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Physical Education Reviewer

SIT AND REACH 1. Which of the following activity that is designed to measure the flexibility of your hamstrings and
lower back?
PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES 2. Activities such as biking and dancing are examples of what activity?
CARDIOVASCULAR 3. What is the ability your heart, lungs, and muscles work together when you’re exercising for
an extended period of time?
15.31 4. If your weight is 30kgs and your height is 1.40 meters, what would be your BMI and standard equivalent?
LATIN 5. Rumba, jive and cha cha cha are examples of what ballroom dance category?
BODY MASS INDEX 6.It refers to the measurement of a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of
height in meters.
MUSCULAR ENDURANCE 7.What is the ability of a given muscle to exert force, consistently and repetitively, over a
period of time?
HIP HOP 8. These top rocks, downrock, freeze, and power moves are improvised steps of what dance form?
FOLK DANCE 9. Which dance form that tells about our culture and traditions?
NUTRITION 10. The following are barriers to participation in dance except on, what is this?
HEALTH 11. Which of the following is not a barrier to participation in dance?
MUSCULAR ENDURANCE 12. From his first week in the gym, he carries 5kg.each of dumbbell and repetition of 10
of 3 sets. What health related fitness being demonstrated?
SPLIT 13. Which of the following is an activity for flexibility?
MUSCULAR STRENGTH 14. Hedilyn Diaz is a weightlifter, which among of the following HRF is being displayed
during lifting of the barbell?
FLEXIBILITY 15. What HRF are we testing in doing sit and reach?
FREQUENCY 16. It refers to as it applies to exercise, refers to how many times a week you do dance trainings.
It is one component of the basic F.I.😭. principles that guide us in creating and changing workout programs.
50%-60% 17. Which of the following that supports intensity in FITT principle?
100.4-120.5 18.Which of the following is the Training Heart Rate of a 19 years old in moderate intensity?
RECOVERY PRINCIPLE 19.Principle suggests that dancers need adequate time to recuperate from the training
regime and participating in a competition. What principle is this?
TYPE 20. Body stretching, high and low impact aerobics, dancing, which of the FITT principle these refers to?
202 21. If you are a grade 12 student and 18 years old, what would be your maximal heart rate?
OVERLOAD PRINCIPLE 22. The goal is to increase the intensity, duration, type, or time of the dance training
progressively in order to see adaptations. Which among the training principle is being referred?
PROGRESSION PRINCIPLE 23.This continuously increase workload gradually as your body adapts to it, what
training principle is being referred?
SET OBJECTIVE 24. When you plan a dance training goal what should be the first step to do?
EVALUATE 25. In setting your training goal, the last thing to do is to make sure that your goal is attained, what is
the last thing to do?
PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES 26. What activities that requires energy expenditures.
VIGOROUS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 27.It refers to a large amount of energy that caused fast breathing that
increases heart rate.
MODERATE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 28.What activity that refers to an average amount of effort that moderately
increase heart rate?
BALLET 29. Pirouette and grand jete and assemble are examples of dance steps. Which form of dance that
represents these samples?
FOLK DANCE 30.What dance of the people which consist of culture and tradition of a country handed from
generation to generation?
BREAK DANCE 31. What is this old school style of hiphop dance, that is unstructured, and improvisation includes
gymnastic and acrobatic movements?
JETE 32.Which of the following not included in ballroom dance?
TANGO 33.Which of the following is a partner dance?
LEAP 34. Which of the following movements spends a large amount of energy and increases heart rate?
CULTURAL 35. Increase self-confidence and self-esteem are benefits of dancing. Which benefit of dance does this
HEART RATE 36. Which is an indicator wherein the intensity of the activity is measured by the percentage of the
personal maximal heart rate during exercise or dancing, which shows the number of beats in a minute?
203 37. If you are 17 years old, how much would be your Maximal Heart rate?
101. 50 – 121.8 38. Base on the correct answer in number 2, what is your training heart rate in moderate physical
activities at 50% and 60%?
HEART RATE 39. What indicator which involve the counting of the exact pulse rate obtain through the wrist, neck
and in the chest?
PACE 40. What way of determining the number of paces needed in traveling between two points.
6 41. What is the average pace factor in these three points of travel: In a given distance of 15 ft., Point AB is 5
pirouettes for 5 seconds, Point BA 3 pirouette for 8 seconds, and po
8 SECOND 42.Based on the number 6 question, what would be the speed?
SPIN AND TWIRL 43. How do you do pirouette?
SLIDE,CUT,HOP 44. The following are step pattern in folk dancing, which among these is Mazurka?
220 45. What is the highest heart rate of a person?
GUNNAR BORG 46. Who designed the Rate of Perceived Exertion?
MAXIMUM 47.What intensity is between 50% and 60%?
140.7 – 160.8 48. If you are 19years old and very active athlete, what would be your training heart rate in 70% and
80% ?
140.7 49. In reference to your answer in number 13, what is the lower limit?
160.8 50. In number 13 there is an answer for 70% and 80%, what is the higher limit?

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