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Lesson 7

Office Objects


The human resource manager helps the new employee set up at the office.

Human Resources Manager: Now that we are finished with your

new employee paperwork, I am going to show you to your desk that
you will be working at. Follow me. (Leads the new employee to her

New Employee: Thank you.

Human Resources Manager: Here is your desk. We have already
prepared all the necessary office supplies for you. If you run out of
anything, you may request for more when necessary. I have assigned
my secretary to help you with any additional that you might need.

New Employee: Thank you. May I ask where the printer is?
Human Resources Manager: It is right around the corner. You can also find
ink cartridges in the shelf that is next to the printer.

New Employee: Where should I put my personal items?

Human Resources Manager: You could leave them on your desk.
However, I would advise you to lock your valuable items in the

Synonyms of:
a. Finish
i. complete, to be done, end
G3 Business English

b. Request
i. ask for, demand
c. Assign
i. appoint to, allocate, give responsibility
Paperwork (n): work that involves dealing with written documents, reports,
letters, etc. E.g. My boss has to approve the paperwork./ I have a lot of paperwork
to catch up with.

G3 Business English
Publication (n): The ‘publication of’ information is the act of making it known to
public. E.g. We have to make sure that the publication of our company’s website is
on time.

Office supplies (n): tools and objects that you use in the office. Office
supplies include folders, staples, paper clips, pencils, hole punchers, sticky
notes, tape, notepad paper, glue, etc.

Personal items (n): things that belong to you. E.g. Do not leave your personal
items unattended in public spaces./Please take all of your personal items before
you leave the office.

Ink cartridges (n): ink that the printer uses to print.

Finish (v): to complete something—to be done with something. E.g. Have you
finished the report yet?

Find (v): to look for something and see where it is. E.g. If you can’t find your
personal items, please check at the lost and found.

Request (v): to ask for something politely and formally. E.g. I requested the IT
Department to fix my work computer.

Assign (v): If you ‘assign’ work to someone, you give them work to do. E.g. My
boss assigned a lot of paperwork for me to do. / I assigned Mary to help you out
with the paperwork.

1. Do you have to do a lot of paperwork for your job? What kind of
paperwork do you have to deal with?
2. Discuss with your coach about the office supplies that you use
3. Have you ever requested anything from your employer? What did you
request? How did you request for it?

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