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Global warming is described as the long-term gradual heating of the earth's climate.

Due to global
warming, the earth is experiencing higher temperatures every year. It is caused by human activities.

Climate change is mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burnt, carbon
dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases are thrown into our atmosphere, causing the climate of
the earth to heat up. This also causes the greenhouse effect, which in turn affects the climate in a bad
way. When the son's rays pass through the atmosphere, some of the incoming rays are sent back to
space while the rest are absorbed by the surface. The reflected rays cannot pass back to space, thus
trapping them in the earth's atmosphere, causing it to heat up.

Due to global warming, low altitude areas in the country will be subject to changes of about 0.05 to 0.25
degrees C. At the higher altitude areas, the change will be more devastating, with about 5-9 degrees C of
changes in temperature. This temperature rise is predicted to cause the polar and Himalayan ice caps to
melt, which would lead to the sea level rising at least 2 to 3 metres in the next 19 years in 2050. Due to
that, a huge percentage of the southern part of the country is at risk of being submerged in the Bay of
Bengal. Increased temperature of the sea and increased water levels may lead to cyclones and floods

There are a number of solutions to tackle global warming. Firstly, we can start by reducing our food
waste. If we waste our food, it goes to landfills and rots, producing methane - a dangerous greenhouse
gas. We can also educate people on climate change so that they understand the severity of the situation
and reduce the production of greenhouse gases.

The people of this world need to carry out family planning before they decide to have multiple kids. If no
family planning is done, the population of this world would increase, causing more greenhouse gases to
be produced, which, in turn, would make global warming worse. We can then use solar farms, which
eliminate the emissions of carbon dioxide. Solar farms make use of a land and convert it into an
environment-friendly facility. Finally, we can make use of wind turbines. Wind turbines reduce the need
for electricity generation from fossil fuels, which reduces the emission of carbon dioxide.

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