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Client User Guide

SeaInsure PH
How do I get the policy number that I can use in
linking with my account?
Users can get their Policy Number via the Shopee app once your policy has been Issued
and with an Active status.

STEP 1: In the Shopee homepage, tap the “Finance” icon.

SeaInsure PH
STEP 2: Tap “Insurance”.

SeaInsure PH
STEP 3: Then tap “My Policies” on the lower right of
the screen.

SeaInsure PH
STEP 4: Users can select the specific policy that
they would like to check under “My Policies”.

SeaInsure PH
STEP 5: Users can get the policy number under
“Policy Details” and then click “Copy” to store this
number in their clipboard.

SeaInsure PH

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