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● Liquor Amnii: About 600 mL of amniotic fluid {Amniotic fluid is the

fluid that surrounds your baby during pregnancy. It's very important for
your baby's development. During pregnancy, your baby grows inside the
amniotic sac (bag) inside your uterus (womb).} surrounds the baby at full
term (40 weeks gestation). The amniotic fluid constantly moves
(circulates) as the baby swallows and "inhales" the fluid, and then
releases it. The amniotic fluid helps: The developing baby to move
in the womb, which allows for proper bone growth.

● Putrefaction: is the decay of organic matter by microorganisms. It

occurs 10 to 20 days after death. The process involves:

● Decomposition of proteins

● Breakdown of tissues

● Liquefaction of organs

● Membranes: A thin piece of skin that covers or connects parts of a

person's or animal's body.

● A neonate is a newborn baby, specifically a baby in the first 4 weeks

after birth. After a month, a baby is no longer considered a neonate.

● Asphyxia is a condition where the body doesn't get enough oxygen. It

can be caused by:
Interruption of breathing
Inadequate oxygen supply
Abnormal breathing

● Pleura the thin covering that protects the lungs.

● intrauterine maceration When a fetus dies in utero, there are
changes in the skin and tissues—termed fetal maceration. This
process takes place entirely in the womb and stops once the fetus is

● Vernix caseosa, also known as vernix, is the waxy white substance found
coating the skin of newborn human babies. It is produced by dedicated
cells and is thought to have some protective roles during fetal
development and for a few hours after birth. Newborn baby
immediately after birth, covered in vernix.

● Cicatrix is a mark resembling a scar especially when caused by the

previous attachment of an organ or part.

● Atelectasis is a complete or partial collapse of the entire lung or area

(lobe) of the lung. It occurs when the tiny air sacs (alveoli) within the
lung become deflated or possibly filled with alveolar fluid.

● Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious (STI) disease caused by the

bacterium Treponema pallidum. This bacterium causes infection when it
gets into broken skin or mucus membranes, usually of the genitals.
Syphilis is most often transmitted through sexual contact, although it also
can be transmitted in other ways.

● Contusion is the medical term for a bruise. It is the result of a direct blow
or an impact, such as a fall. Contusions are common sports injuries. Most
people think of a bruise as a black-and-blue spot.

● Rigor mortis is a noticeable sign of death that occurs when the muscles
and joints of a corpse stiffen. It's also known as postmortem rigidity.

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