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Instituto Espíritu Santo A-16 Nivel Secundario Ciclo Lectivo: 2023

Asignatura: Lengua extranjera Inglés Curso/División: Profesor/a: Fiorella Panizza

Alumno/a: Fecha: Calificación:

PIA: Model Millionaire

1. Read the following extract from the text read in class.

2. Identify what type of narrative this is. Justify in your words using the theory worked in class.

3. Look at the whole text in your books and state all the parts of a narrative seen in class.

4. Why is it called Model Millionaire?


1. Read the following extract from the text read in class, find all the adjectives.

2. How does Hughie feel? How does the beggar feel?

3. Find in the book one example with each following tenses:

Present simple (affirmative)

Present simple (negative)

Present simple (interrogative)

Past simple (affirmative)

Past simple (negative)

Past simple (interrogative)

Present Perfect (affirmative)

Past Perfect (affirmative)

Past Simple Passive (affirmative)

Instituto Espíritu Santo A-16 Nivel Secundario Ciclo Lectivo: 2023
Asignatura: Lengua extranjera Inglés Curso/División: Profesor/a: Fiorella Panizza
Alumno/a: Fecha: Calificación:

1. Read the following sentences. Rewrite them into passive voice.
a. His old aunt gave him four or five pounds a week.

b. Alan was painting a picture of a man.


c. He gave Hughie an envelope.


1. Read the following sentences. Identify who said it and turn it into reported speech. Use the
reporting verbs given.
a. “My daughter cannot marry a man with no money.” _______ told ___________

b. “What do you think of this?” asked ______________

c. “Have you ever seen such a wonderful model?” asked ______________

d. “I’ll be back in a moment.” said ______________

e. “You are very foolish but you are very kind and I love you very much.” said ______________

f. “That’s the funniest thing I have ever heard.” _________ told ______________

2. Find the reported phrase in the text for the following statements, and write them below:
a. What he thought of his model.

b. For that picture he would get 2,000 pounds.

c. He told him to sit down and to stop talking.

d. What he had asked about him.

e. How he could help him.

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