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Un’goro Mafia New Users Guide

“We are a country where people of all backgrounds, all nations of origin, all
languages, all religions, all races, can make a home. America was built by

Hillary Clinton

Some Clarity:
Farming ~54 elites as a (geared) 60 player is by no metric a difficult thing to do, but
there exist several nuances that new people are vulnerable to. To combat these,
please keep in mind:

● There are f​ ive​ devilsaur spawns on the server. The locations (screenshots)
will be appended to the end of the document.

● The devilsaur locations are denoted by: (north) west, north, middle, south,

● (north) west dynamically spawns in at least 9 minutes and at most 11


● North, middle, south, and east spawn in at least 13 minutes and at most 17

● The timing system we use is BigWigs (custom bars). The macro for creating
timers is ​/bwcb <seconds> <timer name>​. The actual macros we use are /​ bwcb
660 northwest, /bwcb 1020 north, /bwcb 1020 middle… T ​ his tells us to be a
​ t​ the
spawn no later than 2:00 or 4:00 minutes remaining, based on the devilsaur.
It also confirms that the saur should spawn before the timer ends.

● While skinning you need to be ​well within​ the grey circle around the
devilsaur corpse. Otherwise it is very likely that the devilsaur will become
bugged and unlootable.

● If you intend to leave in the next ~30 minutes or so and nobody is scheduled
to farm, spam Discord with pings to find someone to come in for you.
● Level skinning.

● Level engineering.

● There are a couple other documents in the #pricing and #information

channels that you are expected to be aware of.

Northwest (35, 23)

North (57, 24)

East (71, 52)

Mid (57, 52)

South (50, 61)


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