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Example of a Full Clearing

Although everyone’s High Self works a little differently, the following example of a full
clearing may give you ideas on how to make sure you are completing an efficient, thorough
clearing in a single session. Please note that not all questions and instructions are covered in
detail here—please refer to your Advanced SRT Procedure for those details. I asked High Self
to identify someone to clear for just such an example. The person (client) is a 29-year-old
female within two miles of my home.

The first request I make of High Self is “Prep to work and indicate who I am working with.” I
always hold my pendulum over Chart 1 for this. When “prep to work” was completed, the
pendulum was moved to indicate High Self on Chart 1. I asked, “Whose High Self am I
working with, mine or the client’s?” I imagine the position of the answer of “my High Self” is
upper left on a chart, and the position for “the client’s High Self” is upper right. The
pendulum was moved up the center to indicate that I was working with both. Then, using
Chart 3, I asked the lowest level of consciousness of any Soul serving as High Self in the
High Self committee chains of my High Self and the client’s High Self. RADIANT LOVE
was indicated. That was the answer and assurance I was looking for.

Then, using a number chart, I asked how long it would take to clear the client, and the
pendulum was moved beyond 100. This is the way High Self indicates to me that there are
discarnates attached to the client. There were 25 kinds, which means that there were openings
to other dimensions. Note that if there are more than nine kinds of discarnates, there are
openings. I then requested High Self to close the openings, clear the attachments, remove the
discarnates, and take them into their right and perfect place. The next question was, “How
many are left and how many openings are there?” The answer for both was “zero.” The next
question was, “Are there type one and type two separates attached?” The answer was “yes.” I
then asked High Self to remove the separates and all of their programs. Separates like to hide
and resist being removed so always ask separately. Further questioning indicated that
openings were closed and all discarnates, separates, and their programs were cleared and
removed. (See the January 2007 Ascension article for more details on separates.)

Then, using Chart 1, I ask “Where is the first item that needs clearing?” The indication was
Chart 1 (inner fan), High Self. When SPIRIT clears any Soul, including High Self, it starts at
SPIRIT level, which is the SOURCE of everything. From SPIRIT there is a wave of
expression that carries infinite strands of DNA. Each strand of DNA carries chromosomes
greater than any number of which we could conceive. High Self says the DNA is like the
master computer, and the chromosomes are like the bytes in the computer where everything is
programmed and stored. This forms a Master Hologram (macrocosm) that contains every
potential for a ONE Universe. From that hologram there are lines of DNA that extend to
create the Etheric Body, which is the microcosm (hologram). Then in succession the next five
bodies are created: First Astral, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Living Soul, repeating
many of the same programs. These six bodies comprise each Soul that is created. All six
bodies carry programs that needed to be cleared for each and every member of the High Self.
I then verified that High Self was cleared, including all six bodies.

Then I asked, “Is there another item to clear?” After receiving a “yes,” then, using Chart 1, I
asked “Where is the next item to clear?” Chart 10A and the following eight items were
indicated: subconscious clutter, race beliefs, multiple souls, world energies, vows, curses,
scarring, and soul programs (these are all programs that are preprogrammed as part of the
DNA of the Etheric Body). The number of race beliefs is usually 99 and the same for multiple
souls (use any number chart to find the number). Once cleared, I always ask how many
multiple souls remain because they are addicted and try to hide, and I want to make certain
they are all found and removed (the answer should be “zero”). Scarring is the soul’s belief
that when it was created, it was damaged or scarred, which is simply not correct. It still has to
be cleared. The usual number of digits in the number of scarring programs is 12. The soul
program consists of 32 negative words (which I find are always the same for every client)
from Chart 6A. Sometimes one, two, or three additional words are indicated. The first
additional word is always suicide, the second is always panic, and the third can vary from
client to client. This client had the 32, plus suicide and panic. All items cleared.

Next, High Self sent me to Chart 4 and pointed to Father. I find this is always the birth father,
never the adoptive or step-father. The client had energy on their father from both present and
past lives. I never have to research the present life regardless of what happened and the
energies involved. In this example, there was no need to research past lives (I asked). I just
asked that everything be cleared, and it was done. A check revealed that there was 100%
positive and zero percent negative energy on the father. Clearing does not erase memories. It
does clear the negative energy. I always suggest to the client that if they have a memory of
something that existed before the clearing work was done, that they let it go and not charge it
with energy. When you live in the past hurts and disappointments, you don’t have energy left
to live productively in the “now.” There were a total of 29,993 lives the client had with her
father. In 36% of those lives, she perceived that she had harmed her father; in the rest she
perceived that she was harmed by her father. I always find that the harm is both ways.

Chart 4 was again indicated and the subject was Mother. Again, I find that this is always the
mother of birth. The negative charge was from both present and past life. Again, everything
was cleared without research. There were 19,997 lives involved with harm both ways.

Chart 4 was again indicated and the pendulum was moved once again to Father. Since energy
with the father was already cleared, it meant that the client held discordant energy on another
Soul. The energy was from past lives as the other Soul was not incarnated in the present life (I
checked). The number of past lives was 11,992, with the harm both ways.

Chart 4 and Father was again indicated, which meant that the client held discordant energy on
a large number of other Souls from past lives. The total number given was 29,997 and the
client had met 29 of them in the present life. Some of them were family members and others
were simply individuals they had encountered. There are presently 33 other Souls incarnated
in this group that the client has not yet met. There are always people in this life that we have
had past lives with and if we meet one and there are carry-over energies, there can be a
positive or negative reaction depending on the energy involved.

Returning to Chart 1, I was again directed to Chart 4 and the word, “Inheritance.” This is
always, for me at least, established in past lives. The client was identified as a student priest
and the only character I had to find. Using Chart 6A, I identified the following energies: fear
of God, hate of men, women, God, life and self (five hates), hate, guilt, frustration,
helplessness, health abuse, then illness. (At this point, I discovered there was a block because
a word was repeated; the block turned out to be their High Self, so I asked them to be cleared
were cleared). Then I continued to find the energies of self-limitation, self-destruction, self-
punishment and suicide. When a word is repeated, I always ask if there is a block. The block
can be their High Self or mine, an accumulation of energy that needs clearing, or the client’s
Soul is blocking. When I asked if this was enough to clear the life and the program, it was
only enough to clear the life. So, I researched another past life.

In the second past life, the client was a priest (again the only cast member) with the energies
of the five hates, hate, guilt, helplessness, frustration, illness, health abuse, intolerance (“life is
intolerant”, “men, women and God are unjust and intolerant”), fear of life, judgmental, self-
destruction, self-limitation, self-punishment, and suicide. While identifying the intolerance
energies, I found my High Self was blocking and needed clearing and upgrading before I
could continue (if you are unsure if you are clear, always spot check the level of your source
using Chart 3). This was enough information to clear the life and the inheritance program.
They gave me 3,994 as the number of lives in the program. All were cleared.

Returning to Chart 1, I was again sent to Chart 4, and the program was “Identification.”
Again, this involved other lives (past lives, parallel lives, past lives other dimensions and
parallel universe lives). In the first life the client was a student nun and no other cast was
indicated. Her energies were fear of life, the five hates, hate, and guilt, life is intolerant,
helplessness, health abuse, illness (life is intolerant was repeated and I found that her High
Self was again blocking and needed additional clearing), fear of God, self-limitation, self-
punishment, self-destruction and suicide. There were 3,999 lives in this program and it was
not necessary to research another one.

Returning to Chart 1, Chart 6A was indicated. Up to this point, I had researched and cleared
what I term “the big onion.” When Chart 6A is indicated, High Self is telling me there are
individual issues that need clearing. I call these “little onions.” These issues involve both past
and present life energies. If I have interviewed the client and made a list of their concerns, I
will go through each concern and ask if it has been cleared. If it has not been cleared, it is
listed under “issues.” Using Chart 6A, I then ask High Self to identify and list additional
issues. Hear were the client’s: fear of life, fear of God, (I am blocked again and it is the Soul)
I asked what needed to be done and Chart 10A and “transfer student” were indicated. I asked
High Self if there needed to be a soul transfer and was told, “Yes.” That was accomplished.
Note that only a small portion of the Soul functions in the physical body. Thus, when this
form of exchange is made, it is not another Soul; rather it is simply another aspect of the same
Soul that comes in.

Returning to Chart 1, the pendulum was moved in a circle, which indicates “mop up,”
meaning High Self clears everything remaining. That was done. I asked if the Soul agreed that
everything is clear, and if High Self agreed that the Soul is cleared. If it does not, the Soul is
holding energy that needs to be cleared. It may or may not be necessary to use the charts to
identify what needs to be cleared. You just have to clear and verify that the Soul and High
Self agree that the clearing is complete.

I then ask if Brain Restructuring is required (if not, it was most likely completed in mop-up—
ask to verify). If you are not verifying that this has been done for your client, you are failing
to do a complete clearing. Once the Soul has downloaded the four negative statements into the
brain, they can limit the client’s positive expression of life and the work needs to be done to
clear the limitation. Once brain restructuring is completed, I again ask if there is anything else
to do or are we complete and finished? They may point to Chart 7 indicating healing is
needed. Bless your client with a complete clearing!

© 2007 Robert E. Detzler. All rights reserved.

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