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You and Your Beer and How Great You Are

1) Characterize Jack- Jack is the main character of this story, and the story unfolds around him. he
always brags about his achievements and his personality, saying how great he is. he doesn't care about
anything other than his boxing, his life, and his career, he has no other values. it can be said that he is
egoistic, narcissistic, boastful, sees only his advantages, and ignores his disadvantages. For him, it is
important in life to always be the best, and those who are in second place are losers. Also, he needs to
have someone next to him who will understand him and cheer him up.

2) Characterize Ann - Ann is another main character. She lives with Jack. She is caring and human
values are more important to her than his position and status. Ann and Jack have very different
values and hobbies. they often argue and the reason for their arguments is mainly their differences,
not because one of them is good and the other is bad, and in the end, this is the reason for their

3) How does the story start? - The story begins with Jack returning home from fighting at midnight,
Ann was reading a magazine, then Jack lit up, and they began their conversation.

4) How does the story end? – At the end of the story, Jack sees a teenager while driving and offers to
go with him, the girl agrees and they continue their journey drinking and smoking.

5) What is the main struggle in the story? – The main struggle I think is that they are completely
different from each other, they have different interests and hobbies and they can’t talk normally to
each other without blaming each other.

6) What is the main theme of the story?- The main theme of the story is misunderstanding, that's
why they couldn’t understand and appreciate each other.

7) What can you say about the title? What about Charles Bukowski’s writing style?- In this story, he
used a daily routine dialog style and he used his poetry and prose to depict the depravity of urban life
and the downtrodden in American society.

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