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Department of Education

Region III-Central Luzon

Santa Ignacia North District
Santa Ignacia, Tarlac



Name: _________________________________________ Date: ___________

Grade & Section: _______________________________ Score: ___________

TEST I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your best answer in the blank provided before each number.

_____ 1. This will then tell how hard we should exercise during our training.
a. Frequency b. Time c. Intensity d. Type

_____ 2. It is the number of aerobic exercise sessions per week.

a. Frequency b. Time c. Intensity d. Type

_____ 3. ______________spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase in endurance.
a. Frequency b. Time c. Intensity d. Type

_____ 4. It is any movement made by the muscles of the body that requires exertion of energy such as running, swimming, dancing,
a. Fitness b. Physical activity c. Intensity d. None of the above

_____ 5. It is considered physical activity but more structured and planned

a. Dance b. Jogging c. Exercising d. Sports

_____ 6. Exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and lifting weights are some examples of _________________ activities.
muscle strengthening
a. Aerobic b. Bone strengthening c. Muscle strengthening d. None of the above

_____ 7. It is necessary for us to engage in _________________ to enhance our level of fitness.

a. Fitness b. physical activities c. Intensity d. None of the above

_____ 8. Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing.

a. Frequency b. Time c. Intensity d. Type

_____ 9. New muscle fibers are produced to replace or repair those that were damaged. This stimulation and repair process is called
a. Feet hypertrophy b. Bone hypertrophy c. Muscle hypertrophy d. All of the above

_____ 10. These activities increase our heart and breathing rate. It is also called as cardio exercises.
a. Aerobic Activities b. Heart rate checking c. Eating d. None of the above

_____ 11. Stimulates bone tissue, making it stronger and thicker is called ______________.
a. Feet hypertrophy b. Bone hypertrophy c. Muscle hypertrophy d. All of the above

_____ 12. Supplies energy to muscle cells for muscular contraction during physical activity.
a. Adenosine Triphosphate b. Creatine phosphate c. Muscle hypertrophy d. All of the above

_____ 13. Like ATP, is stored in muscle cells.

a. Adenosine Triphosphate b. Creatine phosphate c. Muscle hypertrophy d. All of the above

_____ 14. It is a dominant source of muscle energy for high intensity physical activities.
a. Anaerobic A-Lactic b. Anaerobic Lactic c. Aerobic energy system d. All of the above

_____ 15. It is also known as the glycolytic energy system, an energy system that supplies energy for medium to high intensity
physical activities.
a. Anaerobic A-Lactic b. Anaerobic Lactic c. Aerobic energy system d. All of the above

_____ 16. It provides energy for low intensity physical activities that last from two minutes to a few hours.
a. Anaerobic A-Lactic b. Anaerobic Lactic c. Aerobic energy system d. All of the above

_____ 17. It is an eating disorder wherein a person is abnormally underweight, has an intense fear of gaining, and an abnormal
understanding of body weight, often due to coping with emotional problems stemming from self-worth.
a. Anorexia nervosa b. Anaerobic Lactic c. Aerobic energy system d. All of the above

_____ 18. ________________ is also found to be one of the leading causes of overweight and obesity.
a. Anorexia nervosa b. Exercising c. Sleeping d. Overeating
_____ 19. This is the most common bad sleeping habit of most people. Some people just spend the night reading or doing other stuff
that they just do not want to postpone for another time.
a. Staying up all night b. Internet Addiction c. Eating Before Sleeping d. Overeating

_____ 20. Many people would spend a lot of their time browsing social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube. They are awake
all night to converse and play with their friends and forgo sleeping on time.
a. Staying up all night b. Internet Addiction c. Eating Before Sleeping d. Overeating

_____ 21. It means that we go to our bed while digesting.

a. Staying up all night b. Internet Addiction c. Eating Before Sleeping d. Overeating

_____ 22. The ability to make successive movements of the same kind in the short period of time.
a. Endurance b. Speed c. Agility d. Flexibility

_____ 23. The ability to control organic equipment neuro-muscularly; a state of equilibrium.
a. Organic Vigor b. Endurance c. Speed d. Balance

_____ 24. The following physical activity programs were implemented by the Department of Health (DOH) and World Health
Organization (WHO) to promote an active lifestyle in the past decade. Except for one;
a. Hataw b. Mag HL Tayo c. Ready, Get Set, Go! d. Go4Health

_____ 25. Involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contraction that result in the expenditure of energy.
a. Zumba b. Physical Activity c. Sports d. Exercise

_____ 26. Refers to the ability of the muscles to release maximum force in the shortest period of time.
_____ 27.

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