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Hello everyone. When you faced with challenges in a relationship, do you choose to
solve the problems or end the relationship directly? I have encountered people who
make efforts to coordinate, and overcome complications, while others choose to
avoid everything and terminate the relationship.

Today's my topic is: the SOP for repairing and breaking up a relationship.

I will discuss the reasons for relationship discord, the process and obstacles of
repair, the effects and impacts after successful repair, and the outcomes following
failed repair leading to a breakup.

Falling in love and maintaining a relationship are two different things; it's easy
to love each other but getting along is difficult. I often find myself in conflicts
with my boyfriend over trivial daily matters. I believe there are three reasons
that lead to arguments.

The first is improper communication patterns, where both parties fail to

effectively express their feelings and expectations.

The second is inadequate emotional management, allowing emotions to override

rationality too easily.

The final reason is unresolved past issues, becoming triggers for future conflicts.

When facing problems in a relationship,

my initial reaction is "communication." For example, during the summer vacation, my

boyfriend often got angry with me. Despite feeling angry and wronged, I chose to
communicate with him first to understand why he was always getting angry.

It turned out that he was irritable due to the hot weather,

but I reminded him that he couldn't take it out on me because of the weather, and I
didn't like being treated harshly.

After confirming each other's needs and expectations and communicating solutions,
he gradually stopped getting irritable due to the hot weather and angry with me.

However, if I hadn't chosen to communicate effectively from the beginning and had
instead expressed my dissatisfaction in an emotional way, the problem might have
escalated, leading to hurtful words and ultimately a cold war or breakup.

A "successful argument process" not only resolve problems in a relationship but

also bring various benefits. First, appropriate arguing is a form of communication
between two people, and as long as we are willing, we can gain something from it.
Second, it releases emotions and dispels negative energy. Third, it can prevent
future conflicts and the formation of grudges. Lastly, it can enhance the
relationship and promote mutual growth.

Next is the result of failed relationship repair leading to a breakup. If conflicts

arise in a relationship and there is no communication or if the aftermath of an
argument is not reconciled through finding a "balance point", the relationship is
likely to end. Even in subsequent relationships, similar problems may lead to a
breakup. We should learn something from each relationship to avoid repeating the
same mistakes in the future.
Shakespeare said, "The course of true love never did run smooth; love is tested by
hardships, but love also conquers hardships." I am discussing this topic today to
convey this truth. Even family members with blood ties cannot avoid arguments, let
alone two individuals coming from completely different families. I hope that in the
future, no matter what conflicts you encounter with others, you can communicate
well. Don't rush to give up on the relationship, and don't be too eager for success
in the communication process. In the end, it's the reconciliation that matters

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