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Janina Maningas March 08, 2024

BSN2 – C

 Two sides of the same planet


Emphasizes personal achievement, independence, Values social harmony, group success, and
and individual rights. fulfilling one's role within the family or society.
Tends towards flatter social structures, with more Often has a more hierarchical structure, with
direct and assertive communication. respect for authority and indirect communication
that prioritizes maintaining harmony.
Often has a linear view of time, valuing May have a more cyclical view of time, with a
punctuality and efficiency. focus on relationships and the present moment.
Predominantly Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Many Eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism,
Judaism, Islam) that emphasize individual Taoism) focus on achieving enlightenment, inner
salvation and a relationship with God. peace, and living in harmony with the universe.
Tends towards more outward expression of May place more emphasis on emotional control
emotions. and stoicism.

 5 things to boost my self esteem

1. Cultivate healthy relationships

2. Reframe beauty standards
3. Growth Mindset
4. Self-care routine
5. Open communication

1. Cultivate healthy relationships – Setting boundaries is about knowing what you are and are not
comfortable with in a relationship. It allows me to maintain a healthy sense of myself and protect
my well-being
2. Open Communication – It’s about creating a space where you and others feel free to express
yourselves honestly and respectfully. Try to understand where the other person is coming from
and acknowledge their feelings. This doesn't mean you have to agree with them, but it shows that
you care about their perspective. Be willing to hear the other person's perspective, even if it's
different from your own.

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