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Two of a kind

I was walking down the street,

When a child confront me
She was demure at first,
yet she was effervescent
But then, she whispered
"I have friends but i don’t feel like i’m not barely belong"
I was flabbersgasted, at first
But then i realized,
She was elequence child
Not just an ordinary child
Before i say something,
I invited her to be seated first
I was timid at first,
But then i said
"How can you say something like that?" She replied "I wanna live for something that i deserve, not
something that they deserve"
How can a child say such things?
I chuckled, i made her happy
As time goes by,
Our talks made me realized that,
If you choose bad companions,
No one will believe that you are anything but bad yourself
We heard a mimic voice, it was her mom
She replied "Thank you, you gave me those mellifluous words that i will cherish"
I was proud, i was really proud
A child said that to me?
I chuckled
In the end of the day,
There’s no such thing as fake people,
just people who are good at hiding their
true selves

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