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Interests and Hobbies:

1. What are some of your favorite books, movies, or TV shows, and how
have they influenced you?
2. Do you enjoy any outdoor activities or sports, and if so, what do you love
most about them?
3. Are there any specific hobbies or skills you're currently interested in
learning or improving?

Education and Career Goals:

1. What subjects or fields are you passionate about in school, and why?
2. Do you have any aspirations or dreams for your future career, and what
steps are you taking to pursue them?
3. Have you encountered any challenges or barriers in pursuing your
educational or career goals, and how have you overcome them?
4. Are you considering pursuing higher education such as attending college
or university after completing school?
5. If so, what factors are influencing your decision regarding the choice of
institution and field of study?
6. How do you plan to prepare for the application process and any
standardized tests that may be required?

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