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The drama "Sorry, Wrong Number" is about Mrs. Elbert Stevenson, a woman who is home alone
who gets more anxious as the narrative unfolds. It begins with Mrs. Stevenson’s attempt to call her
husband, who is surprisingly late. She calls the telephone’s operator and asks her to connect her to
her husband’s office phone. She is put onto a call with what she assumes is her husband’s office
phone but instead of hearing his familiar voice, she listens in on a conversation where two men are
plotting a murder. She hears their plan of murdering a woman who lives near a bridge. Terrified,
Mrs. Stevenson calls the operator and demands that she trace the source of her call. The operator
states that only the police have the authority to demand such request. She then contacts the police,
telephone operators, and even the phone company's Chief Operator to alert them. However, her
attempts fail as they simply cannot grasp the true danger of the situation. It gets more intense as
Mrs. Stevenson starts to realize that she is the target of the murder. In the final minutes of the
drama, she hears the intruder downstairs and then hears footsteps coming up the stairs. She
immediately calls the police for help, but just before they answer the phone, she is caught by the
killer. In the end of the drama, the killer picks the telephone up and tells the police, “sorry, wrong

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