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Psychology topic list of research papers

Grounding context in face processing: color, emotion, and gender

2015 / Sandrine Gil, Ludovic Le Bigot

Spatially rearranged object parts can facilitate perception of intact whole objects

2014 / Laura Cacciamani, Alisabeth A. Ayars, Mary A. Peterson

Moderating Influence of Critical Psychological States on Work Engagement and Personal

Outcomes in the Telecom Sector

2014 / H. A. Patrick, V. A. Bhat

Perceived Effectiveness of Elder Abuse Interventions in Psychological Distress and the

Design of Culturally Adapted Interventions: A Qualitative Study in the Chinese
Community in Chicago

2013 / XinQi Dong, E-Shien Chang, Esther Wong, Melissa Simon

Morning/Evening Differences in Somatosensory Inputs for Postural Control

2014 / Clément Bougard, Damien Davenne

Changes in Cortical Thickness in 6-Year-Old Children Open Their Mind to a Global

Vision of the World

2014 / Nicolas Poirel, Elise Leroux, Arlette Pineau, Olivier Houdé, Grégory Simon

Meta-Analysis of Three Different Types of Fatigue Management Interventions for People

with Multiple Sclerosis: Exercise, Education, and Medication

2014 / Miho Asano, Marcia L. Finlayson

What Parents Think about Giving Nonnutritive Sweeteners to Their Children: A Pilot

2014 / Allison C. Sylvetsky, Mitchell Greenberg, Xiongce Zhao, Kristina I. Rother

Honor and the Stigma of Mental Healthcare

2014 / R. P. Brown, M. Imura, L. Mayeux

Developing mental health mobile apps: Exploring adolescents' perspectives

2014 / R. Kenny, B. Dooley, A. Fitzgerald

Psychosocial aspects in cardiac rehabilitation: From theory to practice. A position paper

from the Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Cardiovascular
Prevention and Rehabilitation of the European Society of Cardiology

2014 / N. Pogosova, H. Saner, S. S. Pedersen, M. E. Cupples, H. McGee, et al.

Computational optimization problems in social interaction and empathic social emotion

2014 / Nicoladie D Tam

Sunk costs account for rats’ decisions on an intertemporal foraging task

2013 / Andrew M Wikenheiser, A David Redish

A biophysically detailed model of the primary auditory cortex explains physiological

forward masking, co-tuning of excitation and inhibition and cortical signal amplification

2011 / Johan P Larsson, Ernest Montbrió, Gustavo Deco

The Sugarsquare study: protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial concerning

a web-based patient portal for parents of a child with type 1 diabetes

2014 / Emiel A Boogerd, Cees Noordam, Chris M Verhaak

An exploratory mixed methods study of the acceptability and effectiveness of

mindfulness -based cognitive therapy for patients with active depression and anxiety in
primary care

2006 / Andy Finucane, Stewart W Mercer

Internet-based search of randomised trials relevant to mental health originating in the

Arab world

2005 / Yahya Takriti, Hany G El-Sayeh, Clive E Adams

Study protocol: the development of a randomised controlled trial testing a postcard

intervention designed to reduce suicide risk among young help-seekers

2009 / Jo Robinson, Sarah Hetrick, Sara Gook, Elizabeth Cosgrave, Hok Yuen, et al.

Helpful and hindering factors for remission in dysthymia and panic disorder at 9-year
follow-up: A mixed methods study

2008 / Cecilia Svanborg, Sofie Bäärnhielm, Anna Åberg Wistedt, Kim Lützen

Unmet mental health care need 10–11 years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks: 2011–2012
results from the

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