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December 11, 2023

Ma’am / Sir;

Families boost our confidence and make us feel loved. They are the
pillars of our strength who never fall instead keep us strong so we become
better people. We learn the values of love, respect, faith, hope, caring, cultures,
ethics, traditions, and everything else that concerns us through our families.

In line with this, San Jose Elementary School will held its Family Day
and Annual Christmas Party on December 14, 2023. We are heartfully
knocking in your benevolent heart for any financial assistance to buy for prices
and for the preparation of the event in order to make this celebration a
momentous one. Your small help will create a great impact not just to our
learners but also our teachers, our parent and community as well.

Thank you for your generosity and God Bless!

Attested By:
GPTA Secretary

Approved By:
GPTA President

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