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Title: Mastering the Art of Thesis Writing: Tackling the Challenges of Climate Change Research

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is akin to setting sail into uncharted waters, particularly
when delving into the intricate realm of climate change research. It's a formidable task that demands
rigorous analysis, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of multifaceted environmental issues.
However, amidst the daunting challenges, lies the potential for groundbreaking discoveries and
impactful contributions to the field.

One of the primary hurdles of writing a thesis on climate change is the vastness and complexity of
the subject matter. Climate change encompasses a broad spectrum of interconnected topics ranging
from atmospheric science and meteorology to ecology, economics, and social dynamics. Navigating
through this intricate web of disciplines requires meticulous research and a comprehensive
understanding of interdisciplinary frameworks.

Moreover, conducting original research on climate change often entails grappling with large datasets,
complex statistical analyses, and sophisticated modeling techniques. Gathering reliable data,
interpreting results accurately, and drawing meaningful conclusions demand both expertise and

Another significant challenge is the ever-evolving nature of climate science. New research findings,
updated methodologies, and emerging paradigms continually reshape the landscape of climate
change discourse. Staying abreast of the latest developments while maintaining the integrity of one's
research poses a formidable task for aspiring scholars.

Furthermore, communicating the findings of climate change research effectively to diverse audiences
presents its own set of challenges. Conveying complex scientific concepts in a clear and accessible
manner, while addressing the urgency of environmental issues, requires adept communication skills
and a nuanced understanding of audience perspectives.

In light of these challenges, seeking professional assistance can be invaluable in navigating the
intricacies of thesis writing on climate change. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized support
tailored to the unique demands of environmental research. With a team of experienced academic
writers and subject matter experts, ⇒ ⇔ provides comprehensive assistance at
every stage of the thesis writing process.

From formulating research questions and conducting literature reviews to data analysis and drafting
compelling arguments, ⇒ ⇔ equips students with the tools and guidance needed
to produce high-quality research papers on climate change. By leveraging their expertise and
resources, students can streamline their efforts, overcome obstacles, and maximize the impact of their

In conclusion, while writing a thesis on climate change may seem daunting, it presents an invaluable
opportunity to contribute to the collective understanding of one of the most pressing challenges of
our time. With the right support and guidance, aspiring scholars can navigate through the
complexities of climate change research and make meaningful contributions towards a more
sustainable future.
Any time partners are involved, control must be shared, and the success of the mission depends
critically on the performance of all partners. For example, many thermometers are located in urban
areas that could have warmed over time due to the urban heat island effect (in which heat absorbed
by buildings and asphalt makes cities warmer than the surrounding countryside). There is some
evidence that reductions in ice cover are already leading to changes in weather patterns affecting the
U.S. and Europe. Even then, the true goal is to add just half a degree, instead of a whole one, to
ensure a rise of just 1.5 degrees. Climate change occurs when these large-scale climate factors
change over time. This may seem like a small insignificant number, but this increase could lead to
many disastrous things. This section highlights a few of the integrated tools and approaches that can
be used, including. A variety of efforts are under way to develop alternative indicators of both
human well-being and of human impact on the environment that may help monitor social and
environmental change and the link between them (Frey, 2008; Hecht, 2005; Krueger, 2009; Parris
and Kates, 2003; Wackernagel et al., 2002; World Bank, 2006). IPCC. 2007d. Climate Change 2007:
Synthesis Report. This report synthesizes information from a wide variety of scientific assessments
(see page 7) and. The blue shading represents estimates from a broad range of climate simulations
including solely natural (solar and volcanic) changes in forcing. That study’s recommendations set
appropriate strategic directions for an integrated data system. Inouye, D. W., B. Barr, K. B.
Armitage, and B. D. Inouye. 2000. Climate change is affecting. Chan, F., J. A. Barth, J. Lubchenco,
A. Kirincich, H. Weeks, W. T. Peterson, and B. A. Menge. People commonly have difficulty making
good sense and use of information that is probabilistic and uncertain. Each line represents a central
estimate of global average temperature rise for a specific emissions pathway. Setting goals for
limiting the magnitude of climate change involves ethical and value questions that cannot be
answered by scientific analysis. Assessments that evaluate crop response to climate-related variables
should explicitly include interactions with other resources that are also affected by climate change.
As discussed in Chapter 6, there are a number of practical limitations, gaps in understanding, and
institutional constraints that limit the ability of climate models to inform climate-related decision
making, including the following. For example, nuclear reactors or hydroelectric systems produce
relatively few GHG emissions but have other environmental impacts (see, e.g., NRC, 2009d; NRC,
2009f), and it is not clear how to weight trade-offs across different types of impacts (but see
Huijbregts et al., 2008). Finally, LCA is not familiar to most consumers and policy makers so its
ultimate contribution to better decision making will depend on processes that encourage its use.
Some periods in the distant past were even warmer than what is expected to occur from human-
induced global warming. These simulation methods can either involve informal linkages between
policy choices, climate trajectories, and economic information, or be implemented in a formal
integrated modeling framework. These events occur over much smaller scales, which makes
observations and modeling more challenging. Evaluate the extent to which water insecurity is the
result of physical or. From a sta tistical point of view, such trends are rather inappropriate for
describing climate change and climate variability, respectively. The earth is heating itself up and there
is little that humans can do about it. What is and is not debated among climate scientists about
climate change? Successful application of seasonal climate forecasting tends to follow a systems
approach where forecasts are contextualized to the decision situation and embedded within an array
of other information relevant for risk management. To experiment with the Earth, scientists instead
use this accumulated knowledge to build climate models, or “virtual Earths.” In studying climate
change, these virtual Earths serve as an important way to integrate different kinds of knowledge of
how the climate system works. Collectively, these observations span a broad range of instruments
and types of information, from instruments initially deployed as part of research experiments to
operational networks at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels deployed by a
range of public and private institutions.
Models and experiments that integrate knowledge about ecosystem processes, plant physiology,
vegetation dynamics, and disturbances such as fire are needed, and such models should be linked
with climate models. It requires the solar declination angle that is related to. These ocean currents
carry warm water northward across the equator in the Atlantic Ocean, warming the North Atlantic
(and Europe) and cooling the South Atlantic. Because it is UNCORRECTED material, please
consider the following text as a useful but insufficient proxy for the authoritative book pages.
Research is needed on processes for providing decision support, including the operation of networks
and intermediaries between the producers and users of information for decision support. There are a
wide variety of potential risks of geoengineering schemes, which are very poorly understood (see
FAQ Z ). A second source of uncertainty is natural variability, which affects climate over timescales
from months to decades. LCA is an important tool for identifying opportunities for reducing GHG
emissions and also for examining trade-offs between GHG emissions and other environmental
impacts. The aim of these approaches is not to overcome or reduce uncertainty. Alley, R. B., P. U.
Clark, P. Huybrechts, and I. Joughin. 2005. Ice-sheet and sea-level changes. As the demand for
sustained climate observations is realized and actions are taken to improve, extend, and coordinate
observations, there will be an increase in the demands on both technology and human capacity to
ensure that the resulting data are securely archived, quality controlled, and made available to a wide
range of users (Baker et al., 2007; NRC, 2004a, 2005e, 2007d). It is also possible to estimate
changes in the statistics of certain types of weather events, such as heat waves or heavy precipitation
events, especially when we know what is causing them to change. Designing effective agricultural
strategies for limiting and adapting to climate change will require models and analyses that reflect
these complicated interactions and that also incorporate the response of farmers and markets not only
to production and prices but to policies and institutions (see Themes 3, 4, and 7 below). Water vapor
is the most important naturally occurring heat-trapping greenhouse gas, but small increases in heat
energy absorption by carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases trigger increases in water vapor
that amplify the infrared trapping, leading to further warming. Some periods in the distant past were
even warmer than what is expected to occur from human-induced global warming. This probability
density function (PDF) of this clim ate period is characterized by the mean value. For example,
individual and household food choices, the layout of communities, and the design of supply chains
all have effects on climate. Efforts to rapidly and significantly reduce emissions of heat-trapping
gases can still limit the global temperature increase to 3.6?F (2?C) relative to the 1901-1960 time
period. With respect to the explanation of the AMS we may carry out the following “thought
experiment” of a planetary radiative equilibrium, where we assume the Earth in the absence ofan
atmosphere. White arrows indicate increases, and black arrows show decreases. A smaller on e is
propagating through the atmosphere where the extinction by intervening con- stituents is small.
Carbon dioxide, water vapour and methane molecules all absorb this heat, and whilst they linger in
the atmosphere, they continue to increase the temperature of the Earth. Such a program would
require the engagement of many different kinds of researchers, including those focusing on resource
and land use institutions; social dynamics; economic resilience; developing or evaluating regional
climate models; sea level and ocean dynamics; coastal ocean circulation; spatial geomorphologic,
geologic, and geographical characteristics; and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem dynamics, goods,
and services. CICS-NC, North Carolina State Univ., NOAA National Climatic Data Center Graeme
Stephens. If this were to happen, then ices sheets would develop blocking off warmer ocean
currents, following in a general cooling of the earth. These climate-related changes are expected to
continue while new ones develop. This is, again due to global warming, as the ice is melting weeks
early giving the polar bears less time to hunt before their hunting grounds disappear. Another group
of people who want to believe that climate change is a myth is the NSW Farmers Association (NFA).
What are the key uncertainties about climate change? Global temperatures over the last 100 years are
unusually high when compared to temperatures over the last several thousand years.
The underlying model is simple enough to be used in real time by policy makers to ask “what if”
questions that can inform negotiations. Our intent is to describe some of the more important
scientific issues that could be addressed within each theme, to show how they collectively span the
most critical areas of climate change research, and to demonstrate the vital importance of research
progress in all of these areas to the health and well-being of citizens of the United States as well as
people and natural systems around the world. We argued that cli- mate change or climate variability
can only be identified on the basis of two non-overlapping climate periods for which, at least, 60
year-observation records are required. Most of the sun’s radiation reaches the Earth’s surface. Tilman,
D., P. B. Reich, and J. M. H. Knops. 2006. Biodiversity and ecosystem stability in a. This should
include attention to the extended effect of urban areas on other areas (such as deposition of urban
emissions on ocean and rural land surfaces) as well as interactions between urban and regional heat
islands and urban vegetation-evapotranspiration feedbacks to climate. Since ?? 12 21212 1 ba eap ??
?, we can infer that 23 2 4. These have used a variety of methods to study the effects of changes in
instruments, time of observations, station siting, and other potential sources of error. Unfortunately,
many of the needed observational assets are either underdeveloped or in decline. This is a significant
long term physical cause as the effects are more noticeable and impact thousands of people in all
different parts of the world. Esque, T. C., C. R. Schwalbe, D. F. Haines, and W. L. Halvorson. 2004.
Saguaros under siege. Chapter 13 includes additional discussion on these topics. All the indicators
expected to increase in a warming world are increasing, and all those expected to decrease in a
warming world are decreasing. It is also possible to estimate changes in the statistics of certain types
of weather events, such as heat waves or heavy precipitation events, especially when we know what
is causing them to change. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the pH of surface ocean
waters has fallen by 0.1 pH units, representing approximately a 30% increase in acidity. Scientists
are continually designing experiments to test whether observed climate changes are unusual and then
to determine their causes. This process, known as the greenhouse effect, is responsible for making the
wide variety of life on Earth possible. It was coined by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea
(190-120 BC) who divided the then known inhabited world into five latitudinal zones—two polar,
two temperate and one tropical—according to the incli- nation of the incident sunbeams, in other
words, the Sun’s elevation above the horizon. Several different kinds of integrated assessment
approaches are discussed in the paragraphs below. We searched for any papers matching the search
“global warming” or “global climate change” in the Web of Science, a database of scientific peer-
reviewed research. These gases are natural in the atmosphere but have been added to by humans
which lead to a gradual warming of the atmosphere, which then leads to global warming. A 2011
study found that when people correctly understand that climate scientists agree, they are more likely
to support policy to mitigate climate change. But what about those 3% of papers that reach contrary
conclusions. The Earth’s climate system is complex, and continues to challenge scientists’
understanding of exactly how it may respond to human influences. For example, because about 28%
of the energy used in the U.S. is used for transportation, developing and driving more efficient
vehicles and changing to fuels that do not contribute significantly to heat-trapping gas emissions
over their lifetimes would result in fewer emissions per mile driven. Finally, there is always the
possibility that there are processes and feedbacks not yet being included in future projections.
Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide would lessen warming over this century and beyond. At
smaller geographic scales, and during certain time intervals, the relative influence of natural
variations in climate compared to the human contribution is larger than at the global scale. While
much is known about some of these strategies, others are not well understood, and there are many
scientific research needs related to the development, improvement, implementation, and evaluation
of virtually all technologies, policies, and other approaches for limiting climate change. Artificial
injection of stratospheric particles and cloud brightening are two examples of “solar radiation
management” techniques.
One 200g steak, for example, uses the same amount of water as someone taking 23 showers and
produces carbon dioxide equating to driving a distance of 32km. And of course, sometimes the
papers just ignored physics altogether. “In many cases, shortcomings are due to insufficient model
evaluation, leading to results that are not universally valid but rather are an artifact of a particular
experimental setup,” the authors write. A better understanding of the dependence of ocean heat
uptake on vertical mixing and the abrupt changes in polar reflectivity that follow the loss of summer
sea ice in the Arctic are some of the most critical improvements needed in ocean and Earth system
models. I: Erbe obs ervations of the entropy production of the Earth. Even if all human-related
emissions of carbon dioxide and the other heat-trapping gases were to stop today, Earth’s
temperature would continue to rise for a number of decades and then slowly begin to decline. Some
tipping points are more imminent, and some would have larger impacts than others. Comprehensive,
simultaneous, and sustained measurements of ice sheet mass and volume changes and ice velocities
are needed, along with measurements of ice thickness and bed conditions, both to quantify the
current contributions of ice sheets to sea level rise (discussed below) and to constrain and inform ice
sheet model development. The recommendations in Chapter 5 provide advice on some steps that can
be taken to address these challenges. Some skeptics have suggested that the authors of studies
indicating that climate change is not real, not harmful, or not man-made are bravely standing up for
the truth, like maverick thinkers of the past. (Galileo is often invoked, though his fellow scientists
mostly agreed with his conclusions —it was church leaders who tried to suppress them.)
Advertisement Not so, according to a review published in the journal of Theoretical and Applied
Climatology. Obviously, Eq.2.2 leads to formula 2.1 if p and e are inserted. This term encompasses
both increases and decreases in temperature, as well as shifts in precipitation, changing risk of
certain types of severe weather events, and other features of the climate system. How can the small
proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have such a large effect on our climate? In addition,
oceanographic, geodetic, and coastal models are needed to predict the rate and spatial dynamics of
ocean thermal expansion, sea level rise, and coastal. Thus, numerous analyses have called for policies
that establish coherent national and international goals and incentives, and that promote strong U.S.
engagement in international-level response efforts. No. Since accurate satellite-based measurements
of solar output began in 1978, the amount of the sun’s energy reaching Earth has slightly decreased,
which should, on its own, result in slightly lower temperatures; but the Earth’s temperature has
continued to rise. As an added benefit, average life expectancy was shown to increase by eight
months. “It’s a win-win,” says Dr Dangour. “If you change the balance of animal-sourced foods and
increase the amounts of fruits and vegetables in the diets, then that has clear demonstrated public
health benefits.”. These experimental strategies may indeed yield more decision-relevant information,
but, given the importance of local- and regional-scale information for planning responses to climate
change, continued and expanded investments in regional climate modeling remain a particularly
pressing priority. Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude, and rate of climate variation
to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacity (NRC, 2010a). In this case,
weather is like the individual, while climate is like the average. Considerable research on
consumption decision making has been carried out in economics, psychology, sociology,
anthropology, and geography (NRC, 1997a, 2005a), but much of this research has been conducted in
isolation. Currently, the proximity, rate, and reversibility of tipping points are usually assessed
through a mixture of climate modeling, literature review, and expert elicitation. Such observational
data are most useful when geocoded (linked to specific locations) and matched (aggregated or
downscaled) to scales of interest to researchers and decision makers, and when human and
environmental data are collected and archived in ways that facilitate linkages between these data.
One important consideration regarding solar radiation management is that ocean acidification would
still continue even if warming could otherwise be reduced by reflecting light away from our
atmosphere. A major effort is needed both to develop appropriate local data collection efforts and to
coordinate them into national and global systems. Initial progress can be made by coordination
across specific domains and sectors (e.g., coastal vulnerabilities, health vulnerabilities) and across
scales so that locally useful information also contributes to larger-scale indicators and vice versa. It
would also inform, evaluate, and improve society’s responses to climate change, including actions
that are or could be taken to limit the magnitude of climate change, adapt to its impacts, or support
more effective climate-related decisions. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free
PDF, if available. However, be- fore we start to scrutinize these two different explana- tions we
debate the meaning of climate, climate variabil- ity, climate change and climat e variation in Section
2. Assessments that evaluate crop response to climate-related variables should explicitly include
interactions with other resources that are also affected by climate change. Grebmeier, J. M., J. E.
Overland, S. E. Moore, E. V. Farley, E. C. Carmack, L. W. Cooper, K. E. Thus, natural factors cannot
explain recent warming.
As the ocean warms and ocean circulation patterns change, future changes in the ocean carbon cycle
are also uncertain. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being:
Synthesis. With respect to the explanation of the AMS we may carry out the following “thought
experiment” of a planetary radiative equilibrium, where we assume the Earth in the absence ofan
atmosphere. The breadth of information needed to support climate-related decision making implies
an observational strategy that includes both remotely sensed and in situ observations and that
provides information about changes across a broad range of natural and human systems. To be
useful, these observations must be. The black curve always characterize the climate of a location or
region for the n th climate period (usually 30 years) at the hand of a frequency distri- bution of an
observed quantity of the corresponding weather events (simply illustrated some green dots) assumed
to be a normall y distributed random variable. Observations from past climate combined with climate
model projections of the future suggest that over the next 100 years the Atlantic Ocean’s overturning
circulation (known as the “Ocean Conveyor Belt”) could slow down as a result of climate change.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86:39-49. It is clear that carbon dioxide is the main
pollutant in the atmosphere, and this is probably because that everyday millions of people uses excess
CO 2 around the house, sitting in traffic or at work. Studies conducted in the 1970s and 1980s
demonstrate the feasibility of data collection efforts that integrate across the engineering and social
sciences to better understand and model energy consumption (Black et al., 1985; Cramer et al.,
1984; Harris and Blumstein, 1984; Socolow, 1978). It is also possible to estimate changes in the
statistics of certain types of weather events, such as heat waves or heavy precipitation events,
especially when we know what is causing them to change. But we failed to do what was necessary
to avoid a catastrophe”). Similarly, it has been argued that increasing affluence leads at first to
increased environmental impact but, once a threshold level of affluence has been reached,
environmental impact declines (Grossman and Krueger, 1995; Selden and Song, 1994). The shell on
the right is from a pteropod collected in a region with higher acidity (Photo credits: (left) Bednarsek
et al. 2012; 16 (right) Nina Bednarsek). Ferguson, S. H., I. Stirling, and P. McLoughlin. 2005.
Climate change and ringed seal (Phoca. It is our world and we must protect, or otherwise it may just
be too late. Equally important are investments in improving ice sheet process models that capture ice
dynamics as well as ice-ocean and ice-bed interactions. Click here to buy this book in print or
download it as a free PDF, if available. A large number of individual, community, and organizational
decisions have a substantial effect on GHG emissions and land use change as well as on
vulnerability to climate change. Carbon dioxide, water vapour and methane molecules all absorb this
heat, and whilst they linger in the atmosphere, they continue to increase the temperature of the
Earth. If validated against in situ measurements, such measures can allow for monitoring of human-
climate interactions at much finer spatial and temporal scales than is currently feasible with surveys
or other in situ measures of human variables. It should be noticed that — based on the reviews re-
quested by the IJMPB — the manuscript of Halpern et al. Richard Leakey (a Kenyan credited with
ending the slaughter of the nations elephants) reported that “Africa is expected to be hit hardest by
global warming blamed on carbon dioxide emissions from industry, transport and modern lifestyles
in rich countries” (“Monkeys stir climate fears in Kenya, 2007). The National Academy of Sciences
found that the inherent complexities and uncertainties of climate change will be best met by
applying a risk management approach and by making efforts to significantly reduce heat-trapping gas
emissions; prepare for adapting to impacts; invest in scientific research, technology development, and
information systems; and facilitate engagement between scientific and technical experts and the
many types of people making America’s climate choices. The seven integrative, crosscutting research
themes described in this chapter are critical elements of a climate research endeavor that seeks to
both improve understanding and to provide input to and support for climate-related actions and
decisions, and these themes would form a powerful foundation for an expanded climate change
research enterprise. SOURCE: Courtesy of Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, University
of Colorado at Boulder ( ). Such observational data are most useful when geocoded (linked to
specific locations) and matched (aggregated or downscaled) to scales of interest to researchers and
decision makers, and when human and environmental data are collected and archived in ways that
facilitate linkages between these data. Yes, climate change can and has altered the risk of certain
types of extreme weather events. Anthes, President of the University Corporation for Atmospheric
Research, Past President, American Meteorological Society, and Co-Chair, Committee on Earth
Science and Applications from Space (2003-2007), before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice,
Science, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives,
March 19, 2009. As any asymmetry in PDF is already mirrored by the odd central moment of lowest-
order, one may use the third central moment (or in a further step the skewness) to characterize such
an asymmetry. Agricultural or marine extension services, with all their strengths and weaknesses, are
an important historical example of a decision-support system that has helped make scientific
knowledge relevant to and available for practical decision making in the context of specific goals.
C higher as a result of the greenhouse ef- fect than the mean temperature resulting from radiative
Figure 14. We rated the level of endorsement of human-caused global warming in each abstract, a
short summary at the start of each paper. The five-year period from 2005 to 2010, for example,
included a period in which the sun’s output was at a low point, oceans took up more than average
amounts of heat, and a series of small volcanoes exerted a cooling influence by adding small
particles to the atmosphere. A major effort is needed both to develop appropriate local data collection
efforts and to coordinate them into national and global systems. Initial progress can be made by
coordination across specific domains and sectors (e.g., coastal vulnerabilities, health vulnerabilities)
and across scales so that locally useful information also contributes to larger-scale indicators and
vice versa. Data assimilation, analysis, and reanalysis are also becoming increasingly important for
areas other than regional and global atmospheric models, such as ocean models, land models, marine
ecosystems, cryosphere models, and atmospheric chemistry models. These detailed questions, and
more, serve as healthy indicators that the scientific method is alive and well in the field of climate
science. If we acknowledge that the variation of S and r during one day can be neglected, we will
obtain ?? 2 0 0 2 0 cos d cos sinsincoscosd s r s r t t t t r QS t r r Sht r ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?
? (2.15). Scientists do not “believe” in human-induced climate change; rather, the widespread
agreement among scientists is based on the vast array of evidence that has accumulated over the last
200 years. From the Environmental Protection Agency, to the Energy Department, to the State
Department and beyond, references to climate change, greenhouse gases and clean energy keep
disappearing. The Arctic has warmed three degrees and is melting so fast that all the arctic animals
are at risk, especially those at the top of the food chain, i.e. Polar bears. The polar bears’ habitat has
declined and numbers have been devastated by 25 percent since 1980. Since ?? 12 21212 1 ba eap ??
?, we can infer that 23 2 4. Koch, P. L., and A. D. Barnosky. 2006. Late Quaternary extinctions: State
of the debate. Annual. There are a wide variety of potential risks of geoengineering schemes, which
are very poorly understood (see FAQ Z ). By the second half of the century, however, human
choices, as reflected in these scenarios, become the key determinant of future climate change.
Research on the impacts of natural climate variations can also provide insight into the possible
impacts of human-. To limit risks and maximize opportunities associated with the changes, it would
be helpful for people to understand how climate change could affect them and what they can do to
adapt, as well as what can be done to reduce future climate change by reducing global emissions.
Over the same time period, methane and nitrous oxide levels in the atmosphere have risen to around
1800 ppb and 320 ppb, respectively. The former is based on an energy-flux budget at the surface
even though it is physically inconsistent be- cause a uniform temperature for the entire globe does
not exist. These analyses demonstrate that the observed changes, both globally and on a continent-
by-continent basis, are caused by the influence of human activities on climate. (Figure source:
updated from Jones et al. 2013 11 ). However, the ice on the continent slowly flows down the
mountains and through the valleys toward the ocean. Annual Review of Environment and Resources
32:1-29. The difference is that, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, humans have been
increasingly affecting global climate, to the point where we are now the primary cause of recent and
projected future change. Continued and improved observations, field campaigns, process studies,
and experiments with smaller-domain, high-resolution models are needed to improve scientific
understanding of cloud and aerosol processes, and improved parameterizations will be needed to
incorporate this improved understanding into global climate models. We may assume that the
condition of the local thermodynamic equilibrium is fulfilled (usually up to 60 km or so above the
Earth’s surface). This means that the scope of the statistical clima- tology clearly differs from that of
the physical climatol- ogy, but the mean values might be related to the bound- ary conditions of the
climate system under study. One of their theories is that the clouds are thinning, which is leading to
more direct sunlight reaching the oceans which are contributing to global warming. Rather, it
provides examples of the kinds of approaches that need to be developed, improved, and used more
extensively to improve scientific understanding of climate change and make this scientific
knowledge more useful for decision making. As expressed by Eq.4.3 and illustrated by Figure 11,
the outgoing infrared radiation at the TOA, OL R, balances the energy input into the reservoir of
total potential energy. These improvements represent an important integrative tool because they allow
for the evaluation of feedbacks between the climate system and other aspects of the Earth system.
Paulson, D. R. 2001. Recent odonata records from southern Florida: Effects of global warming?

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