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The word "cosmetic" comes from the Latinized form of Greek kosmetike, which means "the
art of dress and ornament"².

2. Makeup is regulated by the FDA along with food, over-the-counter drugs, and medical
devices. They could stop the sale of any cosmetic product if they find it unsafe².

3. Testing makeup on the back of your hand doesn't work well since your face gets more sun
exposure and you likely wash your hands more. Celebrity makeup artists suggest testing on
your jawline for the best match².

4. Women have been pinching their cheeks for centuries for a natural rosy hue. However, blush
has been around since the days of ancient Egypt².

5. Ground-up fish scales (aka guanine crystals) are often used to add shimmer to lipstick,
eyeshadow, lotion, and nail polish².

6. The history of cosmetics spans at least 7,000 years and is present in almost every society on

7. The global beauty industry is growing at 7% a year, more than twice the rate of the developed
world’s GDP².

8. The founder of Maybelline, Thomas Lyle Willams, named the company after his sister Mabel,
who inspired him to create makeup products by coating her lashes with a mixture of Vaseline
and coal dust².

9. The term "hypoallergenic" means that the manufacturer feels the product is less likely to
cause an allergic reaction but is not a term that is regulated by the FDA².

10. The term "natural ingredients" means that they were extracted from plants, animals, or

11. Nestlé owns 20.1% of L’Oréal, the world’s largest cosmetic company².

12. The Vikings wore eye makeup into battle as a sign of ferocity and to frighten enemies².

13. Mesdemet, one of the earliest cosmetics used by Egyptians, was made with copper and
lead and used to line the eyes².

14. It is estimated that roughly 66% of women in the United States use makeup on a daily

15. Roughly 49.2 billion dollars is spent on cosmetics in the United States each year… and the
cosmetic industry is growing by 3.8% per year².

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