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1. As witnesses, we are called to proclaim and defend our faith in words and deeds.

2. Jesus Christ admonishes us that we have to become salt and light to all men and the whole world.

3. Yet, we need to believe and be convinced of the truth that we should fear God rather than man.

4. The Sacrament of Confirmation is called the Sacrament of Witness.

5. Granting us God's pardon (sorry/permission) for all the sins we have committed. Absolution

6. It is also regarded as the perfection of Baptism. Sacrament of Confirmation

7. Pope Francis encouraged the United States and Cuba to tread the path of reconciliation and to serve as models for
other countries.

8. The Easter season is fifty (50) days from the Sunday of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to Pentecost Sunday.

9. four (4) Acts of the Penitent and the Priest: Contrition - First, we must be aware of our sins and must be truly sorry
for them.

10. Act of Penance - are empowered to behave again as true disciples of Christ.

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