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Timeline: Indian History

7500 BC : Civilization at Gulf of Khambar 320-335 : Reign of Chandragupta-I.

2500-1500 BC: Indus Valley Civilisation. 335-380 : Reign of Samudragupta known as Indian
2000-1500: Aryans arrive from central Asia. Napoleon.
380-414 : Reign of Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya).
1500-1000: The Early Vedic Age – Rigveda.
405-411 : The visit of the Chinese pilgrim Fa-hien
1000-500: Later Vedic Period - Samaveda,
to India.
Yajurveda and Atharvaveda,
500-527 : Rule of Huns over North India.
Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Samhitas, early
606-647 : Harsha Vardhana of Kanauj. Hiuen-Tsang
Upanishads and Sutras.
visited India (AD 630-644).
563-483 : Gautama Buddha – born at Lumbini
500-757 : First Chalukya dynasty of Vatapi
(Nepal); attainment of knowledge –
630 : Harsha's clash with PulakesinII
Bodh Gaya (Bihar); first sermon –
973-1190 : Chalukya dynasty of Kalyani
Sarnath, near Varanasi (UP); Nirvana –
Kusinagar (Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh). 760-1142 : Palas of Eastern India.
985-1014 : Reign of Rajaraja, the Great. Starts a
540-468 : Mahavira – born at Kundagrama near
great land survey (AD 1000).
Vaishali (Bihar) and nirvana at Pavapuri
(Patna, Bihar). 1014-1044 : Reign of Rajendra Chola. Naval cam-
paign against Sri Vijaya kingdom.
492-460 : Rule of Ajatasatru, son of Bimbisara,
788-820 : Sankaracharya and his philosophy of
king of Magadha.
364-321 : Rule of Nandas of Magadha
712 : Arabs occupy Sindh.
326 : Invasion of India by Alexander Battle 871-1173 : Imperial cholas of Tanjore.
of Hydaspes.
916-1203 : Construction of Khajuraho Temples.
322-298 : Reign of Chandragupta Maurya, the 1000-1027: Invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni.
founder of the Mauryan dynasty. 1191 : Prithviraj III, defeated Muhammad Ghori
273-232 : Reign of Ashoka , son of Bindusara in the first battle of Tarain .
261 : Kalinga war. 1192 : Mohammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj in
257 : Asoka's conversion to Budhism by theSecond Battle of Tarain in 1192.
Upagupta. 1206 : Foundation of the Sultanate of Delhi by
250 : Third Buddhist council at Pataliputra Qutub-ud-din Aibak.
90 : Sakas invade India. 1210 : Death of Qutub-ud-din Aibak.
58 : The Vikrama Samvat (vikram era) intro- 1210-1236: Reign of Iltutmish.
duced by King Vikramaditya of Ujjain. 1221 : Mongol invasion under Chenghis Khan.
20-46 AD : Gondophernes, the king of Indo- 1231 : Iltumish completed the construction of
Parthians. Qutub Minar at Delhi.
78 : Accession of Kanishka, The Saka era begins. 1236-1240: Reign of Empress Raziya, daughter of
Iltutmish, the first and last woman ruler
100-300 : The Sangam Age in south India.
of Medieval India.
50 BC-250 AD : Satavahana dynasty in the Deccan.
1266-1287: Reign of Sultan Balban.
1288-1293: Visit of Marco Polo in India. 1540 :Humayun’s defeat near Kanauj.
1290-1296 : Sultan Jalal-ud-din Firuz Khalji, founder 1542 :Birth of Akbar.
of the Khalji dynasty. 1545 :Battle of Kalinjar.
1296 : Alauddin Khalji invades Devagiri. 1545 :Death of Sher Shah.
1296-1316: Reign of Sultan Alauddin Khalji. 1555 :Battle of Sirhind. Sikandur Suri was de-
1309-1311: Malik Kafur's expedition into South India. feated by Humayun, Humayun recov-
1320-1325: Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq (Ghazi Malik), ers the throne of Delhi.
founder of the Tughlaq dynasty. 1556 : Death of Humayun and accession of
1325-1351: Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq. Transferred Akbar. Second Battle of Panipat.
the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad- 1556-1605: Akbar's reign.
1327. Issue of token currency – 1329. 1564 : Abolition of Jezyah.
1333 : Ibn Batuta arrives in India. 1565 : Battle of Talikota Vijayanagar destroyed.
1351-1388: Sultan Firuz Tughlaq. 1571 : Foundation of Fatehpur Sikri.
1398 : Invasion of Timur during the reign of 1576 : Battle of Haldighati and defeat of
Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Maharana Pratap.
1414-1451: Reign of Sayyid dynasty. 1579 : Infalliability decree issued by Akbar.
1420 : Visit of Nicolo Conti. 1581 : Din-i-Ilahi promulgated by Akbar.
1451-1526: Bahlul Lodhi (1451-89), Sikandar Lodhi 1600 : Deccan expedition and siege of
(1489-1517), and Ibrahim Lodhi (1517-26) Ahmadnagar
1526 : The first Battle of Panipat (1526) Babur : Charter to British East India company.
defeats Ibrahim Lodhi. 1605 : Death of Akbar and accession of
1336 : Foundation of the empire of Vijayanagar Jahangir.
by Harihara and Bukka 1605-1627: Reign of Jahangir.
1438-1468: Reign of Rana kumbha in Mewar. 1609 : William Hawking visited Jahangir.
1509-1530: Reign of Krishnadeva Raya, the great- 1615 : Sir Thomas Roe in the court of Jahangir.
est king of Vijayanagar. 1627 : Death of Jahangir.
1565 : Battle of Talikota, decline of the empire 1628 : Shah Jahan proclaimed Emperor.
of Vijayanagar.
1631 : Death of Mumtaz Mahal.
1346 : Foundation of the Bahmani kingdom by
1636 : Treaties with Bijapur and Golcunda.
Ala-ud-din Hasan Bahman Shah (1347-
1658 : Coronation of Aurangzeb.
1498 : Vasco da Gama arrives at Calicut 1659 : Murder of Afzal Khan by Shivaji.
1505 : De Almeida, the first Viceroy of Portuguese 1663 : Death of Mir Jumla.
in India : Attack on Poona by Shivaji.
1510 : Conquest of Goa from the Adilshahi Sul- : Shaista Khan appointed Governor of Ben-
tan of Bijapur – 1510. gal.
1526 : Babur defeats Ibrahim Lodhi at the first 1665 : Conclusion of the treaty of Purandhar -
battle of Panipat. Formation of Mughal signed between Sivaji and Jai Singh.
empire. 1666 : Death of Shah Jahan.
1527 : Battle of Khanwa. Babur defeats Rana 1674 : Sivaji's Coronation and assumption of
Sanga of Mewar. the title of Chatrapati.
1530 : Accession of Humayun. 1675 : Execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur.
1538 : Death of Guru Nanak. 1679 : Jeziah imposed on the Hindus by
1539 : Sher Shah defeats Humayun at Chausa Aurangzeb.
and assumes sovereignty. 1680 : Death of Sivaji.

36 4
1686 : Conquest of Bijapur by Aurangzeb. : Pitt’s Act passed, Setting up Board of Con-
1687 : Golconda annexed to the Mughal empire. trol for East India Company.
1707 : Death of Aurangzeb at Ahmadnagar. : Asiatic Society of Bengal founded by Sir
1739 : Invasion of Nadirshah. William Jones.
1740-1761: Peshwaship of Balaji Baji Rao (Nana 1786-93 : Lord Cornwalis, Governor-General.
Saheb). 1790-92 : Third Mysore War.
1746-48 : First Carnatic war. 1792 : Treaty of Srirangapatnam signed be-
1748-54 : Second Carnatic war. tween Tipu and English.
1756-63 : Third Carnatic war. 1793-98 : Sir John Shore, Governor-General.
1757 : Battle of Plassey. 1793 : The Permanent Zamindari Settlement of
1760 : Battle of Wandiwash. Bengal.
1761 : Third Battle of Panipat: The Marathas 1798 : Lord Wellesley as Governor-General and
defeated by the combined troops of brought subsidiary alliance.
Ahmad Shah Abdali; the Mughals, and 1799 : Fourth Mysore War. Fall of Srirangapat-
other Muslim chiefs of India. nam. Death of Tipu.
1764 : Battle of Buxar. The English defeat Shah 1800 : Establishment of the College of Fort Will-
Alam, Shuja-ud-daulah and Mir Qasim. iam.
1765 : Grant of the ‘Diwani’ of Bengal, Bihar, 1802 : The Treaty of Bassein between Peshwa
and Orissa to the East India Company and English.
by Shah Alam II under Treaty of 1803 : Occupation of Delhi by Lord Lake.
Allahabad. 1803-05 : Second Anglo-Maratha War.
: Clive, Company’s Governor in Bengal. 1807-13 : Lord Minto as Governor-General.
1765-72 : Dual Government of Bengal. 1809 : Treaty of Amritsar-Ranjit Singh and Brit-
1767-69 : The First Anglo Mysore War. ish sign treaty of perpetual amity.
1770 : The Great Bengal Famine. 1813-23 : Lord Hastings as Governor-General.
1771 : Marathas occupy Delhi and restore Shah 1814-16 : Anglo-Gurkha War.
Alam who was till then under English 1817-18 : Pindari War – Peshwa defeated at
protection at Allahabad. Kirkee.
1772-73 : Warren Hastings as Governor of Bengal. 1818-19 : Last Anglo-Maratha War.
: Abolition of Dual Government of Bengal 1823-28 : Lord Amherst Governor-General.
(1772). 1824-26 : First Burmese War.
1773 : The Regulating Act was passed, bring- 1828-35 : Lord William Bentinck as Governor-
ing the company partially under General.
Parliament’s control and the Presidencies 1829 : Prohibition of Sati.
under Calcutta’s control. 1829-37 : Suppression of Thuggee.
1773-85 : Warren Hastings Governor-General. 1833 : Renewal of Company’s charter. Abolition
: Establishment of Supreme Court, of the Company’s trading rights.
Calcutta. 1835-36 : Sir Charles Metcalf Governor-General.
1775-82 : The First Anglo-Maratha War. 1835 : Macaulay’s Education Resolution. English
1776 : Treaty of Purandar made official language instead of Per-
1780-84 : Second Mysore War. sian.
1783 : Fox’s India Bills give more powers to Par- 1835 : Foundation of Calcutta Medical College.
liament and to the Governor-General. 1836-1842: Lord Auckland as Governor-General.
1784 : Treaty of Mangalore between Tipu and the 1839 : Death of Ranjit Singh.
English. 1842-44 : Lord Ellenborough as Governor-General.
1844-48 : Lord Hardinge as Governor-General. 1883-84 : Ilbert Bill controversy.
1845-46 : First Anglo-Sikh War. Treaty of Lahore. 1884-88 : Lord Dufferin Viceroy.
1848-49 : Second Anglo-Sikh War. Defeat of Sikhs 1885 : First session of the Indian National Con-
and annexation of the Punjab. gress held at Bombay.
: Opening of a Hindu Girls’ School in Cal- 1887 : Queen Victoria's Jubilee.
cutta by Bethune. 1888-93 : Lord Landsdowne Viceroy.
1848-56 : Lord Dalhousie as Governor-General. 1892 : Indian Councils Act.
1852 : Second Anglo-Burmese War. 1894-99 : Lord Elgin II Viceroy.
1853 : Railway opened from Bombay to Thana. 1896 : Ramakrishna Mission founded.
Telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra. 1899-1905: Lord Curzon Viceroy.
1854 : Charles Wood’s despatch on Education. 1905 : Partition of Bengal.
1855 : Santhal insurrection in Bihar. 1905-10 : Lord Minto II Viceroy.
1856 : Annexation of Awadh. Indian Univer- 1906 : Muslim League formed at Dacca.
sity Act. Hindu Widow’s Remarriage 1907 : Surat Congress, moderates-extremists
Act. clash.
1856-58 : Lord Canning – Governor-General. 1908 : Newspapers Act. Tilak convicted of sedi-
1857-58 : Revolt of 1857. Revolt at Meerut begins tion.
on May 10, 1857. 1909 : Morley-Minto Reforms.
1858 : British India placed under the direct gov- : Indian Councils Act passed.
ernment of the Crown. Queen Victoria’s
1910-16 : Lord Hardinge II Viceroy.
1911 : Delhi Durbar.
1858-62 : Lord Canning as Viceroy.
: Partition of Bengal annulled. Census of In-
1861 : Indian Councils Act.
: Archaeological Survey of India set up.
: Transfer of Capital to Delhi announced
: Indian Civil Service Act.
1914 : Gandhi arrives in India.
: Introduction of the Penal code.
1916 : Lucknow Pact of Indian National Con-
1862-63 : Lord Elgin as Viceroy. gress and All-India Muslim League.
1864-69 : Sir John Lawrence Viceroy. : Foundation of Women’s University at
1865 : Telegraphic communication with Europe Poona.
opened. : The Home Rule League founded.
1869-72 : Lord Mayo as Viceroy. 1916-21 : Lord Chelmsford as Viceroy.
1875 : Visit of the Prince of Wales. 1919 : Montague-Chelmsford Reforms.
: Arya Samaj founded by Swami : Rowlatt Act passed.
: Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
1877 : Lord Lytton held Durbar at Delhi where (April 13).
Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress
1920 : Khilafat Movement and Non Co-opera-
of India.
tion Movement.
1878 : Vernacular Press Act.
1921 : Moplah Rebellion and Wagon Tragedy.
1879 : Theosophical Society at Adayar, (was
1921-26 : Lord Reading Viceroy.
set up) Madras.
1921 : Harappa excavations begin.
1880-84 : Lord Ripon as Viceroy.
1922 : Mohenjodaro excavations begin.
1881 : Factory Act.
: Chauri Chaura incident.
1883 : Indian National Conference held in
1923 : Swarajists in Indian Councils.
1926-31 : Lord Irwin Viceroy.
1927 : Appointment of Simon Commission. 1947 : Announcement of Lord Mountbatten’s
1928 : Simon Commission comes to India. plan for Partition of India (June 3).
: Death of Lala Lajpat Rai following po- : Indian Independence Act passed (July).
lice assault. Nehru Report. : Creation of free India and Pakistan on
1929 : Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt drops midnight of August 14/15, 1947 as do-
bombs in the Legislative Assembly. minions.
1947-64 : Jawaharlal Nehru Prime Minister of In-
: Congress on December 31 at Lahore de-
claring its objective of Poora Swaraj for
1948 : Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
(January 30).
1930 : Gandhiji’s Dandi March. Civil Disobedi- : Raja-gopalachari appointed first Indian
ence Movement. Governor-General (June 21).
1930-31 : First Round Table Conference. 1949 : New Constitution of India adopted and
1931 : Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed. signed (November 26).
: Second Round Table Conference. 1950 : India become a Republic. New Consti-
1931-36 : Lord Wellingdon Viceroy. tution comes into force (January 26).
1932 : Third Round Table Conference. : Dr. Rajendra Prasad, first President of
: Communal Award announced. Indian Republic.
: Poona Pact signed. : Planning Commission was set up
1951 : Inauguration of First Five Year Plan.
1934 : Civil Disobedience Movement called off.
1952 : First General Election in India
1935 : Government of India Act, 1935 passed : National Development Council (NDC)
by British Parliament. set up.
1936-44 : Lord Linlithgow Viceroy. : Family Planning is launched.
1937 : Inauguration of Provincial Autonomy. 1953 : Conquest of Mount Everest.
Congress Ministries formed in seven out : University Grants Commission (UGC) is
of eleven provinces. set up
1938 : Haripura session of the Congress. : CBI is set up
1939 : Second World War begins (September). : Formation of Andhra Pradesh on
1940 : Pakistan resolution passed by Muslim linquiestic basis
League at Lahore. 1954 : Chou En-lai, the Chinese Premier visits
1941 : Subhash Chandra Bose escapes from In- India.
dia. : Panchashila signed between China and In-
1942 : Cripps comes to India with his propos-
1955 : Hindu Marriage Act and Indian Citizen-
als in March.
ship Act.
: Congress rejects Cripps Proposal (11
1956 : Reorganisation of Indian States on lin-
guistic basis
: “Quit India” resolution passed by Con- : 2nd Five Year Plan launched.
gress on August 8. : Nationalisation of insurance companies.
1944-47 : Lord Wavell Viceroy. 1957 : Second General election. Introduction of
1944 : INA reaches Indian soil. decimal system of coinage.
1945 : Labour Government in Britain. INA sur- : National Calender based on Saka era
renders to the British (May). First trial adopted.
of INA men (November 5). 1959 : Dalai Lama reaches India for political
1946 : Cabinet Mission’s plans announced asylum, Indo-Chinese relations worsen.
(June 16). : Panchayat Raj introduced in Rajasthan.
1947-48 : Lord Mountbatten Viceroy. 1961 : Goa, Daman and Diu liberated from Portu-
guese possession. to scale Mount Everest.
: Arjuna Award introduced : Indira Gandhi assassinated
1962 : Indo-China War. : Rajiv Gandhi sworn in as new Prime
1964 : Death of Jawaharlal Nehru Minister.
: Lal Bahadur Shastri becomes Prime Minis- : Bhopal Gas tragedy
ter. 1985 : Centenary celebrations of Indian Na-
1965 : Indo-Pak War. tional Congress held.
1966 : Tashkent Declaration : Dhronachary Award instituted
: Death of Lal Bahadur Shastri 1986 : Centre and Laldenga sign Mizo Accord.
: Indira Gandhi becomes Prime Minister. 1987 : Frontier Gandhi, Khan Abdul Gaffar
1969 : First Nationalisation of 14 Banks. Khan given Bharat Ratna. First foreigner
: First Dada Sahib Phalke Award was to get Bharatratna.
given to Davika Rani 1988 : Bharat Ratna conferred on M.G.
1971 : Indo-Pak War Ramachandran.
: Birth of Bangladesh. : Contingent of Indian Army flown to
1972 : Shimla Agreement between India and Maldives to help President Abdul
Pakistan. Gayoom.
1973 : Project Tiger : Lok Sabha passes Constitutional
1974 : Underground nuclear explosion carried Amendment Bill reducing voting age
out at Pokhran (May 18). from 21 to 18 years.
1975 : Emergency declared in the country. 1989 : V.P. Singh sworn in as seventh Prime
: Aryabhatta goes to orbit. Minister with Devi Lal as his Deputy.
1977 : Janata Party comes to power. 1990 : Nelson Mandela honoured with Bharat
: Vajpayee address UNO in Hindi. Ratna.
1978 : Denomination of high value notes of Rs. : V.P. Singh resigns after losing vote of
1,000, Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 10,000 confidence in Lok Sabha.
demonetised. : Chandra Shekhar is sworn as New Prime
1979 : Morarji Desai resigns as Prime Minister. Minister.
: Charan Singh becomes Prime Minister. 1991 : Rajiv Gandhi is assassinated at Sriperum
: Death of Loknayak Jayprakash Narayan. budur in Tamil Nadu.
: Bhakara I launched : Bharat Ratna is conferred on Morarji Desai.
1980 : Mother Theresa gets Bharat Ratna. Rajiv Gandhi and Sardar Patel are awarded
: Six more commercial banks nationalised. Bharat Ratna posthumously.
1981 : Apple was launched 1992 : Maulana Azad posthumously awarded
: First Indian Antartic Expedition to Bharat Ratna.
Qusim. Dakshin Gangothri, India’s first : Kar Sevaks demolished Babri Masjid in
permanent station at Antartica was set Ayodhya
up. 1993 : Battle tank “Arjun” inducted into Indian
1983 : Bharat Ratna posthumously awarded to Army.
Acharya Vinoba Bhave. : Job Quota for OBC’s becomes operative.
: INSAT-IB successfully launched. : Earth quake at Lathur, Maharashtra
1984 : Sqn. Ldr. Rakesh Sharma becomes first In- 1994 : Panchayati Raj Act becomes operational.
dian cosmonaut to go into space. 1995 : Morarji Desai, dies. Bombay becomes
: Bachendri Pal becomes first Indian woman mumbai.
1996 : Atal Behari Vajpayee becomes Prime
Minister on May 16 and resigns on May : Former Indian Air Force Chief, Arjan
28. Singh, is made the first ever marshal of
: H.D. Deve Gowda becomes Prime Min- the IAF.
ister on June 1. Madras becomes : A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 11th President
Chennai. : Bhairon Singh Shekhawat is sworn in
1997 : Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C1) is the 12th Vice-President.
launched from Sriharikota (Andhra : The first exclusive 1,060 kg. meteoro-
Pradesh). logical satellite (METSAT) is success-
: Arundhati Roy bagged the 29th Booker fully launched from the Sriharikotta by
Prize, PSLV.
: Kalpana Chawla became the first Indian- : Justice V.N. Khare is sworn in Chief Jus-
born US woman to go into space. tice of India.
1998 : India’s second (May 11) and third (May 2003 : L.K. Advani is appointed Deputy Prime
13) nuclear explosion at Pokhran. Minister.
: M.S. Subhalekshmi and Jaya Prakash : INSAT 3E, was launched (September 28)
Narayan win Bharat Ratna. : Air Marshal T.M. Asthana is named the
: Vajpayee becomes 12 Prime Minister first Commander-in-Chief of the Strate-
of India. gic Forces Command.
: Param 10000 India’s new super computer : The Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee Chris-
unveailed. tens METSAT, Kalpana I after Kalpana
: Konkan Railway (760 km) inaugurated. Chawla.
1999 : INSAT 2E was launched on April 3 : Mehbooba Mufti takes over as president
: PSLV-C2 launched IRS P4. of the Peoples Democratic Party thus be-
: India becomes leading producer of milk coming the first woman to head a politi-
in the world. cal party in J and K.
: Amarthya Sen wins Bharat Ratna. : INS Talwar the Navy’s first stealth war-
ship is inducted into western fleet.
: India launched Operation Vijay to repel
the Pak intruders from Kargil. : G. Madhavan Nair assumes office as
Chairman, Space Commission and ISRO
2000 : Bill Clinton visits India.
: The government constitutes the 17th
: Lara Dutta of India becomes Miss Uni-
Law Commission with Justice M.
Jayannatha Rao as Chairman.
: Formation of the states of Chhattisgarh,
: The LokSabha passes the POTA
Jharkhand and Uttaranchal.
Amendment Bill, 2003, providing for safe-
: Karnam Malleswary wins bronze medal
guard against misuse.
in Sydney olympics.
: Rajya Sabha passes dual citizenship bill.
: Priyanka Chopra of India becomes Miss
2004 : India becomes the first developing coun-
try to import LNG.
2001 : GSLV D1 launches GSAT. Indian parlia- : India wins its first ever test series in Pa-
ment attacked. kistan.
2002 : Ms. Poornima Advani is appointed Chair- : Major Rajya Vardhan Singh Rathore gets
person of the National Commission for the silver medal for India in shooting
women. (double trap category) at the Olympic
Games. : The Government comes out with the first
: EDUSAT - India’s first exclusive satel- ever Outcome Budget.
lite for educational services, placed in : The trial-run, of the first Amritsar- Lahore
orbit. service begins linking the two cities for
: Tata Motors becomes the first company the first time nearly six decades.
in the Indian engineering sector to list 2006 : India’s first rubber dam is installed across
its securities on the New York Stock Ex- the Janjhavati river in Andhra Pradesh’s
change. Vizianagaram district.
: Kerala’s Palakkad district collectorate is : Booker Prize winner Arundhati Roy is
the first in India to be totally computer- awarded the 2005 Sahitya Akademi
Award for English for her book of es-
: The Mahatma Gandhi International
says The Algebra of Infinite Justice.
Peace Award to the former Botswana
: The first-ever-Lahore- Amritsar bus ser-
President Sir Ketimile Masire.
: Over 80,000 people are killed following vice begins.
an undersea earthquake off Sumatra in : The world’s longest rail is flagged off
Indonesia, over 19,000 people are killed from Bhilai steel plant.
in India. : The President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, re-
: ‘Lakshya’ pilotless target aircraft, test turns the Office of Profit Bill for recon-
flown. sideration
2005 : Cabinet decided to offer dual citizenship : A.P.J. Abdul Kalam becomes the first
for all overseas Indians who migrated af- President to make a sortie in a combat
ter January 26, 1950. aircraft after flying in a Sukhoi-30 MKT
: President’s rule was imposed on Goa and after take off from Lahegaon airbase,
the Assembly kept under suspended Pune.
animation, even after the Pratapsingh : N. Gopalaswami takes over as the new
Rane Government wins the trust vote. Chief Election Commissioner.
: Tamil writer D. Jayakanthan is selected : The GSLV - FO2 launch from Sriharikota,
for the 38th Jnanapith Award for 2002. Andhra Pradesh ends in failure after the
He is the second Tamil author after P.V. vehicle crashes into the Bay of Bengal.
Akhilandan to receive the honour. : Social activist Arvind Kajriwal is elected
: Dandi March route (384 km) is declared for the 2006 Ramon Magsaysay Award
a heritage path and the Prime Minister, in the Emergent Leadership category.
Manmohan Singh, announces a Rs 10 : The President A.P.J Abdul Kalam, con-
crore package for Sabarmati Gandhi fers the 39th Jnanapith Award on
Ashram renovation, on the 75th anniver-
Marathi writer Vinda Karandikar.
sary day of the breaking of the salt act
: Actor Shabana Azmi is chosen for the
by Mahatma Gandhi.
Gandhi International Peace Prize 2006.
: India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
PSLVC-6 is launched from the spaceport : The protection of women from Domestic
in Sriharikota, and it injects two satel- Violence Act 2006 comes into effect.
lites CARTOSAT - 1 and HAMSAT into : The Prime Minister Manmohan Singh,
their orbits. presents the 21st Indira Gandhi Prize for
: The Lok Sabha passes the Right to in- National Integration to lyricist Javed
formation Bill. Akhtar.
: The Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, : Sri Lankan President, Mahinda
launches the National Knowledge Com- Rajapaksa inaugurates the three - day
mission. first Asian Mayor’s meet in Dehra Dun.
Pre-Historic Period Banarjee. It is situated in the Larkhana district in
Sind on the right bank of river Indus (Now in
 The earliest traces of human existence in India so Pakistan)
far discovered is between 4,00,000 and 2,00,000
 The Great Granery, the Great Bath a piece of
BC from Sohan valley (now in Pakistan)
woven cotton, a beared man in steatite and a
 Neolithic settlements in Indian subcontinent are bronze dancing girl are found from Mohanjedaro.
not older than 4000 BC.
 An assembly hall was also discovered from
 Wheat and barley were the first cereals grown by Mohanjodaro.
 The most important feature of Harappan
 The name India was derived from the rivername civilisation was town planning and urbanism.
Sindhu which is also known as Indus.
 The word Mohanjedaro in Sindi language means
 India was originally considered as a part of a larger ‘the mount of the dead’.
area called Jambu-dvipa (The continent of Jambu
 Mohanjodaro was believed to have destructed
by flood.
 Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali are the four ages
 Harappans knew the art of growing cereals, wheat
of traditional Hindu thought.
and barley.
Gulf of Cambut Culture  Banawali is situated in Hariyana.
 Chanhudaro, discovered by N. Gopal Majundar
 The Gulf of Cambut culture which was discov-
and Mackey, is situated in Sind on the bank of
ered recently from the Bay of Cambut in Gujarat
river Indus.
dates back to 7500 BC.
 Kalibangan, another famous Indus city discov-
 This was found out by the National Institute of
ered in 1953 by A Ghosh, is situated in Rajasthan
Open Technology (NIOT).
on the banks of River Ghaggar. Kalibangan stands
Indus Valley Civilisation for black bangles.
 Lothal, first man made port in the world and dock-
 The Harappan culture spread over the whole of yard made of burnt bricks, was discovered in 1953
Sind, Baluchistan, almost the whole of Punjab, by S.R. Rao is situated in Gujarat on Bhogava
northern Rajasthan, Kathiawar and Gujarat. river near Gulf of Cambay.
 Harappa the first Indus site, was discovered by  Ropar is the site situated in Punjab on the banks
Dayaram Sahni in 1921. It is situated in the prov- of river Sutlej. It was discovered in 1953 by
ince of West Punjab, Montgeomery district in Pa- Y.D.Sharma.
 Harappan people were the earliest people in the
 Harappa is located on the bank of river Ravi. world to grow cotton and rice.
 Mohanjedaro was excavated in 1922 by R.D.  People cultivated rice at Lothal and Rangpur and

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