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Schizophrenia Bulletin vol. 32 no. S1 pp.

S44–S63, 2006
Advance Access publication on August 17, 2006

The Functional Significance of Social Cognition in Schizophrenia: A Review

Shannon M. Couture, David L. Penn1, and been used to apply to self- or other report of interpersonal
David L. Roberts behaviors, behavior in community settings (eg, skill rat-
Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina ings while shopping), skills of independent living (eg,
at Chapel Hill, CB #3270, Davie Hall, Chapel Hill, self-care skills, grooming, financial skills, etc), ratings
NC 27599-3270 of social skill in laboratory settings (eg, role-play tests),
and ratings of social problem-solving skills. Accordingly,
some researchers have taken to describing this conglom-
Deficits in a wide array of functional outcome areas (eg, eration of domains as ‘‘functional outcome,’’ a broader
social functioning, social skills, independent living skills, term used to encapsulate all these diverse areas.9,10 This
etc) are marked in schizophrenia. Consequently, much re- review also uses this term, recognizing that it includes
cent research has attempted to identify factors that may strictly social behaviors as well as behaviors that are
contribute to functional outcome; social cognition is one less purely social, such as engaging in activities in the
such domain. The purpose of this article is to review re- community and caring for oneself.
search examining the relationship between social cogni- Given the critical role of functional outcome in schizo-
tion and functional outcome. Comprehensive searches of phrenia, there has been growing interest in factors that
PsycINFO and MEDLINE/PUBMED were conducted to may underlie it. If the nature of these factors can be de-
identify relevant published manuscripts to include in the lineated, interventions may be devised to ameliorate
current review. It is concluded that the relationship between them, which, in turn, may have a concomitant impact
social cognition and functional outcome depends on the spe- on long-term outcome. Neurocognition is one such
cific domains of each construct examined; however, it can factor. Whereas most previous research supports a sig-
generally be concluded that there are clear and consistent nificant relationship between at least one aspect of
relationships between aspects of functional outcome and neurocognition and functional outcome, the amount of
social cognition. These findings are discussed in light of variance accounted for is typically rather modest.5,9,11
treatment implications for schizophrenia. In fact, although Green et al11 reported that 20% to
60% of the variance in functional outcome could be
Key words: social functioning/emotion perception/ explained by composite measures of neurocognition,
social perception/theory of mind the variance accounted for in most of the studies was
only in the 20% to 40% range; studies reporting variance
Deficits in social functioning, including communicating estimates of greater than 40% were the exception, rather
with others, maintaining employment, and functioning than the rule. Thus, anywhere from 60% to 80% of the
in the community, are observed in many disorders but variance in functional outcome is unaccounted for by tra-
are a defining feature of schizophrenia.1 Indeed, social ditional neurocognitive measures, spurring researchers
functioning deficits are evident premorbidly in those to continue searching for other contributing factors.11
who later develop schizophrenia2,3 and are often present More recently, social cognition has been identified as a
in first-degree relatives of individuals with schizophre- likely contributor to functional outcome. Brothers12(p28)
nia.4 Impaired social functioning also impacts the quality defined social cognition as the ‘‘mental operations under-
of life5 and predicts outcome in schizophrenia, including lying social interactions, which include the human ability
relapse, poor illness course, and unemployment.6–8 Thus, and capacity to perceive the intentions and dispositions
social dysfunction is a hallmark characteristic of schizo- of others.’’ Similarly, Adolphs13(p231) identified social cog-
phrenia that has important implications for the develop- nition as ‘‘the ability to construct representations of the
ment, course, and outcome of this illness. relation between oneself and others and to use those rep-
One of the challenges to research in this area is incon- resentations flexibly to guide social behavior.’’ Thus, the
sistent definitions of social functioning. This term has theory implies a close association between social cogni-
tion and functional outcome because the ability to
To whom correspondence should be addressed; tel: 919-843- quickly process social stimuli is essential for social in-
7514, fax: 919-962-2537, e-mail: teractions, and problems in this area can impact peer,
Ó The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. All rights reserved.
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S. M. Couture et al.

romantic, and family relationships as well as work/school than situations, for negative outcomes, an AS known
behavior. In addition, social cognition may impact the as a personalizing bias.28
functional outcome of independent living skills because The personalizing bias can be understood within a so-
accurately assessing social cues from the environment cial information–processing framework. Specifically, it
(such as someone responding to body odor by increasing has been demonstrated that when forming impressions
bodily distance or making a facial expression of disgust), of others, nonclinical controls automatically make dispo-
and having the social opportunities necessary to learn sitional judgments and only subsequently ‘‘correct’’ for
skills such as home and financial care, may be a necessary situational factors.29 For example, if you meet someone
prerequisite for making improvements in daily living and they are not friendly, you might infer that they are
skills. a rude person. However, if you subsequently learn that
There is general consensus that neurocognition and so- the person had just received bad news (eg, someone in
cial cognition are related, but different constructs.5 For their family had died), you would correct that impression
example, research examining the neural underpinnings in light of the contextual information. Thus, individuals
of neurocognitive and social cognitive abilities14–19 sug- with persecutory delusions do not engage in the second
gest semi-independent systems for processing nonsocial stage of modifying initial impressions. This may be
and social stimuli. In addition, there appears to be due to a number of factors, including the possibility
only a modest association between neurocognition and that individuals with persecutory beliefs have a strong
social cognition.20–26 Thus, social cognition may contrib- need ‘‘for closure’’ (ie, a desire to get a specific answer
ute to functional outcome in a way that is not redundant on a topic or issue, rather than dealing with ambigu-
with neurocognition. ity),30,31 impaired cognitive flexibility, which prevents
The purpose of this article is to review the extant re- individuals with delusions from entertaining other
search on the relationship between social cognition causal hypotheses,32,33 and problems with ToM, which
and functional outcome, with an eye toward implications has shown an association with personalizing biases in
for social cognition as a potential treatment target for both nonclinical and clinical samples.34–36
schizophrenia. Before a meaningful description of the
reviewed studies can occur, definitions of the relevant
A Conceptual Model of Social Cognition and
constructs and a conceptual model are needed.
Functional Outcome
Figure 1 presents our conceptual model of social cogni-
tion, as well as its proposed link with functional outcome.
Social cognition is a broad construct encompassing many The model includes an example of a particular social sit-
abilities. The ones identified and studied most frequently uation (the reaction of a client with schizophrenia to a co-
in the schizophrenia literature are emotion perception worker who has rushed past him without saying hello) in
(EP), social perception (SP), theory of mind (ToM), order to explicate how this model would operate. First,
and attributional style (AS).27 EP (also called emotion the client may misperceive the emotional expression on
recognition, affect recognition, or affect perception) is the coworker’s face to be anger, rather than upset or
the ability to infer emotional information (ie, what a per- stressed, and attend to the social cues of rushing past,
son is feeling) from facial expressions, vocal inflections without observing additional information present in
(ie, prosody), or some combination of these (ie, video the situation. These misperceptions may then result in
clips). SP refers to a person’s ability to ascertain social the client making a faulty conclusion that the coworker
cues from behavior provided in a social context, which is angry. Subsequently, the next phase of processing
includes, but is not limited to, emotion cues.27 SP is involves the client’s generation of an explanation of
also closely tied to social knowledge, which refers to a per- why the coworker is angry. Biases in AS, such as a per-
son’s comprehension of social rules and conventions (eg, sonalizing bias, led the client to conclude that the co-
as stored in social schemas); thus, these 2 abilities will be worker is ‘‘angry at me,’’ a bias that is not corrected
grouped together. ToM involves both the ability to un- because the client has difficulty putting himself in the
derstand that others have mental states different from coworker’s position (ie, deficits in ToM). In other words,
one’s own and the capability to make correct inferences the client is unable to grasp the ‘‘emotional and social
about the content of those mental states (eg, others’ context’’ of the coworker’s behavior. This results in
intentions or beliefs). ToM is typically operationalized the client feeling angry and resentful toward the co-
as participants’ ability to understand false beliefs (first- worker, which causes him to act in an unfriendly manner
or second-order ToM) or the ability to understand verbal toward the coworker in the future (ie, inappropriate so-
hints. AS refers to an individual’s characteristic tenden- cial behavior), who in turn avoids the client. This culmi-
cies in explaining the causes of events in their lives. Re- nates in an increase in the client’s general discomfort at
search indicates that individuals with persecutory work, thus affecting life satisfaction, and creating a vi-
delusions and/or paranoia tend to blame others, rather cious cycle whereby the client will anticipate negative
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Social Cognition and Functional Outcome

Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Interplay Between Social Cognition and Social Functioning.

interactions in the future but does not seek information equation modeling, t tests, etc) for evaluating the rela-
that may contradict these expectations.37 Thus, his rela- tionship between an aspect of social cognition and func-
tionships at work will become strained, via difficulties in tional outcome were included in this review. The majority
initiating interactions with others (ie, problems in social of studies included assessment at only one time point,
skill), via problems in reacting to problems at work (ie, although 2 studies38,39 included assessment of abilities
problems in social problem solving), or due to being un- 1 year after baseline as well.
able to carry out his work activities (ie, as a result of being
distracted by his anger toward coworkers). Therefore,
according to this model, impairments (or biases) in social Domains Comprising the Review
cognition can impact a variety of indices of functional For purpose of clarity, we describe below the most com-
outcome. monly used measures within each domain of social cog-
nition and functional outcome that are the focus of this
review. Following this, we summarize the findings on the
Search Strategy
relationship between social cognition and functional out-
A comprehensive search of the PsycINFO and MED- come in the text, and in tables 1–4, we provide informa-
LINE/PUBMED databases was conducted. Within the tion on each study’s measures, results, and effect sizes.
domain of social cognition, the following search terms Effect sizes were obtained via examination of all provided
were used: (1) SP, (2) emotion/affect perception, (3) emo- correlation coefficients in the reviewed studies. In instan-
tion/affect recognition, (4) attributions/AS, (5) ToM, (6) ces when a correlation coefficient was not available, the
mentalizing/mentalising, (7) social cognition, (8) pros- percentage of variance accounted for or a t statistic was
ody, (9) social knowledge, (10) mind reading, (11) social converted to a correlation. Ranges for effect sizes are as
cue, and (12) social judgment. Within the domain of func- follows: #.1 (minimal to small), .1–.3 (small to > moder-
tional outcome, the following terms were used: (1) func- ate), .3–.5 (moderate to large), .5 and above (large), which
tional outcome, (2) independent living skills/skills of daily is in concert with commonly used conventions in the
living, (3) community/social functioning, (4) work/occu- field.40 In addition, power estimates for each study
pational/vocational functioning, (5) social skill, (6) quality were calculated for a moderate effect size (r = .3) to
of life, (7) community/social behavior, (8) life satisfaction, determine if the reviewed studies were underpowered
(9) social adjustment/dysfunction, and (10) employment. (ie, power less than .80).
Search terms for schizophrenia included the following: Due to the fact that social cognition is a multifaceted
(1) psychosis, (2) schizophrenia, and (3) schizoaffective construct, we have grouped studies in terms of the most
disorder. common social cognitive domains in the field27,41 (ie, SP,
The results from these searches were evaluated for rel- EP, ToM, and AS). Four measures of SP were com-
evance; that is, only studies including at least one statis- mon across studies: the Social Cue Recognition Test
tical technique (ie, correlation, regression, structural (SCRT, included in 3 of the 12 SP studies),42,43 the Schema
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S. M. Couture et al.

Table 1. Social Perception (SP) and Functional Outcome (FO) in Schizophrenia (S)

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Appelo et al59 39 S inpatients Picture Social behavior in d SP predicted 34% of the

MA = 30 Arrangement milieu: Staff ratings variance in social behavior in
Male: 71.8% from WAIS-R on general behavior milieu (P < .0001)
Yrs Ed: 10 subscale from d SP did not predict social
Yrs Ill: 7 rehabilitation skills (did not include
Clor eq: ? evaluation statistics)
SSIT d Effect size for social
behavior is large (r = .58);
unable to detect for social
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.451
Addington et al65 50 FE inpatients SCRT, SFRT Community d In both groups, scores on
MA = 25 functioning: QLS SCRT and SFRT associated
Male: 60% Social problem solving: with QLS at baseline and 1 y
Yrs Ed: 66% AIPSS later (r = .25 to .39, P < .01)
completed and with AIPSS at both
12th grade time points (r = .33 to .51,
Yrs ill: <3 mo P < .011)
treatment d SP composite predicted 7.8%
Clor eq: 307/380 (P < .05) and 15.2% (P<
(1st/2nd assess) .0001) of the variance in QLS
53 S outpatients at baseline and 1 y,
MA = 35 respectively
Male: 71.6% d SP composite predicted
Yrs Ed: 71% 19.4% (P < .0001) and 24%
completed (P < .0001) of the variance in
12th grade AIPSS at baseline and 1 y
Yrs Ill:? > 3 y d In a series of regressions
Clor eq: 715/665 using composite SP and
(1st/2nd assess) composite cognition, found
evidence to support SP as
a mediator for QLS, and
particularly for AIPSS
d Most effect sizes appear to be
small to moderate (not all
correlations were provided)
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.869
Corrigan and Toomey66 26 S or SA SCRT Social problem d SCRT correlated with
inpatients solving: AIPSS sending skills at Bonferroni
MA = 34 level (r = .73, P < .001)
Male: 6.9% d After partialling out effects
Yrs Ed: 12.2 of verbal memory and
Yrs Ill: ;14.3 learning, the effects remained
Clor eq: 1218 but were slightly reduced
d Effect sizes were all large
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.309
Kim et al63 14 S outpatients Biological Community function: d Biological motion perception
MA = 38 motion task Zigler Social was associated with
Male: 64% Competence Scale community functioning
Yrs Ed: 12 scores in full sample (r = .71,
Yrs Ill: 14.5 P < .0001)
Clor eq: 290 d This is equivalent to a large
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.170

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Social Cognition and Functional Outcome

Table 1. Continued

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Penn et al60 35 S or SA SCST-R, GPT, SMT Social behavior in d Social competence associated
residents of milieu—NOSIE: staff with SCST-R scales (r = .34,
acute care ratings for social ÿ.35, .42, P’s < .05) but not
MA = 35 competence, social SMT or GPT
Male: 82.8% interest, neatness d Social Interest associated
Yrs Ed: 11.3 with SCST-R scales (r =
Yrs Ill: ? ÿ.38, ÿ.43, ÿ.47, ÿ.50, P’s <
Clor eq: 738 .05) but not SMT or GPT
d Neatness associated with
SMT (r = .37, P < .05) and
SCST-R (r = .47, P < .05) but
not GPT
d Many correlations were not
provided; those given are all
moderate to large range
d Power for effect size of
r = .3 is 0.409
Revheim and 87 S or SA WAIS-R Community status d Significant difference in SP
Medalia64 inpatients Comprehension (inpatient or based on community status
75 S or SA outpatient) (t = ÿ2.50, P < .01), and it
outpatients was a significant predictor in
MA = 37 logistic regression (r = .12)
Male: 62.3% d This is equivalent to a small to
Yrs Ed: 11.1 moderate range effect (r = .19)
Yrs Ill: ~14 d Power for effect size of r = .3
Clor eq: ? is 0.973
Sergi et al10 75 S Outpatients Half-PONS Community functioning: d SP significantly correlated
MA = 47 RFS independent with work functioning
Male: 92% living, social (r = .36, P < .01) and
Yrs Ed: 13.0 functioning, and work independent living (r = .33,
Yrs Ill: 21.2 functioning subscales P < .05) but not social
Clor eq: ? (used as latent functioning (r = .11)
variable) d SEM revealed SP was
predicted by early visual
processing (b = .57, P < .05)
and SP predicted RFS (b =
.44, P < .05); the significant
indirect effect of early visual
processing on RFS but
nonsignificant direct effect
suggests mediation
d Early visual processing and
SP together accounted for
18% of the variance in RFS
d 33.3% of the effect sizes were
small to moderate range, and
66.7% were moderate to large
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.742
Toomey et al67 29 S inpatients PONS Social problem solving: d Controlling for WRAT-R,
MA = 34 AIPSS correlations between AIPSS
Male: 68.9% and PONS was significant the
Yrs Ed: 12.5 role play (content r = .52, P <
Yrs Ill: 14.3 .01, performance r = .50, P <
Clor eq: 1090.7 .01, overall r = .51, P < .01)
d All of the effect sizes were
d Power for effect size of
r = .3 is 0.343

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S. M. Couture et al.

Table 1. Continued

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Vauth et al61 133 S inpatients SFRT, SCST-R Social behavior on d SFRT correlated with social
MA = 28 milieu: Social Skills skills (r = .28, P < .01) and
Male: 64.7% and Personal personal presentation
Yrs Ed: ? Presentation subscales (r = .31, P < .001)
Yrs Ill: 6.6 from WPP d SCST-R correlated with
Clor eq: ? social skills (r = .23, P < .01)
and personal presentation
(r = .28, P < .01)
d SEM analyses revealed 25%
of the variance in WPP was
accounted for by SP and
neurocognition latent
variables; SP alone
accounted for 10% of the
d 75% of the effect sizes were
small to moderate range, and
25% were moderate to large
d Power for effect size of
r = .3 is 0.940

Note: SC = Social Cognition; SA = Schizoaffective; FE = First Episode; MA = Mean Age; Yrs Ed = Years of Education; Yrs Ill =
Number of Years Ill; Clor eq = Chlorpromazine equivalent (mg/d); AIPSS = Assessment of Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills57;
GPT = Gilbert-Pelham Task107; QLS = Quality of Life Scale56; NOSIE = Nurse’s Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation53;
PONS = Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity45; Rehabilitation Evaluation108; RFS = Role Functioning Scale55; SEM = Structural Equation
Modeling; SCRT = Social Cue Recognition Test42,43; SCST-R = Schema Component Sequencing Task-Revised44; SSIT = Simulated
Social Interaction Test109; SMT = Situation Matching Task (T. Ferman, unpublished data, 1993); SFRT = Situational Features
Recognition Test42,43; WAIS-R = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales-Revised110; WPP = Work Personality Profile111; Zigler Social
Competence Scale.112

Component Sequencing Task-Revised (SCST-R, 4 of The only consistently utilized ToM measure was the
12 studies),44 the Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity Hinting Task (tables 3 and 4; 2 of 4 studies),50 which
(PONS, 2 of 12 studies),45 and the Situational Features requires participants to listen to a story presented ver-
Recognition Test (SFRT, 2 of 12 studies).42,43 Two of bally and ascertain what one character intends when
these measures require judgments about short videotaped she/he provides a verbal hint to another character. Other
vignettes (eg, SCRT and PONS) and are clearly SP in na- studies used some form of ToM ‘‘story’’ (either verbally,
ture, whereas the SCST-R and SFRT assess social knowl- with cartoons, or both), which required participants to
edge. Additional, less commonly used measures of SP are ascertain characters’ false beliefs. Finally, AS was typi-
presented in tables 1 and 4. cally assessed with a questionnaire that described various
Within the domain of EP, the most consistently used situations (eg, your friend forgot to pick you up from
measure was the Facial Emotion Identification Task work), following which, participants are asked to devise
(FEIT, tables 2 and 4; 6 of 10 studies).46 In the FEIT, an explanation for why this event occurred. These explan-
participants choose from among 6 emotion words ations are often coded by the participant him/herself (eg,
(happy, angry, afraid, sad, surprised, and ashamed) to whether the outcome was due to themselves or others) or
describe the facial expression depicted in black-and-white by research assistants (eg, for how much the responses
photographs. Other studies used similar measures, in- involves an internal or external attribution and/or a
cluding the Pictures of Facial Affect (3 of 10 studies)47 hostile response).51,52
and the Facial Emotion Discrimination Test (3 of 10 As functional outcome is also a multifaceted construct
studies).46 In addition, EP was also measured via other that has been measured in diverse ways, we have divided
modalities, such as measures of vocal affect perception most measures of functional outcome into 4 main areas
(2 of 10 studies, Vocal Emotion Identification Test),46 as follows: social behavior in the milieu, community func-
and video tasks including both vocal and facial affect tioning, social skills, and social problem solving. Social
cues (Bell-Lysaker Emotion Recognition Test),48 and behavior in the milieu is comprised of staff-rated assess-
the Videotape Affect Perception Test,49 included in 3 ments of the participants’ behavior in a variety of treat-
of 10 studies). ment settings. Examples of measures included in this
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Social Cognition and Functional Outcome

Table 2. Emotion Perception (EP) and Functional Outcome (FO) in Schizophrenia (S)

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Brekke et al38 139 S or SA FEIT, VEIT, and Community d Global functioning was
outpatients Videotape Affect functioning—RFS: significantly related to EP at
MA = 38 Perception Test; total score, work, baseline (r = .35, P < .01) and
Male: 69% created a composite of social functioning, and 12 mo (r = .30, P < .01).
Yrs Ed: 11.9 these 3 measures independent living Results held in path model
Yrs Ill: 13.9 subscales; combined in and neurocognition had
Clor eq: ? composite for global a significant indirect effect
functioning through EP on global
functioning at baseline and
12 mo
d Work functioning was
significantly related to EP at
baseline (r = .22, P < .01) and
12 mo (r = .27, P < .01).
Results held in path analysis
and EP was a mediator
between neurocognition and
work functioning at baseline
and 12 mo
d Social functioning was
significantly related to EP at
baseline (r = .25, P < .01) and
12 mo (r = .18, P < .05).
Results held in path model
and EP mediated the
relationship between
neurocognition and social
d Independent living was
significantly related to EP at
baseline (r = .31, P < .01) and
12 mo (r = .26, P < .01).
Results held in path model
and EP was again a mediator
d 62.5% of effects were small to
moderate range, and 37.5%
were moderate to large range
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.949
Cohen et al70 28 S Inpatients FEIT Social skills: role-play d SAS-II correlated with FEIT
MA = 33 test (r = .38, P < .05), but role
Male: 85.7% Social behavior in play was not correlated with
Yrs Ed: 11.9 milieu: 5 social FEIT (r = .24)
Yrs Ill: 12.9 behavior questions d In regression with cognitive
Clor eq: ? from SAS-II composite, FEIT accounted
for nonsignificant
proportions of the variance:
1% in role-play test
(cognition 24%, P < .01)
and 8% in SAS-II (cognition
13%, NS)
d There was a small to
moderate range effect for
social skills and a moderate
to large range effect for social
behavior in the milieu
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.332

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S. M. Couture et al.

Table 2. Continued

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Hooker and 20 S inpatients Biehl Facial Affect Social behavior in d No significant relationship
Park71 MA = 39 Recognition, Nowicki milieu: SDI with 8 between SDI total and EP
Male: 75% and Duke Vocal subscales measures in omnibus test
Yrs Ed: 12.7 Affect Recognition Note—only 14 d Facial EP significantly
Yrs Ill: 18.8 participants correlated with
Clor eq: 1043 completed this communication/social
measure dysfunction (r = ÿ.59,
P < .05), occupation
dysfunction (r = ÿ.56,
P < .05), and with Public
self (social behavior) at
trend level (r = ÿ.46,
P < .10) but not
independent living,
family or other relationships,
or community/recreational
d Vocal EP correlated with
occupation dysfunction
(r = ÿ.58, P < .05)
but not communication/social
functioning (r = ÿ.1), public
self (r = ÿ.1), independent
living, family or other
relationships, or community/
recreation functioning
d Significant effects are
moderate to large;
nonsignificant correlations
were not provided
d Power for effect size r = .3 is
Kee et al39 81 S or SA outpatients Measured at baseline Measured at baseline d At baseline, EP composite
MA = 38 and 12 mo: FEIT, and 12 mo—SCOS: correlated with work
Male: 77.8% VEIT, and Videotape Social Contacts and functioning/independent
Yrs Ed: 12.1 Affect Perception Useful Employment living (r = .36, P < .01)
Yrs Ill: 13.6 Test; created RFS: work productivity, but not social functioning/
Clor eq: ? a composite of these 3 independent living, family relationships (r = .009)
measures relationships with d At 12 mo (concurrent),
family and spouse, EP related to work
relationships with functioning/independent
friends living (r = .29, P < .05)
Community but not social functioning/
function—Split family relationships
measures into 2 (r = .05)
factors: work d Baseline EP correlated with
functioning/ work functioning/
independent living and independent living at
social functioning/ 12 mo (r = .41, P < .001)
family relationships but not social functioning/
family relationships
(r = .04)
d 50% of effect sizes were
minimal to small range,
16.7% were small to moderate
range, and 33.3% were
moderate to
large range
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.776

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Social Cognition and Functional Outcome

Table 2. Continued

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Mueser et al72 28 S or SA inpatients FEIT, FEDT Social skill: ratings of d For social skills, FEIT related
MA = 45 social skill from to nonverbal paralinguistic
Male: 47% conversation probes skills (eg, meshing, fluency,
Yrs Ed: 11 Social behavior in etc; r = .37, P < .05) but not
Yrs Ill: ~23 milieu—SBS: social verbal content (r = ÿ.04) or
Clor eq: 650 mixing, inappropriate overall social skill (r = .30).
behavior, altered The FEDT was not related to
activity level, personal any of these skills (nonverbal
appearance subscales r = .20, verbal content r = .06,
overall r = .14)
d For SBS, FEIT related to
social mixing (r = ÿ.45, P <
.01) and personal appearance
(r = ÿ.61, P < .001) but not
inappropriate behavior (r =
ÿ.02) or altered activity
(r = ÿ.11)
d For SBS, FEDT related to
social mixing (r = ÿ.35, P <
.05), activity level (r = ÿ.34, P
< .05), and personal
appearance (r = ÿ.38, P <
.05) but not inappropriate
behavior (r = ÿ.16)
d For social skills, 33.3% of
effect sizes were minimal to
small range, 33.3% were small
to moderate range, and 33.3%
were moderate to large range
d For social behavior in the
milieu, 12.5% of effect sizes
were minimal to small range,
25% were small to moderate
range, 50% were moderate to
large range, and 12.5% were
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.332
Poole et al74 40 S or SA outpatients Composite of Ekman Community d EP correlated with QLS total
MA = 41 and Friesen’s Pictures function—QLS: (r = .36, P < .05),
Male: 77.5% of Facial Affect and interpersonal interpersonal relations (r =
Yrs Ed: 13 Vocal Affect relations, vocation, .35, P < .05), and community
Yrs Ill: ? Recognition from community participation (r = .39, P <
Clor eq: 300 Florida Affect Battery participation subscales .01) but not vocation (r = .03)
and total score d After partialling out
cognition, EP correlated with
household relations (r = .35, P
< .05) and social activity (r =
.34, P < .05) on the QLS
d 25% of the effects were
minimal to small range, and
75% were moderate to large
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.461

Note: SC = Social Cognition; NC = Neurocognition; SA = Schizoaffective; MA = Mean Age; NS = Not Significant; Yrs Ed = Years of
Education; Yrs Ill = Number of Years Ill; Clor eq = Chlorpromazine equivalent (mg/d); Biehl Facial Affect Recognition113; FEIT =
Facial Emotion Identification Task46; FEDT = Facial Emotion Discrimination Task46; Nowicki and Duke Vocal Affect
Recognition114; QLS = Quality of Life Scale56; Pictures of Facial Affect47; RFS = Role Functioning Scale55; SAS-II = Social
Adjustment Scale-II115; SBS = Social Behavior Scale54; SCOS = Strauss and Carpenter Outcome Scale116; SDI = Social Dysfunction
Index117; VEIT = Vocal Emotion Identification Task46; Videotape Affect Perception Task.49

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Table 3. Theory of Mind (ToM) or Attributional Style (AS) and Functional Outcome (FO) in Schizophrenia (S)

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Pollice et al76 44 S or SA outpatients First-order ToM from Community d Global community

MA = 33 Sally and Anne and function—Disability functioning correlated
Male: 77.3% Cigarettes tasks; Assessment Schedule: with combined ToM
Yrs Ed: 11.6 second-order ToM Self-care, social (r = .43, P < .01)
Yrs Ill: 10.6 from Ice Cream Van contact, work activity, and second-order
Clor eq: 289 and Burglar tasks; global rating of ToM (r = .30, P < .05)
also combined community but not first-order
measures for global functioning made by ToM (r = .276); effects
ToM score interviewer remained or were
strengthened after
partialling out IQ;
second-order ToM
explained 15% of the
variance in global
functioning in stepwise
d Poor self-care and
combined ToM
significantly correlated
after partialling out IQ
(r = ÿ.367, P < .05)
but not before
(r = ÿ.002); not
related to second-
order (r = ÿ.216)
or first-order ToM
(r = ÿ.017)
d ToM not related to
poor social contact
(first order, r = ÿ.078;
second order,
r = ÿ.148; combined,
r = ÿ.201)
d ToM not associated
with work ability (first
order, r = ÿ.026;
second order,
r = ÿ.085; combined,
r = ÿ.020)
d 41.7% of effects were
minimal to large
range, 33.3% were
small to moderate
range, and 25% were
moderate to large
d Power for effect size of
r = .3 is 0.501
Schenkel et al77 42 S or SA inpatients Hinting Task Premorbid social d Group differences on
MA = 41 functioning coded ToM between poor
Male: 60% from charts and good premorbid
Yrs Ed: 12.1 social functioning
Yrs Ill: ? groups (t(40) = 3.86,
Clor eq: ? P < .0001)
d This is equivalent to
a large effect size
(r = .52)
d Power for effect size
of r = .3 is 0.481

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Social Cognition and Functional Outcome

Table 3. Continued

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Lysaker et al51 40 S or SA outpatients ASQ Community d Making a greater

MA = 46 function—QLS: number of stable
Male: 97.5% interpersonal attributions predicted
Yrs Ed: 12.5 function, community 8% of the variance in
Yrs Ill: ~21.4 participation interpersonal function,
Clor eq: ? 16% in community
d When cognitive
variables were
covaried, the
relationships with the
ASQ were the same
except for community
participation (NS)
d Effect sizes were small
to moderate range and
moderate to large
range, respectively
d Power for effect size
of r = .3 is 0.461
Waldheter et al52 29 S or SA inpatients AIAQ Social behavior in d Frequency of violence
MA = 33 IPSAQ milieu: Modified correlated with AIAQ
Male: 86% Overt Aggression hostility bias in
Yrs Ed: 10.6 Scale accidental situations
Yrs Ill: ? (r = .407, P < .05) but
Clor eq: 698–895 not in intentional (r =
ÿ.010) or ambiguous
(r = .053) situations
d Severity of violence
was not significantly
correlated with any
AIAQ hostility bias
(accidental r = .368,
intentional r = .129,
ambiguous r = .106)
personalizing bias was
correlated with severity
(r = .325, P < .05) but
not history (r = .269) of
d AIAQ hostility bias for
ambiguous situations
and the IPSAQ
personalizing bias
together predicted 4%
of the variance in
severity of violence
d 25% of effect sizes were
minimal to small range,
37.5% were small to
moderate range, and
37.5% were moderate to
large range
d Power for effect size of
r = .3 is 0.343

Note: SC = Social Cognition; NC = Neurocognition; SA = Schizoaffective; MA = Mean Age; NS = Not Significant; Yrs Ed = Years of
Education; Yrs Ill = Number of Years Ill; Clor eq = Chlorpromazine equivalent (mg/d); AIAQ = Ambiguous Intentions Attributions
Questionnaire (Combs et al, in preparation); ASQ = Attributional Style Questionnaire118; Burglar Task119; Cigarettes Task120;
Disability Assessment Schedule (WHO)121; Hinting Task50; Ice Cream Van Task122; IPSAQ = Internal, Personal, and Situational
Attributions Questionnaire123; Modified Overt Aggression Scale124; Sally and Anne Task125; QLS = Quality of Life Scale.56

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Table 4. Multiple Measures of Social Cognition (SC) and Functional Outcome (FO)

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

Brune73 23 S inpatients or day EP: 36 photos from Social behavior on d BSM correlated with ToM
clinic attendees Ekman and Friesen milieu—SBS: total, questionnaire (r = ÿ.421,
MA = 38 Pictures of Facial BSM (mild to severe P < .05) but not ToM
Male: 78.2% Affect behavior problems), sequencing (r = ÿ.261), ToM
Yrs Ed: ? ToM: 6 Cartoon picture BSS (severe behavior time (r = ÿ.073), ToM total
Yrs Ill: 12.3 stories (sequencing problems only) (r = ÿ.366)
Clor eq: ? and time scores d BSS correlated with ToM total
derived), ToM (r = ÿ.444, P < .05) and ToM
questionnaire; also questionnaire (r = ÿ.524,
combined these two P < .05) but not ToM
for ToM total score sequencing (r = ÿ.308) or ToM
time (r = ÿ.165); BSS no longer
correlated with ToM total when
IQ controlled for (r = ÿ.27,
P = .22)
d No correlation between EP and
BSM (r = ÿ.086), BSS
(r = ÿ.082) or SBS total
(r = ÿ.005)
d No correlations between ToM
and SBS total (sequencing,
r = ÿ.188; time, r = .081;
questionnaire, r = ÿ.264; total,
r = ÿ.245)
d ToM questionnaire added 15%
of the variance in BSS after
duration of illness and IQ
d For EP, all effect sizes were
minimal to small range
d For ToM, 16.7% of effect sizes
were minimal to small range,
41.7% were small to moderate
range, 33.3% were moderate to
large range, and 8.3% were large
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.275
Ihnen et al69 26 S outpatients EP: FEIT, FEDT Social skills: d FEIT correlated with
MA = 33 SP: SCRT Conversation probe overall social skills (r = .44,
Male: 57.6% role play rated for: P < .05), speech clarity (r = .50,
Yrs Ed: 12.1 Overall social skill, P < .01), and involvement
Yrs Ill: ? clarity, fluency, affect, (r = .34, P < .05) but not fluency
Clor eq: 698 gaze, involvement, (r = .08), affect (r = .32), gaze
and asks questions (r = ÿ.29) or asks questions
(r = .09)
d FEDT not correlated with
any skills (overall r = .17,
speech clarity r = .29, fluency
r = .12, affect r = .07,
involvement r = .18, ask
questions r = .08) except gaze
(r = ÿ.39, P < .05)
d SCRT not related to any skills
(overall r = .14, fluency r = .27,
affect r = .09, gaze r = ÿ.17,
involvement r = .23, asks
questions r = ÿ.04), except
clarity (r = .38, P < .05)
d After multiple test correction,
only clarity and FEIT were
significantly correlated

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Social Cognition and Functional Outcome

Table 4. Continued

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

d Backward multiple regression
found FEIT was a significant
predictor of overall social skill
(b = .37), greater speech clarity
(25% of the variance); FEDT
was a significant predictor of
gaze (b = ÿ.41)
d For EP, 28.5% of effect sizes
were minimal to small range,
35.7% were small to moderate
range, 28.5% were moderate to
large range, and 7.2% were
d For SP, 28.5% of effect sizes
were minimal to small range,
57.1% were small to moderate
range, and 14.3% were
moderate to large range
d Power for effect size of r = .3 is
Penn et al62 27 S or SA inpatients EP: Pictures of Facial Social behavior on d EP associated with neatness at
MA = 34 Affect milieu—NOSIE: staff Bonferroni level (r = .54, P <
Male: 66.7% SP: Sequencing task ratings for social .01), but social competence (r =
Yrs Ed: ? interest, neatness, .37, P < .05) and social interest
Yrs Ill: ? social competence (r = .34, P < .05) did not meet
Clor eq: 923 correction criteria
d SP not related to social
competence (r = ÿ.31 and .12),
social interest (r = ÿ.19 and .07)
or neatness (r = ÿ.26 and .24)
d For EP, 66.7% of effect sizes are
moderate to large range, 33.3%
are large
d For SP, 16.7% of effect sizes are
minimal to small range, 66.7%
are small to moderate range,
and 16.7% are moderate to
large range
d Power for effect size of r = .3
is 0.321
Pinkham and Penn68 49 S or SA outpatients EP: FEIT, FEDT, Social d Of the EP measures, BLERT
MA = 33 BLERT skills—conversation (r = .38, P < .01) and FEIT (r =
Male: 57% SP: SCST (time, probe role play using .32, P < .05) were significantly
Yrs Ed: 14.3 accuracy) overall rating of social related to social skill but the
Yrs Ill: 10.4 ToM: Hinting Task, skill FEDT was not (r = .224)
Clor eq: 352.65 ToM vignettes d Of the SP measures, both time
(r = ÿ.497, P < .01) and
accuracy (r = .406, P < .01) on
the SCST were significantly
correlated with social skill
d Of the ToM measures, both
Hinting (r = .387, P < .05) and
ToM vignettes (r = .456, P <
.05) were significantly
associated with social skill
d Addition of all social cognition
measures predicting social skill
(except FEDT) to a regression
containing cognition added 26%

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Table 4. Continued

Study Participants SC Measures FO Measures Major Findings

d In regression, only significant
predictor was SCST time, which
accounted for 7% of the
variance in social skill
d For EP, 66.7% effect sizes were
moderate to large range, and
33.3% were small to moderate
d For SP and ToM, all effect sizes
were moderate to large range
d Power for effect size of r = .3
was 0.548

Note: NC = Neurocognition; S = Schizophrenia; SA = Schizoaffective; MA = Mean Age; ToM = Theory of Mind; Yrs Ed = Years of
Education; Yrs Ill = Number of Years Ill; Clor eq = Clorpromazine equivalent dose (mg/d); BLERT = Bell-Lysaker Emotion
Recognition Test (D. Bell, P. Lysasker, G. Bryson, unpublished data) FEIT = Facial Emotion Identification Task46; FEDT = Facial
Emotion Discrimination Task46; Hinting Task and ToM vignettes50; NOSIE = Nurse’s Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation53;
Pictures of Facial Affect47; SBS = Social Behavior Scale54; SCRT = Social Cue Recognition Test42,43; SCST-R = Schema Component
Sequencing Task-Revised.44

domain are the Nurse’s Observation Scale for Inpatient settings,59–61 although 1 did not.62 The null findings
Evaluation53 and the Social Behavior Scale.54 Commu- for Penn et al62 may have been due to the fact that the
nity functioning encompasses a wide variety of behaviors measure of SP, a social sequencing task (similar to the
and activities related to independent living skills, such as SCST and Picture Arrangement task), was developed
social or work functioning. Examples of measures used to for this study and did not have well-established psy-
assess this construct are the Role Functioning Scale55 and chometric properties. SP has also shown a consistent
the Quality of Life Scale,56 with most measures being relationship with community functioning10,62,63 across
rated by the interviewer. The area of social skill was con- a variety of tasks and indices of functioning and predicted
ceptualized as those studies that used role-play tasks in community status (ie, inpatient or outpatient).64 Like-
which specific interactional skills were rated (eg, eye con- wise, a robust relationship has been found between SP
tact, voice volume, meshing, etc). Finally, social problem and social problem solving,65–67 although these findings
solving was defined as the ability of participants to gen- were mostly observed within inpatient samples. In con-
erate solutions to everyday social problems. The most trast, the link between SP and social skill has not been
commonly used measure in this area is the Assessment firmly established because one study supports an associ-
of Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills,57 although ation,68 whereas two do not.59,69 Although the only no-
one study used the problem solving subscale of the Inde- table difference between these studies is the higher
pendent Living Scales.58 It should be noted that when educational level of participants in Pinkham et al68 study
measures were identified by the authors as assessing ‘‘so- that found positive results, it is unclear if this is contrib-
cial skill’’ or ‘‘social problem solving,’’ they were only in- uting to the discrepant findings.
cluded in the review if direct observation of social skill or The studies reviewed above generally used correla-
social problem solving behavior occurred, so as to differ- tional analyses to examine the relationship between SP
entiate it from more cognitively based skills. In the fol- and functional outcome. A number of recent studies
lowing section, we summarize the relationship between have extended this line of research to investigate whether
each social cognitive domain and the 4 indices of func- SP mediates the relationship between neurocognition and
tional outcome. functional outcome. Specifically, Sergi et al10 and Vauth
et al61 used path analysis and Structural Equation Mod-
The Relationship of Social Cognition to Functional eling, respectively, to show that SP does serve as a medi-
Outcome ator between neurocognition and outcome, findings that
have been replicated in a recent study that used multiple
SP regression.65
There is general support for a significant association be- In summary, SP has generally demonstrated significant
tween SP and social behavior on the milieu (tables 1 relationships with most measures functional outcome, as
and 4). Specifically, 3 studies reported significant rela- evidenced by 10 of the 12 studies finding evidence for sig-
tionships between SP and social behavior in treatment nificant associations (see tables 1 and 4), although the
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Social Cognition and Functional Outcome

specific link with social skill remains equivocal. Effect Thus, given the relative paucity of studies in this area, it
sizes for these studies range the gamut, from null findings is difficult to draw firm conclusions about the relation-
to large effects. Thus, SP may be more relevant for some ship between ToM and any one domain of functional
social behaviors more than others. outcome. However, there is some preliminary evidence
that ToM is related to social skill, community function-
EP ing, and social behavior in the milieu, although these
results clearly require replication. It should be noted
There appears to be a relationship between EP and social
that all these studies found at least some significant
behavior in the milieu (tables 2 and 4),44,70–72 although
results (including Brune73), but few of them presented re-
there are exceptions.62 The study which did not support
liability estimates on their ToM measures. This is a critical
a relationship is methodologically similar to the others;
methodological issue, given the low reliability reported
thus, the reason for this discrepancy is unclear. However,
for ToM vignettes (.31) of Pinkham and Penn68, which
it is important to note that most studies found evidence
is a commonly used measure in this area.
for moderate to large effect sizes for the relationship be-
tween EP and social behavior in the milieu, with the
exception of Brune.73 AS
Consistent with the foregoing, the majority of studies Only 2 studies have examined AS and functional out-
show a significant association between EP and social come. Lysaker and colleagues51 found that the number
skill,68,69,72 although there are exceptions.70 Again, the of stable attributions made was related to community
reason for these discrepant findings are unclear, although functioning. Waldheter et al52 found that having a ‘‘hos-
Cohen et al70 study had a substantially larger percentage tile attributional bias’’ predicted a small, yet significant
of males than the other studies. EP also has a fairly con- amount of variance in aggression on an inpatient unit
sistent relationship with community functioning because (ie, social behavior in the milieu), even after accounting
2 studies clearly support an association38,74 and a third for previous violence history. Clearly, however, more
found 3 of 6 correlations of EP and community function- research is required before confident conclusions can
ing to be statistically significant.39 No study has yet ex- be drawn about the relationship of AS to functional
amined the relationship between EP and social problem outcome.
solving. Finally, there is preliminary evidence that EP
may mediate the relationship between neurocognition
and functional outcome.38 Conclusions and Future Directions
In summary, EP is consistently associated with com-
The purpose of this review was to examine the relation-
munity functioning, and there is good support for a rela-
ship between social cognition (SP, EP, ToM, and AS) and
tionship with social behavior in the milieu and social skill
functional outcome (social behavior in the milieu, com-
as well. Finally, the relationship of EP to social problem
munity functioning, social skill, and social problem solv-
solving is unknown.
ing). Based on this review, we have drawn the following
conclusions: First, there is a fairly consistent relationship
ToM between SP and various domains of functional outcome,
To date, few studies have examined the relationship be- particularly social problem solving, social behavior in the
tween ToM and functional outcome.75 Brune73 examined milieu, and community functioning. There is promising,
the relationship between ToM and social behavior in the but still inconsistent, evidence for a relationship between
milieu and found that 3 of the 11 correlations between SP and social skill. Finally, there is growing evidence that
these domains were statistically significant. However, it SP may serve as a mediator between neurocognition and
should also be noted that of the nonsignificant correla- functional outcome. Second, EP appears to have a fairly
tions, only 2 would be interpreted as a null effect (ie, consistent, yet modest, relationship with community
r < .1). Pinkham and Penn68 found that performance functioning, social skill, and social behavior in the milieu,
on the Hinting task was associated with overall social skill while no study has examined its relationship with social
among outpatients with schizophrenia. In the only study problem solving. Finally, one study suggests that EP may
examining the relationship between ToM and community mediate the relationship between neurocognition and
functioning, 5 of the 11 correlations conducted between functional outcome.
a combined index of ToM or second-order ToM and Third, the domains of ToM and AS have received far
community functioning were significant; none were sig- less attention in terms of their functional significance.
nificant if only first-order ToM performance was exam- Current work is suggestive of a significant association be-
ined.76 Additionally, ToM was related to premorbid tween ToM and social skills and possibly with commu-
social functioning as coded (poor or good) from chart nity functioning and social behavior in the milieu, but
records.77 Finally, no study to date has examined the re- clearly more research is needed to draw firm conclusions.
lationship between ToM and social problem solving. Only 2 studies have examined the relationship between
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attributions and functional outcome. This is likely due The review also raises a number of critical methodolog-
to the fact that AS has typically been studied in the ical issues. First, it is essential for future studies to use
context of persecutory delusions, rather than functional well-defined measures of functional outcome and multi-
outcome. However, findings suggest that attributions ple measures of social cognition to help elucidate the rela-
might be related to functional outcome, particularly tionships between these constructs. Currently, it is
those in which the behaviors match the content of the at- difficult to examine specific relationships or employ
tributional biases (eg, hostile attributional biases and ag- meta-analytic techniques, given the different measures
gressive behavior).52 These conclusions, however, should utilized across studies. Of course, the National Institute
be met with caution due to the early and still developing of Mental Healths’ Measurement and Treatment Re-
nature of the literature. As more data become available search to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia program
on the relationship between social cognition and func- (MATRICS)81,82 is an important step in this direction be-
tional outcome, and some of the methodological prob- cause well-defined measures of neurocognition have been
lems plaguing this area are addressed in future studies, chosen to comprise this battery (and a number of social
the findings from the current review may or may not functioning tasks are included under secondary out-
change. comes). However, only a single social cognitive measure
This review raises a number of issues that need to be is included in the MATRICs battery (the Mayer-Salovey-
considered in future research. At the conceptual level, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test),83 and it does not
a critical question is which aspects of functional outcome address the range of social cognitive abilities impaired
are expected to change to relate to specific domains of in schizophrenia. Second, it is important for future stud-
social cognition. In the extant literature, many studies fo- ies to clearly operationally define the constructs of inter-
cus on the notion that there should be a relationship be- est as well as to utilize measures with sound psychometric
tween social cognition and functional outcome, but these properties. For example, we noted that basic psychomet-
relationships are generically defined, and do not specify ric information for ToM measures, such as reliability and
which domain of social cognition should relate to which validity, are often not presented and, when they are, their
domain of functional outcome. In essence, the field needs coefficients are not satisfactory,68 a problem that also has
to move from exploratory-based studies to hypothesis- been observed for measures of EP.72
based ones. For example, one might expect social cog- Third, sample characteristics, such as years of educa-
nition to be more strongly related to laboratory-based tion achieved, duration of illness, and medication dos-
direct assessments of particular skills, rather than to ages, were inconsistently reported. Relatedly, over half
community functioning. In fact, performance-based of the reviewed studies had samples with over 70% of
assessments might provide the most theoretically relevant the participants being male. Given that schizophrenia
link to neurocognition and social cognition in that they occurs fairly often in females and that females with
assess whether individuals are capable of performing cer- schizophrenia may have different illness trajectories
tain behaviors in specific situations.78 Of course, these and perhaps better social functioning, treatment re-
skills are influenced by factors such as the motivation of sponse, and neuropsychological abilities than males,84–86
the individual, but arguably, they provide a closer approx- it is critical for future work to attempt to recruit women
imation of an individual’s competence in particular areas with schizophrenia more heavily.
than other measures of functional outcome. Broader- Fourth, over half of the research in this area included
based domains of functional outcome (eg, recreational only inpatients. Although improving functioning in treat-
and work functioning) are not always strongly related ment settings (ie, social behavior in the milieu) is a valu-
to performance-based assessments,70,79,80 and in addition, able treatment goal, increasing current understanding of
they may be influenced by factors outside the individual’s outpatient community functioning may be more pressing,
control, such as level of social support, financial means, given the move toward community-based care and that
personal resources (eg, having an automobile), etc.38 the largest subgroup of individuals with schizophrenia
A related conceptual issue is how social cognition are outpatients.87 And finally, most studies were under-
relates to functional outcome. The majority of studies powered. Specifically, 65% of studies had power esti-
in this review examined social cognition and functional mates of .50 or less for detecting a moderate effect
outcome at a single time point, thus assuming that size, whereas only 17% of studies had adequate power
they covary with one another, but with little consider- of .80. Thus, extant research in this area may be under-
ation for causal relationships. In addition, as noted estimating significant findings due to the majority of the
above, 2 longitudinal studies found evidence that EP studies suffering from low statistical power.
was predictive of functional outcome at a later time Despite these limitations, it is clear that significant
point.38,39 These findings provide preliminary support relationships exist between the domains of social cog-
for a causal relationship between social cognition and nition and functional outcome. Given the preliminary
functional outcome, but clearly more long-term studies evidence that social cognition does have functional signif-
are needed. icance in schizophrenia, there has been growing interest
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Social Cognition and Functional Outcome

in devising interventions aimed at improving functional been met with only modest success in improving neuro-
outcomes via remediation of social cognitive deficits. The cognitive abilities106 or in impacting functional out-
rationale for this endeavor is further strengthened by the come.107 However, it is hoped that over time, these
fact that prominent current interventions, such as symp- interventions will play a prominent role—alongside med-
tom-focused cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), show ication management, CBT, social skills training, and cog-
limited generalizability to improvements in social func- nitive remedation—in addressing the perennial riddle of
tioning.88–90 improving functional outcome in schizophrenia.
The social cognitive interventions that have been devel-
oped to date can be classified as either ‘‘targeted’’ or
‘‘broad based.’’ Targeted interventions focus on a specific
social cognitive domain (eg, EP), whereas broad-based This literature review was supported in part by a grant
interventions combine a variety of psychosocial appro- from Johnson and Johnson to D.L.P. We thank Amy
aches, including cognitive remediation, social skills train- Pinkham for creating the figure.
ing, and social cognitive skill building. Several targeted
interventions have been shown to improve EP in schizo-
phrenia.91–96 Similarly, broad-based interventions have References
been found to improve some of the cognitive and social 1. Bellack AS, Morrison RL, Wixted JT, Mueser KT. An anal-
cognitive skills that they have targeted.97–102 These find- ysis of social competence in schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry.
ings are promising but also highlight several key issues 1990;156:809–818.
that remain unaddressed. First, can we expect the narrow 2. Davidson M, Reichenberg A, Rabinowitz J, Weiser M,
focus of targeted interventions to yield improvements Kaplan Z. Behavioral and intellectual markers for schizo-
phrenia in apparently healthy male adolescents. Am J Psy-
across social cognitive domains or to generalize to social chiatry. 1999;156:1328–1335.
functioning? Second, if targeted interventions are too
3. Dworkin RH, Cornblatt BA, Friedmann R, et al. Childhood
narrow, are broad-based interventions too burdensome? precursors of affective vs. social deficits in adolescents at risk
That is, is it necessary to stack social cognitive training for schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull. 1993;19:563–577.
atop intensive cognitive remediation and social skills 4. Hans SL, Auerbach JG, Asarnow JR, Styr B, Marcus J.
training or might social cognitive training alone be suf- Social adjustment of adolescents at risk for schizophrenia:
ficient to improve social functioning? the Jerusalem infant development study. J Am Acad Child
In an effort to address these issues, our research group Adolesc Psychiatry. 2000;39:1406–1414.
has recently developed a social cognitive intervention 5. Penn DL, Corrigan PW, Bentall RP, Racenstein JM,
Newman L. Social cognition in schizophrenia. Psychol
that targets the 3 major domains that are impaired in Bull. 1997;121:114–132.
schizophrenia: EP, ToM, and AS. Social Cognition
6. Perlick D, Stastny P, Mattis S, Teresi J. Contribution of
and Interaction Training (SCIT) is an empirically de- family, cognitive, and clinical dimensions to long-term out-
rived, multimodal, 24-week group intervention for indi- come in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 1992;6:257–265.
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