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Episode 3 – Practical English – Time to tell the police


1. A worried phone call

a 5.20 Watch or listen to Jenny talking to Rob on the phone. In the end, what
does Rob say she should do?
Rob tells Jenny she should go to the police. He also tells her to go and stay at Luke’s flat
and to go to the police with him.

b Watch or listen again. Answer the questions.

1. Is Jenny sure the man in the news is the man she met on the plane? Why (not)?
Yes, she is because she saw his picture on the news and he told her his name.
2. What time were Jenny and Henry planning to have dinner?
At seven.
3. What time is it now? Why is Rob worried about this?
It’s a little after 9. Rob is worried because Henry is usually really punctual.
4. How does Jenny describe the house?
She says it feels strange.
5. What doesn’t she think she’ll be able to do?
She doesn’t think she’ll be able to sleep in Henry’s house.

Day two. Five past nine in the evening.

Jenny’s at Henry’s house. She has just heard on the news that Andrew Page – the man she met at
the airport – was attacked soon after she left him. She immediately phones Rob, who is still in
to tell him about it, and also to tell him that Henry still hasn’t come home.
[Rob] He was attacked?
[Jenny] That’s right. The police found him at the airport.
[Rob] You’re sure it’s the same person?
[Jenny] Definitely. I saw his picture. His name’s Andrew Page and he’s a scientist.
[Rob] And you spoke to him?
[Jenny] He helped carry my bags! I mean, I could have been the last person to see him before it
[Rob] I think you should go to the police.
[Jenny] I know. And Rob, there’s something else.
[Rob] What is it?
[Jenny] Well, I don’t want to worry you, but your dad hasn’t come home. We were supposed to
have dinner at seven.
[Rob] What time is it now?
[Jenny] It’s a little after nine.
[Rob] What? That is worrying. Dad’s usually really punctual.
[Jenny] Should I call the police?
[Rob] I think you should. It’s really not like him.
[Jenny] OK, and Rob?
[Rob] Yeah?
[Jenny] Oh, it’s nothing.
[Rob] What is it?
[Jenny] I know this seems odd but the house feels strange.
[Rob] What do you mean?
[Jenny] I don’t know, but I don’t like being alone here.
[Rob] Well, it’s late and you’re tired.
[Jenny] That’s true. But I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep here.
[Rob] Why don’t you ring Luke? You could stay with him, and you could go to the police
together and tell them about Dad.
[Jenny] OK, I think I’ll do that.
[Rob] I’ll ring you later.
[Jenny] OK. Rob, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Bye.

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Episode 3 – Practical English – Time to tell the police

2. Making a police report

a 5.21 Watch or listen to Jenny and Luke at the police station. What
information does the police officer ask for about Henry? How do Jenny and
Luke describe him?
The police officer asks how long Henry’s been missing; for his description; the time when
Jenny last saw him; what he was wearing; what his plans were for the day; about his

b Watch or listen again. Complete the You hear phrases in the conversation.
Laing, Jenny and Luke
Day two. 10.00 p.m.
Jenny and Luke are at Oxford Police Station, in the police interview room. Jenny has told the
inspector, DCI Laing, about her meeting with Andrew Page. Now she’s going to tell her about Henry.

Laing You hear You say Jenny

And that was the last time you saw Mr Page? Yes. Is he going to be OK?
We don’t know yet, I’m afraid. You also said that your He was supposed to be home three hours ago.
father-in-law – Henry Walker – hasn’t returned home
yet. How long has he been 1 missing?
OK. It’s a bit early to report him missing but I’ll That’s right.
take a statement. So, your name’s Jenny
And you’re staying at The Grange, Marsh Lane, Yes.
Long Crendon.
OK. Can you 3 describe Mr Walker? He’s 62, I think. He’s average height and build.
He has grey hair and glasses. I don’t know
what colour his eyes are.
They’re brown. Here is a photo of him.
When did you 4 last see him? This morning. Around ten.
Where were you? At his house in Long Crendon.
And do you remember what he was 5 wearing? Oh, just a brown jacket, a dark green shirt, and
Do you remember anything 6 unusual Yes, actually. We were going to go to Oxford,
about the last time you saw him? but Henry’s two front tyres had been
Really? So you left for Oxford and he stayed to fix Yes.
the car?
Do you know what his 7 plans were for the rest of No.
the day?
Can you give me some idea of his normal Not really.
routine? Well, he’s an academic. He teaches at the
university a few days a week , but he often
works from home. He goes on a lot of long
walks, but never this late.
And Jenny, do you 9 remember seeing anything Well, there was my suitcase. The airport had
unusual when you got back to the house this returned my lost luggage and the lock was
afternoon? broken.
Is there anything 10 else? There were some books on the floor.
Really? That’s weird. Henry’s normally really
OK. Try not to 11 worry, we’ll look into this. In the
meantime, perhaps you should stay with Luke, and if
you think of anything else, or he turns up, give me a

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Episode 3 – Practical English – Time to tell the police


3. A threatening message

a 5.23 Watch or listen to Jenny and Luke talking the next morning. What’s the
good news? What’s the bad news?
The good news is that Luke has managed to get into the laptop.
The bad news is that Henry has been kidnapped by people who want the laptop.
J = Jenny Lu = Luke H = Henry
Day three. 8.00 a.m.
They are at Luke’s house. Luke is awake, and working on Jenny’s laptop.
He’s still trying to get into it. Jenny, who was sleeping in the spare room, has just got up.
[Jenny] Good morning.
[Luke] Hi.
[Jenny] Thanks for letting me stay. I feel a lot safer here.
[Luke] What? Oh, no problem.
[Jenny] I tried Henry again. Still no answer. I wonder if...
[Luke] Yes! I’ve done it! I’m in.
[Jenny] What?
[Luke] I’ve cracked the security code on your computer.
[Jenny] That’s great, Luke, but Henry...
[Luke] Wait a minute, that’s not right. The username says A. Page... and all the files are
[Jenny] A. Page? Are you sure?
[Luke] Let me just see if I can open the files. What the...?
Jenny, take a look at this. It’s a formula or something.
[Jenny] What does it mean?
[Luke] I have no idea.
[Jenny] It’s a message from Henry!
[Luke] What? What does it say?
[Jenny] It’s a video. Hang on.
[Henry] Hello, Jenny. As you can see, I’m all right. I can’t tell you where I am. But listen
carefully. These people want some documents on your computer. They want
you to leave it at the house. To prove that I’m OK, here’s a copy of this
morning’s paper.

On the video screen Henry looks very tense and worried. He seems to be in
a darkish room. He holds up a newspaper. On the front, there’s a large
picture of Andrew Page and the headline reads: Oxford scientist attacked

There’s one last thing that they want me to tell you. Don’t go to the police
again. If you go to the police, you know what’ll happen. Now Jenny, please
don’t worry. Tell Rob his old man will be in his study again soon.
Jenny and Luke look at each other in shock.
[Jenny] We need to call Rob.

b Watch or listen again. Circle the correct answer.

1. Jenny feels safer / less safe in Luke’s house.
2. The username on the laptop is / isn’t Jenny’s
3. When Luke opens a file, he finds a photo / a formula.
4. Henny receives a text message / a video message from Henry.
5. Henry says the people who are holding him want her laptop / suitcase.
6. Henry shows them today’s / yesterday’s newspaper.

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Episode 3 – Practical English – Time to tell the police

7. He asks Jenny and Luke to go / not to go to the police again.

8. He asks them to give Rob a message / not to say anything to Rob.

What do you think has happened to Henry? Why?

What do you think Jenny and Luke should do?

Word Meaning Español

seems odd abducted secuestrado
statement formal account of events declaración
kidnapped secuestrado
spare room guest bedroom Cuarto de invitados
cracked Descifrar

c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing

Social English

1. Jenny Thanks for letting me stay.

2. Jenny What does it mean?
3. Luke I have o no idea.
4. Jenny It’s a message from Henry!
5. Henry As you can see, I’m all right.
6. Jenny Listen carefully.

d 5.24 Watch or listen and complete the phrases. Then watch or listen again
and repeat.

e Complete conversation A-F with Social English phrases 1-6. Then practise them with a

A Are you feeling OK? Yes, don’t worry.

As you can see, I’m all right. 5
B Have a safe journey! It was really lovely to Yes, it was great.
see you! Thanks for letting me stay. 1
C OK, we’re going to do a dictation. I’m going Will you say them slowly?
to repeat each sentence twice.
Listen carefully. 6
D Your phone just made a noise. Yes. It’s a message from my
sister. She’s coming round this
evening. 4
E Do you know where my dad’s gone? Sorry.
I have o no idea. 3
F I don’t understand this message. I don’t understand it either.
What does it mean? 2


describe someone’s appearance and routine

report a problem to the police

thank someone for helping you

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Episode 3 – Practical English – Time to tell the police

Workbook exercise: (page 92)

1 Making a police report

[A] Hello. I’d like to report a missing person – my aunt.

[B] OK, I’ll take a statement. How long has your aunt been missing?
[A] She was supposed to be at home four hours ago.
[B] Can you describe her?
[A] Well, she’s 55 years old. She’s quite tall with long brown hair.
[B] When did you last see her?
[A] Around five o’clock last night.
[B] Where were you?
[A] At her house. I often go round on my way home from work.
[B] Do you remember what she was wearing?
[A] A purple T-shirt and a pair of black leggings.
[B] Did you notice anything unusual about her?
[A] Well, I suppose she seemed a bit nervous.
[B] Do you know what her plans were for today?
[A] No, she didn’t mention anything.
[B] Can you give me some idea of her normal routine?
[A] She works from 8:00 to 4:00. She’s always at home by 5:00.
[B] Was there anything unusual about the house tonight?
[A] Yes, the front door was unlocked, which was strange.
[B] Is there anything else?
[A] Yes, there is one other thing. Her handbag was on the table.


[A] Where’s everyone else?

[B] I have no idea.

[A] Can you tell me again what the homework is?

[B] Yes, but listen carefully this time! I won’t repeat it again.

[A] I texted John and this is his reply.

[B] I don’t understand. What does it mean?

[A] Are you sure you’re OK?

[B] Yes, I’m all right. Don’t worry about me.

[A] It was great to see you. Have you had a good time?
[B] Yes, I really like Budapest.

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