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Two harmful drugs are heroin and methamphetamine.

Here are five disadvantages associated

with each drug:


1. Physical and Psychological Dependence: Heroin is highly addictive, and prolonged

use can lead to physical and psychological dependence. Users may experience intense
cravings and withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit, making it challenging to
break free from the drug's grip.

2. Health Risks: Heroin abuse is associated with numerous health risks. Injecting the
drug using shared needles increases the chances of contracting blood borne diseases
like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. The drug can also lead to respiratory depression,
increased risk of overdose, collapsed veins, and damage to vital organs.

3. Impaired Cognitive Functioning: Chronic heroin use can significantly impair

cognitive functioning, including memory, attention, and decision-making abilities.
Users may struggle with concentration, learning, and problem-solving skills,
impacting their overall cognitive performance.

4. Social Consequences: Heroin addiction can have severe social consequences. Users
often face strained relationships with family and friends, experience difficulties
maintaining employment or pursuing education, and may engage in criminal activities
to support their drug habit.

5. Overdose and Death: Heroin overdose is a significant risk due to the drug's potency
and unpredictable purity levels. Overdose symptoms include slowed or stopped
breathing, blue lips or nails, loss of consciousness, and death. The risk is amplified
when users are unaware of the strength or composition of the heroin they consume.


1. Addiction and Withdrawal: Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug, leading to

rapid development of tolerance and dependence. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe,
including depression, fatigue, intense cravings, and increased appetite, making it
difficult to quit without professional help.

2. Physical Health Effects: Methamphetamine abuse takes a toll on the body. It can lead
to cardiovascular problems, such as increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and
irregular heartbeat. Chronic use may cause dental issues (known as "meth mouth"),
weight loss, skin sores, and premature aging.

3. Psychological Consequences: Methamphetamine use can result in various

psychological consequences, including anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, aggression,
and psychosis. These symptoms can persist even after discontinuing drug use,
affecting the individual's mental well-being and overall quality of life.

4. Impaired Cognitive Functioning: Methamphetamine can have long-lasting effects on

cognitive functioning. Chronic use is associated with memory loss, reduced attention
span, decreased ability to concentrate, and impaired decision-making abilities. These
cognitive deficits can have a significant impact on daily life and functioning.

5. Social Disruption: Methamphetamine addiction often leads to social disruption and

strained relationships. Users may neglect responsibilities, isolate themselves from
loved ones, and engage in risky behaviours that can harm themselves and others. The
pursuit of obtaining and using the drug can overshadow other important aspects of
life, such as work, education, and personal relationships.

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