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July 2013 Volume 25 Number 7

The Monthly Newsletter of the Spiritual Response Association

A Healing Consciousness of Giving and Receiving
Rev. Mary Ann Detzler spiritual helpers told him not to try to "give" to his pa‐
USA ents but to simply receive from SPIRIT in gra tude.
When he did not maintain this consciousness, the healing
While in Greece years ago, I read
energy would not flow. If he mentally tried to send or
two books about healing; both
give, the healing did not happen. He concluded that
doctors made the same point
when the God/SPIRIT in him met the God/SPIRIT in his
from different researches about
pa ent, only then the healing could happen. When the
receiving or tapping into healing
recep vity and vibra ons of oneness within the pa ent
vibra ons. Their conclusions
and the doctor and the consciousness of need and ability
were the same as a prosperity
to receive were present in both, his healings o en were
truth of long standing – we re‐
not what clients said they wanted, but were a much
ceive the most and highest good when we are in the con‐
needed emo onal healing instead.
sciousness of the vibra ons of joy/gra tude/love. These
are the same vibra ons from which we can give our very Dr. Herbert Benson, author of a relaxa on response of
best. alterna ve healing book, has done much research about
faith. Faith increases the speed and frequency of healing.
Having recently read David R. Hawkins' assessment of
That faith can be in the doctor, self, life, or God/SPIRIT.
the highest emo ons/vibra ons, this makes perfect
Therefore, the op mum consciousness for healing while
sense (Power vs. Force, 2002). The highest frequencies of
working with any healing prac oner is a relaxed recep‐
energy on earth are the emo ons of love, joy, gra tude
vity and confidence or faith in the possible healing.
and the sense of enlightened oneness. Therefore if we
Both the healing prac oner and the one healed need
want to bless ourselves and receive spiritual energy to be
relaxed recep vity and a sense of receiving from a Great‐
able to send to others, we had best work to bring our‐
er Source. When the healer tried to "give," that was just
selves into love/gra tude/joy vibra ons. To give we need
ego seeking to produce the client's desires and thus not
to first be recep ve to SPIRIT; to receive good we need
in a true connec on with Spirit or the highest vibra ons
to be grateful and willing to give. So extending this truth
of self.
‐ we are all spiritual beings living in a ‘sea of spiritual en‐
ergy.’ We are always receiving and passing on the energy In an experiment of relaxed recep vity
in whatever form it appears at the moment and there is and faith in the doctor and his products,
no shortage of spiritual energy to be manifest into what a group of pregnant women suffering
we need. from severe nausea were given ipecac
without their knowledge. Ipecac is a
When chiropractor Dr. Eric Pearl began ge ng waves of
common solu on to induce vomi ng. The
spiritual energy and doing spontaneous physical and
women's faith in the possibility of healing
emo onal healings for his clients, it was through an un‐
countered the usual ac on of the ipecac
known process and source. He began to inves gate. His
(Continued on page 2)

Inside this Issue…

A Healing Consciousness of Giving and Receiving Con nuing Educa on Classes 2013
Did You Know… Gra tude & Apprecia on Inspiring ISC in London Interna onal Classes
Love Offering, Dona ons, or Tithing M.A.G.I.C.: Out of Winter Medita on by Mary Ann Detzler
North American Classes Spiritual Support Commi ee Supporters for May 2013
The Legacy of SRT Virtual Mee ngs 2013 SRA‐Sponsored Classes

Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

A Healing Consciousness of Giving and Receiving
(Continued from page 1) medita on 15 minutes twice a day, whether in spiritual
plus healed the current unbalanced state of their bodies. focus medita on or not, this relaxed state returns the
The nausea disappeared. Wow! body and mind to a sense of balance ‐ the beginning of
This also tells us how much our faith in healing and SPIR‐
IT can affect our clients. We do a disservice if we pro‐ Robert, founder of SRT and SpR, had a standing contract
mote fear or affirm the client's nega ve beliefs. When of being in that state of complete oneness with SPIRIT
we use SRT or restructuring techniques, we should also whenever he worked with SRT/SpR. He developed this
acknowledge that we as humans or even individual spir‐ during his years of spiritual oneness through personal
itual beings ‐ do not heal. We study and prayer as well as working at Silent Unity Prayer
work with SPIRIT to contact the Interna onal Service. This perfected his Alpha, Theta,
client's spiritual consciousness to Delta, and Spiritual states of oneness with Father within
set up the vibra ons of release so and Spiritual Source. Robert o en said he did not medi‐
their soul may be free of all tate, he was referring to the formal state of medita on
blocks. We are se ng up the s llness for 20‐30 minutes. He had developed an instant
mee ng of our High Self com‐ ability to reach this state of Spiritual oneness.
mi ee and theirs for the purpose of invi ng that soul to
I, too, have a prac ced personal agreement for this same
open up and receive SPIRIT's healing. We cannot will or
type of connec on each me I am asked to prayerfully
force another to accept healing. Willfulness on our part is
support someone. I immediately connect with SPIRIT/
Ego trying to force a situa on into what we or the client
Divine Love and release all my personal concerns to be
wants. This is not healing and seldom does any healing of
the open and recep ve channel or way that SPIRIT can
any dura on happen by force of desire and will.
flow to me, through me, and on to bless the person.
The consciousness of being recep ve to SPIRIT and the Mine is a devo onal, in mate connec on to my Partner/
higher vibra ons of love/joy/gra tude creates a vibra on Spiritual Source developed by years of daily devo on and
of the highest oneness ‐ the state where healing can oc‐ belief in SPIRIT as friend, plus my constant inner conver‐
cur. Healing does not flow from fear, guilt, or unfor‐ sa ons with SPIRIT and years of more formal periods of
giveness. Healing means wholeness, a completeness or medita on. I invite you to prac ce being aware of your
oneness. Oneness is a product of love, joy, and gra tude oneness with SPIRIT on a daily basis or even more in a
‐the highest and most natural spiritual energies. constant abiding belief
and friendly working
As a healing support prac oner, in what do you be‐
partnership. This will in‐
lieve? What do you do to increase your faith in God/
crease your personal
SPIRIT/Source? What can you do to increase your own
love, joy, and gra tude in
vibra ons to be more in the love/joy/gra tude frequen‐
living and working your
cies? Dr. Benson states the Alpha state (mild medita on)
healing service to others.
is the relaxed recep ve vibra on. He suggests prac cing

Medita ve Thought:
I am one with SPIRIT.
I give and receive in love, gra tude, and joy.
Table of Contents
A Healing Consciousness of Giving and Receiving............ 1 North American Classes .................................................... 8
M.A.G.I.C.: Out of Winter ................................................. 3 Interna onal Classes ........................................................ 9
Love Offering, Dona ons, or Tithing ................................ 4 Virtual Mee ngs ............................................................. 10
Con nuing Educa on Classes 2013 .................................. 5 The Legacy of SRT ........................................................... 11
Did You Know … ............................................................... 5 Spiritual Support Commi ee .......................................... 11
Medita on by Mary Ann Detzler ...................................... 5 Gra tude & Apprecia on ............................................... 11
2013 SRA‐Sponsored Classes............................................ 6 Supporters for May 2013................................................ 11
Inspiring ISC in London ..................................................... 7

2 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

M.A.G.I.C.: Out Of Winter
Rev. Pam Murray, PhD But, one morning I woke up and the sun had risen. The
First Rights solu on had appeared. I immediately understood why I
had gone through the tes ng period. The outcome was
Although winters in my town
different than I had expected, yet it far exceeded even
are not usually harsh, the
my wildest dreams.
trees are bare, and the flowers
have died. Some mes it feels You see, it took me for the dream I had planted to de‐
as if it will never be green velop. The circumstances needed to be arranged to in‐
again. sure the perfect outworking. The rela onships had to be
developed. I needed some educa on and matura on.
Then spring arrives. It always
seems to come suddenly. It’s I learned that the more I trusted SPIRIT and the more
as if I go to sleep at night and pa ent I became, the be er the outcome. A er a while I
when I awaken, the trees are green and the daffodils are learned to give thanks no ma er what the circumstances
poking their heads above ground. were. The winter me gave me the opportunity to evalu‐
ate my rela onships and ac vi es.
Before long, the bulbs that have been sleeping all winter
are in full bloom. I drive down streets lined with pink If you find yourself in a “winter” of your life, I suggest the
dogwoods announcing the arrival of the new season. The following:
foothills are green with emerging stalks of winter wheat.
Understand that you are going through a season. It is
Just beneath the blue sky, the last ves ges of snow glow
not permanent. You will come out the other side.
on the tallest mountains. I eagerly await the day when I
Be willing to allow SPIRIT to execute the perfect out‐
can start this year’s garden.
The seasons of the year always remind me of the seasons Be pa ent. The caterpillar spins a cocoon knowing
of our lives. Although most of us would like to live lives that, with pa ence, it will become a bu erfly.
of perpetual “sunshine,” we all know that this just does Recognize thatyour life may take a direc on that is
not happen. We occasionally pass through what seems unexpected to you.
like a winter.
Take this me to re‐evaluate your ac vi es, rela on‐
These winters happen in many forms. We may have ex‐ ships, affilia ons, and priori es. Eliminate the ones that
perienced a loss. This can be financial, emo onal, spiritu‐ no longer serve you. By doing this, you will make room
al, or physical. We may be feeling like our life is stalled in for the good that is wai ng to enter your life.
some way; and nothing we do seems to move it forward.
Yes, winter can be a me of tes ng. But, if we use it wise‐
St. John of the Cross called this season “The Dark Night
ly, the blossoms of spring will shine more radiantly.
of the Soul” – and, it certainly some mes seems like a
long, dark night.
In the past, when I encountered these dark nights – and
there have been many – I would beg SPIRIT to make
them end. Some mes I would try to make deals with
SPIRIT: “If you will make this okay, I promise never to
cri cize anyone again.” We all know how well these
things turn out. My promises usually lasted un l the next
person cut me off in traffic.
I would explain to SPIRIT how I was feeling, because, ob‐
viously, SPIRIT just did not understand my anguish.
I cleared and cleared and cleared un l I wore out several
pendulums. S ll, the winter persisted.

Affirma on:
I know that my good comes to me in perfect ming and in the perfect way.
3 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7
Love Offering, Dona ons, or Tithing Meet the SRA Board
President and
Rev. Mary Ann Detzler
the local
SRT Community!
When Robert and I had our church in California, we used 14 July 2013
the term 'love offering' instead of thing. Many people had
1:30-3:30 p.m.
too much old baggage from their former church a ached
to the word thing. Giving and receiving are meant to be
SRA Classroom
equally easy and both from our faith and love. If all our Olympia WA
gi s could be given from this consciousness of our Oneness You are invited
connec on, we would be par cipa ng well within the law to join our new
of best circula on of spiritual energy. SRA Board
President and
All giving to SPIRIT should be in faith and from the heart or from love. It should not be long me teacher
a form of 10% taxa on to support a religious group (or SRA). The ancient Egyp ans, Lisa Gibbings‐Koo as
she hosts the Pacific Northwest
Israelites, and even the Mayans prac ced a 10% giving for the support of the spiritual
SRT community in a summer
community services or priest and temple. They had religious based governments. Yet potluck SRT mee ng.
the original the from the story of Abraham was a freely given tenth in grateful re‐
Please bring a snack or light
sponse for SPIRIT's support in his life.
refreshment for this mid‐
Robert and I taught the principle of regular giving to Spir‐ a ernoon potluck and come
enjoy the company and this fun
itual Source or to the place where people receive their
learning opportunity.
spiritual support. Consistent giving can be a way to
stretch your faith and open addi onal doors of prosperi‐
ty. Giving to SPIRIT is meant to be without thought of
specific return but part of our constant connec on or the Cer fica on
circula on of abundance in the universe. If you do not
believe you have anything to give, or if you refuse to re‐
ceive gi s or compliments, you block your receiving abil‐ June 2013
ity. Can you give and receive easily with faith and love?
SRT Consultant, Ini al:
We, at the SRA office and the SRA Board, give thanks for your faith‐filled love gi s, do‐
Sarah Keane
na ons, and thes to the SRA. We hold you in the circula on of Universal Abundance.
We send our blessings to you. 353.87.1445428
Intensive Skills Class
16-18 August 2013 Mariola Kosowicz‐Ziemiuk
Olympia WA ~ SRA Headquarters Illinois, USA
Rev. Yamini Bhatt, Teacher
Visit the beautiful Pacific NW this August to… Patrice M Pari e
review the latest SRT materials & spiritual principles, New Jersey, USA
Enhance your clearing skills, 732.299.1511
Gain tips on working with clients,
And more! … Contact the SRA office or simply...
SRT Teacher, Renewal:
Christopher Stavrou
New Jersey, USA
Please note: to qualify for this class, attendees must have
completed SRT Advanced Class from a certified SRT teacher
plus six months of SRT practice. SRA Sponsored

4 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

Con nuing Educa on Classes 2013
SRA Board of Directors
To obtain the Con nuing Educa on Credits (CEC) you will be required to
a end class and complete wri en assignments (usually personal jour‐ Rev. Lisa Gibbings‐Koo
naling responses). These assignments must be submi ed to the President (Trinidad)
teacher to complete the class and obtain the credits. Wri en work
must be submi ed within a week following the class for credits. Verónica Bau Valenzuela
A endance (or recorded review available for limited me) at class is Vice President (Colombia)
mandatory for renewal credits and maximum learning experience.

Teacher: Marja Vraets‐Guliker Shirlyn Wright

Topic: Octaves of Learning to Change Life Secretary (United States)
Language: English
Dates: Wednesdays Rev. Mary Ann Detzler
Class 1: 4 September ‐ 25 October 2013, 7 ‐ 8:30 pm London Time Treasurer (United States)
Class 2: 30 October ‐ 18 December 2013, 7 ‐ 8:30 pm London Time
Wiljo Dirkx
Teacher: Rev. Mary Ann Detzler
Topic: Medita ve Prac ces for Deepening Your Life (The Netherlands)
Language: English
Dates: Saturdays, 7 September ‐ 26 October 2013, 5 ‐ 6:30 pm PST Alice Foehn
(Hong Kong, China)
Teacher: Debora Ramos
Topic: Change Your Life with Chart 19
Language: Spanish
Jan Harris
(United States)
Dates: Fridays, 13 September ‐ 25 October 2013, 7 ‐ 8:30pm EST
Teacher: Malabika Shaw Brigi a Rácz
Topic: Using Your Spiritual Intelligence (Hungary)
Language: English raczbrigi
Dates: Tuesdays, 1 October ‐ 5 November 2013, 9 ‐ 11 am EST
Visit the SRA website page,
Teacher: Erika Laszlo “SRA Board and Commi ees”
Topic: Avoid Five (5) Money Traps for a list of all
Language: Hungarian SRA Commi ee members.
Dates: 8, 15, 22, and 31 October 2013, 5 ‐ 7 pm Budapest Time
(note the specific date for each class)

Did You Know...

On either side of SPIRIT are WELLSPRING and LUMINUS. meditation by:
WELLSPRING is that from which all Life Substance and Rev. Mary Ann Detzler!
Intelligence springs. It is the endless
source of Crea ve Energy that SPIRIT
Listen now!
draws upon to create. LUMINUS is
the source of intelligence that SPIR‐
IT uses. These two are like full
All of Robert’s talks are available for
length mirrors on either side of
digital purchase! Don’t miss these
SPIRIT in which the reflec on of
dynamic recordings!
SPIRIT extends into forever and Contact the SRA office for more informa on.
SRT Dic onary, Detzler, 2008

5 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

LIKE us on Facebook — tell us your SRT stories — read encouraging
notes from SPIRIT—find out what’s happening at SRA!

2013 SRA‐Sponsored Classes

To register for an SRA‐ SRT Basic Classes SRT Intensive Self Mastery Classes
sponsored class, please con‐ Skills Classes October 26-27
tact the class registrar listed October 10-13
August 16-18 Lake Mondsee, Salzburg (Germany/
below or register online, Olympia, Washington Austria)
through the SRA website, at Rev. Kathleen A. Butler Olympia, Washington
Erika László
Rev. Yamini Bhatt Register: Marina Kogler,
December 5-8
You may also register for a September 27-29
Olympia, Washington
class by contac ng the SRA Miami, Florida Postponed
Rev. Kathleen A. Butler
office at (360) 413‐7881 Rev. Lisa Gibbings-Koo (English w/Czech translation/materials)
(English only) or by emailing Czech Republic
Erika László SRT Advanced Classes Self Mastery Classes Register: To be announced
(transla ons may delay reply).
All classes listed below are October 17-20 July 27-28
Olympia, Washington Houston, Texas Mastering Abundance
taught in English, with English Rev. Pam Murray, PhD Classes
Rev. Kathleen A. Butler
class handouts, unless other‐
wise noted. October 5-6 September 28-29
Olympia, Washington London, England
Class Deposits: A class deposit Spiritual Restructuring Rev. Yamini Bhatt Erika László
of $200.00 USD is required at Classes Register: Linda Turner
the me of registra on. Your October 26-27
deposit may be refundable up August 8-13 Honolulu, Hawaii
Rev. Pam Murray, PhD
to three (3) weeks prior to the Olympia, Washington
class date. Rev. Kathleen A. Butler

Early Registra on: Unless oth‐ Mastering Abundance

erwise noted, “Early‐Bird” dis‐ Classes
count rates apply if the class
fee is paid in full at least 30 November 9-10
Atlanta, Georgia
days prior to the class date. Rev. Pam Murray, PhD

Self Mastery ~ 27-28 July

Rev. Pam Murray, PhD
Houston, Texas
Ramada Houston Bush Intercontinental Airport
To register or for more information contact the SRA office.
Pam Murray is an SRA-certified Self Mastery and Mastering Abundance teacher.
She is a long-time SRT teacher and senior minister. Pam currently contributes
to the M.A.G.I.C. column for the Ascension newsletter.
Attendees must have completed Basic SRT Class, as SRT charts and clearing techniques
are used in class. Six months SRT practice after the basic class is required. SRA Sponsored

6 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

Inspiring ISC in London Ascension
July Contributors
Loek Laudy, Prac oner
The Netherlands Rev. Mary Ann Detzler
It takes about two hours when traveling by train from Loek Laudy
Belgium (Brussel‐South) to the UK (central London) Be‐ Rev. Pam Murray, PhD
cause of the me difference you arrive one hour ‘earlier’.
It is a pleasant connec on. A er customs, you place your
luggage in your carriage. This works a lot faster, in com‐ Editorial Staff
parison to an airplane, when traveling by train. Editor
Rev. Kathleen A. Butler
The journey went smoothly and I arrived in my hotel one
day before class just as I planned. A er freshening up I Design and Layout
enjoyed a dinner in the restaurant. A er that I went to bed early so I would be well Amy L Robertson
rested at the start of the class. The following morning I met all 21 par cipants from
all over England, for the first me. It felt right for the start. Produc on
Spiritual Response
Erika László from Hungary, whom I had met earlier this year during a Self Mastery
Class in the Netherlands, guided us through the course material in a pleasant way, Associa on
these three days. Her lively manner of presen ng appealed to all of us. All items of
SRT were discussed, examined, and tested in prac ce. There was room for debate
which gave the opportunity to share a lot of examples. 
Spiritual Response
The class was offered in English. I did not have a lot of trouble following the course
Therapy Founder
but I had to get used to several accents. I did no ce that my English skills fell short
during the debates. I will have to do something about that because I will be present Rev. Robert E. Detzler
at the next course. You can surely say that a er this class you have a lot more 
knowledge. It gave me an enormous boost.
What I no ced as well was the connec on between the par cipants. There was no The Ascension newsle er is
produced monthly by email in six
difference between teachers, consultants, and prac oners. E‐mail addresses were different languages.
exchanged and founda ons for new friendships were laid. We really were ONE
TEAM. We listened to and communicated with each other closely. It made me feel For informa on about the
right at home. These aspects made this SRT class into an experience that I would not Ascension translated into other
languages and how to subscribe,
have missed for the world. please contact the SRA office
or visit the
I can recommend the Intensive Skills class to anyone who wants to know more
SRA Ascension webpage.
about SRT.

Spiritual Response Associa on Policies SRA Vision, Mission, and Values

All Spiritual Response Associa on (SRA) services and classes Vision: The Spiritual Response Associa on envisions a world
are offered on a non‐discriminatory basis. Each individual is where anyone can realize their full poten al.
honored as a unique spiritual being.
Mission: The Spiritual Response Associa on promotes em‐
powerment through spiritual support, educa on, and the
Dona ons, offerings, and thes are gratefully accepted for
cer fica on of its consultants and teachers.
furthering the Associa on’s work. The Spiritual Response
Associa on wishes to thank all of you who have contributed Values: The Spiritual Response Associa on accepts the spir‐
to the SRA. itual nature of everyone and is guided by its values of com‐
passion, support, respect, integrity, freedom, transforma on,
© 2013 Spiritual Response Associa on. All rights reserved. and well‐being at all levels.

7 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

North American Classes
The Spiritual Response Associa on (SRA) does not manage scheduling, pricing, or registra on for Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) or
Spiritual Restructuring (SpR) classes taught by Cer fied Teachers. For addi onal informa on on classes listed below, please contact the
individual teacher. Keep in mind many of our teachers are willing to travel or schedule a class if there is enough interest in your area.
Classes are subject to change.

USA Texas
Teacher: Greta M. de Kock
Arizona Contact: Stacy Betzing 713.705.9971,
Teacher: Susan Carollo
973.568.8252, Basic: 13‐15 September 2013, Univ.of St. Thomas
Advanced: 2‐3 August 2013, Sedona Advanced: 20‐22 September 2013, Univ.of St. Thomas
California Virginia
Teacher: Shak Wilson Teacher: Charlene Dortch
831.464.8125, swilson@Life‐solu 804.839.3123,
Basic: 17, 18, 24, 25 August 2013, Aptos SpR: 15‐20 July 2013, Richmond
Basic: 17‐19 October 2013, Richmond
Teacher: Shelley Thomas
Teacher: Lisa Koo
Basic: 16‐18 August 2013, Mar nez
Florida SpR: 8‐13 July 2013, Olympia (SRA Center)
Teacher: Elvia “Cecilia” McGarry
651.739.6957, Canada
Basic: 16‐18 September 2013, Miami (In Spanish) Alberta
Teacher: Rolf F‐J
Teacher: Dana Abreu 403.675.0675,
58 414 2002676/+1 787 9628024, abreu‐ Advanced: 4‐6 October 2013, Calgary, SpR: 21‐26 November 2013, Calgary
SRT Review: 14 July, 2013, Miami (English) Ontario
Hawaii Teacher: Judit Ronai
Teacher: Kathleen Butler 416.333.9886,,
360.753.1878, SpR: 13‐19 July 2013, Toronto
Basic: 19‐22 September 2013, Honolulu Basic: 20‐22 September 2013, Toronto
Minnesota Advanced: 25‐27 October 2013, Toronto
Teacher: Elvia “Cecilia” McGarry SRT Review: 23 November 2013, Toronto
651.739.6957, Basic: 13‐15 December 2013, Toronto
SpR: 7‐13 August 2013, Woodbury
Basic: 11‐13 October 2013, Woodbury
Advanced: 1‐3 November 2013, Woodbury
Online Video Conferencing
Massachuse s
Ohio Teacher: Malabika Shaw
Teacher: Jane Bissler 515.720.9520 or 617.795.7060,
330.678.6504, Malabika@VisionWholis
Basic: 26‐29 July 2013, Kent Online Classes via Video Conferencing
Advanced: 25‐28 October 2013, Kent Basic: 27 July‐3 August 2013
Basic: 8‐10 November 2013, Kent Advanced: 7‐14 September 2013
SpR: 16‐22 November 2013, Kent
Teacher: Janet Harris
Basic: 11‐15 July 2013, Eugene
Advanced: 22‐25 August 2013, Eugene

8 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

Interna onal Classes
The Spiritual Response Associa on (SRA) does not manage scheduling, pricing, or registra on for Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) or
Spiritual Restructuring (SpR) classes taught by Cer fied Teachers. For addi onal informa on on classes listed below, please contact the
individual teacher. Keep in mind many of our teachers are willing to travel or schedule a class if there is enough interest in your area.
Classes are subject to change.
Argen na Malaysia
Teacher: Alejandra Valeiro Teacher: Regine Ooi
54.11.4793.8026, 60.19.2626020,
Basic: 19‐21 July 2013, Buenos Aires Advanced: 19‐21 July 2013, Selangor
Advanced: 6‐8 September 2013, Buenos Aires The Netherlands
Basic: 20‐22 September 2013, Buenos Aires Teacher: Marja Vraets‐Guliker
SpR: 18‐20 October 2013, Buenos Aires (1st part) 44.01342.823710 or 44.07884.370.250
Advanced: 8‐10 November 2013, Buenos Aires
SpR: 13‐15 December 2013, Buenos Aires (2nd part) Basic: 11‐13 October 2013, Pu en
Chile Advanced: 15‐17 November 2013, Pu en
Teacher: Alejandra Valeiro SRT Review: 21 December 2013, Pu en
54.11.4793.8026, Poland
Basic: 26‐28 July 2013 Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert
Advanced: 23‐25 August 2013 44.16.3366.9638,
SpR: 4‐6 October 2013 (1st part) SpR: 1‐6 November 2013, Warszawa
SpR: 29‐30 November‐1 December 2013 (2nd part) Singapore
China Teacher: Regine Ooi
Teacher: Alice Wei Ling Foehn 60.19.2626020,
852.9099.9810 or 852.2523.8044, Basic: 12‐14 July 2013, Singapore
or Advanced: 23‐25 August 2013, Singapore
Advanced: 5‐7 July 2013, Hong Kong
Basic: 13‐15 September 2013, Hong Kong Teacher: Anthony Wong
Advanced: 18‐20 October 2013, Hong Kong 65.9188.1627,
Basic: 15‐17 November 2013, Hong Kong Advanced: 5‐7 July 2013, Singapore
Advanced: 6‐8 December 2013, Hong Kong Basic: 27‐29 September 2013, Singapore
Advanced: 4‐6 October 2013, Singapore
Teacher: Kuo Hin Nam, Shirley Basic: 22‐24 November 2013, Singapore
852.3595.2134, Advanced: 29 November‐1 December 2013, Singapore
Basic: 5‐8 July 2013, Hong Kong Slovakia
Advanced: 12‐16 July 2013, Hong Kong Teacher: Katarína Květoňová
Basic: 12‐15 September 2013, Hong Kong 421.905.293.895,
Advanced: 19‐22 September 2013, Hong Kong Basic: 2‐4 August 2013, Zvolen
Basic: 16‐18 August 2013, Nitra
Teacher: Shirlyn Wright Basic: 23‐25 August 2013, Trencin
773.627.6455, shirlyn@secreto SRT Review: 7 September 2013, Zvolen
SpR: 4‐6 & 11‐13 October 2013, Hong Kong Advanced: 13‐15 September 2013, Trencin
Colombia SRT Review: 14 September 2013, Trencin
Teacher: Verónica Bau Valenzuela Basic: 25‐27 October 2013, Nitra
57.1885.7410 or 57. 310.560.4110, Basic: 8‐10 November 2013, Zilina (Continued on page 10)
Basic: 26‐28 July 2013, Medellín
Advanced: 9‐11 August 2013, Bogota Online Continuing
Advanced: 30 August‐1 September 2013, Medellín Education Classes
Basic: 27‐29 September 2013, Cali
Basic: 18‐20 October 2013, Bogota Check it out...
Advanced: 22‐24 November 2013, Cali
Advanced: 6‐8 December 2013, Bogota
Teacher: Xenia Ioannidou Offered to or 30.6932.30.29.29 cer fied consultants
Skype: xeniaioa, and teachers only.
SpR: 27 September‐1 October 2013, Cyprus
9 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7
Interna onal Classes … con nued
(Continued from page 9)

Slovakia (con nued)

Advanced: 22‐24 November 2013, Nitra
Advanced: 29 November‐1 December 2013, Zilina
SRT Review: 14 December 2013, Nitra
Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert
SRT Basic: 27‐29 September 2013, Lulea
Teacher: Alice Wei Ling Foehn
852.9099.9810 or 852.2523.8044, Teacher: Angie Ellis
or 160.624.6133,
Basic: 6‐8 September 2013, Taipei Basic: 9‐11 August 2013, North Wales
Advanced: 27‐29 September 2013, Taipei Advanced: 30‐31 August‐1 September 2013, North Wales
Basic: 22‐24 November 2013, Taipei
Advanced: 13‐15 December 2013, Taipei Teacher: Bridget Mary‐Clare
United Kingdom 44.7867.801.129,
Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert bridget@re‐crea onfounda
44.16.3366.9638, Advanced: 19‐22 July 2013, Banchory, Scotland
Basic: 2 – 4 August 2013, Newport S. Wales Basic: 13‐16 September 2013, Banchory, Scotland
Basic: 9‐11 August 2013, Newport S. Wales SRT Advanced: 8‐11 November 2013, Banchory, Scotland
SpR: 16‐18 August 2013, Newport S. Wales (first half)
Basic: 29‐31 August 2013, Newport S. Wales Teacher: Jaime Tanna
SpR: 13‐15 September 2013, Newport S. Wales (2nd half) 44.20.8693.8514 or 44.79.7657.0421,
Advanced: 11‐13 October 2013, Newport S. Wales
Basic: 18‐20 October 2013, Newport S. Wales SpR: 6‐8 & 13‐15 July 2013, East Dulwich, London
Basic: 15‐17 November 2013, Newport S. Wales
Advanced: 28‐30 November 2013, Newport S. Wales Teacher: Marja Vraets‐Guliker
Basic: 6‐8 December 2013, Oxford 44.01342.823710 or 44.07884.370.250
Advanced: 11‐13 January 2014, Newport S. Wales
Basic: 6‐8 September 2013, Forest Row
Teacher: Greta M. de Kock Advanced: 4‐6 October 2013, Forest Row
Local Contact: Jessica Boles 07500.711128, Basic: 1‐3 November 2013, Forest Row Advanced: 6‐8 December 2013, Forest Row
Basic: 25‐27 October 2013, Glastonbury
Advanced: 1‐3 November 2013, Glastonbury

Virtual Mee ngs — Skype / Teleconferencing

Many teachers now offer ‘virtual’ classes via the internet and video conferencing. Brush up on Basic or catch a review anywhere in the
world. As we enter a new phase at SRA, look for more virtual classes and workshops; and con nuing educa on, too!

Massachuse s Greece
Teacher: Malabika Shaw Teacher: Xenia Ioannidou
515.720.9520 or 617.795.7060 or 30.6932.30.29.29
Monthly SRT Teleconferences via Skype SRT Mee ng: 2nd Wednesday ea. month via Skype
First Wednesdays ‐ USA and Canada SRT Mee ng: last Wednesday ea. month
First Thursdays ‐ Europe and India
Washington List your virtual SRT
Teacher: Rev. Kathleen A. Butler mee ng for your
360.753.1878 students/community here!
Bi‐Monthly SRT Teleconferences
10 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7
Did you miss an edition of the Ascension?!
You can order back issues - one at a time or an
entire year. Several languages are available.
These contrib‐
utors made a special Contact Patty at the SRA Office
360.413.7881 or e-mail!
dona on in Robert’s
memory to further
his legacy of SRA and Mastering Abundance coming to London!
SRT around the globe.
28-29 September 2013
Russell Adams Erika Lázló, Teacher Linda Turner, Registrar
Valen na Beck Two days to a more abundant life…
Judy P. Becker Learn how to find more
Chun‐Yen Chao Peace
Sandra Clark
Yasmin Comeau
Lisa Gibbings‐Koo Gillian M. Parkinson
Followed by a three month mastery
Bernadine Goldman Adam Serkowski
Pat Janus Debbie & Nigel Souza
process to better create and maintain
Christopher Koo ‐Okpofabri the life of your dreams.
For more information, visit the SRA website
Nalini Lakhan‐Kahn Linda Watson SRA Sponsored
or contact Linda directly!
Cecilia McGarry Be y Wa s
Pam A. Murray Mei Fong Yi
Renata Nemeth Gra tude & Apprecia on
Indira Omah‐Maharaj
If you know a cer fied consultant
or teacher that you believe exem‐
plifies the SRA Mission and Values,
Spiritual Support Commi ee please send the SRA office their name
Lisa Gibbings‐Koo and informa on along with a personal
Trinidad note from yourself. Your note may be
featured in GraƟtude and Apprecia-
I had many ideas on what Ɵon ar cle that appears monthly in the Ascension. We
to write about this wish to commend those who have made an impact and
month. I decided to ask affected others in our community. You may submit these
SPIRIT what would be the nomina ons to the Publica ons Department,
most beneficial topic on .
which to write. I got the
word frustra on. It was
very clear to me that it
Supporters for May 2013
takes many steps to become frustrated. I asked for the The Spiritual Response Associa on Board of Directors
words to explain where frustra on comes from. They would like to thank the following supporters for their
were: injus ce, anger, bi erness, abuse, cowardice, and gracious dona ons in May 2013. Gi s of any amount are
fear. These are just a few reasons for frustra on. De‐ appreciated. Thank you for your support!
pending on the situa on you can have other factors, but Up to $499
these were the ones SPIRIT showed me. It was then I
Veronica Valenzuela Bau Maria Leopardi
saw that we must make a decision to be free from frus‐
Cynthia Chris anson Karla Marie
tra on. I then asked SPIRIT to clear the energies contrib‐
Barbara Copenhaver Gale A Neff
u ng to frustra on.
Ray Delacruz Hong Nguyen
Affirma on: Cindy Gross Regine Ooi
Gabriele Hein Maria O'valles
I am free, clear, construc ve, & posi ve
Irenka Herbert Kathy Rowley
in all that I say and do in my life now. Rosabel Holasie Lyna Singh

11 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

SRA Staff Contact the SRA
SRA Consul ng Line
Execu ve Director Spiritual Response Associa on
Consul ng Line Hours
Rev. Kathleen A. Butler 2909 Pacific Avenue SE
Pacific Time Zone Olympia WA 98501‐2040
Monday ‐ Friday
Administra ve Assistant Phone: 360.413.7881 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Pa y Nixon Fax: 360.413.7882 Saturdays 5:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Bookkeeper/Consul ng Line Call 360.413.7881, select
Nancy Wallace Op on 3, and wait for further prompts.

Cer fica on Coordinator Learn more about the SRA Consul ng Line.
RaShell Jenkins
cer fica

Transla on/Publica on Coordinator

Amy L Robertson

Visit the SRA website to register for classes, view

Audio/Visual Technician If you are a teacher
lists of Cer fied SRT Consultants and Teachers,
Si Ma a interested in crea ng an purchase books, and more.
SRT mee ng in your area,
please contact
Kathleen Butler!

SRT Mee ngs

United States Hungary
CA, Berkeley ‐ 2nd Tue., Nina Brown‐Miller, 510.464.5975 Budapest ‐ Ildikό Garbacz, 36.20.426.4450
CA, Aptos ‐ Shak Wilson, 831.464.8125
CA, Glendora ‐ Alma Gonzalez Robbins, 323.702.9081
CA, Mar nez ‐ Shelley Thomas, 925.688.2330 Malaysia
FL, Miramar ‐ Debora Ramos, 305.401.0607 Kelana Jaya, Selangor ‐ Regine Ooi 60.19.2626020
GA, Atlanta ‐ bi‐monthly, Leah Schweitzer, 678.293.6477
IL, Chicago ‐ Thurs. bi‐monthly, Shirlyn Wright, 773.627.6455 México
MA, Newton ‐ Malabika Shaw, Teleconf., 1st Wed., 617.795.7060 Ciudad de México ‐ Bertha Calvin 55.5683.5653
MN, Woodbury ‐ bi‐monthly, Cecilia McGarry, 651.739.6957
NJ, Hightstown ‐ Monthly, Karen Kent, 609.443.0020
NY, Ithica ‐ Monthly, Nancy Prosper, 607.343.1172 Singapore
OR, Eugene ‐ bi‐monthly, Jan Harris, 541.345.9654 Last Friday ‐ Anthony Wong 65.91881627
TX, Dallas ‐ Monthly, Karla Marie, 214.521.8483
TX, Houston ‐ Beth Vaughan, 281.703.5350
VA, Richmond ‐ Charlene Dortch, 804.839.3123 United Kingdom
WA, Olympia ‐ Rev. Kathleen A. Butler, 360.753.1878 London ‐ Linda Turner, 44.01622.736814
Bogotá ‐ Verónica Bau, 57310.5604110 Venezuela Caracas ‐ Emily Russo, 0412.7361894,
Caracas ‐ Graciela Le au, 0212.9874469 or 0414.2725451
Athens ‐ Last Wednesday, Xenia Ioannidou West Indies, +30.6932.30.39.29 Trinidad ‐ Rev. Lisa Gibbings‐Koo, 868.645.1473
Pireaus ‐ Skype ‐ 2nd Wednesday every month
Pireaus ‐ Last Wednesday of every month

12 Ascension— July 2013 — Vol. 25.7

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