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METHODOLOGY: Mapping the Conscious and Subconscious Mind of ONE

Brigitta Rácz

From time to time as I work with High Self, I receive some new
information many times in the form of questions.

Recently, when High Self indicated an energy to clear on 6A, I have

asked if there is a cause or a reason and I got a ‘no’ to both. Then I asked if there is an
origin and I got a ‘yes.’ From Chart 1 I asked where do I find that? High Self indicated Chart
17 and the items Abdication of Physical Responsibility and Abdication of Emotional
Responsibility were shown.

I continued with the question, “What made the Soul abdicate responsibility?” Using Chart 1,
High Self sent me to Chart 17 again and showed all four of the Unwillingness items. Other
times these items came up the other way around. Either way, I use Chart 1 and asked what
made the Soul unwilling or abdicating. Chart 18 was indicated, Programs in the Conscious
and Subconscious Mind of One. Going back to Chart 1, master programs were indicated on
chart 6A. I asked again what is the origin of those and Chart 16 was indicated, Blocks to
Mental and Emotional Expression. I asked High Self if we can identify those blocks. High
Self indicated Chart 6A and these programs were cleared and no further origin was

Since I have received this question, I always ask if there is an origin and I usually get Charts
17, 18, and 16, but occasionally other charts were shown so I always make sure to use
Chart 1 to identify where to find the origin. As I was working with this process for a client I
found myself telling her that we are mapping her issue with High Self. Later I asked SPIRIT
for clarification about this process and the conscious and subconscious mind of ONE were
indicated. In case High Self does not indicate more cause, reason, or origin I ask if there is
any additional information, which is part of the map for the issue. From Chart 12,
Preprogramming of Spirit by GOD, Potential Dysfunction of Spiritual Consciousness by GOD
and Loss of Seeing and Hearing GOD were shown and from Chart 13 Idea, Thought, Imprint
of Brain Damage and Creator Programming. When High Self does not show me more, I ask
what percent is the map complete and if High Self indicates 100%, I ask High Self to clear it.

Using Robert’s method, I check the level of a program/ energy on Chart 3. Usually both
SPIRIT and incarnaƟonal level is indicated but someƟmes it is just one or the other. I
continue to research all the informaƟon and I find that many times we carry the energies of
our ancestors that we either have idenƟfied with or we believe on some level we inherited. I
verify if it is inherited from the mother, father, or both lineages; I check what the inherited
energy is, how many generations need clearing, and ask for clearing. I check with High Self
if we need to do past life research or if we need any more informaƟon and, if not, it is back
to Chart 1 to ask if there is any additional information that is related to the issue.

I received another question from SPIRIT. During a clearing I asked if there was a cause or a
reason for an issue and I got a ‘no.’ So I asked if there is an explanation and I got a ‘yes.’
Using Chart 1 I checked what was the information to be cleared and I found that SPIRIT
explains what the soul heals or learns through that issue. Often it is difficult for a soul to deal
with some issues. They may feel guilt, shame, or are simply embarrassed and will not allow
High Self to clear it. When you feel that something is not shifting and there are no blocks or
interferences, you may ask High Self what percent have they got access to the issue and
what percent do they have permission to clear it?

If it is any less than 100% you may ask High Self if they can simply clear it or if research is
what you need to do. SPIRIT creates a method called Sideways, which was a word High Self
gave me, that means they can use a sideway approach to reach the issue and clear it. They
can also distance it, which means that High Self creates a small distance between the soul
and the issue so the soul can experience how does it feel without it and remove it entirely if
the soul is prepared for it. High Self can open a ‘peep hole,’ just to peep through and
encourage the soul to move on. These methods are all very gentle and there may be others
that your High Self can use.

The last question I got recently is one that I use when I finish a clearing. I simply asked
SPIRIT if the outcome or result of the clearing can be made better and I got a big fat ‘YES.’
So I asked what percent can this outcome be improved? Sometimes the number is more
than 100%. When they showed that it is completed I checked again and asked what percent
can it be made better. High Self gave me 0%. Another question I use after mop‐up is
completed, what percent is SPIRIT happy with the clearing and I ask for more clearing if it is
less than 100 %.

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