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Reported Speech 1. Inspector Tricksome’s Last Case Complete the following dialogue using the correct answer given next to the dialogue. It has now been more than five years since the great detective, Inspector Costello Ticksome, retired He has spent most of that time alone in his study, smoking his pipe and contemplating his own greatness, but he has also passed a few pleasant hours in conversation with his former assistant, Mr Hercules Abbott, who has also retired One day, however, Inspector Tacksome receives an urgent telegram from Mr Abbott's wife, Mrs Constance Abbott The telegram says that Mr Abbott has been missing for several days, and begs Inspector Tricksome to come to the Abbotts’ home to help find him Grabbing his trusty tweed coat, but unfortunately forgetting his favounte pipe, Tricksome goes off on the case! Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs, Abbott: Tricksome: ‘Ah, my dear Mrs Abbott! | am so tembly sorry to hear of the good Mr Abbott's disappearance (1), Costello, believe me I'm just so awfully worried about him, and | need Yes yes yes Now, please allow me to get to work I'm going to have to ask you some questions Is that alnght? Well, (2) But | would much rather Excellent! Now, you've known Mr Abbott for over five years now, (3)? (4) Yes, yes, it must be over five years, as we met at Please, please, Mrs Abbott You don't think that | really have got time to listen to any nostalgic and overemotional stories, (5)? Well, (6), but stl Of course (7), Madame! There's work to be done here! Now, how long have you and Mr Abbott been married? 1. A) Lhave, too C) So am 1 B) Not me D) As did | E) Neither arn | A) | don't, either B) | hope not C) lam afraid so D) | don't think so E) | suppose so A) had you B) weren't you C) didn’t you D) did you E) haven't you A) | have, too B) Probably not C) | guess not D) | think so E) Haven't |? A) do you C) do! B) have | D) don’t you E) have you A) neither did | B) | guess not C) haven't you D) | expect you are E) of course you don't A)netther dol —_B) | have C) | haven't D) I do E) | don't Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs, Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Oh, Costello! You know exactly how fong we've been married! You were Hercules’ best man at our wedding just a year ago! (8) ...... Oh yes, yes, of course! Forgive me, Mrs. Abbott. My mind has been so occupied lately with matters of great importance that | must have temporarily forgotten. That's quite alright, my dear Costello. But what a lovely wedding it was, (9) ...... 2 And it was so nice to have you there as welll Mrs. Abbott, please! | am the one who is asking the questions here. If | allow you to start asking me about lovely weddings and such stuff and nonsense, we'll never be able to find our dear Mr. Abbott, (10) ...... ? Perhaps not, but And | do want to find him, immediately! | am very fond of him, you know. Lam, (11) ......, but Very good! Now, in all the years of your knowing him, and in all the years of your being married to him, you haven't ever noticed him acting suspiciously, (12) ...... 2 Suspiciously!?! You're not suggesting that Hercules is somehow a suspect in his own disappearance, (13) Please, Mrs. Abbott! | am the one who is investigating here. Please be so kind as to. answer the question: have you ever noticed Mr. Abbott acting suspiciously? No! Never! Wait a minute, though, let me think—yes! It all began at our wedding Ah-hal You see? Now, what happened at your wedding? Well, as | recall, throughout the entire wedding he kept glancing over at you, Costello—his best man—with a very angry look in his eyes. A-ha again! But wait a moment ... Mrs. Abbott, surely you don't suppose that he was angry with me about something, (14) ...... ? Judging from the way he looked at you, | would say that he probably (15) But ... but why on earth would Mr. Abbott have been angry with me? Just think about it, Costello. You didn't exactly treat him with the greatest respect during your many years of working together, (16) ...... 7 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. A) Haven't I? B) | suppose not, C) So I did D) Was it? E) Was 1? A) wasn't it B) do you think C) was it D) hasn't it E) didn't you A) will we B) do! C) do you D) won't we E) haven't | A) neither B) either C) though D) so E) too A) has he B) were you C) have you D) do you E) would you A) are you B) did he C)is he D) isn’t he E) aren't you A) wasn't he B) do you C)am! D) don't you E) was he A) has B) did C) does D) was E) would A) didn't you B) have you C) were you D) did you E) haven't you Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome- Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mrs. Abbott: Tricksome: Mr. Abbott: Hmm actually, contrary to what you seem to think, (17) But please remember that | am asking the questions here, Mrs Abbott Oh, tembly sorry, Costello That's quite alnght—I do, of course, understand that, with the disappearance of your husband, you are not quite as calm as you normally (18) Now, back to this business of finding Mr Abbott Hmm — Since he can't have been angry at my treatment of him, which was always highly respectful, | simply can't think why else he might have been angry with me on the night of his wedding (19) Unless Unless what, Mrs Abbott? Unless he was aware that you were in love with me, Costello In love with you!?! My dear Mrs Abbott, where on earth did you get such an insane notion? Oh, my dear Costello, you can't possibly think that | didn’t notice the way you were looking at me on the night that Hercules, you, and | first met, (20)? The way | was looking at you?!? What in the world are you talking about? Oh, do stop pretending, Costello! You fell in love that very first night, and, to tell the truth, (21) Jove you, Inspector Tricksome, and | ve always loved you Oh, by heavens, if { ever needed a pipe, | need it now! Please, Mrs Abbott, calm yourself for just a moment while | ask you this if it was me that you loved, why did you marry Mr Abbott? Because, Costello, you were always too afraid to express your feelings to me! If it had been you, rather than Hercules, who declared his jove, you and | would now be living together, happily! Oh, my dear Mrs Abbott My poor, dear, misguided Mrs Abbott | believe that, at just this moment, | have understood precisely what happened to poor, unfortunate Mr Abbott And what is that, darling? You have killed him, (22). ., my dear? [stepping out from behind the curtains with a pistol in his hand] Wrong again, Tricksome! 47. 18. 19. 20. 24. 22, A) I didn't B) | suppose not C) do you? D) don’t you? E) | did A) have B) do C) are D) aren't E) don't A) Neither can | B) Might he? C) Can you? D) | believe so E) Nor am | A) were you B) can you C) didn’t we D) can’t you E) weren't you A) as you did B) neither did 1 C) | suppose so D) so did I E) so was | A) were you B) did you C) didn't you D) weren't you E) haven't you Complete the following passage using the correct answer given below. Mrs. Constance Abbott, several years after the fateful confrontation between Inspector Costello Tnoksome and his former assistant—and her husband—Mr Hercules Abbott, 1s speaking to. Journalist Tom Sangsuceur, who 1s planning to do an article on the events of that night Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs, Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: So, Mrs Abbott, let me start by asking you how much you remember about the night your husband confronted Inspector Tricksome Oh, Tom, | remember tt all as if it was yesterday | had asked Mr Tricksome (1) to my house and assist me in finding my husband, who had been missing for several days When he came, he simply asked me a few irrelevant questions and then— suddenly—he told me that he (2) me for years! Really? Oh yes! And that was when it happened When what happened? My husband, Mr Hercules Abbott, jumped out from behind the curtain with a pistol in his hand | needn't tell you how shocked | was He said that he (3) missing, and that— on the contrary—he (4) inside the house the entire time Did he say why? No, not directly He simply told me and Mr Tricksome that, for a long time, he (5) that we (6) in love with one another Of course, | replied that Mr Tricksome (7) the person in love, and | assured Hercules that | (8) faithful to him, in every way, ever since our marriage And did he believe you? Not at first You see, he was acting maniacally, and he just kept pointing the pistol at Mr Tricksome and myself, and all the while he was screaming that he (9) both of us if we made any movement 1. A) coming B) to come C) had come D) was coming E) came A) had loved B) was loving C) loves D) loved E) has loved A) was not being B) has not been’ C) was not D) would not be B}is not A) has been hiding B) has hidden C) 1s hiding 1D) would hide 5 had been hiding A) had suspected B) was suspecting C) has suspected D) would suspect E) suspected A) have been B) are C) would be D) were E) were being A)is B) has been C) was being D) could be E) was A) have remained B) had remained C) am remaining D) remain E) can remain ‘A) was shooting B) would shoot C) can shoot D) had shot E) has shot Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs, Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: And what was Inspector Tricksome doing at this point? Well, he was crying like a baby for one thing ‘And he repeatedly told Hercules (10) and asked him—an his most pathetic voice—f he (11) ever him for having loved me How did Mr Abbott respond to this? Well, as you probably know, my Hercules has always been a very gentle and forgiving man, and on that night—despite the fact that he had clearly lost his mind—he remained true to his true character, and told Mr Tricksome that he (12) forgiving him, but only if Only 7 Oh, Tom, you must understand that t's very difficult for me to tell such a ternble story Of course, of course You know, | have always said that, at difficult times like this, a person (13) a shoulder to cry on more than anything else Umm yes, yes, of course | have a shoulder Have you? Wonderful! Oh, thank you for your support, my dear Tom! Now, where was I? Oh yes! My husband would forgive Mr Tricksome for loving me only if he—Mr ‘Tricksome, that is—could win a duel between the two of them Aduell Yes, a duel! And so, seeing no other way out of the situation, Mr Tricksome said that he (14) the duel, although he also said that it(15) his heart to have to do so. Oh, how awful for him! Isn't it? Oh, Tom, you're such an empathic man! Umm thank you Well, what happened next? Firstly, Hercules told Mr Tricksome that he (16) | the weapon for the duel, and so Mr Tricksome chose pistols At this, Hercules said that Mr Tricksome (17) lucky, because he (18) _to have another pistol with him, besides the one he was pointing so threateningly at us And then, the two of them marched out to the back garden like two men going off to war 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 47. 18. A) not shoot B) hadn't shot C) don't shoot D) not to shoot E) not shooting A) would forgive B) can forgive C)had forgiven D) has forgiven E) was forgiving A) can consider B) will consider C) might consider D) may consider E) has considered A) has needed B) needed C) needs D) had needed E) can need A) has to fight B) would fight €) 1s going to fight D) must have fought E) had fought A) can wound B) wounds C) has wounded D) will wound E) wounded A) had chosen B) can choose C) used to choose D) had to choose E) may choose A) has been B) was Cis D) had been E) would be A) happened B) happens €) would happen D) has happened €) will happen Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs. Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs, Abbott: Sangsuceur: Mrs, Abbott: And when they were there... ? The duel began without delay. Their passions were both very high at that point, you see J understand Of course you (19) , sweet Tom, as you're such an understanding person. So anyhow, there in the back garden, they stood back-to-back with their pistols in hand, and then began to walk away from one another, slowly, counting their steps aloud, And while they walked, | was screaming to them, in my most hysterical voice, that they (20) this nonsense, and then | said that someone like myself (24) ...... worth killing for. This suspense is killing me But we have come to the end of the story, Tom. They both reached twenty steps, swung around quickly, and fired! The sound of the pistols was terrible! | fell to the ground in fright and shock, covering my eyes and crying softly into my sleeve Oh, you poor thing! Aren't I? And when | finally looked up, this is what I saw... What? What? Nothing but a few drops of blood on the grass where Hercules and Mr. Tricksome had been standing, and a few more a metre or so away from that, and a few more a metre or so away from that . I'm afraid | don’t understand. (22) ...... A gentle soul like you could never understand such violence, bless you. You see, darling, they both shot one another—how badly they were wounded, | simply don’t know—and then they crawled away into the darkness, and neither of them has ever been seen or heard from since that night, and | am all alone. | guess you find it hard to believe this story, (23) ......? And i'm sure you'd like a drink, (24) ......? 19. 20. 24. 22. 23. 24, “AB WS A) do B) haven't C) have D) are E) don't A) must have stopped B) can stop C) had to stop D) would stop E) had stopped A) hadn't been B) hasn't been C) can't be D) isn't E) wasn't A) Do you? B) | suppose so. C) Neither am | D) Of course not. E) Are you? A) do! B) don't you C) don't | D) doesn't it E) does it A) aren't | B) are you C) had you D) wouldn’t you E) would | 2. Shirley Horn [A] Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer. to her. Shirley Horn studied classical music at Howard University's Junior School of Music as a teenager. When she was 17, she had a chance to attend the famous Juilliard School in New York City, but financial difficulties prevented her from going. Shirley Horn had planned to have a career playing classical music on the piano. But all that changed after she began going to jazz clubs in Washington, where she said she was influenced by some of the greatest jazz artists, such as Oscar Peterson and Ahmad Jamal. 1. It is clear from the passage that Shirley | 3. Horn ....... A) was not able to sing at high speed B) learned both classical music and jazz C) did not fee! songs as strongly as her audience D) performed her songs only in Washington E) could not play piano as well as she sang We understand from the passage that Shirley Horn ......« A) sang a number of songs about her hometown of Washington, D.C. B) sometimes sang songs together with Ella Fitzgerald C) was in competition with the famous singer Dinah Washington D) had something in common with Sarah Vaughan E) was not considered a good singer after the 1960s Shirley Hom was considered one of the great jazz singers of the 1950s and 1960s. She was often compared to the famous singers Ella Fitzgerald, Dinah Washington, and Sarah Vaughan. She performed for more than fifty years.#Her voice was smooth and expressive, but never hurried. She was one of the slowest singers in jazz. When she sang a song, she wanted the audience to feel it in the same way as she did. She had a small voice, but her songs had a big effect. Shirley Horn was born in Washington, D.C. in 1934, She lived her whole life in and around Washington She began taking prano lessons when she was four years old, after her mother recognized her skill and love for the instrument. Shirley Horn said most of the songs that she performed were ones she had grown up with. Her family loved music and there was always music by the greatest singers and bands playing in her home. Hom said she lived for music, which was like food and water It is stated in the passage that Shirley Horn's mother was ...... . A) also a talented pianist and singor B) originally from the city of Washington, DC. C) the first to realize that Hom was talented D) not willing to pay for Horn to go to the Juilliard Schoo! E) in love with classical music but did not like jazz We can conclude from the passage that Shirley Horn ...... . A) did not have a lot of money in her teenage years B) was a friend of Oscar Peterson and Ahmad Jamal C) graduated from university at @ very young age D) was a calm and easygoing person E) had an influence on most of the great jazz artists 1. It is stated in the passage that Shirley Horn ...... 5 A) had a lot of financial debt when she died B) was a friend of Verve Records’ vice- president C) often did performances at Avery Fisher Hall D) sometimes performed without making a sound E) had a new album out just over a week before her death 2. Itis understood from the passage that the album But Beautiful ...... . A) came out near the end of October in 2005 B) was Ken Druker's favourite Shirley Horn album C) is generally considered the best of Shirley Horn's albums D) did not contain new songs by Shirley Horn E) was actually an album of classical music performances a Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer. The legendary jazz singer and pianist Shirley Horn, who was widely credited as being the "master of anticipation’, passed away on 20 October 2005, in Washington, D.C., at the age of 71. Only nine days before this, Verve Records had released But Beautiful: The Best of Shirley Horn, a compilation of her older songs. While it's true that she was a master of anticipation, Horn was also a master of silence. In an interview, Ken Druker—the vice- president of Catalog Development for Verve Records— said, “My fondest musical memory of her came quite recently, a few years ago, when she was performing at Avery Fisher Hall, | had just seen her at Iridium and was amazed, as | always was, at how the room became totally still when she performed a ballad. It was as if everyone in the room was holding their breath. When | saw her at Avery Fisher a few months later, | realized that she had precisely the same power over 2,700 people in an enormous room as she had had over 150 people in an intimate jazz club. The ability to hold that many people's attention so deeply engrossed, and with a minimum of sound or musical action, was the expression of her genius.” We can conclude from the passage that Avery Fisher Hall .. A) is located in Washington, D.C. B) can hold over three thousand people C) is large and Iridium is smatl D) does not have very good acoustics E) is a difficult place to breathe in We learn from the passage that Shirley Horn .. A) played music for a total of 71 years B) used quietness in her performances C) was a very sensible person for her age D) tried to hold her breath when she performed E) preferred ballads to other types of songs re | Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type from the passage without using a dictionary. 4. credited A) claimed —-B) performed C) wondered D) requested _E) composed 2. passed away A) died B) took C) placed D) set E) moved 3.released —_A) thrown away B) set off C) given up) gone through E) brought out 4. compilation A) correction B) calculation €) condition) collection —_E) caution 5, still A) hasty B) silent C) absent) skillful E) selective 6. precisely A)eterally B) modestly C) exactly D) merely _—_E) eventually 7. enormous A) very tidy B) extremely flat C) very constructive D) slightly strange —_E) very large 8. intimate A) decisive ~—B) conscious C) sensible —_D) cozy E) thorough 9. engrossed A) attentive B) ambitious GC) accidental D) available —_E) acoustic. 40. genius A) publication B) brillance —_C) device D) bargain —_E) agreement [D] Circle the choice which has the same meaning as the given sentence. 4, My fondest musical memory of Shirley Horn came a few years ago, when she was performing at Avery Fisher Hall. A) A few years ago, at Avery Fisher Hall, Shirley Horn gave an excellent musical performance that | am sure | will remember forever B) | remember that Shirley Hom gave her best performance ever a few years ago at Avery Fisher Hall C) The best memory of Shirley Hom's music that | have occurred dunng a show that she gave at Avery Fisher Hall a few years ago 2. 1 was amazed at how the room became totally still when she performed a ballad. A) Her ballad performances were so shocking that no one in the room spoke during them B) The way that the room got completely silent during one of her ballad performances. Impressed me very much C) By the time she had finished her ballad performance, | was astounded, and no one else in the room could speak, either 3. It was as if everyone in the room was holding their breath while Shirley Horn was performing. A) Alll of the people who were present in the room held their breath and waited for Shirley Horn to perform B) Shirley Horn would hold her breath during performances sometimes, and most of the audience would do the same €) During Shirley Horn's performance, it seemed as though the whole audience had stopped breathing 4, Shirley Horn had precisely the same power over 2,700 people in an enormous room as she had had over 150 people in an intimate jazz club. A) Ina very large room with more than 2,700 people, and in a cozy Jazz club with 150 people, the effect that Shirley Horn had on the audience was exactly the same B) Over 2,700 people in a very large room have admitted that Shirley Horn had the same effect on them as she would have on 150 people in a cozy jazz club ©) was because Shirley Horn exercised such great power over more than 2,700 people ina very large room that she was able to do the same over 150 people in a cozy jazz club [E] In the following passages, find the missing sentence of the passage. 1 3. 5. As a career, Shirley Horn was planning to play classical music on the piano, She was not planning to be a singer. She said it happened by accident when she was 17 and playing classical music on the piano at a restaurant. A man offered to give her a huge toy teddy bear if she would sing the song “My Melancholy Baby’. This incident helped her realize that she could make a living singing and playing jazz. A) The lyrics for "My Melancholy Baby” were written by George A. Norton B) Horn, however, refused to play the song for the man C) The first teddy bear was produced in Germany in 1902 D) Horn had never sung in public before, yet she agreed E) The song begins with the words, “Come to me, my melancholy baby” Shirley Homn’s first album, called Embers and Ashes, did not get a lot of attention. But the famous jazz musician Miles Davis heard it. He liked it so much that hé invited Horn to play music with him in New York City, ..... . This proved effective, and Hom sang as the opening act before Davis’ performance at New York's Village Vanguard nightclub. A) In order to persuade the club owner, Davis threatened that he wouldn't play unless Horn was allowed to sing B) The album's full tile is actually Embers and Ashes: Songs of Lost Love Sung by Shirley Horn C) However, Davis had originally been bom in Alton, lifinois, located on the Mississippi River D) Davis, a trumpet player, made many important contributions to jazz over his 50-year career E) The Village Vanguard nightclub can still be found today, in Greenwich Village, not far from Washington Square Park That Miles Davis became a fan via Horn’s 1960 debut album, Embers and Ashes, was almost a miracle, ‘Yet Davis managed to find one, and became virtually addicted to it. He played it so much at home that his kids could sing along to it. When, a year later, he called Horn and invited her to open for him at the Village Vanguard, Horn didn't believe that it was really Davis, so she ignored the offer. But Davis sent her a train'ticket for New York, and she went A) There have been many miracles inf story of fz, music B) Few copies had been produced and they were hard to find He absolutely fell in love with Horn’s debut album, though B) Davis eventually became addicted fo heroin, cocaine, and alcohol E) Embers are the barely burning remains of a fire that is going out Shirley Horn’s performance with Miles Davis in New York Jed to a record deal with Mercury Records, which brought wider recognition. She was soon performing around the United States. She also recorded with Quincy Jones and other top musicians. ......: Horn wanted to play the piano on all her recordings, but the record company did not agree to this. ‘A) Quincy Jones was a childhood friend of Ray Charles, who taught him how to read Braille B) The piano-playing singer is a feature of many different varieties of music C) But Horn’s deal with Mercury Records didn't last tong, because of creative differences } During the 1870s, Horn rere ftom recording, snd dd not often perform ve Mercury Records, founded in Chicago in 1948, promoted many African-American artists Indicating the level of respect he had for Hom, the jazz legend Miles Davis accompanied her on the title track of the 1990 album You Won't Forget Me. This was the first time he'd recorded with @ vocalist in four decades, and Davis did so in the long-abandoned lyrical style he'd defined in the 1950s, shortly before he first discovered Shirley Horn. ...... . But they were unable to, as Davis died the following year. In later years, Horn dedicated one of her albums to Davis, 1998's 1 Remember Miles, which brought her her only Grammy. ‘A) You Won't Forget Me also features the great jazz harmonica player Toots Thielemans B) Davis' last album before his death was 1891's hip hop-influenced Doo-Bop C) The two were talking at the time about working together on an all-ballad album D) The two frequent collaborators never developed a romantic relationship, however E) Miles Davis died of a stroke in New York City on 28 September 1991 In the following passages, one sentence in each passage doesn’t fit well with the | other sentences, and this prevents a smooth reading. Can you find the odd sentence? 1. (I) Miles Davis’ 1959 album Kind of Blue is often considered the finest jazz album of all time. (Il) But it didn’t take very long to record. (Ill) Some of Miles Davis' later albums made heavy use of studio effects and editing. (IV) In fact, it was recorded in only two separate sessions: one on 2 March 1959, and the other on 22 April. (V) The musicians had little idea what they were going to play on those days: they just came in, improvised the songs as the tapes were rolling, and then went home. Al B) I! cyt Div EV 2. (I) The great blues, R&B, and jazz singer Dinah Washington was known as the "Queen of the Blues”. (II) And she acted like a queen, too: she was supposed to be very classy and demanding. (Ill) Her singing style was very distinctive, and almost impossible to imitate (IV) Because of this attitude, audiences loved her dearly. (V) For example, in London, she once called Queen Elizabeth a fake, and the crowd absolutely loved it. A)! B) Il cyl D)Iv E)V 3. (I) Quincy Jones began his musical career as a trumpeter, but has since gained fame in a number of different musical fields. (II) After undergoing two major brain surgeries in 1974, he was advised never to play the trumpet again. (Ill) For example, he has used his ft arranging and producing abilities with many great jazz and pop artists. (IV) Also, he has been a conducter for both classical orchestras and pop choirs. (V) Finally, he has composed over thirty musical scores for motion pictures. A)! B)II cyl D)Iv E)V 4. (I) Ella Fitzgerald may have been the finest jazz singer of all time. (I!) Many people would choose Billie Holiday or Sarah Vaughan, however. (Ill) She had a beautiful voice, a wide range, excellent rhythm, and very clear pronunciation. (IV) Perhaps her only fault was the fact that she made even sad songs sound happy. (V) Looking at her career as a whole, though, it's clear that few other singers were even in the same class as “Lady Ella” A)l B) Il c) tir D)Iv E)V 5. (I) Ahmad Jamal was born with the name Frederick Russell Jones, but changed it when he became a Muslim in 1952. (Il) The musical talents of the great jazz pianist Ahmad Jamal were discovered at a very young age. (III) When Ahmad was three years old, his uncle was playing piano in the family living room one day. (IV) He played a short musical phrase on the piano and then challenged his nephew to repeat it. (V) And so, his 3-year-old nephew, who had never touched a plano before, got onthe piano stool and reproduced the phrase exactly. Al B) Il c) Il D)IV E)V 3- Farming Can’t Buy Me Love Many parts of rural Greece are faced with a serious problem Village women are moving into big cities in search of work or marriage, leaving the men behind The men cannot do the same, because, according to tradition, they come into the land upon the death of their fathers, and must stay in the villages For the young men in Zacharo, western Greece, this makes for a lonely fe Fully aware of this situation is the mayor, facing reelection, Pantazis Chronopoulos The local coffee shop owner Kadafi said that he didn’t know how the mayor had come up with the idea, but that he had given his word that, if they voted for him in the election, he would organize a trip abroad to find them wives After making this vow, Mayor Chronopoulos then contacted the mayor of the Russian town of Klin, who gathered 300 women all looking for foreign spouses Kostas, a twenty-seven-year-old shepherd, was among the men who wished to travel to Russia He said that he had taken the decision to participate in the inp because he had everything he needed in life—a house, a car, a tractor, fields, and animals But he needed a partner, as he wanted to create a family Later in the year, following the election, Kostas and Kadafi travelled to Moscow, together with the mayor and eight other men Most of them had never been abroad before Although they were tired, their first meeting with the Russian women took place that same night in the hotel Women of all ages turned up Most of them were divorced and dreamed of living a better life in a country with a Mediterranean climate, like Greece Each man had two “candidates” Kostas danced with Galya, a 22-year-old former housewife He was immediately attracted to her, and told her that he was in love with her Kadafi, however, was worned that he could not communicate with Nadya, the woman he liked Finally, he found the courage to sit with the 40-year-old bank employee He invitec her to Zacharo, and she agreed to go She was impressed with him and said that, although it had been difficult for them to communicate, Kadafi had behaved like a knight Kadafi and Nadya spent their last day together and Nadya promised to come to Greece two months later Kadafi hoped to get married before the end of the year Galya and Kostas had more concrete plans Galya had already started Greek lessons She told Kostas that, when she came to Zacharo, she would never return to Russia [A] Choose the correct answer according to the passage. We can understand from the passage 1, We learn from the passage that Nadya | 3. : that the Russian women A) found it hard to communicate with Kadaft B) will continue with her career in Greece €) 1s planning to work in a bank D) was too shy to dance with Kadaft E) will marry Kadafi in a few months It is understood from the passage that Galya A) fell in love with Kostas B) was more beautiful than the other “candidate” for Kostas C) speaks fairly good Greek D) doesn't want to settle in Greece permanently E) has been mamed before A) have no respect for their own culture B) longed for a better life C) have experience in living and working in rural areas D) are reluctant to leave Russia E) were looking particularly for Greek husbands We can conclude from the passage that Pantazis Chronopoulos ..... A) went to Russia with a group of eight men B) was reelected as mayor C) has many relatives abroad D) organizes trips for the local residents E) 1s a good friend of Kostas and Kadafi Read the passage above, and then try to guess the meanings of the italicized words without using a dictionary rural A) economic B) agricultural C) urban) financial_E) open 2. come into A) enter B) welcome GC) uncover D) struggle _&) inherit 3. voted for A)reported —B) supplied C) interested D) chose —_—E) captured 4, vow A) promise —_B) truth C) falsehood D) wedding —_E) restriction 5. spouses A)relations —_B) siblings C) elections) vacations) partners 6. knight A) horse B) evening €) gentlemanD) coward —_E) sword 7. concrete A) loose B) engaged C) worried —D) vocal E) definite Circle the choice which has the same meaning as the given sentence Kadafi said that the mayor had given his word that, if they voted for him in the election, he would organize a trip abroad to find them wives. A) Kadafi told the mayor that, if he promised to set up a foreign trip to get them wives, he would vote for him in the election. B) In order to persuade them to vote for him in the election, Kadafi said, the mayor set up a foreign expedition to find them wives. €) According to what Kadafi said, the mayor promised to set up a foreign trip to get them wives, provided that they voted for him in the election Most of the men who went to Russia with the mayor had never been abroad before. A) The trip they made with the mayor to Russia was their first foreign trip for the majority of the group. B) Before his trip there with a group of men, the mayor had never been to Russia C) Only a few of the men in the mayor's party had visited Russia for the same purpose before. Nadya was impressed with Kadafi and said that, although it had been difficult for them to communicate, he had behaved like a knight. A) Nadya, who was deeply affected by Kadafi, remarked that, despite their problems talking to one another, he had acted like a knight. B) Kadafi had impressed her by acting like a knight who was too shy to talk to her, according to Nadya. C) Kadafi's knight-ike behaviour made it difficult for him and Nadya to understand each other, but she said that she still liked him. Galya told Kostas that, when she came to Zacharo, she would never return to Russia. A) Galya said to Kostas, “After | stayed in Zacharo, | went back to Russia.” B) “Once | come to Zacharo, | will never go back to Russia,” said Galya to Kostas C) Kostas said that Galya would never return to Russia once she'd seen Zacharo. 4. Check What You Know Famous Souares in the World Taksim Square at see Taksim Square in Istanbul is a major shopping, tourist, and leisure district famous for its restaurants, shops, and hotels. It (1) ...... the heart of modem Istanbul. It is the location of the Republic Monument, (2) ...... was opened in 1928. Taksim was originally the point in Istanbul where water was (3) ...... 10 other parts of the city. This use for the area was established by Sultan Mahmud |. The square takes its name from the stone reservoir located on its side. Taksim Square is a popular destination for (4) tourists the residents of Istanbul. istikidl Caddesi, the most famous avenue in Istanbul, ends at the square, and a nostalgic tram runs from the square (5) the avenue, ending near Tiinel. Taksim Square is often host to official events such as parades and other ceremonies. 1. A) considering B) considered C) is considered D) was considering E) has considered B) that D) who 2. A) which c E) what where 3. A) permitted B) wandered C) resolved D) distributed E) involved 4. A)either...nor —B) both ... and C)neither... but) not only... or E) hardly ... when 5. A) between B) down C) without D) among E) of Plaza Hidalgo Plaza Hidalgo is an important centre of community life in the Coyoacan neighbourhood of Mexico City. The square was named after Father Miguel Hidalgo, a key figure in the Mexican Revolution. Although the design consists of a set of linear paths, Plaza Hidalgo functions quite flexibly, (6) ...... visitors to circulate freely between different sections. Rather than dictating (7) ...... people can go, these linear paths act as connections between various destinations in the beautiful park. On a typical day, one is (8) ...... drawn to the square, but the most colourful activity is the weekend market, Thankfully, the centre of the Plaza is accessible only on foot; otherwise, its liveliness (9) ..... by speeding cars. People of all ages gather around a small fountain (10) the shade of trees in the square 6. A) having been allowed B) allowed C) to be allowed D) allows E) allowing 7. A) where B) what C) why D) who E) that 8 A)inaccurately —_B) inadequately C) inevitably D) inconsistently E) invisibly 9. A) can be spoilt B) ought to be spoilt C) must be spoilt 3 would be spoilt E) had to be spoilt 410. A) during B) from C) across D) about E) under The Old Town Souare ie {pp aa ‘The Old Town Square (Staromesiske Namest), with its ancient buildings and magnificent churches, is one of (11) ...... historical sights in Prague. The history of the square dates back to the 10th century, (12)...... it was one of the favourite marketplaces. Today, the square is filled (13) ..... restaurants, cafés, souvenir shops, and galleries. It is also the starting point for horse-drawn carriage rides and cily tours, The buildings in the Old Town ‘Square are a collage of architectural styles: Gothic comes (14) .... after Art Nouveau, or a beautiful Baroque construction. in the centre of the square is the monument of Jan Hus, one of the most important Czech reformers and nationalists, and the first rector of Charles University in Prague. (15) ...... notable sights are the Church of Our Lady before Tyn, the Astronomical Clock, and the stunning St. Nicholas Church. 11. A) more beautiful B) the most beautiful C) as beautiful D) too beautiful E) beautiful enough 12, A) how 5 that C) where D) which £) when 13. A) from B) of ¢) with C)on E)in 14. A) immediately _B) intensively C)adequately_D) eventualy ) nearly B) Others D) The others E) The other's 15, A) Other C) Another Naghshi-e Jahan Souare Naghsh-e Jahan Square. also known as Imam ‘Square, is the second (16) .... . city square in the world. As an important historical place, it is one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. The mosques of Naghsh-e Jahan Square make it a main tourist destination, (17) that is not the only reason to visit the place. The square was the symbolic centre of the Safavid Dynasty and its empire. It was a place for festivals, markets, and games of polo. The onginal goai posts from Shah Abbas’ polo grounds (18) . ... stil in place today at the far ends of the square The square 1s surrounded by important historical buildings from the Safavid era, (19) .... . the Shah Mosque, the Ali Qapu Palace, the Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque, and the Isfahan Grand Bazaar Itis a very popular spot on summer evenings, when the people of Isfahan (20) . .._ on blankets with their picnics and samovars. 16. A) larger B) largest C) so large D) large enough E) as large as 17. A) contrary to —B) unless C) despite D) although E) how 18. A) will be B) had been C) are D) were E) would be 19. A) so that B) more than C)rather than ——_D) in addition E) such as 20. A) settle down —_B) put off C) see off D) lay aside E) go through Federation Souare Federation Square is Melbourne's meeting place, and a unique cultural district. As a place to come together in times of relaxation, (21)....... in times of protest, it brings together a creative mix of attractions. As itis situated on the busiest intersection in central Melbourne, there is no other place that is as easy to get to, The complex of buildings is in a U shape, with (22) ..... shops, cafés, and restaurants. It (23) in 2001—on the centenary of Australian federation—but since the project involved some logistical problems, it was delayed. The square (24) ...... both loved and despised by Melburnians since it was finally opened on 26 October 2002. It has caused great controversy (25) ...... for its unusual architecture, ...... for the high costs. 8) moreover D) owing to E) as well as 24. A) by the time C) because 22. A) a great deal of B) a large number of C) such a quantity 1D) as much as £) a large amount 23. A) has been opened B) had opened C) was going to be opened D) used to be opened E) opened 24. A) has been B) will be Chis D) was E) could be 25. A) either ... and B) no sooner ... than C) the more ... the less D) scarcely ... when E) not only ... but also Trafalgar Square in London was given its name (26) ...... the people who died in the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar against Napoléon. In the centre of the square, Nelson's Column is surrounded by fountains and four huge bronze lions. Some of the metal used is known (27) from cannon used in the battle. The square used to be particularly famous for its pigeons, but in 2000, the sale of bird seed in the square was terminated, and feeding the pigeons was banned in 2003, so there are now relatively few birds in the square. A Christmas ceremony (28) ...... in the square every year since 1947. The Christmas tree is given by Norway's capital Oslo as a symbol of gratitude for Britain's support during World War ll. Since its construction, Trafalgar Square has been host to (29) ...... very large demonstrations, including the recent 100,000- person one against George W. Bush ‘Trafalgar Square is also the location of London's (30) ...... police station 26. A) instead of B) in charge of C)in return for —_D) in honour of E) regardless of 27. A) had been recycled B) to recycle C) having recycled D) to have been recycled E) recycling A) is held B) is being held C) used to be held D) was held E) has been held 28. 29. A) a little C) many B) such D) few of E) much 30. A) smaller B) smallest C)the smallest _D) as small E) a smaller 5- Learn These Phrasal Verbs [A] Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs below. Pay attention to the verb form. 1. bring forward change the time of an event so that it happens earfier than planned . 2. check out examine or investigate 3. come over visit informally 4. die out cease fo exist; become extinct 5. get off leave a public vehicle 6. give away reveal a secret (often without intending to) 7. go for choose 8. live on use a certain amount of money to buy necessities 9. put up construct; erect 10. take off remove (usually an item of clothing) 1. The Rodrigues flying fox could soon ......:-::-n-t-ee, a8 at present, there are only around 79 Jef, and their habitat continues to be destroyed 2. InJ.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion, the Elf Maeglin, through fear and jealousy, ... the location of the hidden Elvish city of Gondolin, which is later attacked and destroyed by an army of evil creatures. told my husband Atila that Nergis was ~... we. tonight to watch the football match with me, so he wouldn't be able to watch Sihiri’ Annem, as itis on at the same time. In 2002, the archaeologist William Saturno started to the Mayan chamber that he had discovered by accident in the Guatemalan ji After | had . . the bus, I realized that | had tel my pet parrot behind, and that he was now on his way to Kartaltepe. None of the students ......... 1... theit coats, gloves, or hats in the class, because it was heated so badly. According to recent statistics, 1.85 billion people in the Asia-Pacific region stil... less than two US dollars a day. Rather than invest in renewable energy, which poses no risk to human health, the British Prime Minister has decided to . nuclear power to provide for Britain’s energy needs. A team of specialists in 1999 estimated that it had taken the ancient Egyptians a workforce varying in size from 13,200 to 40,000 people, and approximately 10 years, to a the Great Pyramid of Giza. 10. The release date of Eminem's album En00re WAS «ccs iN an attempt to prevent it from being pirated on the Internet. eS enon pe Replace the italicized phrasal verb with a verb from the list. Pay attention to the verb form. leave visit construct remove reveal investigate 1. The strong walls that were put up (... +--+) by the Incas in Cuzco have proved much better at withstanding earthquakes than those built during the colonial period 2. A recent scientific study has checked out (... ) whether there is any connection between an unhappy marriage and the health of the two partners 3. I couldn't get Off (...e. .) the metro at Terazidere, as | was blocked in the aisle by the enormous number of passengers. 4. Inthe movie Donnie Brasco, the FBI agent Joseph D. Pistone is asked to take off c ..) his shoes at a Japanese restaurant, but he refuses because he has a listening device hidden in his sock. 5. As Sandra is in the neighbourhood visiting relatives, she is thinking about coming over ssssseees) Here tomorrow for tea. 6. Ibis quite amazing that Zorro is able to prevent giving away (... esse) his true identity simply by wearing a wide-brimmed black hat and a black cloth around his eyes. [e] omplete the sentences using the phrasal verbs below. Pay attention to the verb form, 10. . As itis expensive to call up (... 41. call up telephone 2. come about come to pass; happen 3. come fo amount to; totab 4. die down become calm or quiet; subside 5. get ahead be successful, as in business or society 6. give in acknowledge defeat; surrender; concede 7. go ahead with start to do something; implement an idea 8. look forward to _feel happy and excited about something thats-goitigto-happen 9. occur to suddenly think of something 10. wait on perform the duties of an attendant or servant Lucy Liu is one of the very few Asian-Amencan actors that have managed to in the US film industry. As the price of the groceries .. . more than the SOYTL I had on me, | had to leave some of them behind in the supermarket Levent .. ..su0: Aylin to See how well she had done in the last practice exam Bcc the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein that all of the problems in philosophy could be traced to problems with language. The two-day riot in the English class over whether to use "who" or “whom in the question “To (blank) are you referring?” has finally started to In 2001, a New York restaurant worker who had been .... given a tip of $16,000 by him, In the first century AD, the mad Roman emperor Caligula... «.. @ plan to build a 5-kilometre bridge of boats across the Bay of Naples just so that he could ride over it in “triumph.” The people of South Africa are hosting the next football World Cup in 2010. Napoléon thought that his capture of Moscow would force the RUSSIANS LO... sss sso but they simply withdrew further east and burned the city In his book The Sleepwalkers, Arthur Koestler argues that the major astronomical discoveries of the scientific era ny .. almost by chance .«. @ stockbroker was Replace the italicized phrasal verb with a verb from the list. Pay attention to the verb form. occur start telephone surrender total subside ..) friends or relatives abroad, more and more people are using the Internet to keep in contact with them ‘The British colonization of India came about (... ............ - - .) through a number of disconnected wars, rather than through a grand strategic plan It wasn’t until after more than 150 years of brutal warfare that organized Mayan opposition to Spanish rule finally died down (... During the Albigensian Crusade, the Cathars trapped in the French fortress city of Carcassone gave in (. ...... ... ) after only having been besieged for 14 days. It has been estimated that, in 1 financial terms, the damage done by the 2004 tsunami in Asia comes to( ...... .) around 14 billion US dollars. In 2004, the Ministry of Transportation decided to go ahead with ( construction of a rail tunnel under the Bosphorus «) the TEST YOUR VOCABULARY Even though Buster Martin is 100 years old, he hasn't........ from work yet because he feels he'll be bored with nothing to do. A) selected B) sacked C) fled D) refused E) retired Lois: - Have you ....... Kelly since | last saw you? Carl: = No, because | don’t have her phone number or e-mail address. A) extracted B) reacted ©) attracted D) contacted E) distracted . Along with seven Western nations, Japan also ....... in the crushing of anti- colonial nationalist movement in China in 1900-01. B) involved A) increased D) congratulated C) participated E) reflected Because of Isabela Godin des Odonnais’ great she was able to survive on her own in the Amazon jungle for nine days. A) courage B) destination C) achievement D) limit E) exploration Can you please get off the telephone now, because I have a/an......... call to make. 8 confident B) urgent C) intentional D) eager E) nearby . Although kite-flying sounds like a/an hobby, it has led to dozens of s in Pakistan. A) fierce B) available €) harmful D) useless E) innocent The Australian writer Thomas Keneally the life of his wife's Irish great- randfather for his book The Great hhame. 10. 1. 12. 13. A) removed B) concentrated C) prescribed D) remained E) investigated This man, Hugh Larkin, had stand up and protest against the extremely unfair British land laws in Ireland in the 49th century. A) hurt B) bumped C) excused D) dared E) occurred to This was seen as alan ........ crime by the British authorities, and so he was given a heavy punishment. B) serious D) upset, A) accurate €) captured E) doubtful Even though Hugh Larkin had never been........ in his life, he was separated from his wife and children and sent by ship to permanent exile in Australia. A) abroad C) ahead E) ashore B) aloud D) around My cousin is staying with us He will be gone as soon as the roof of his house has been put back on. A) frequently B) relatively C) generously D) temporarily E) expressively Thomas Hardy ...... his feelings for his dead wife through some very emotional poetry. A) persuaded C) desired B) expressed D) sentenced E) reminded The food Canan cooked for us tasted , but | forced myself to eat it in order not to be rude to her. A) awful B) unable €) slight D) lacking E) weak 14. 15. 16. 47. 18. 19. 20. I'm no good at making instant ... give me a few hours, and then I'll give you my answer. A) likenesses C) decisions E) attitudes B) resources D) intervals Astrologers believe that the events of our lives are ........ to the positions of the stars and planets. A) watched C) linked B) forecast D) pursued E) added Logan is a huge, aggressive-looking man, but if you get to know him, you'll find that he is very ...... A) harsh B) furious C) tiny D) occasional E) gentle The ruler Mahmud of Ghazni is repeatedly ........ in Farid ad-Din Attar’s mystical poem The Conference of the Birds. A) interfered B) appealed C) contained D) mentioned E) remarked I don’t want to wear just any jacket. want to wear the ........ one that Laura bought me for my birthday. A) particular C) gifted B) voluntary D) affectionate E) obvious The ........ name of the Baltic city of Kaliningrad was Kénigsberg; it was given its present name in 1946, B) distant D) joint A) once C) elderly E) former Shannon was planning to wait a week before she started her new job, but her boss wanted her to start ......,« A) deliberately B) previously C) constantly D) immediately E) ultimately 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. Gordon is having a party this weekend, but as he hasn’t said anything about it to me, it may just be a rumour. A) Undoubtedly B) Greatly C) Apparently D) Accordingly E) Promptly Before Ramén started painting his living room, he ...... all of the furniture with a plastic sheet. A) covered C) designed E) loaded B) coated D) overthrew The French scholar Jean-Francois Champollion had a great........ for languages, and he knew 24 of them by the time he was 20 years old. A) worth, C) deed B) talent D) present E) match Peter Maass’ understanding of the Bosnian people is what makes his book Love Thy Neighbor so good. A) filling B) thick C) relevant D) empathic E) steep Tarkan ...... around when he felt somebody touch him on the shoulder. A) hung C) bent B) bought D) feared E) swung The European Renaissance was with the expansive phase of the Ottoman Empire—that is, they happened around the same time. A) contemporary C) outdated B) straightforward D) indifferent E) motionless 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Daniel couldn't ....... Seeing Rhiannon again, so he didn't accept the invitation to her engagement party. A) miss B) lend C) reply D) face E) last Lorna has been for five years, but recently she and her ex-husband have started to speak to each other again without bitterness. A) widowed C) separate B) uninhabited D) divorced E) uncommon Haley ruined the ........ of the film for Janice, because she told her the ending just after the film had started. A) sight B) addition C) suspense D) summit E) prediction Alexander Pope's The Dunciad is alan sss Because it makes fun of the dullness and unintelligence of the author's political and cultural enemies. A) essay B) satire C) novel D) poem E) piece Although Marshal Pétain is correctly sue With the darkest years of 20th- century France, he had been a French war hero in the First World War. A) associated €) withstood E) declined B) contrasted D) prevented Sebnem managed to remain ........ when an angry customer returned to the shop and accused her of stealing from him. A) calm ¢) fond B) plain D) alike E) mere 33, 34, 35. 36. 37, 38. The name Kitty Hawk sometimes ... to the Wright Flyer; it was the first powered aircraft to fly and it had a maximum speed of 48 km/h. A) implies B) means C) detects D) likens E) refers The ........ of airplanes from the Wright Flyer to the Heinkel He 178—with a maximum speed of 650 km/h— happened within the space of only 35 years, A) travel B) development C) graduation D) extension E) amazement While Sally was photographing some beautiful flowers in the meadow, she didn't ....... the escaped leopard moving towards her. A) explore C) concentrate E) obtain B) review D) notice Even though Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, he had ....... the bombing of Cambodia a few years earlier. A) ordered B) concemed C) experienced D) bothered E) approached Alison ........ Vincent with the rumours he had been spreading about her, but he claimed that he hadn’t started them. A) rejected B) demanded €) confronted D) suspected E) overheard Hasan was given a yellow card in the match because he ........ the arm of an opposing player and pulled him to the ground. A) shone B) grabbed C) switched D) threw E) handed 39. 40. 44. 42. 43. . The strange .. Immanuel Kant looked like a fairly normal university teacher, but he was. with a revolutionary new approach to philosophy. A) expanded B) considered €) occupied D) preserved E) clanfied After the Mughal emperor Babur died, he was ...... by his eldest son Humayun, and this made Humayun's half-brother Kamran very jealous. A) succeeded B) murdered C) inherited D) deserved E) elected The French sculptor Camille Claudel was accused of being........ by her mother, and was locked up against her will in a psychiatric hospital for 30 years. A) unconscious B) unreasonable C) ashamed D) insane E) isolated Erol ........ when he saw a spider in the bath, so his wife had to come in and Kill it for him. A) witnessed C) confused B) fnghtened D) dropped E) screamed Gékhan: - Chinese and Japanese people speak very similar languages, don’t they? Banu: + No, on the ......., there is almost no similarity between the two. A) opposite B) contrary C) difference D) fluency E) reflection ., and therefore probable death, of the American writer and journalist Ambrose Bierce in Mexico in 1913 has still not been explained. 45, 46. 47. 48, 49. 50. A) murder B) lack C) behaviour D) disappearance E) companionship Although the guard on the door spoke to the journalist ......, she didn’t appear to be afraid. A) threateningly B) considerably C) unfortunately D) presumably E) increasingly Frank William Abagnale, Jr. to be a pilot called Frank Williams in order to get free trips on airlines around the world. A) converted C) resembled E) ignored B) pretended D) mistook The coach was ........ with Inci’s time in the 100 metres, and so he put her on the college athletics team. A) compressed B) expressed C} unpressed D) oppressed E) depressed After an uprising in Spain in 1808, French soldiers ........ together large numbers of people from the cities. A) encountered B) gathered C) resembled D) comprised E) emerged Even though many of the people hadn't been involved in the uprising, the soldiers lined them up and then . them. A) defeated B) captured C) discovered D) executed &) lessened The ....... of their shooting was painted six years later in a very striking picture by Francisco Goya. A) assassination B) collision C) pursuit D) consumption E) moment YDS - VOCABULARY Eduardo thought that King Kong was alan ........ film, but he wouldn’t want to watch it again. B) enjoyable D) vast E) disturbing A) boring C) visual Serkan telephoned for some ........ when his motorbike broke down on the road between Mersin and Tasucu. A) acceptance B) appearance C) annoyance D) assistance E) audience In his fiction, Amin Malouf often uses real historical characters, but creates storylines for them. A) actual C) sincere B) imaginary D) voluntary E) wealthy I would prefer it if you....... the doorbell, instead of banging on the door with your fist when you want to come in. A) stretched B) switched C) inserted D) returned E) pressed | think that a language CD is you want to learn how to prot the Khmer language properly. A) fluent C) aware B) probable D) influential E) essential Grigor and Vanessa's family gone up since Vanessa was promoted to manager of the sales department. A) loan B) salary C) addition D) income E) economy Iwill come out with you if you agree to. my one.........: Pll drive the minivan instead of Scott. 10. 1. 12, 13. A) condition B) prediction €) audition D) distinction E) attention Gill thinks that the weather in Gesme is more ....... in spring and autumn than in the height of summer. A) affectionate C) pleasant B) smooth D) trivial E) widespread The Italian poet Eugenio Montale fought as a/an the First World War, and this affected his pessimistic poetry. B) order D) interior A) narrator €) founder E) officer There is a plan to build a/an .. across the Strait of Gibraltar and thus link Africa and Europe by road. A) bridge C) trade B) way D) ceiling E) extent Ls. Fecommend that you try the fettuccine alla melanzane at this restaurant—it is really delicious. A) virtually C) strongly B) greedily D) practically E) potentially As the ice gradually melts at the North and South Poles, sea ........ around the world are slowly rising. A) directions B) rows C) levels D) summits E) states Mesut is ........ not to get a low mark in the university exam again this year, so he has stopped going out and now studies really hard. A) donated C) improved B) worried D) ashamed E) determined 14. 15. 16. 47. 18. 19. 20. Until recently, it was possible to between India and Pakistan only by airplane. A) trip B) advance C) discover D) travel E) heighten Sabrina has been working at physics very hard this year, and that is why she is making great ........ in the subject. A) worth C) increase B) progress D) likeness E) succession The cholera pandemic of 1820 started in Bengal, but it to China in the east and the Caspian Sea in the west. A) affected C) spread B) infected D) vaccinated E) released Henry wanted to play the ........ of Doctor Thomas Stockman in the local production of An Enemy of the People, but he was given that of Captain Horster instead, B) plot A) role D) tem ¢) kind E) view The Chinese government........ to make the Chinese economy the most powerful in the world during the 21st century. B) aims A) scores D) treats C) promotes E) grows The French Revolution truly started when the ........ of the city of Paris broke into the Bastille prison in order to release the prisoners. A) opinions B) masses C) concepts D) relatives E) weapons Christina has alan ........ of biting her fingernails—that is why they are always really short. A) skill B) worry C) emotion D) creation E) habit 2. 22. 23. 24, 25, 26. 27. You are not....... to film the ballet, so you have to leave your video camera with the security guards at the door. A) bothered B) obliged €) allowed D) reversed E) satisfied This song on the radio . really familiar, but | can’t remember where | know it from. A) sounds B) listens C) hears D) plays E) reminds Angel waited outside the cinema for Theresa for two hours, but she never up. A) held B) got C) grew D) turned E) brought The ........ Of this saucepan was 20 YTL, but | saw the same one in the market Jater on for just 10 YTL. B) price D) cash A) currency C) finance E) store When ships stopped using........ and started using coal-powered steam engines instead, they no longer needed to worry about the direction of the wind. A) ideas €) oceans E) sails B) maps D) whales Hf you can't find any......... on Alexander von Humboldt's visit to Cuba on the Internet, why don't you try looking in a book? A) achievement B) expedition C) distinction D) relevance E) information | haven't seen my cousin for seven years, but because we don’t like each other, I don't ....... him at all. A) feel C) care B) wish D) miss E) part 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33, 34, I can’ to you now why I need 150 YTL—please, just trust me and give me the money. A) understand C) explain B) depend D) inform E) convince Since Sebnem moved to Gékceada, she has felt quite... especially in winter—and so she misses Izmir very much. A) vague B) wild C) far D) uninhabited E) isolated When we were flying into Algiers, we could see the Mediterranean from one of the airplane, and from the other we could see the north coast of Africa. A) flight B) side C) rush D) stop &) clue Mrs. Miggins ........ her chicken and mushroom pies amongst the guests equally, so everybody in the room got two large pieces each. A) shared B) directed C) sliced D) cooked E) proposed Because Kirsten Dunst has been an actress on TV and in films since she was three years old, she has only known a life Of sr. « A) scene B) star ©) pity D) fame E) adult This neighbourhood is ....... safe, but occasionally a crime is committed here at nighttime. A) eternally B) completely C) relatively D) formerly E) carefully Without my glasses, | can see the general shape of each person in this, picture, but | can’t make out any specific A) photos C) investigations E) details B) abilities D) senses 35. Alfred Adler believed that psychological problems come from a person's ...... of self-respect. A) lack B) find C) race D) miss E) deal 36. Jennifer: - Calvin said that he locked the door to the office last night. Vesna: - Well, he must be ......... because it was unlocked when | got here this morning. A) disagreeing B) exaggerating ©) lying D) betraying E) mistaking 37. If humans ever live on Mars, radio ........ with Earth will be impossible when the sun is between the two planets. A) combination B) contemplation €) contradiction D) communication E) concentration 38. There may be something wrong with Paul, because he has been ....... Very strangely recently. A) worrying B) acting €) ganing D) remaining E) tending 39. Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is a cheaper ....... for automobiles than standard petrol or diesel. A) fuel B) strength C) supply D) liquid E) drive 40. When European men wore hats in the 49th and 20th centuries, they used to .. them from their heads when they entered into buildings. A) retire C) remove B) restore D) receive E) revolve TEST YOUR PREPOSITIONS 1. Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest province ...... both size and population, has a reputation ...... outstanding natural beauty. A) as / from C) in / for B) of / on D) with / at E) into / about the age of 15, Olivia Newton-John ad formed an all-girl band, Sol Four, and soon was appearing ...... local TV and radio shows in Australia, A) By/on B) At/ from C) Over / of D) Since / across E) From / to 3. The Battle of Marathon in 490 BC was an important turning point...... the two dominant powers ...... the ancient world —Greece and Persia. A) since / across ©) at /in B) under / from D) for / of E) towards / on 4. Amber is fossilized tree resin that can vary ...... colour from yellow ...... red, green, or blue. A) for / on B) from / as C)as/in D)in/to E) of / with 5. Stephen King is noted....... his cinematic, style, and many of his novels and stories have been made ...... successful movies. A) as / from C)in/ up B) for / into D) about / of E) on/ out 6. The Siberian tiger—native ...... northern China, southern Russia, and parts of North Korea- extinction A) for / between B) of / against C) without / at D) from / with E) to/in 7. Anew, official, and smiling image of Confucius has sparked philosophical debate in China ...... whether or not it looks ...... him. A) over / like €)in | for B) on / after D) of /to E) at / into 8. Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are in India ...... the filming of a movie based ...... the murder of Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl, A) during / at C) for / on B) of /to D) before / from E) over / between 9. A manuscript of Ibn Sina's is expected the famous British auction house ‘otheby's to fetch ...... 8,000 to 12,000 pounds. A) at/ between B) by / from C) of / about D) into / for E) above / with 10. Mumps is a disease caused ...... a virus that usually spreads ...... saliva and can infect many parts of the body. A) from / at B) by / through €)in | for D) on / over E) down / with 11. Nevin was shaking ...... fear because she had seen a rattlesnake curled up on the rocks. A) with / among €) from / down E) at / into B) to/ above D) of / for 12. The 19th century French painter Manet was irritated ...... the critics’ tendency to mistake him ...... the other French artist, Monet. A) by / for B) at / of ©) with between —_D) for / with E) beside / like 13. 14, 15, 16. 7. 19. Violets were used in medieval times as protection ...... evil spirits, and their leaves were commonly used .. plasters. A) among / without C) of / during E) for /with B) by / after D) from / as In 1983, Russell Baker won the Pulitzer Prize ...... his autobiography, Growing Up, in which the portrayal ...... his mother is remarkable. A) of / about B) with / in €) for / of D) from / at E) by / along Haiku poets write ...... everyday things using simple words and grammar .. three short lines. A) about / in C) against / without E) on /at B) for / after D) to / around Many stories rely ...... events that are interesting enough to keep the reader curious ...... what will happen next. A) down / into ©) on / about E) to/at B) upon / from D) of / for Not many people have access ...... the technology in smart homes now, but that will change ...... the next decade as the technology gets less expensive. A) in / from C) about / of E) for / at B) to / over D) towards / on space, Earth is a magnificent blue planetary gem that appears to have a limitless supply water. A) into / by B) in / with C) through / for D) from / of E) above / out In India, the economic gap ...... the urban and the rural is more strongly felt in places suffering ...... great poverty. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24, 25. A) under / in B) among / to C) between /from —_D) around /with E) about / for The Birman cat is believed to have originated ...... Burma, where it was considered the sacred companion cat the Kittah priests. A) along / on B) from / beside ©) at / with D) for / into E) in/ of The Sony Reader, a hand-held portable . feading electronic books, sale online after months of A) without / at €) before / for B) in / over D) of / under E) for / on Anyone experiencing a sudden loss of hearing ...... one or both ears should consult a doctor ..... delay. A) of / for B) from / on C) about / by D) in / without E) through / over Sakakawea, which is ...... the world’s largest artificial lakes, remains unfamiliar ...... people outside North Dakota. A) around / on B) between / at C) among / to D) in /after E) about / with Vitamin K has a well-known role ...... blood clotting, but recent evidence suggests that it may also be important =: bone formation. A) as / with C) from / to E) into / of B) in / for D) down / about Machu Picchu, probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire, stands 2,350 m....... sea level, on the middle of a tropical mountain forest. A) beneath / for B) along // onto C) under / from D) within / at E) above / in 26. 27. 28. 29. 30, 3. George Orwell associates certain real persons ...... the characters in his novella Animal Farm, which is a satire of totalitarianism and full..... symbolism. A) with / of B) from / with ©) of /in D) about / by E) as /on Although the lynx occasionally preys .. domestic animals in remote areas, it usually poses no threat ...... humans or livestock. A) on/to B) for / in C) from / with D) with / at E) in / against The Tsing Ma Bridge, which spans 4,377m ..... the busy Ma Wan Channel, longest suspension bridge A) over / over C) across / on E) on / in B) around / for D) above / into the sea and started the current to Nora jumped . swimming rapidly get to the boat. A) out of / from B) into / against C) with / behind D) at / about E) on / among Research ...... brain-based learning suggests that emotional health is fundamental... effective learning, A) on/to B) into / by €) with / about D) on /at E) for/ from The Library of Celsus in Ephesus was built ...... memory of Celsus Polemeanus, who was a Roman senator and a great lover ...... books. A) at/on B) for / to CC) from / with D) in / of E) as / among 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. Consumer demand ...... organically produced food and fibre products provides new opportunities ...... farmers and businesses around the world. A) within / from B) to/ with C) for / for D) between / into E) at / along The alizé, a mild wind which blows ...... central Africa and the Caribbean, brings cool temperatures ...... November and February. A) through / at B) across / between C) above / on D) for / until E) from / among A rocket moves ...... accordance ...... Isaac Newton's third law of motion, which says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite rea A) on/as C) at / about E) in / with B) from / by D) for / from Bernard may be patient ...... his own children, but he shows absolutely no tolerance ...... anybody else’s. A) along / at B) towards / from C) of / into D) with / for E) against / up The plan to extend the main street met . strong opposition ...... the local residents. A) of / around C) for / about E) to/in B) on/to D) with / from Provincetown’s first settlers were the Pilgrims, who had first left England . Holland in search ...... religious freedom. A)in/to C) for / of B) from / for D) towards / at E) beside / to 38. 39, 40, a1. 42. 44, Anna admired Dostoevsky sense of drama and his intense moral judgements, but she was deeply his philosophy. A) for / against C) in / from B) at / about D) with / on E) of / beyond Backgammon, a lively blend . and luck, is a dice game playe board by two people. B) for/as A) with / of D) to / with C) between / at E) of /on The hero of Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe, a shipwrecked English sailor, survives ...... years small tropical island. B) for / on A) in / from D) within / towards C) till/ behind E) of / with Ateam ...... scientists based in Japan and Germany has found an unusual “lake” of liquid carbon dioxide ...... the ocean floor. A) of / beneath ©) in / for B) with / between D) for / to E) at/on The firefighters were ...... the scene within fifteen minutes, but by this time the hotel was already...... flames. A) by/ up B) at / from C) over / beside D) on / in E) down / to the flu as soon bronchitis. Miranda came down .. as she had recovered .. A) through / on ©) of/at B) to/ in D) before / for E) with / from Tess says that her fear ...... spiders stems ...... a horror film she saw when she was a child. 45. 46. 47, 48, 49, 50. B) for / around D) to/at E) among / on A) about / in C) of / from suse YOuF useful advice, | would never have invested my money ...... stock shares. A) About / from B) For / at €) Without / in E) With / to D) Over / for Paris’ Musée de Orangerie, best known as the home ...... Monet's outstanding water lilies sequence, has an exhibition dedicated ...... the French Realist painters of the 17th century. B) of /in D) in / from A) with / at ©) for / on E) to/to The scientific name ...... the Northern Lights is Aurora Borealis, which means “the dawn of the north” ...... Latin. A) of / during C) as / around E) in / with B) for / in D) from / on Pekmez is a traditional Turkish food made ...... using different kinds ...... fruit, such as grape, mulberry, fig, apple, and sugar beet. A) from / to C) by / of B) of / at D) into / on E) for / among The film Fur stars Nicole Kidman the photographer Diane Arbus, who was noted ...... her portraits of unusual people. A) as / for B) in / from ©) with / to D) between / at E) of /on Scientists have long wondered how Saharan desert ants are able to travel .-« their nests and food sources in an environment ...... few landmarks. A) with / at B) from / under C) towards / for D) into / for E) between / with me ANSWER KEY | Inspector Tricksome’s Last Case (pg.2) A)1.C 2.6 3.6 4.0 5.A 6.8 7.C BE 9A 104 11.6 12.0 13.A 14.8 15.0 16.D 17.6 18.0 49.4 20.8 21.0 226 B) 1.8 2A 3.0 46 5A 6.0 7.€ 8.8 9B 10.0 11A 12.0 13.0 14.8 15.€ 16.0 17.8 18.4 19. 20.6 21. 22.0 23B 24D 2. Shirley Horn (pg.8) A1B 20 20 4A 1B 3C 4A B)1.E 2.0 3. 4. ‘A 3B 4c 5. tA 22 3E 4B 58 6c 7¢ 80 9A 108 .C 3B 4B BA 3, Farming Can't Find Me aD (pg 13) ALA 2E 3.8 4. B) 1B 2 3D oA 5.E 6.C TE Bre 2A 3A 4 4, Check What You Know (9-15) 1C 2A 3.0 48 5B 6E 7A B.C 9. 17D 18.6 19.6 20A "24.8 22.8 23 5, Learn These Phrasal Verbs (pg.18) A) tile out 2.qves away 3 coming over 4 check out 5 got off 6 took off 7.\ve on 8 go for S.put up 10.brought forw: B) t.constiucted 2.investigaled 3 leave 4 remove S.vssing 6.revealing C) tiget ahead 2 came to 3 called up 4 occurred to’ 5.cie down 6 waiting on 7.went ahead with 8 looking forward to. 9.give in 10.came about D) t.telephone Z.occurred 3 subsided 4.surrendered § tolels 6 start E 1B 12E 13.0 14A 154 168 2aA 25E 260 27.0 28 29.C 30.8 TEST YOURSELF 1. 1C 2D 3E 4.B S.A 6.C TA 8B 9E 10.D WA 12.B 13.C 148 15.E 16.B 17.C 18F 19A 20E 24.C 22.E 23.A 24.4 25.D 26.B 27.A 28.D 2%C 30.8 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.B 365 37.E 38D 3%B 40.4 41.E 42.D 43.D 44,.C 45 A 46.D 47.E 48A 49.B 50.D S.C 52.C 53.E 54.B 55.C 56.C 57.A S8E 59D 60A 61.C 62.B 63.B 64.C 65.E TEST YOURSELF 2 1A 2C 3B 4D 5&C 6A 7E 8&D %B 105 m.C 12D 132A 14B 15E 16.A 17.C 18.C 19E 20D 21.B 22.A 23.E 24.C 25.D 26.B 27.E 28 A 29.D 30.E 31.E 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.D 37.E 38.C 39A 40.B 44.E 42.C 43.B 44.4 45.D 46.A 47.D 48.D 49.C 50. A 51.B 52E 53.E 54D 55A 56.C 57.C 58 A 59.B 60.D 61.C 622A 63.D 64E 65.C 66.B 67.A 68D 69D 70.B ep D eee tees Sy AAD 5uC e761 Es a7 7H TOD) oes a U1) 81.A 82.A 83.E 84.C 85.D TEST YOUR VOCABULARY YDS - VOCABULARY LB 2D 3B 46 56 6D 7A 8&C %E 110A wc 12.C BE 4D 1.B 16.C 172A 18B 1%B 20.8 21.C 22.A 23,D 24.B 25,.E 26.E 27.D 28C 2%E 30.38 31.A 32.D 33.C 34.E 35A 36.C 37.D 38B 3%A 40.C TEST YOUR PREPOSITIONS LC 2A 3D 4D 5B 7A 8C 9B 10.B u.A 12A 13.D 14.0 15 A 16.C 17.B 18D 19%C 20.8 21LE 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.E 26.A 27.4 28.C 29.B 30.4 31D 32.C 33B 346 35D 36D 37C 38A 395 40.8 414.A 42.D 43.E 44.C 45.C 46.E 47.B 48.C 49. A 50.5 PRACTICE EXAM 7 LE 2B 3.B 4A 5D 6C EE 8.B %D 10. WA 120 13.D 146 15.B 164A 17.B 18E 196 20.D 214.C 272A 23.E 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.B 28D 29.E 30.C 31.B 32.D 332A 34E 35.B 36.C 37C 38D 392A 40.8 41.4 42.E 43.D 44.D 45.C 46.8 47.B 48.B 49.C 50.A SI.E 52.D 53.B S54.E S5.A 56.C 57.C 58 E 59% A 60.4 61.C 62.E 63.A 64.D 65.B 66.D 67.C 68A 69.E 70.C 7.B 72.A 73.E 74B 75%E 176A 77.B 78E 79D 80.A 81.A 82.C 83.D 84.E 85.A 86.B 87.E 88 C 8% A 9.E 91.D 92.B 93,.B 94.C 95,E 96D 97.A 98D 99. E 100. B

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