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Short Story

No fall is too high to get back up from. That was the advice
my mother had given to me when I tripped and refused to get back
up because of my bruised knee. My parents didn't grant me endless
hours of freedom growing up and they were always on my back in
every little thing, whether it was what to eat for every meal of
the day or how short my hair was because they didn't like my hair
long during summer, they also would refuse to let go of my hand at
any time whenever we're outside,especially near a street. At first
I didn't really care for it, because I know that they were only
doing so to protect me and help me. But i also couldn't help but
feel choked from everything, I desire to have sleepovers and be
with my friends without my father always calling every hour and my
mother always sending messages every 10 minutes, if I so dared to
not reply in the next 5 minutes, my father's voice could be heard
speaking with my friend's parents through the phone and I would be
back home after an hour. I was raised to be patient and obedient
as my parent's child. To be a dictionary definition of a perfect
daughter. And after i reach junior high it became much more
unbearable, and I started rebelling against my parents. I started
going out and ate outside with my friends more, regardless of my
parents words. It came to a point where I made my mother cry
during an argument, and running away afterwards. Now that I had
grown up, at the age of 17, I understand why they were so
protective now. There were so many people who would hurt without
feeling guilty. And others who could hurt without meaning to,
therefore comes much more unexpected than most. And now I know
that my parents are the first people who would helped me, protect
me, and would sacrifice for me. I'm a picky eater so they would
always force me to eat what is on my plate or else i wouldn't eat
at all. I'm also quite sensitive to heat, I vaguely remember
fainting due to the summer heat when I was an elementary student,
the wrinkled faces of my teachers and friends the last thing i saw
before darkness. I was always been a skinny child and I had a weak
body. So looking back I should have been more careful just as my
parents had warned me about. Now, laying back in the hospital
bed,the white walls around me only makes me feel even more sickly,
breathing hurts more than it is supposed to keep me alive. Just
minutes, maybe hours ago, I couldn't imagine feeling such intense
pain. I remember the shock and the horror when I saw a car
uncontrollably going in my direction, no sign of it to stop.
Everything became black. My parents arrived later, tears running
down their faces. They held my hand and prayed for me to get past
this but I can only feel pain. it hurts.

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