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NAME Carmela R.



Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

SY 2023-2024

Solid Waste Management

Action Plan Accomplishment Report
I. Introduction
A. Background
Classroom -based:

This action plan explored the importance of proper solid-waste management in school
for sustainable development to our environment. There were three goals to be achieved
with this activity. The first goal was about the proper planning regarding our action plan
to achieve a strict monitoring waste management in school. The second is to utilize the
segregated waste to make the eco-briks and assessed how waste management
practices can contribute to sustain the development processes in our school. Lastly, is
to sell plastic bottles that we collected all throughout the grade 11 and grade 12 STEM


Poor waste disposal practices hamper the progress towards an integrated solid waste
management in households. Improper waste disposal can be harmful to our body and to
those people who are old. Knowledge of current practices and perception of household
solid waste management is necessary for accurate decision making in the move
towards a more sustainable approach. This action plan aims to practices and to teach
our family members the importance of segregating our waste and to help garbage
collectors lessen the problem of our garbage.

B. Objectives
Classroom -based:

The overall objectives of the solid-waste management in school are compiled to come
up with amazing ideas. First is the dissemination of RA 9003 significance to all learners
in the STEM strand and the school administration. Second is the integration of proper-
waste segregation in the school in order to utilize solid-waste materials, specially
plastics wrappers and bottles in making the eco-briks. Thirds is to recommend
appropriate waste handling and disposal measures / routings in accordance with the
current legislative and administrative requirements. Lastly, to gather the finish product
which is the eco-briks and the remaining bottles that we collected, will be sold to a
junkshop for a cost.


As I mentioned before, schools play a vital role in teaching children how to deal with
waste properly and so as in our home. Household is where we must practice and starts
to train our brain what right and wrong and to make a better decision of what is
important to us. By having an effective waste management strategy, you’ll show and
teach your family specially those who are young on how to reduce their waste
production, how to keep areas clean, and how to recycle by building a more sustainable
generation. Overall, the main objective of this action plan is to learn the significance of
segregating our school to help garbage collectors reduce the struggles of their jobs.
II. Implementation Overview
A. Action Plan Components
Classroom -based:

In many cases, wastes cannot be outright eliminated from a variety of processes. However,
numerous strategies can be implemented to reduce or minimize waste generation. First,
implementation of strict and proper waste management in all classrooms in schools. Second, a
set schedule in collecting segregated waste per classroom and will be used to build eco-bricks.
Third, there should also be a set date for the collection of the eco-briks and be sold to the
junkshops. And for the last part, the obtained money is going to be spent for the snacks and
distribute equally to the members if there’s still remaining money.


The ideal waste management alternative is to prevent waste generation in the first
place. Hence, waste prevention is a basic goal of all the waste management strategies.
There would be (2) two separated trash cans that is made out of recycled plastic bottle
and, in turn, reduce or prevent pollution by burning plastics. Some representative
strategies include the perfectly separated trash to be put in a clean trash bags with label
on it, mainly, malate (biodegradable) and dili malate (non- biodegradable) for when the
garbage collector collects it.

B. Timeline
Classroom -based:

During the making of our action plan we set a schedule on how we will be making this
action plan so a proper time management can be observed all throughout this activity.
We are given 2 weeks to achieve a best action plan, for the first week (January 8-12,
2024). On January 8, 2024, all we did was to discuss our plan and share each of our
ideas. Then January 9-10, 2024, we did a short campaign in our room and in the grade
11 STEM students regarding our action plan and encourages them to cooperate in what
we are asking them to do like having them to document on how they clean and manage
their trashes in their classroom. And January 11-12, 2024, is the collection of trashes in
each classroom including the monitoring of how well they segregate their garbage. For
the second week, we all did the making and building of the eco-briks that takes so long
to make and after its done the remaining plastic bottles will be sold to junkshops for a
cost. In the remaining days, I finished writing my action plan accomplishment report and
also editing the video that must be posted in our Facebook reels.


For the first week, all I did was planning. I searched my neighbor’s trash outside their
houses for big plastic bottles of Wilkins, washed it clean and dry. The following morning,
I DIY the plastic bottles to make a recycled trash cans and labeled them. I started
segregating them for the last remaining days and also monitoring my family in how they
throw their waste properly for them to get used to segregating them both in school and
public places. I also put them in a clean trash bag with label after I’m done in
segregating and I placed them outside since the garbage collectors will retrieve it as the
schedule for their collection of garbage in every barangay is in that day. During the
making of this action plan, I make sure to document every process and steps for
evidence that I really did it without lying. On the second week, all I did is to edit and
organize the pictures for making my video that will be posted on Monday.
III. Achievements
A. Waste Reduction

Waste minimization, or source reduction, refers to the collective strategies of design and
fabrication of products or services that minimize the amount of generated waste and/or
reduce the toxicity of the resultant waste. Often these efforts come about from identified
trends or specific products that may be causing problems in the waste stream and the
subsequent steps taken to halt these problems. In industry, waste can be reduced by
reusing materials, using less hazardous substitute materials, or by modifying
components of design and processing. Many benefits can be realized by waste
minimization or source reduction, including reduced use of natural resources and the
reduction of toxicity of wastes. Waste management providers can help you to separate
waste properly, recycle it after collection, and streamline your overall system to lower
waste production. This improves your sustainability as less of your waste ends up in
landfill, and helps your school and in our household to look after our planet.

B. Recycling

The collection of waste from other student’s garbage helps us in making our eco-briks.
An eco-brick is a plastic bottle densely packed with used plastic to create a reusable
building block that achieves plastic sequestration. Eco-bricks can be used to produce
various items, including furniture, garden walls and other structures. We made this out
of junk food wrappers and anything that is suitable and perfect for recycling. As we all
know there are many benefits of eco-briks such as, they repurpose plastic waste that
would otherwise end up getting burned to reduce garbage getting dumped both in
school and in our home. Lastly, they reduce the need for traditional building materials,
such as bricks or concrete, which have a high carbon footprint.

C. Educational Outreach

As a student, during the making of our action plan. We thoroughly planned every step
and how to execute it perfectly without the delay of our assigned timeline. It was a very
difficult and hectic time to do the action plan because there are other activities that we
must do so it kind of complicates our schedule, but we still manage to finish it by
managing our time thoroughly. Although out the making of our action plan is very
exciting because it was the first time to for me to interact with the grade 11 STEM
students regarding our action plan and I was glad to see that they are cooperating with
us. Managing trashes is very difficult for me as it multiplies everyday but thanks to that I
got to socialize with other student and gets closer to my classmates more.

IV. Challenges Faced

A. Obstacles
Classroom -based:

In working with our action plan in school, I struggle with how we can implement the
cleanliness in our room and other rooms in the STEM building without us monitoring it
every day. As what I’ve observe, they only clean when we are monitoring them and they
are many garbage in every corner of the building every day. The garbage is also the
problem because it keeps on multiplying and they don’t know how to segregate
properly. The inside of their room is clean but the outside is sometimes dirty specially in
the comfort room of the boys is where they dump they’re trashes that is not segregated.

In making my action plan in my home, my siblings doesn’t know how to throw their
garbage on the right trash bin that I made myself and sometimes they do not cooperate
even if I say persuade them. The garbage collector don’t collect garbage in the
assigned day of the collection which makes our waste accumulate more and since we
put our trash bag outside so they can collect it however, they do not collect it in the
assigned schedule which results for the dog to mess it and all the garbage will scattered
in the road. This will be more difficult to segregate specially those trashes that have a
diaper, the poop will scatter even more that causes it to smell bad and invite fly or

B. Lessons Learned

I learn to be responsible and to not throw my trash anywhere as it can lead to the
destruction of our environment especially in school where it serves as our second
home. We should also learn to segregate our waste so that the principle will not be
angry at us because for the past days we are having conflict in segregating our trash
and the garbage collector don’t collect it because it’s not properly segregated so as a
result all the garbage just piled up at the back door creating a stench smell which is bad
for us student. The principal then decided to just burn our trash to reduce it which is not
good because it can destroy our ozone layer and also happened in my home because
used wood to cook food that lead us to burning plastics as it causes the fire to get
bigger. As you can see this are just a few consequences when we don’t properly
manage our garbage.

V. Student Involvement
A. Participation

As for the participation, the whole class must clean the hallway in the 3 rd building. We
cleaned the hallway in every nook and cranny and also clean the walls to erase any
writings on it. I also participated in a cleanup drive that is one of the activities in our
school, I cleaned the outside of the school together with my classmate. I observed that
so much garbage is thrown in there and it smells awfully bad, the smell is urine mixed
with the bad stench of all the wet trash piled in there.

B. Feedback

Throughout this action plan, I gained a very important lesson regarding the importance
of solid-waste management and how this action plan made a difference to me and my
fellow students as it does not help only us but also the whole school and the people all
around us. All I can say is that, we accomplished a very important task despite the
obstacles faced during the making of this action plan.

VI. Impact Assessment

A. Environmental Impact

The overall impact of this action plan, it helps the local government in reducing the
problem of our garbage that is very a big hurdle to all of us. As all of us student
cooperate in this action plan in the school, it can serve us an example for the adults and
be a model citizen by being a leader in voicing their worries so that the government can
provide the needs and we can take an action. If all of us are united we can make a
better world and we can start it in our school by implementing the proper solid-waste
B. Educational Impact

This action plan will serve as awareness to all students by contributing to the school
trough action. Understanding the proper solid-waste management is the first step to
practice to be able for us students to get used to it. As what I’ve mention before the
problem our school faces for the past weeks, the students witness the importance of
sorting our waste properly. The teacher makes the first move and all the students
cooperate through action, outstanding decision making and analytical thinking for us to
achieve a successful action plan.

VII. Future Recommendations

A. Sustainability

As a student, I only recommend to always segregate our waste because based from my
experience both in my house and school is that when our trash is not segregated
properly it can lead to difficulty in segregation in the landfill. The tendency, all the
garbage will just pile up and will cause bacteria to accumulate which is harmful to
people scavenging for food. I also recommend to not throw garbage everywhere
because it is our trash and we are responsible for it, if it can be recycled then recycle it
to help our environment and not help to destroy it. We all must make a decision and
start to cooperate for the better of our world and the people.

B. Expansion

Expanding the action plan outside school grounds can make a difference. We can
propose an activity once a week to the principal, we can start in our classrooms. All
SSLG members should monitor every room if it still practices the proper segregation
management and if it does not, it will be automatically reported to the school principal
and be punished by cleaning the whole covered court without leaving a speck of dust.
For the next proposed activity is outside the school grounds, all strand must be
scheduled to clean every corner outside the school and have the class adviser together
with the assigned SSLG member to help monitor the class. All throughout this activity,
all must segregate the waste they just collected from cleaning outside the school
grounds, put it in a clean sack bag or trash bag and placed it at the back door of the
school to get it ready for the garbage collector collects it.

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion, this action plan has developed a simple way to minimized plastics and
recycles waste to make new and cute things that is helpful for us without spending so
much money. It also helps the school to be clean always and to teach students to be
responsible in our garbage at all times. The implementation of this action plan in both
home-based and classroom-based solid waste management achieved a very important
lesson that all of us must apply in our everyday life. Although, it is not an easy task and I
admit that we faced many challenges and obstacles in accomplishing a successful
action plan in the end it is still worth it.


__________________ _________________
Parent Name/Signature Class Adviser


January 8, 2024

Searched the
neighborhood to find
this big plastic bottles,
Washed it clean and dry.


January 9, 2024

Recycling the bottles by cutting the plastic bottles on just the top to
make a mini and cute trash cans.

January 10, 2024

Using the recycled mini trash cans to segregate the

garbage that just piled up and label it to make it clear
and easy to read for my family.

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