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Behavioral Models In Classroom Management


A strong learning environment is built on the foundation of effective classroom

management. Controlling student conduct in a classroom's dynamic and diverse environment is
essential to creating a supportive environment that encourages participation and academic
success. Behavioral models provide educators with frameworks for guidance and tactics for
addressing and molding the behavior of their students. These models are essential for setting
standards, upholding law and order, and fostering a learning atmosphere.

Classroom conduct has a direct impact on the educational process. The unpredictable
behavior of students can cause disturbances in the classroom and hinder the academic
advancement of both well-behaved and struggling students. Using behavioral models gives
educators a methodical way to comprehend, deal with, and mold behavior. These methods
establish a regulated and predictable environment that avoids interruptions, encourages
engagement, and builds a sense of security among students by clearly outlining expectations and

Assertive Discipline Model and application

Assertive discipline, which was created by Lee Canter, is a well-known behavioral

approach with explicit expectations and consequences. This model places a strong emphasis on
taking proactive steps to stop misbehavior and using a consistent strategy to deal with
transgressions. By swiftly addressing behavioral difficulties and constantly rewarding positive
conduct, assertive discipline aims to establish a positive learning environment.

Assertive discipline is implemented through a proactive approach to classroom

management. At the beginning of the school year, teachers establish and communicate clear
expectations for behavior. These expectations are consistently reinforced, and consequences,
whether positive or negative, are applied predictably. The model encourages teachers to address
misbehavior promptly, providing a structured and supportive framework for students to
understand the expectations and consequences of their actions.
Assertive discipline has many strong advantages that support a constructive and
successful approach to classroom management. Its ability to set clear expectations is one of its
main benefits. Students are provided with a clear path by having clear guidelines for behavior,
which eliminates uncertainty and promotes a common knowledge of appropriate behavior. A
noteworthy advantage is the constant application of penalties. By guaranteeing that students
receive just and predictable results for their behaviors, this method fosters fairness in the
classroom. In addition to upholding order, aggressive discipline is essential for creating a
supportive learning environment. The classroom becomes a place that fosters both social and
academic development when kids feel engaged, safe, and respected. The strategy also gives
teachers the confidence to properly address behavioral difficulties.

Strengths of Assertive Discipline Model

 Clear Expectations: Defined expectations lead to better understanding and compliance,

reducing ambiguity in behavioral standards.

 Consistency: The model promotes fair and predictable consequences for all students,
creating a sense of security and equity.

 Empowerment: Teachers feel empowered to maintain control and address behavioral

challenges effectively, fostering a proactive teaching approach.

Weaknesses of Assertive Discipline Model

 Rigidity: The model may be perceived as too inflexible for certain students who may
benefit from a more individualized approach.

 One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Challenges arise when applying the same model to diverse
student populations with varying needs and backgrounds.

 Potential for Authoritarianism: There is a risk of the model being perceived as overly
controlling, which could impact student motivation and engagement negatively.


In conclusion, teachers who want to successfully manage their classrooms will find that
assertive discipline is a useful tool. It offers advantages like consistency and well-defined
expectations, but it also has drawbacks, most notably the possibility of rigidity. However,
teachers may support a healthy and productive learning environment by being aware of and using
assertive discipline sparingly. Assertive discipline gives teachers and students the tools they need
to establish a classroom environment that supports both academic achievement and personal
development. These tools include preemptive measures, clear communication, and persistent


Canter, L., & Canter, M. (n.d.). Lee Canter’s Assertive Discipline: Positive Behavior

Management for Today’s Classroom. Canter & Associates.

Marzano, R. J., Marzano, J. S., & Pickering, D. (n.d.). Classroom Management that Works:

Research-based Strategies for Every Teacher. ASCD.

Willis, C., Saul, J. E., Bevan, H., Scheirer, M. A., Best, A., Greenhalgh, T., Mannion, R.,

Cornelissen, E., Howland, D., Jenkins, E., & Bitz, J. (2016). Sustaining organizational

culture change in health systems. Journal of Health Organisation and Management,

30(1), 2–30.

Willis, C., Saul, J. E., Bevan, H., Scheirer, M. A., Best, A., Greenhalgh, T., Mannion, R.,

Cornelissen, E., Howland, D., Jenkins, E., & Bitz, J. (2016c). Sustaining organizational

culture change in health systems. Journal of Health Organisation and Management,

30(1), 2–30.

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