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Crafting a literature review for grounded theory research is a daunting task that requires a meticulous

approach and extensive knowledge of the subject matter. It involves conducting a comprehensive
review of existing literature to identify gaps, themes, and patterns that will inform the development
of a grounded theory.

The process of writing a literature review for grounded theory research can be challenging due to the
sheer volume of literature available, the need to critically analyze and synthesize diverse sources, and
the complexity of integrating theoretical frameworks with empirical findings. Additionally, ensuring
that the literature review aligns with the research objectives and contributes meaningfully to the
development of a grounded theory requires careful attention to detail and precision in articulating
key concepts and ideas.

Given the complexity and rigor involved in writing a literature review for grounded theory research,
it is essential to seek assistance from expert professionals who can provide guidance and support
throughout the process. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized services tailored to meet the unique
needs of researchers undertaking grounded theory studies. With a team of experienced writers and
researchers, ⇒ ⇔ delivers high-quality literature reviews that are meticulously
crafted to support the development of grounded theories.

By outsourcing your literature review needs to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and effort
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the literature review with your research objectives, ⇒ ⇔ is your trusted partner in
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Order your literature review from ⇒ ⇔ today and take the first step towards
advancing your grounded theory research with confidence and clarity.
Consensus is an AI-powered search engine designed to take in research questions, find relevant
insights within research papers, and synthesize the results using large language models. Following
the complicated process of its methodology, resulted to a conclusive finding that grounded theory
approach has its own dimension of difficulty, level of trustworthiness and distinctive features that
would qualify as scientific study unique of its own quality. I pay particular attention to the grounded
theory research process. Data Sources. A “Traditional” Qualitative Research Model. The focus is on
subjective experiences, or the meanings that people use. After the initial exploration of the issue, the
researcher then asks more detailed questions that help axial coding as what was central to the
process. GROUNDED THEORY. I. GROUNDED THEORY OVERVIEW. A. Qualitative approach
to theory-building 1. Based on the goals for the project, the audience for the report will vary 3.
Conducting Interview to collect the data: (other sources but hardly used) Data analysis as well as
theory developmen t. T his tension between the expectations of a li terature re view w hil e t he same
is This work is li censed under a Creative Comm ons Attributio n 4.0 International Lice nse. Journal
of Counseling Psychology, 51(1), 68-80. (actual study) Fassinger, R.E. (2005). Paradigm, praxis,
problems, and promise: Grounded theory in counseling psychology. However, some of them get
confused with the difference between a qualitative and a quantitative research and end up
interchanging them. It then goes on to discuss the pros and cons, arguments for and against the use
of Grounded Theory methodology in social research and explores the applicability of this
methodology in producing sound theoretical basis for practice. Qualitative Transitions: Issues of
Methodology in Central and South-East European Sociologies; University of Rijeka, Croatian
Sociological Association. Re flexivity is descri bed as a k ey element in ensuri ng the grounded ness
of a theory in constr uctivist GTM and various reflexive strateg ies are present ed. It is useful both
for expert and novice researchers to generate new explanatory theories. Consensus is an AI-powered
search engine designed to take in research questions, find relevant insights within research papers,
and synthesize the results using large language models. Writing up reports often filled with 4 sources
of such tension. Consensus only searches through peer-reviewed scientific research articles to find the
most credible insights to your queries. CRITICAL TEXTUAL ANALYSIS--TYPES, PART 4
1. Having some previous knowledge is essential in GT just as in any other methodology of approach
to research. The combined use of purposive sampling, triangulation method, gap analysis and the
elements of grounded theory approach led to theory generation after a rigorous iteration of
comparative data analysis. You can search for previous research in your field of study that might be
helpful to better support the relevance of your research topic and the need to conduct the study that
you are proposing. With an instant overview of what’s available, you will quickly find what you’re
looking for. In this paper, the researcher has shed light on history of grounded theory, how this
theory rather approach works, target population, sampling technique, data collection methods and the
role of a researcher in this whole research process, and another essential part of a qualitative research,
ethics which play a crucial role while conducting and gathering a qualitative. Indexing: It refers to
the way Grounded Theory records concepts derived through coding. But funding bodies usually
expect that applicants w ill demonstrate knowl edge in the field of inquiry through a literature
review, and Ethics committees also often require a brief review of the topic of interest. This
eliminates syntax errors, makes the query semantics more transparent, and offers new ways to
collaborate, share, and optimize search strategies and best practices. Thus, the level of complication
and rigor has contributed to the strength of Grounded theory approach. For instance, the AI module
of Atlas.ti can be used to analyze qualitative data.
IB Psychology H 2. Learning outcomes Theory and practice in qualitative research. Unlocking the
Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. They see value that being
familiar with the field has for us, researchers, in terms of sparkling our interest in the topic and
fostering our “curiosity”, enabling us to develop ideas and raise questions and, ultimately, leading us
to explore the topic further. It is popularly used among social science practitioners since it is
responsive to societal concerns. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Grounded theory, in contrast to theory
obtained by logico-deductive methods, is theory grounded in data which have been systematically
obtained and analyzed through “social” research (Goulding, 2005). Interviewing. What is
interviewing? “It is a process of finding out what others feel and think about their worlds. With the
help this article, students can distinctively learn the difference between a qualitative and quantitative
analysis. However, some of them get confused with the difference between a qualitative and a
quantitative research and end up interchanging them. Rich description is important, but not primary
focus 5. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of
sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. Finally, I route for criteria for evaluation of
qualitative research. Download Free PDF View PDF Grounded Theory Essay tanvi shah Download
Free PDF View PDF Grounded theory research: Procedures, canons, and evaluative criteria Sheng
Villamor Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. Re flexivity is descri bed as a k ey element in ensuri ng the
grounded ness of a theory in constr uctivist GTM and various reflexive strateg ies are present ed.
Symbolic Interactionism: A social psychological approach focused on the meaning of human actions
reality is negotiated between people by speech Reality is always changing. You can search for
previous research in your field of study that might be helpful to better support the relevance of your
research topic and the need to conduct the study that you are proposing. Unlocking the Power of
ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Grounded theory, in contrast to theory
obtained by logico-deductive methods, is theory grounded in data which have been systematically
obtained and analyzed through “social” research (Goulding, 2005). The participants in the study
would have experienced the process or action. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing
Research, International FDP on. I pay particular attention to the grounded theory research process.
Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and
possibly download. However, given its unique features, it was perceived as complicated and
confusing especially for a beginner researcher. There are bulk of books and research papers written by
world renowned researchers and authors but the aim of this paper is to help the early stage
researchers in conducting their projects in grounded theory approach. Purpose is to develop to theory
about phenomenon of interest - should be grounded or rooted in observation 2. Conducting Interview
to collect the data: (other sources but hardly used) Data analysis as well as theory developmen t.
Consensus only searches through peer-reviewed scientific research articles to find the most credible
insights to your queries. It then goes on to discuss the pros and cons, arguments for and against the
use of Grounded Theory methodology in social research and explores the applicability of this
methodology in producing sound theoretical basis for practice. Download Free PDF View PDF
Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Methodology Mark G Bound, Ph.D. Download Free PDF
View PDF Grounded Theory Approach in Social Research by Dr Venkat Pulla Journal Space and
Culture, India Open access Journal This paper discusses Grounded Theory, which is one of the newer
methodologies becoming popular with social researchers since its evolution in the late 1960s.
Grounded theory building: core processes, activities in this kind of innovation, and how to organize,
manage Focus on drug discovery, early development (first 6 yrs of 12-16 yr process). Background of
Grounded Theory Definitions of Grounded Theory Getting Started Asking your research question
Theoretical Sensitivity. The combined use of purposive sampling, triangulation method, gap analysis
and the elements of grounded theory approach led to theory generation after a rigorous iteration of
comparative data analysis. It is popularly used among social science practitioners since it is
responsive to societal concerns. Selected narratives from the author’s recent studies are used to
explain the processes of Grounded Theory methodology. It is an inductive methodology that
systematically collects and analyzes data for developing theory on human behavior in social welfare
perspectives. It aimed to determine the trustworthiness of using its method in providing an
explanation to an existing social concern without bias on preconceived ideas. It is originally
developed by two American sociologists Barney Galland Glaser and Anselm Leonard Strauss in
1967 through the publication of their revolutionary book The Discovery of Grounded Theory. This
eliminates syntax errors, makes the query semantics more transparent, and offers new ways to
collaborate, share, and optimize search strategies and best practices. Following the complicated
process of its methodology, resulted to a conclusive finding that grounded theory approach has its
own dimension of difficulty, level of trustworthiness and distinctive features that would qualify as
scientific study unique of its own quality. The focus of this study is on the systematic application of
the components of grounded theory in a scientific study that has limited literature and data. The
paper discusses the principles and processes of Grounded theory and then explores the nature of
codes, coding process and the concept of saturation. Thus, the level of complication and rigor has
contributed to the strength of Grounded theory approach. Grounded theory, in contrast to theory
obtained by logico-deductive methods, is theory grounded in data which have been systematically
obtained and analyzed through “social” research (Goulding, 2005). Interviewing. What is
interviewing? “It is a process of finding out what others feel and think about their worlds. With the
help this article, students can distinctively learn the difference between a qualitative and quantitative
analysis. To do this, use the following nine steps proposed by the Hopscotch Model. Finally, I route
for criteria for evaluation of qualitative research. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing
- A Real-World Look, present. A group of students at Kingston University with experience of two
different systems were afforded the opportunity to study the relationship between the interface to an
LMS and the usability of the system. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for
our reviews, only customers who have downloaded this resource can review it Report this resource
to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. The paper then goes on to discuss the pros and
cons, arguments for and against the use of Grounded theory methodology for social research and
explores the applicability of this methodology in producing sound theoretical basis for practice. There
are bulk of books and research papers written by world renowned researchers and authors but the
aim of this paper is to help the early stage researchers in conducting their projects in grounded theory
THEORY). I. PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY. A. Freudian Psychoanalysis 1. If so, share your PPT
presentation slides online with It's FREE. Implications for practice It is imperative,
novice researchers be attuned to the different ways of reviewing the literature when using grounded
theory. Having some previous knowledge is essential in GT just as in any other methodology of
approach to research. However, it is likely researchers will need to review the literature to show they
intend to address a gap in knowledge with their research. It is considered as one of the most popular
qualitative research methodologies in the world. Ex-developing inclusive education system or
process of developing curriculum 2.
They see value that being familiar with the field has for us, researchers, in terms of sparkling our
interest in the topic and fostering our “curiosity”, enabling us to develop ideas and raise questions
and, ultimately, leading us to explore the topic further. To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Drawing on
case studies, students are exposed to a wide range of research papers that pertain to issues in
language and communication of Thailand. The tool is designed to support your research without you
switching between searching modes and databases, a process that is time-consuming and often
escalates into further citation mining; a truly unpleasant rabbit hole (and that’s what inspired the
name ResearchRabbit). But funding bodies usually expect that applicants w ill demonstrate knowl
edge in the field of inquiry through a literature review, and Ethics committees also often require a
brief review of the topic of interest. Then you can share it with your target audience as well as’s millions of monthly visitors. Social work researcher should be neutral and not be
an advocate (arguments that no research is neutral) 3. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To
ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have downloaded this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Grounded theory has
originated in sociology, and at present it has become a key methodological setting in a wide range of
other disciplines, such as in nursing, physiotherapy, healthcare, education, anthropology, psychology,
management, information systems, software engineering, etc. Consensus is an AI-powered search
engine designed to take in research questions, find relevant insights within research papers, and
synthesize the results using large language models. However, it is likely researchers will need to
review the literature to show they intend to address a gap in knowledge with their research. If so,
share your PPT presentation slides online with It's FREE. Final model seen as
dynamic and mutual (self influences domains and vice versa) Example of Doing Grounded Theory:
Laying out the Theory Model of career development of women with disabilities that has 6 domains
of influence - (see Noonan et al. Data Sources. A “Traditional” Qualitative Research Model. With the
help this article, students can distinctively learn the difference between a qualitative and quantitative
analysis. The current article examines this controversial issue by exploring the different stance s taken
on the subject b y the founder s of the methodolog y, as w ell as the one introduced b y
constructivist GTM. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look,
present. I pay particular attention to the grounded theory research process. This eliminates syntax
errors, makes the query semantics more transparent, and offers new ways to collaborate, share, and
optimize search strategies and best practices. Following the complicated process of its methodology,
resulted to a conclusive finding that grounded theory approach has its own dimension of difficulty,
level of trustworthiness and distinctive features that would qualify as scientific study unique of its
own quality. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. Grounded Theory. History Introduced in 1967 by Glaser and Strauss in the book The
Discovery of Grounded Theory - Challenged: 1. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing
- A Real-World Look, present. In this paper, the researcher has shed light on history of grounded
theory, how this theory rather approach works, target population, sampling technique, data collection
methods and the role of a researcher in this whole research process, and another essential part of a
qualitative research, ethics which play a crucial role while conducting and gathering a qualitative.
See other similar resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what you
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The participants in the study would have experienced the process or action. It aimed to determine
the trustworthiness of using its method in providing an explanation to an existing social concern
without bias on preconceived ideas. Boasting an impressive range of designs, they will support your
presentations with inspiring background photos or videos that support your themes, set the right
mood, enhance your credibility and inspire your audiences.
It then goes on to discuss the pros and cons, arguments for and against the use of Grounded Theory
methodology in social research and explores the applicability of this methodology in producing
sound theoretical basis for practice. Ex-developing inclusive education system or process of
developing curriculum 2. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Focus Groups. A
focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their
attitude towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. Data Sources. A
“Traditional” Qualitative Research Model. Select narratives from the author's recent studies are
utilised to explain the processes of grounded theory methodology. Consensus is an AI-powered
search engine designed to take in research questions, find relevant insights within research papers,
and synthesize the results using large language models. Consensus is an AI-powered search engine
designed to take in research questions, find relevant insights within research papers, and synthesize
the results using large language models. How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper in
Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Data Sources. A “Traditional”
Qualitative Research Model. In this paper, the researcher has shed light on history of grounded
theory, how this theory rather approach works, target population, sampling technique, data collection
methods and the role of a researcher in this whole research process, and another essential part of a
qualitative research, ethics which play a crucial role while conducting and gathering a qualitative. It
is an inductive methodology that systematically collects and analyzes data for developing theory on
human behavior in social welfare perspectives. The paper discusses the principles and processes of
Grounded theory and then explores the nature of codes, coding process and the concept of
saturation. From these concepts, categories are formed, which are the basis for the creation of a
theory, or a reverse engineered hypothesis. Background of Grounded Theory Definitions of
Grounded Theory Getting Started Asking your research question Theoretical Sensitivity. Unlocking
the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Our customer service team
will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later
?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Last updated 3 December 2013 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest AssocLearningTech 4.24 17 reviews Not the right resource. It is useful both for expert and
novice researchers to generate new explanatory theories. There is no flexibility as desired by some
qualitative researchers. T his tension between the expectations of a li terature re view w hil e t he
same is This work is li censed under a Creative Comm ons Attributio n 4.0 International Lice nse.
Final model seen as dynamic and mutual (self influences domains and vice versa) Example of Doing
Grounded Theory: Laying out the Theory Model of career development of women with disabilities
that has 6 domains of influence - (see Noonan et al. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best
PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. The research methodology is the most critical
step as if the selected methodology is wrong; the entire research might go wrong. The aim of
indexing is to include all relevant coded material so as to demonstrate fully the diversity of the
concepts captured by the code. Thought grounded theory could provide “predictions, explanations,
interpretations, and applications” (p. 1). Aim To provide an overview of grounded theory and how
different approaches might tackle literature reviews. Indexing: It refers to the way Grounded Theory
records concepts derived through coding. For instance, the AI module of Atlas.ti can be used to
analyze qualitative data. The data collection process: The Data Collection Process in Grounded
Theory is.
In my doctoral study, I investigated Polish migrants’ “English Language Identity” which I defined
(based on the literature I had read, by the way) as a “relationship between self-concept and the
English language”. Symbolic Interactionism: A social psychological approach focused on the meaning
of human actions reality is negotiated between people by speech Reality is always changing.
Qualitative Transitions: Issues of Methodology in Central and South-East European Sociologies;
University of Rijeka, Croatian Sociological Association. A group of students at Kingston University
with experience of two different systems were afforded the opportunity to study the relationship
between the interface to an LMS and the usability of the system. Following the complicated process
of its methodology, resulted to a conclusive finding that grounded theory approach has its own
dimension of difficulty, level of trustworthiness and distinctive features that would qualify as
scientific study unique of its own quality. The combined use of purposive sampling, triangulation
method, gap analysis and the elements of grounded theory approach led to theory generation after a
rigorous iteration of comparative data analysis. Discussion The authors use a framework to illustrate
some of the commonalities between grounded theory approaches, to guide novice researchers in
reviewing the literature. Consensus only searches through peer-reviewed scientific research articles to
find the most credible insights to your queries. Our customer service team will review your report
and will be in touch. ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
Download Save for later Last updated 3 December 2013 Share this Share through email Share
through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest
AssocLearningTech 4.24 17 reviews Not the right resource. Whatever your area of interest, here
you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. Explain strengths
and limitations of a qualitative approach to research. Download Free PDF View PDF Qualitative
Research: Grounded Theory Methodology Mark G Bound, Ph.D. Download Free PDF View PDF
Grounded Theory Approach in Social Research by Dr Venkat Pulla Journal Space and Culture, India
Open access Journal This paper discusses Grounded Theory, which is one of the newer
methodologies becoming popular with social researchers since its evolution in the late 1960s. Our
new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000
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The focus is on subjective experiences, or the meanings that people use. Selected narratives from the
author’s recent studies are used to explain the processes of Grounded Theory methodology. Rich
description is important, but not primary focus 5. The current article examines this controversial issue
by exploring the different stance s taken on the subject b y the founder s of the methodolog y, as w
ell as the one introduced b y constructivist GTM. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. From these concepts,
categories are formed, which are the basis for the creation of a theory, or a reverse engineered
hypothesis. Tes classic free licence Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required
to reflect your happiness. It aimed to determine the trustworthiness of using its method in providing
an explanation to an existing social concern without bias on preconceived ideas. One primary
requirement for students is critiquing journal articles’ methodology. Final model seen as dynamic and
mutual (self influences domains and vice versa) Example of Doing Grounded Theory: Laying out the
Theory Model of career development of women with disabilities that has 6 domains of influence -
(see Noonan et al. Grounded theory, in contrast to theory obtained by logico-deductive methods, is
theory grounded in data which have been systematically obtained and analyzed through “social”
research (Goulding, 2005). If so, just upload it to We’ll convert it to an HTML5
slideshow that includes all the media types you’ve already added: audio, video, music, pictures,
animations and transition effects. Social work researcher should be neutral and not be an advocate
(arguments that no research is neutral) 3. If so, share your PPT presentation slides online with It's FREE. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World
Look, present. Avoid reading literature regarding the specifics of your study at first, rather read
broadly 2. Symbolic Interactionism: A social psychological approach focused on the meaning of
human actions reality is negotiated between people by speech Reality is always changing.
Consensus is an AI-powered search engine designed to take in research questions, find relevant
insights within research papers, and synthesize the results using large language models. Consensus
only searches through peer-reviewed scientific research articles to find the most credible insights to
your queries. Finally, I route for criteria for evaluation of qualitative research. The participants in the
study would have experienced the process or action. They see value that being familiar with the field
has for us, researchers, in terms of sparkling our interest in the topic and fostering our “curiosity”,
enabling us to develop ideas and raise questions and, ultimately, leading us to explore the topic
further. Interviewing. What is interviewing? “It is a process of finding out what others feel and think
about their worlds. The data collection process: The Data Collection Process in Grounded Theory is.
Aim To provide an overview of grounded theory and how different approaches might tackle
literature reviews. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of
sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. Introducti on 2. The First Advice: Ignore the Literat
ure 3. Selected narratives from the author’s recent studies are used to explain the processes of
Grounded Theory methodology. There are bulk of books and research papers written by world
renowned researchers and authors but the aim of this paper is to help the early stage researchers in
conducting their projects in grounded theory approach. The memo-writing starts as soon as the
researcher has. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on.
Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. It has millions of
presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every
day. This might confuse novice researchers, especially given that different approaches to grounded
theory can have contrasting positions concerning how and when literature should be reviewed. The
different approaches towards the potent ial impact of a literature review condu cted before data
collection and analysis are introduced not only as a m ethodological issue, but als o, and more
importantly, as an epistemolo gical one. Provide a rich range of information Subjective Reflect the
natural environment of behavior Loosely structured (or unstructured). This article tries to discuss
grounded theory methodology through the discussion of its origin and development, basic principles,
characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and its usefulness in social science researches for
qualitative analysis. Data Sources. A “Traditional” Qualitative Research Model. It then goes on to
discuss the pros and cons, arguments for and against the use of Grounded Theory methodology in
social research and explores the applicability of this methodology in producing sound theoretical
basis for practice. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations
you’ll love and possibly download. The combined use of purposive sampling, triangulation method,
gap analysis and the elements of grounded theory approach led to theory generation after a rigorous
iteration of comparative data analysis. If so, just upload it to We’ll convert it to an
HTML5 slideshow that includes all the media types you’ve already added: audio, video, music,
pictures, animations and transition effects. CRITICAL TEXTUAL ANALYSIS--TYPES, PART 4
1. Introduction In grounded theory research, the existing literature is not used as a theoretical
background, but rather as data to be used by the analytic strateg ies of the research. Drawing on case
studies, students are exposed to a wide range of research papers that pertain to issues in language and
communication of Thailand. Grounded theory, in contrast to theory obtained by logico-deductive
methods, is theory grounded in data which have been systematically obtained and analyzed through
“social” research (Goulding, 2005). Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS-

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