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介绍 (introduce) 设施 (facilities) 有 (have) 还有 (besides) 环境

(environment) 安静 (quiet) 上课 (attended classes) ⼈真

(conscientiousness) 努⼒ (hard/effort) 帮助 (help) 课外活动 (after
class activity) 参加 (join) — 以后 (future) 希望 (hope) 为什么
(why) — 难 (difficult) 容易 (easy) 有⽤ (useful) 等 (etc.)

● 学⽣要⽤上的语⾔点 subject+ 来 +Verb) (跟 +Someone+Verb) (subject+ 对 +something+ 感兴

趣)(A+ ⽐ +B+adj+ 得多
● 我对科学和数学感兴趣 我觉得中⽂有点难.

First part- Introduce your school, the complete facilities and how are
the surroundings; students need to talk about their personality;what
time do their class start;how many classes in a day; how long for each
subject? what are the extra curricular activities that he has for this
school year ; what subjects he likes & why he needs to study Chinese.
The students should use the words & sentence pattern/grammar given
here for 8-10 sentences.

我的学校是光启 我学校的设施⼲净 漂亮 . 光启学校的环境 是 安静和美丽的, 有很多植物. 我们学校

的学⽣⼤部分是菲律宾⼈或中国⼈ 我来学校每天早上是七点三⼗分. 我来学校上课的九节课的每天, 每
节课四⼗分钟. 我参加是课外活动乒乓球队. 我对科学和数学感兴趣 我觉得中⽂有点难. I need to study
chinese because it is very 有⽤, and it can help with communicating with others. 我希望以后做是成为

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