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“A trip to the past”


1: Ana Claudia 2: Jhon Brandon A. 3: Yenifer Roana

Gamero Salazar LLacho Muñoz Rosas Mamani

*Milagros Lizbeth Chauca Taype

Year: 2022
Biography: Cesar Vallejo

Cesar Vallejo was born in 1892 in Santiago de Chuco, he was a Peruvian novelist,

essayist and poet. In 1912 he did various jobs in order to help himself economically; he

collaborated with his father in his work as a "lawyer". Then in 1913 he began his

studies in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of La Libertad, where

he published his first verses in the magazine "Cultura Infantil". In 1915 he graduated

with his bachelor's degree with the thesis "El Romanticismo en la poesía castellana".

And in 1938 he died in Paris.

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