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CE / EE Etude du texte “Freedom or Death” p.

62 du manuel
M. Zaninetti A préparer pour la semaine du 23/03/20

Durée entre 1h30 et 2 heures

Il est possible que je “ramasse” quelques-uns de (ou tous) vos travaux, probablement dans PRONOTE,
dans l’espace élève. Il faut donc TAPER VOS REPONSES sous WORD. Merci ! Bon courage !

1. Introduction / Overall comprehension

What sort of document is this?
- identify the nature of the text, its main topic, and say when it was published. Why is this date
interesting to notice?

- browse the net to find information about its author; then sum up what you found in three

2. Focus on lines 1 to 10
a. What happened to the Suffragettes? For what reason?

b. Who are “we” and “they” / “them”?

c. Pick out an expression that is repeated several times. What effect would this repetition have on a
crowd? Why does Emmeline Pankhurst phrase it in this way? What does she want to show?

3. Focus on lines 11 to 31
a. In your own words, explain the terms “hunger strike” and “force-feeding”.( You may use what we
said in class here!)

b. Use these words to sum up what Emmeline Pankhurst is explaining to the crowd.

c. Did this stop the British Suffragettes? Why or why not?

4. Focus on lines 32 to 60
a. Pick out the adjectives and phrases that Emmeline Pankhurst uses to describe the Suffragettes.

b. Say how this passage relates to the title ‘Freedom or Death’.

c. Comment on the last sentence of the speech.

From what you know and what you learnt, was Emmeline Pankhurst’s prediction correct?

5. Conclusion
Explain how British Suffragettes fought for freedom and the right to vote.

Say who had the power initially, describe the struggle, then give your conclusions.

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