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MAY 2009


We have to let go of our concern or ego attachment to the outcome of our SRT
work otherwise it can affect our connection to SPIRIT.

The secret to being neutral is starting your SRT in a neutral space, and keeping it
there through intention and awareness.

Prep to work (including conscious management of your personal energy)

Linking in to SPIRIT with prayer, ie SPIRIT and I are One, we work together as a
team – and then holding this intention.

Ground and centre yourself. Link yourself to earth’s energies – this facilitates the
flow of energy from SPIRIT into the physical, and allows negative energies to
dissipate more easily. It also helps your client be more present. Centering is the
intention to centre your energy body to the physical (usually around the navel)
and align it with the energy flow from SPIRIT through you to the planet. Both
these take us out of our ego focus and into the NOW.

Use your breath to centre yourself – or any other way that suits you.

Ensure you & your spiritual committees are clear.

Check your & your HS’s level of consciousness.

Ensure you are not holding energy on yourself or your client. Check both
negative & positive.

Check your level of ego and neutrality. Ensure ego is less than 4%.

How neutral am I? 100% is optimal. If less, use simple release statements, such
as “I release all interest in the outcome.” Or “I release myself/this person to the
care of SPIRIT”.

If you know you have an interest in the outcome of some clearing, ask someone
else to do it for you.

Do not work if you are tired, ill, overbusy. Love yourself enough to take time for
yourself. Affirm that others will find what they need directly from SPIRIT.

Allow the love of SPIRIT to work through you rather than trying to do more
(mentally & emotionally)

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