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Portage Guide to Early Education

Portage Guide for early education (PGEE) was used in formal assessment. This test is used to
assess the functional level of the child. This test is used for the assessment of adaptive
functioning along with assessing the discrepancy between chronological age and functional age.
This checklist that helps the parents and teachers in the assessment of functional and behavioral
delays in the client as compared to the other children of their age (Bulma, Frohman & Hillma,
This test includes five areas of functioning; these are Socialization, Cognition, Language,
Motor and Self Help. PGEE will be used with child according to his presenting complaints. This
test will be administrated for the assessment of clients adaptive functioning along with detecting
the discrepancy between chronological and functional age.
Quantitative Interpretation
Areas & Functional Age of Child

Sr. Areas Functional age

1. Socialization 0-1

2. Self-help 2-3

3 Motor 2-3

4. Cognitive 3-4

5. Language 2-3

Qualitative Interpretation
In the area of socialization, the functional age was 0-1 years. His socialization was not
fully developed. Child play with toy for 1 to 2 minutes (with a light ball, slinky, pop it) and could
stay in their own yard area. He can stay in his own premises during the activity with his favorite
toy. He cannot take part in manipulative games with other children and does not initiate to greet
familiar adults. He does not ask permission to use the toy that peer is playing with.
In the area of self-help, the child's functional age level was 2-3 years. He was not having
difficulty eating a self-entire meal; he required less assistance. And had difficulty in wearing
shoes and tie laces, difficulty in buttoning, unbuttoning. It indicated that the child had difficulty
in self-help tasks.
In the motor area, the child’s functional age level is 2-3 years. His motor skills were
developed as well, gross motor skills were developed but difficulty in fine motor skills tasks. He
was able to walk and could walk downstairs without aid. Child had difficulty in copying
complex drawings, and couldn't write and copy small letters. He has difficulty in teeth brushing
This shows that the child is struggling with fine motor skills.
In the cognitive area, the child’s functional age was 3-4 years. He can draw a square in
imitation. He is having difficulty in differentiating two objects like boy and girl, long and short,
heavy and light objects. It indicates that a child is struggling with difficulty in cognitive skills.
In this area of language, the functional age was 2-3 years. Child is vocal, and answers
how are you, what is this (object name), not very fluent but could respond to closed ended
questions. He responds to give me, show me when requested. Combine use of words and
gestures. He can recognize and use correct gestures He couldn’t answer who, where, and
combine two words to express possession. He could not say All gone he is having difficulty in
asking/saying everyone is gone . This shows Children is struggling in language.
He has the capacity to improve and achieve better results. There is no huge gap
between chronological age and functional age in other domains like self help and language etc
However, it is crucial to prioritize his socialization skills as they require additional attention.
With support, he can bridge the age gap between his chronological age and his functional

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