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Fairfield College Preparatory School

Foundations of Technology and Coding - Mrs. Kinskey-Lebeda

Lab 1-1

Due before 8:00 AM on 7/5 (10 pts.)

Prep Websites
1. In the space below, explain how to access prepconnect and what it will be used for. (2 pt.)

It is so you can see what your grades are and what classes you have.

2. In the space below, explain how to access schoology and what it will be used for. (2 pt.)

Schoology is for getting our homework and submitting our homework.

Key iPad Features

3. In the space below, describe 3 important iPad features & explain how they can be utilized. (3 pt.)

Face ID for easy access to log into your iPad.

Air Drop so that you don’t have to email pictures and you can directly
send them to somebody else.
Control Center to access di erent apps and features.

Important iPad Apps

4. In the space below, list 3 iPad apps you have installed & explain how you will use them. (3 pt.)

Prep connect gives me access to what classes I have, what

assignments are due, and what my grades are.

Notability allows me to take notes easily on a blank document and also

do assignments that were assigned.

The Self Service app gives me access to the necessary apps for me to
Be sure to submit this as a PDF to the assignment.

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