performed a trick.

- The gardener watered the plants.

- The ar st is pain ng a portrait.

- The driver stopped the bus at the red light.

D- Ac ve Passive Voice

1. **Change the Following Sentences from Ac ve to Passive Voice:**

- The cat chases the mouse.

- The chef is preparing the meal.

- The students will clean the classroom.

- The commi ee chose the winner.

- The gardener waters the plants every morning.

2. **Change the Following Sentences from Passive to Ac ve Voice:**

- The le er was wri en by Anita.

- The trophy will be awarded to the winning team.

- The cake is being decorated by the baker.

- The windows had been cleaned by the workers.

- The song was sung by the choir.

3. **Iden fy Whether the Following Sentences are in Ac ve or Passive Voice:**

- The homework was completed before the deadline.

- The birds build a nest in the spring me.

- The message has been delivered by the courier.

- The children are playing in the park.

- The answers must be submi ed by the end of the day.

4. **Rewrite the Following Sentences in Passive Voice, Making Sure to Use the Correct Tense:**

- The mechanic fixes the car.

- The teacher is explaining the lesson.

- The audience applauded the performers.

- The company will launch a new product.

- The janitor locked the doors.

5. **Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Form of the Verb in Passive Voice:**

- The book _____ (read) by the en re class.

- The song _____ (sing) by a famous ar st at the concert.

- The documents _____ (sign) by the director yesterday.

- The road _____ (repair) by the construc on crew next week.

- The mystery _____ (solve) by the detec ve with great skill.

E- Punctua on


Kind of sentences


Subject and Predicate


Forma on of interroga ves

I – Kind of Nouns

J- Noun – Number

K – Noun- Gender

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