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Volume 21, Number 11 November, 2009

Fear Versus Faith ONS
By Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D. I recently heard a man named Burt Goldman defining ON
“fear” as expecting negative outcomes, and “faith” as CERTIFICATIO
expecting positive outcomes. Although I’m not sure that’s N
the whole definition of each, it made me consider how we
might use these particular definitions in our every day New Consultants
lives. Don Depue
Washington, U.S.A.
(360) 681-0996
Often, when a person expect a negative outcome, that
person begins plotting and planning for how to avoid it or deal with it. Another may
give in to endless worry, fixating on the worst possible outcome. Still another might just Rona Ya Yin Shum
give in to a victim mentality, decide the whole thing is futile, curl up in the fetal position Hong Kong, China
and give up. 852-6131-8100
Using Goldman’s definition, fear can give way to worry. In fact Napoleon Hill, the great
author said, “Worry is a state of mind based on fear.” Ginny Lenaghen
Virginia, U.S.A.
(703) 966-3199
This is not to say that we shouldn’t take reasonable precautions and sensible steps to
sane living, but we need to take those steps from a higher level. When our decisions are
based on worry and fear, our outcomes reflect those emotions. When we step aside from New SRT Teacher
worry and fear, our decisions are more rational and usually manifest in a more positive Danayde Abreu
result. Florida, U.S.A.
(954) 404-3176
Continued on page 2


SRA Extra SRT Methodology SRA Classes Lisa Gibbings-Koo
Congratulations on Trinidad, West Indies
Healing Separation SRA International
Certification.....................1 868-645-1473
Energies and Beliefs Classes..........................7
SRT Update for (Part 1).........................3 SRA USA & Canada
November........................7 By: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook
Classes...........................8 Renewed Consultant
SRA Board, Advisory M.A.G.I.C. Julie Ann Maxey
SRA Meetings Texas, U.S.A.
Committee, and Staff Fear Versus Faith..........1
SRA Meetings..............10 (903) 569-5346
Spotlight..........................9 By: Rev. Pam Murray
Continued on page 2
CONGRATULAT M.A.G.I.C. continued from page 1
IONS Once, while being interviewed for an article, I was asked what I worry most about. I
ON thought for a second and responded that I rarely worry, because I consider it a form of
blasphemy in that worry is a way of saying that I don’t trust SPIRIT and that I don’t
think SPIRIT is more powerful than my problems.
Renewed Consultant
Nagy Béla We’ve talked about fear and worry being the states in which a negative outcome is
Budapest, Hungary expected. Let’s now explore how faith, using Goldman’s definition, can help us turn fear
36 30-5002864 around.
It’s largely a matter of being aware of our thoughts and reactions to what is happening
Renewed SRT Teacher around us.
Linda Turner
Detling, Kent, U.K.
When something happens to us—or when something may happen to us—we usually have
0044 (0) 1622 736814
an initial reaction based on our past experiences and current beliefs. The moment after
linda@ the initial reaction is when we subconsciously make a decision about whether to create
fear or faith around it.
Renewed SpR Teacher
Beth Vaughan If your initial reaction is hope and expectancy, keep going with that. If you find that you
Texas, U.S.A. begin to worry or to fear a possible negative outcome, the first question to ask is, “What
(281) 703-5350
would this look like if it were better?”

By entertaining thoughts of “better” as quickly as possible, you almost automatically

begin to reap benefits. Your breathing will slow, your focus will change, and you will
start to move into a more rational mental and emotional state. From this state you can
look at the situation more objectively, seeing the possibilities and the issues that need
your attention. When you examine a situation from fear and worry, your brain waves
move at a rate that, in essence, keeps you from making decisions that lead you toward the
highest end result.
You may say, “But, those negative thoughts and worries just keep coming back. I can’t
New Consultant seem to control them. What do I do about that?” When I was learning how to focus on
Nancy Propsner faith (better), I certainly had the same problem. Even now, I occasionally find myself in a
New Jersey, U.S.A. downward spiral of worry and need to stop myself.
(908) 453-3311 The solution is very simple. Just keep bringing yourself back to asking, “What would
better look like?”
Renewed SRT Teacher
Nathalie Ekobo
Being aware of or considering negative outcomes is not the problem. It becomes an issue
Arizona, U.S.A.
(602) 881-3040
when you are emotionally involved in it on an ongoing basis. This is when your body begins to create toxic chemicals that can harm your body and affect your mind.

When you get into the emotional state of directing your thoughts and emotions to a better
and positive outcome, your body produces chemicals that lead to better health and a
clearer mental state, allowing you to see a more accurate picture.

Page 2
Continued on page 6
Healing Separation Energies and Beliefs BOARD OF
(Part 1)
By Kathryn Hamilton-Cook
Mary Ann Detzler
Washington, U.S.A.
In the October 2009 Ascension, we talked in general about
strengthening our spiritual connection. Central to this discussion Vice President
is examining what keeps us feeling separated from the Spirit that Pamela A. Murray
Washington, U.S.A.
we are. We say the words “SPIRIT and I are ONE,” or “We are
all ONE,” but do we really believe it on every level? If we are divine spiritual beings Secretary
creating our own experience, why are we so often unaware of how we manage to create Paul Irish, Jr.
the challenges in our lives? The simple answer is that we live in a state of separation Washington, U.S.A.

from who we really are, and this separation causes us to feel powerless. In a very real Treasurer
sense, we end up repeating the same negative patterns over and over because of this Marianne Blaha
perceived separation and helplessness. Albertshofen, Germany

Of course, simply living in the physical is to experience separation. High Self tells us Yamini Bhatt
that our Soul/Spirit meticulously plans every lifetime, yet we rarely have conscious Texas, U.S.A.
awareness of this intention once we have incarnated. Negative circumstances are almost Karla Marie
always a shock and a surprise, and the first inclination is simply to “get rid of them.” In Texas, U.S.A.
fact, it is tempting to approach SRT work as a way to eliminate a perceived negative Virginia Prescott
outcome/circumstance, as if the problem/circumstance is not of our doing—High Self New Jersey, U.S.A.
can surely rescue us! What if we instead ask the general question, what is it that keeps Linda Turner
me or my client from full knowing of how we are creating in our lives? What if we Kent, United Kingdom
could change the way we create in the first place? This is the deeper work that
encourages empowerment and real change.
Deepen Your SRT Practice
A central tenant of SRT is that our experience is a result of our beliefs, perceptions, and INTERNATIONAL
judgments—how and what we experience is in large part determined by the spiritual, COMMITTEE
mental, and emotional programming resulting for past life experience that engenders Marianne Blaha - Chair
those beliefs, or from preprogramming by SPIRIT. It is not enough to have an Albertshofen, Germany
intellectual understanding that we are one with SPIRIT to overcome this feeling of Kathleen Butler
separation. We must also transform the misperception and blocking beliefs that we are Arizona, U.S.A.
separate from SPIRIT. I use the term “transform” because embracing a different belief,
Robert E. Detzler
perception, and judgment about who we are and how we relate to SPIRIT goes beyond Washington, U.S.A.
clearing. It also involves healing our emotional and mental patterns and habits so that we
Irenka Herbert
truly know and feel the Spirit within. It also involves working to energetically upgrade
Newport, Wales
and manage our physical “vehicle” to support our connection.
Erika Laszlo
If you are looking for a place to start with this transformation, you can always begin Budapest, Hungary
with the SRT clearing process itself. This process is designed to encourage our Emily Matweow
connection to SPIRIT and to begin to piece together an understanding of how our past Calgary, Canada
experiences have caused us to create the circumstances of our “now” lifetime. In Carmen Pluciennik
general, nearly all programs we identify and clear have some component of distorting Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
our relationship to SPIRIT/Source or blocking our full expression of who we are as Emily Russo
spiritual beings. Caracas, Venezuela

Continued on page 4 Shakti Wilson Page 3

California, U.S.A.
BOOKS SRT METHODOLOGY continued from page 3
FOR SALE Clearing Blocks to Working with SPIRIT/HS
We encourage SRT practitioners to have a regular spiritual practice such as meditation
that affirms their spiritual connection. While stating the intention “SPIRIT and I are
ONE” is a good start, it’s best to articulate that intention from a true place of knowing.
Your High Self can help you identify beliefs that keep you from feeling “in your bones”
that you are pure Spirit. Ask, do I truly believe that I AM SPIRIT? Do I truly feel that I
AM SPIRIT? If not, why not? Is the cause spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical? (It
can be all of them.) While High Self will often identify to us in our own clearing sessions
these types blocking programs, it doesn’t hurt to be thorough and conscious about asking.
The Freedom Path:
Here is a sampling of questions you can ask.
Your Mind Net to Clear Your
Soul Records
Do I have any blocks to working with SPIRIT? If so, what are they? Just about any
type of program can block us from receiving clear information and understanding.
Subconscious beliefs picked up from past lives is one typical reason. If we’ve been killed
or tortured because of our spiritual beliefs or practice in past lives, then we may block
that connection in this lifetime. These programs are many and varied, but thankfully easy
to clear. Any program that has an aspect of discordant energy (and that’s all of them)
may in some way block us working with SPIRIT. If they don’t come up in your research,
High Self will clear many of these in mop-up. Verify that this has been done.

Soul Re-Creation:
Sometimes blocks may be first identified as a blocking being, such as a discarnate or
Developing Your Cosmic
even High Self. If this is a continual problem, dig deeper. Ask, is there a reason I keep
$19.95 getting blocked? You can ask High Self to identify the reason on a chart, then ask that
the reason be cleared. For example, you may have unresolved past life energy with them,
or they fulfill some negative belief or program you have about your relationship with
SPIRIT. It is not uncommon for people plagued by discarnates or other blocks to have
some other underlying program such as of unworthiness, Hate of God, or separation
energies (in these cases, we’re drawing the blocking being into our experience to fulfill
this program). Instead of simply getting into victimization beliefs about this scenario, we
can first acknowledge how our consciousness has created this scenario, and give thanks
for the awareness and opportunity to change that consciousness.
Spiritual Healing
Many blocks to working with SPIRIT are preprogrammed by SPIRIT. Separation
programs that are preprogrammed from our inception are simply preset scenarios for
learning. Because they are programmed in at the highest levels of our consciousness
(SPIRIT level, Etheric, and First Astral, the first three “bodies” of our consciousness),
they permeate every level of our spiritual development. Make sure your High Self knows
how to clear and remove SPIRIT-level programming such as Soul Root Beliefs, Soul
Programs, Archetypes, Race Beliefs, and Scarring (and your High Self is clear of this
programming themselves). If not identified in research, these programs should be cleared
in mop-up (verify that they are).
SRT Dictionary of Terms
You can also check the energies you hold on SPIRIT. Quite often you will find
something less than 100% positive or more than 0% negative (both the optimum).
Interestingly, the very idea that we are “working with SPIRIT” may hold an element of
separation for many. Some may subconsciously understand this to mean that we are
Page 4
Continued on page 5
SRT METHODOLOGY continued from page 4
separate from SPIRIT, and thus must make an effort to “work with” SPIRIT. A more
empowering thought is that we work with SPIRIT effortlessly, because we are SPIRIT.
Executive Editors
Do I have any blocks to working with or communicating with High Self or other Mary Ann Detzler
guidance? Again, while “we” are all SPIRIT, including guidance, we can have beliefs Kathryn Hamilton-Cook
that we are separate and can be victimized by our guidance. Do you believe you can be
betrayed or victimized by High Self or other committees such as guardian angels or Spiritual Response
healing committee? You can also check energies by asking “How much positive Founder
energy do I hold on High Self (or other committees), how much negative?” As with Robert E. Detzler
SPIRIT, thinking of our High Self committee as separate helpers has the ironic effect
Design and Layout
of encouraging separation beliefs in general. I’ll repeat that, because we do make a
Leigh Bacharach
point in SRT to identify, clear, and talk about our High Self as “separate” from us.
While it is often useful to discern a difference in our energies (as in “my right hand is
different from my left”), it is also important to affirm our oneness with our guidance. If
we focus on the “otherness” of our High Self, it is too easy to fall into negative
relationship beliefs such as betrayal, victimization, unworthiness of love, distrust, etc.
Commit to a Deeper Connection Executive Director
Looking at our separation beliefs can be challenging and “sticky” (meaning recurring), Leigh Bacharach
so be prepared to spend some time exploring this issue. Remember, if we are divine
spiritual beings creating our experience, then any separation, abandonment, betrayal, or Office Manager
victimization we feel is a direct reflection of our OWN consciousness. Do you have Diane Detzler
any conscious or subconscious beliefs that will block you from working with SPIRIT/
High Self? Ask, do I believe I can be betrayed by High Self/SPIRIT? Do I believe that Consultant Manager
I can be lied to, neglected, or abandoned by guidance? Why do I believe that I can’t Beth Richardson
trust High Self/SPIRIT? Remember that conscious beliefs must be shifted through
choice and practice—High Self cannot simply “clear” them for you. If you feel that Administrative Assistant
you are stuck in a “habit” of feeling/believing you are victimized by guidance, affirm Amber Darkwood
that if you can create betrayal, you can certainly create support. Say “I deserve love
Full Charge Bookkeeper
and support NOW. I am receiving spiritual, mental, and emotional support NOW. I
Carmen Coleman Saari
love and embrace all parts of myself that do not feel loved and supported NOW.”
Certification Coordinator
Over the next few weeks, try checking on these questions as a regular part of your SRT Dee McDonald
practice for yourself. Notice how each awareness shifts your mental, emotional, and
physical feelings and supports a clearer healing intention for yourself and others. Know
that you are supported absolutely in your intention to heal.

In the next part of this series, we’ll talk about the biggest challenge to feeling separate
from SPIRIT—fear and the ego.

© 2009 Kathryn Hamilton-Cook. All Rights Reserved.

SRA Center
Olympia, WA

Page 5
SRA M.A.G.I.C. continued from page 2
RECOGNIZED We must still use wisdom and make sensible decisions. Even when something looks very
ASCENSION good, we need to examine it and consult with SPIRIT about any precautions to take. And,
when things look serious, we may wish to take steps, such as consulting with a trusted
DISTRIBUTORS health practitioner or a career consultant or a mental counselor.
SRA authorized distributors of
translated editions of the Even when we are taking preventive steps or looking for potential problems in a
Ascension are listed below. situation, by keeping our thoughts and focus at the highest level possible, we have a
Please contact the distributor for much better chance of making right decisions.
the language desired to confirm
that they will distribute outside
It also helps to keep us from worrying about events that will never even happen. As the
of their country.
old saying goes, “Why open your umbrella if it’s not raining?”
To subscribe to an English
Ascension distributed worldwide You might enjoy the following quotes:
contact the SRA for a
subscription form. Deep faith eliminates fear.
- Lech Walesa
For Czech translation
distributed in Europe contact Worry is a god, invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and
Lucie Novakova,
lightness from the pulse; it takes away the appetite, and turns the hair gray.
(42) 604 92 6414,
- Benjamin Disraeli

For German translation Bacteria and other microorganisms find it easier to infect people who worry and
distributed in Europe contact fret.
Marianne Blaha, - Leo Rangell
0049 (0)9321 382369, Rule No. 1 is, don't sweat the small stuff. Rule No. 2 is, it's all small stuff.
- Robert Eliot
For Hungarian translation
distributed in Europe e-mail
I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never or
- Mark Twain
For Spanish translation
distributed in Venezuela contact Imagination frames events unknown, In wild, fantastic shapes of hideous ruin,
Graciela Lettau, Caracas, And what it fears, creates.
(58) 212 987 4469 or - Hannah More
Emily Russo,

For Greek translation

distributed in Greece contact
Xenia Ioannidou at 30 6932 30 AFFIRMATIONS
39 29 or 30 210 42 97 105, “I can look at this differently.”
“What would this look like if it were better?”

Page 6
SRA Extra
SRT Update for November All services and classes are
Here are some new or newer items you will want to check for yourself and clients (if offered on a non-
they don’t come up in research, then check them as part of your cross-checks in mop-up discriminatory basis. Each
until High Self tells you they are all getting cleared automatically every time): individual is honored as a
unique spiritual being.
 Making sure all Soul Programs are cleared, including Soul Programs listed on Chart
Donations, offerings, tithes are
1 and Chart 10A. For Soul Programs listed on Chart 1, Robert Detzler now finds
gratefully accepted for
there are 59. One common program lately is “self-preservation.” Soul Programs
furthering the Association’s
listed on Chart 10A are usually cleared as part of the eight pre-programmed set that work. We wish to “thank all of
also includes Race Beliefs, World Energies, Multiple Souls, Subconscious Clutter, you” who have contributed.
Vows, Curses, Scarring.
© 2009 Spiritual Response
 For recurring issues, ask “Does the body want to heal?” If no, you can ask which of Association. All rights
the eighteen bodies is blocked this way. Typically, this block occurs at “the top”: reserved.
SPIRIT, Etheric body, and First Astral body may have this. Ask that it be cleared,
then ask “Is the body in the process of healing?” If not, you may have to do
additional research.

 If you get sent to Chart 6A, make sure your High Self knows to clear all negative
words at all levels, including all negative words in this ONE Universe (not all are HOURS
listed on Chart 6A). Then verify that this has been completed. Pacific Time
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
 While not new, remember to verify that you or your client is cleared to New 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Paradigm of RADIANT LOVE on the back of Chart 3 (it is not printed on the Wednesday
Chart—imagine that it occupies a place eight-plus feet above the page). You should 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
also be making sure your guidance is cleared to this level. Be very thorough about Friday
your intention to have this cleared. If it works for you, you can ask “clear every jot, 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
tittle, paragraph, and close and seal the books.”
CLASSES - INTERNATIONAL Phone: (360) 413-7881
Czech Republic Teacher: Michael Hill Fax: (360) 413-7882
Teacher: Dr. Magdelena Lautnreová (44) 01892-533977, E-mail:
(42) 603 752 229,
Advanced SRT: 20 - 22 November, 2009 Basic SRT: 30 October - 1 November, 2009 Web:
Sp. Restructuring: 26 Nov. - 1 Dec., 2009 Advanced SRT: 6 - 8 November 2009
Basic SRT: 5 - 7 February, 2010 All classes in Athens.
Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010
All classes in Prague.
Teacher: Regine Ooi
Greece (60) 19 262 6020, Spiritual Response
Teacher: Anna Papadatou Basic SRT: 29 - 31 October, 2009 Association
(30) 210 766 0125, Advanced SRT: 20 - 22 November, 2009 2909 Pacific Avenue SE
Basic SRT: 21 - 22 November, 2009 All classes in Selangor. Olympia, WA 98501-2040
Advanced SRT: 27 - 29 November, 2009
All classes in Athens.
Teacher: Veronica Y. Bau Valenzuela
(52) 777-3140811,
Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 October, 2009,
Queretaro Page 7
Continued on page 8
WEBSITE Mexico Teacher Amanda Roberts
INFO. Teacher: Alma Gonzalez Robbins (44) 020-7733-2659,
(323) 702-9081,
Our website is kept up-to-date Basic SRT: 30 October - 1 November, 2009
with founder, Robert E. Sp. Restructuring: Call for Schedule. Advanced SRT: 28 - 30 November, 2009
Detzler’s class schedule. In Basic SRT: 16 - 18 January, 2010
addition some of our certified Spain
Advanced SRT: 13 - 15 February, 2010
teachers have their classes Teacher: Tineke Visser-Klaver
Basic SRT: 6 - 8 March, 2010
listed on the SRA website. (34) 928 51 40 02,
Advanced SRT: 20 - 22 March, 2010
Advanced SRT: 2 - 7 November, 2009
Many of our teachers are All classes in London.
All classes in Lanzarote.
willing to travel or schedule a Teacher: Jaime Tanna
Teacher: Dóra Czuczor
class in your area if there is (44) 020 8693-8514,
enough interest. If you do not Basic SRT: 23 - 25 October, 2009
Review SRT: 19 - 20 December, 2009,
see a class listed in your area, Advanced SRT: 6 - 8 November, 2009
Estepona, all classes taught in English.
contact an individual teacher All classes in London.
to see if they have anything Sweden
Teacher: Marja Varets-Guliker
scheduled. For a complete Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert
(44) 01342 823710,
listing of Certified Teachers (44) 016-3366-9638,
and Certified Consultants
Basic SRT: 6 - 8 November, 2009
contact the SRA directly. Sp. Restructuring: 23 - 25 April plus 30 April
Advanced SRT: 27 - 29 November, 2009
- 1 May, 2010 Melbystrand.
Contact the individual teachers All classes in Forest Row, East Sussex.
for prices, starting times, and Teacher: Alice Wai Ling Foehn Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert
registration deadlines. All (852) 9099 9810, (44) 016 3366 9638,
classes are subject to change. Advanced SRT: 23 - 25 October, 2009 Sp. Restructuring: 6 - 11 November, 2009 Advanced SRT: 28 - 31 January, 2010,
All classes in Taipei. Newport, South Wales.
Sp. Restructuring: 19 - 21 plus 27 - 29
United Kingdom
March, 2010, Dundee, Scotland, (in Polish).
Teacher: Bridget Mary-Clare
Advanced SRT: 1 - 4 April, 2010, Dundee,
(44) 07867 801129,
Scotland, (in Polish).
Advanced SRT: 6 - 9 November, 2009 West Indies
All classes in Banchory near Aberdeen, Teacher: Lisa Koo
Scotland. (868) 645-1473,
Advanced SRT: 13 - 15 November, 2009,
Connecting with Spirit, we
willingly work for healing
of self and serve others as a
Arizona Teacher: Bernadine Goldman
support in their healing.
Teacher: Kathleen Butler (520) 575-5092,
(480) 961-8141, Advanced SRT: January 28 - 31, 2010
Sp. Restructuring: October 25 - 31, 2009 All classes in Tucson.
Basic SRT: December 10 - 13, 2009
All classes in Chandler.
Teacher: Shakti Wilson
Teacher: Nathalie Ekobo (831) 464-8125,
(602) 881-3040, Advanced SRT: November 2009, Aptos.
Advanced SRT: November 5 - 8, 2009
Teacher: Rev. Alma Gonzalez Robbins
Basic SRT: January 14 - 17, 2010
(323) 702-9081,
All classes in Scottsdale.
Page 8
Continued on page 9 Sp. Restructuring: in Mexico, call for details.
CLASSES - USA & CANADA continued from page 8 SRA BOARD,
Teacher: Shelley Thomas Virginia COMMITTEE,
(925) 688-2330, Teacher: Charlene Dortch
Advanced SRT: December 5 - 7, 2009, (804) 839-3123,
Martinez. Basic SRT: November 12 - 15, 2009
Pam Murray
Advanced SRT: December 3 - 6, 2009 SRA Board Member
All classes in Richmond. Vice President
Teacher: Leni Onkka
(719) 547-7984, Washington
Advanced SRT: November 5 - 8, Teacher: Rolf F-J
2009,Pueblo. (360) 268-2528,
Basic SRT: October 28 - 30, 2009
Sp. Restructuring: December 13 - 18, 2009
Teacher: Malabinka Shaw
All classes in Westport or Olympia.
(515) 720-9520, Teacher: Beth Richardson
Review SRT: November 14 - 15, 2009, (360) 923-4711,
Ankeny. Advanced SRT: Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 2009 Rev. Pamela A. Murray, Ph.D.
Basic SRT: November 12 - 15, 2009 has been teaching spiritual
Advanced SRT: December 3 - 6, 2009 growth classes, serving as
Teacher: Elvia “Cecilia” McGarry
All classes in Lacey. coach, mentor, and counselor
(651) 739-6957,
for 20+ years. She is the
Sp. Restructuring: November 7 - 12, 2009, Teacher: Catherine Connon
author of two self-
Woodbury. (206) 932-6554
development books, has
Advanced SRT: October 22 - 25, 2009,
New Jersey hosted a Body, Mind, and
Teacher: Karen Kent (609) 716-8700 Spirit TV show, taught power Teacher: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook teaming, coaching,
Advanced SRT: December 4 - 6, 2009, (425) 836-3658 communication, and
Plainsboro. Basic SRT: January 8 - 11, 2010 organization for the Boeing
Advanced SRT: April 9 - 12, 2010 Company. At Unity Bellevue,
Teacher: Virginia Prescott (609) 497-4746
All classes in Redmond. she served as lay ministry and
Sp. Restructuring: Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 2009 Wisconsin training director.
Basic SRT: November 20 - 23, 2009 Teacher: Janice Puta
She practices Reiki,
Advanced SRT: December 4 - 7, 2009 (920) 929-8770,
channeling, laying on of
Sp. Restructuring: December 11 - 13 plus Review SRT: October 31 - November 1, 2009,
hands, meditation, yoga, tai
December 18 - 20, 2009 Fond du Lac.
chi, and more.
All classes in Princeton.
SRA Sponsored Classes
New Mexico (360) 413-7881, Pam is a SRA Certified
Teacher: Cyndi James-Clayton Teacher, Vice President of the
Teacher: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook or SRA Board of Directors, and
(806) 773-3413,
Yamini Bhatt the only active SRA Mastery
Sp. Restructuring: November 1 - 7, 2009,
SRT Intensive Skills: teacher serving the global SRT
November 6 - 8, 2009, Orlando, Florida community.
New York SRT Intensive Skills:
Teacher: Karen Kent February 13 - 15, 2010, Houston, Texas
(609) 716-8700 SRT Intensive Skills: March, 2010, Los Angeles, California
Basic SRT: November 13 - 16, 2009, New
Teacher: Rev. Pamela Murray
Self Mastery I: October 24 - 25, 2009,
Oregon Passau, Bavaria, Germany
Teacher: Janet Harris Mastering Abundance: November 14 - 15,
(541) 345-9654, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona
Basic SRT: October 30 - November 2, 2009 Self Mastery I: February 20 - 21, 2010,
Basic SRT: December 4 - 7, 2009 Trinidad
All classes in Eugene.
Page 9
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Volume 21, Number 11 November, 2009


United States United Kingdom
AZ, Chandler - Kathleen Butler, (480) 961-8141 London - Linda Turner, (44) 01622 736814
AZ, Scottsdale - Nathalie Ekobo, (602) 881-3040
AZ, Tucson - Bernadine Goldman, (520) 575-5092
CA, Berkeley - 2nd Tue., Nina Brown-Miller, (510) 464-5975 Venezuela
CA, Capitola - Shakti Wilson, (831) 464-8125 Caracas - Emily Russo, 0412 7361894
CA, Glendora - Alma Gonzalez Robbins, (323) 702-9081
CA, Fountain Valley - Maria Rivera, (714) 293-2751
CA, Martinez - Shelley Thomas, (925) 688-2330 Caracas - Graciela Lettau, 0212 9874469 or
GA, Atlanta - bi-monthly, Leah Schweitzer, (770) 435-1586 0414 2725451
IL, Chicago - Thurs. bi-monthly, Shirlyn Wright, (773) 627-6455
MI, Troy - Donitza Smith, (248) 879-6834 West Indies
MN, Woodbury - bi-monthly, Cecilia McGarry, (651) 739-6957 Trinidad - Lisa Koo, (868) 645-1473
NJ, Chatham - last Thurs., Ray Delacruz, (973) 635-9677
NY, New York - 2ns Sun., Gary Torres, (212) 864-5653
OR, Eugene - bi-monthly, Jan Harris, (541) 345-9654
TX, Dallas - 2nd Wed., Karla Marie, (214) 521-8483
TX, Houston - Yamini Bhatt, (281) 684-9634
TX, Houston - Beth Vaughan, (281) 703-5350
TX, Houston - Cindy Wilson, (281) 647-9634
TX, Lubbock - Cindi James-Clayton, (806) 783-0097

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