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After recovering my email that was hacked I started getting weird emails and

suspicious links

So a year ago, I found a game I badly wanted to play but It cost a lot of money and
I was broke then. So out of greediness, I decided to do some piracy. I have been
doing this for so long and yet looks like this will be my first time making a
mistake, I downloaded the file, turned on every security to the maximum, anti-virus
said it was good so I decided to open it, then suddenly my screen turned black and
the next thing I know all my accounts and files were gone all that was left was
this note saying I got hacked and blackmailed me to give bitcoins which I never had
since bitcoins are not popular in my country. I panicked, called my friend over who
experienced the same, and barely recovered all that was lost. I examined my most
important accounts and checked if something happened to them and thankfully none of
had weird things happened thanks to me setting up double authentication. Except for
Gmail, I use this frequently, and most of my accounts are linked to this so this
getting in trouble means I'm in greater danger. When I checked my spam folder I got
this email from a strange username and oh boy do I regret opening it because

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