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Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)



The Office of Deputy Rector – Academic, Research and Consultancy

P.O.BOX 1125,
Dodoma, Tanzania.
Fax: 026-2961100
January, 2022

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)


PREFACE ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.0 PREPARATION OF THE FIELD REPORT ..................................................................... 3
1.1 Typing and text format ....................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Language ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Text Format ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Alignment: .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Table of contents ................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 List of Tables and Figures .................................................................................................. 4
1.7 Heading of Tables and Figures ........................................................................................... 4
1.8 Pagination........................................................................................................................... 4
1.9 Length of the Field Report ................................................................................................. 4
1.10 Margins ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.11 Spelling check .................................................................................................................. 5
1.12 Plagiarism......................................................................................................................... 5
1.13 Binding and Submission .................................................................................................. 5
1.14 Field Report Assessment .................................................................................................. 5
2.0 SEQUENCE OF THE REPORT........................................................................................ 6
2.1 Cover Page ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 First Page: FIELD REPORT .............................................................................................. 7
2.3 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... 8
2.4 List of Abbreviations.......................................................................................................... 8
2.5 List of Tables (if any) ......................................................................................................... 9
2.6 List of Figures (if any) ....................................................................................................... 9
2.7 List of Appendices/Annexes .............................................................................................. 9
3.0 CONTENTS OF THE REPORT ...................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER ONE .................................................................................................................... 10
BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Description of the study area............................................................................................ 10
1.3 Field Training Objectives................................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................... 10
SOCIAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF THE STUDY AREA ........................................... 10
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................ 11
ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN AND OBSERVATIONS .................................................... 11
CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................................. 11
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 11
4.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 11
Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 12

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)


The Field Report Guidelines is a requirement for the award of Technician Certificate at The Local
Government Training Institute (LGTI). The guidelines intend to provide specific and detailed procedures
for preparation and submission of the field report. The guidelines consist of two parts namely, instructions
relating to field report preparation and chapters of the report.

The instructions relating to field report preparation includes typing and text format, pagination, margins,
length and sequence of the report. The second part of the guidelines comprises of the field report namely,
chapter one provides an introduction of the report, chapter two describes the study area, chapter three gives
sufficient explanations of the activities undertaken during the field placement and observations, and the
last chapter provides for the conclusion and recommendations. Thus, the student should adhere to these
guidelines in preparing the field report.


1.1 Typing and text format

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)

The field report should be double spaced and printed on both sides of A4 paper.

1.2 Language
The report should be presented in British English language using third part singular sentences and should
be in the simple past tenses.

1.3 Text Format

This part provides guidelines on font type, size, alignment and pagination of the report.
Font type: Text font should be Times New Roman-Regular.
Font Size: Text font size should be 12.

1.4 Alignment:
• Main headings
All Main headings should be written in capital letters, bolded and centered with 14 font size.
• Sub-headings

All sub headings should be in small letters, bolded, aligned “left” with 12 font size. However, Appendices,
List of Tables, Figures, Abbreviation and References should be in capital letters. Additionally, with
exceptions of all headings and subheadings, the entire document should be justified.
1.5 Table of contents

Table of contents should be adequately informative with page numbers of all chapters and sections.

1.6 List of Tables and Figures

List of tables and figures should each be on a fresh page and arranged in general format in a similar
manner as the table of contents.

1.7 Heading of Tables and Figures

The heading of the table and figures in the main documents should be single spaced and centered. It is
important to note that fonts and formats should be consistent throughout the report.
1.8 Pagination
Pagination of the preliminary pages should be in roman numerals and in lower cases (i.e. i, ii etc). The
pagination should start with the declaration and copy right page to the list of abbreviations. Nevertheless,
the cover page should not be numbered. Numbering of the main body of the report should be in Arabic
numerals (i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc.) consecutively throughout the document.
1.9 Length of the Field Report
The page numbers should be automatically inserted at the centre of the bottom margin. The number of
pages in the report should range between 15 - 20 (excluding preliminary, illustrations, maps and

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)

1.10 Margins
The left hand and right hand margin should be 4.0cm and 2.5cm respectively from the edge of the paper.
The top and bottom margins should be 2.5cm from the edges.
1.11 Spelling check
Use “Spell Checker” facility in word processing application software to assist in checking spellings.
1.12 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a very serious academic offence and therefore, plagiarized materials will amount to
disqualification of the report.
1.13 Binding and Submission
The report should be spiral bound and a copy of the report should be submitted to the supervisor.
• Field training report shall be submitted to the respective Supervisor at the date that shall be set
by the Institute and communicated to students.

1.14 Field Report Assessment

The final assessment of the field report shall combine the following:
• 20% marks from the host station/ supervisor
• 10% marks from Institute field supervisor during field visit
• 70% final report
• A minimum pass of 50% shall be required for a student to be allowed to graduate.
• A student failing the field report shall repeat it when next offered and hence shall not graduate
until the completion of the field attachment.
• A student failing in field report assessment shall be allowed to resubmit the report only once in
the subsequent semester otherwise shall be discontinued from studies.
• No student shall be allowed to change a supervisor without an authorized permission of the
head of respective department with information copied to field coordinator.
• A student who for no apparent reasons failed to do field work or submits plagiarized copies
shall be discontinued from studies.

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)


2.1 Cover Page
The cover page should be arranged as follows: -


PROGRAM NAME: (e.g. Technician Certificate in Local Government Administration -


Field Attachment Conducted at Kizota Ward, The City Council of Dodoma


Write Your Name in Full (e.g. AGNES JOHN MICHAEL)


Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)

2.2 First Page: FIELD REPORT

Note: The first page after the cover page should be arranged as shown below


Field Station: …………………………………………………………………

Student’s Name: …………………………………………………………

Signature: ………………………… Date: ………………………………

Program: …………………………………………………………

Supervisor’s Name: …………………………………………………………………

Signature: ………………………… Date: ………………………………

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)

2.3 Table of Contents

Table of contents comprises of the titles, chapters and subdivisions as shown below:
Declaration and Copyright………………………………...………………………. i
Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………..………. ii
Abstract………………... …………………………………………………………. iii
Table of Contents………..………………………………………………...………. iv
List of Tables………………………….. ………………………………….……… v
List of Figures……….………………………………………………….………. vi
List of Abbreviations …………………….………………………………...………. vii

1.0 Introduction …………………………………………………………...………. 1
1.2 Objective of the Study…………………………………………………………. 2

2.0 Methodology……….…………… …………………………………………... 3

3.0 Findings and Discussions……….…………………………………………… 15

4.0 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………. 25
4.1 Recommendation ……………………………………………………............... 26
Reference …………………………………………………………………………. 27
Appendices ………………………………………………………………………... 28

2.4 List of Abbreviations

All abbreviations used in the document should be arranged in alphabetical order as shown below.

CCD……………… The City Council of Dodoma
LGTI ...................... The Local Government Training Institute
MCC ...................... Mwanza City Council
NGO ....................... Non Government Organization
URT ........................ United Republic of Tanzania

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)

2.5 List of Tables (if any)

The list consists of headings of all tables in the text and its corresponding page numbers. They should be
numbered consecutively throughout the field report.

e.g. Table 1: Sectoral Contribution to district GDP............................................. 4

Table 2: Population Characteristics ................................................................ 7

2.6 List of Figures (if any)

The list consists of graphs, maps, photograph and the like. They should be numbered consecutively
throughout the field report.

eg. Figure 1: Indicators of Social Economic Activities ..................................... 8

Figure 2: Expected performance quality improvement ............................ 13

2.7 List of Appendices/Annexes

All information referred in the main text must be attached in sequence as appendices. A list may consists
some information as shown below:

e.g. Appendix1: LogBook ......................................................................................18

Appendix 2: Organization Chart of Mwanza City Council ....................... 19
Appendix 3: Map of Mwanza City Council ................................................. 20

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)




1.1 Introduction
This part provides a brief summary of the report. It should comprise of the place where the field
attachment was undertaken, date, purpose/objective, list of the report contents (description of the study
area, field attachment objectives, description of the study area, social economic activities of the study
area…conclusion and recommendations).

1.2 Description of the study area

This part provides briefly description of the host organization where field attachment was conducted. The
description should cover the following; historical background of the host organization, geographical
location, organization structure, boundaries, size, climate and physical features of the study area. Also,
Mission and Vision of the Organization should be included in this part. For the purpose of this guideline
the host organization is the actual place where the student undertakes field attachment such as village,
mtaa, ward, private sector etc.

1.3 Field Training Objectives

In this part the main and specific objectives of field training should be clearly stated.



2.1 Social services

This part should include data on health, education, transportation, water etc. For example how many health
centers are there, how many patients on average secure services, how many schools e.t.c
2.2 Economic Activities

This part should include data about main economic activities in the study area. This may include
Agriculture (farming and livestock), fisheries, tourism, forestry, lumbering, mining, commercial and trade,
and manufacturing industries. All these should be backed up by data. Each economic activity in the study
area should be explained in an independent section.

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)

2.3 Population Characteristics

This part describes the demography of the study area. It includes population distribution by sex and age.
The information can be demonstrated in Frequency distribution table, Pie chart/Histogram etc.

3.1 Activities Undertaken
The student should provide a description of actual activities undertaken during the field placement. The
activities should be evidence based. Each activity elaborated in this part should be in an independent
section. Note that, any activity described in the report should match with those in the logbook.
3.2 Observations

The student should describe any new lessons learnt. He/she should give the noted observations in the field
in line with programme of the study. The observations can include some of the practical issues in the field
which are not included in the programme of the study. Generally, the observations intend to facilitate
future field and classroom training through giving necessary inputs for improvements.

3.3 Challenges encountered

The student should explain the challenges encountered during the field attachment. Such challenges should
be related to field attachment rather than personal issues (unavailability of accommodation, transport, meal
allowance etc).

3.4 Solutions

The student should explain the solutions that were undertaken to mitigate the encountered challenges.


4.1 Conclusion
The student should give a general overview of the field attachment. The overview should elaborate on
whether the objectives of the study were realized.

4.2 Recommendations
The student should provide possible solutions regarding to field attachment, training at the institute, etc for
enhancing teaching and learning.

Field Report Guidelines for Technician Certificate Students (NTA Level 5)

All information referred in the main text must be attached in sequence e.g. Maps, Organization chart,
Logbook etc.


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