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The Yuan Dynasty

Position name: Chen Youding (Mongolian military general)

Name: Dhaniswara Adhigama Said
Delegation: Yuan Dynasty
It is the year 1368, thus it is one of the final years of the Yuan Dynasty’s reign as well the
Mongolians army conquering days, a man named Han Shantong lead a rebellion known as
the Red Turban rebellion together with his experience in military tactics he along with his red
turban army has successfully taken back the Yuan Dynasty from the Mongols.
My name is Chen Youding, I was a Mongol general leading an army and I have acquired
many prestigious titles as a military leader as I had stopped countless of rebellions in the past.
And now, with this new establishment after our loss, a new society is determined to become
better than its predecessor. I am determined to take back what is rightfully ours.
So what was the cause of this era’s fall? Because of these factors,
1. Assimilation Issues: the Mongol rulers often maintain a distinct separation between
themselves and the Chinese population, thus leading to tension & alienation among
different ethnic groups
2. Resistance & Rebellion: often fuelled resentment towards Mongol dominance and
perceived injustices, such as heavy taxation and forced labour
3. Administrative Corruption: Officials, both Mongol and Chinese, engaged in corrupt
practices, leading to inefficiencies, mismanagement, and discontent among the
people. This corruption eroded public trust and hindered effective governance.
4. Economic Challenges: The introduction of paper currency (known as chao) led to
issues such as overprinting and a lack of confidence in the monetary system,
contributing to economic instability.
5. Cultural Isolation: there were instances where the ruling elite maintained a degree of
cultural isolation. This separation hindered the full integration of diverse cultural
elements, limiting the potential for a more cohesive and inclusive society.
In summary, these challenges ultimately contributed to the dynasty’s decline and paved
the way for the establishment of the Ming Dynasty in 1368.
The establishment of the Ming Dynasty was influenced by a combination of internal
unrest, popular uprisings, and external pressures that weakened the ruling Yuan Dynasty. I
would like to propose a collaboration with the people that was once part of the Yuan
Dynasty and negotiate with them to collaborate with me and devise a plan so we can
sabotage the reconstruction of the new dynasty and hope we can claim back our reign.

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