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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga)
Relationship: Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Koala & Sabo (One Piece),
Portgas D. Ace & Whitebeard Pirates, Revolutionary Army & Sabo (one
Piece), Monkey D. Luffy & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates,
Portgas D. Ace & Sabo
Character: Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo (One Piece), Roronoa Zoro,
Usopp (One Piece), Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Trafalgar D.
Water Law, Bartolomeo (One Piece), Koala (One Piece), Hack (One
Piece), Whitebeard Pirates, Fujitora | Isshou
Additional Tags: ASL Brothers (One Piece), Reunions, Brotherly Love, Brotherly
Affection, Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe - Canon
Divergence, Fix-It, Dressrosa Arc, Portgas D. Ace Lives, Shirohige |
Whitebeard | Edward Newgate Lives, Sabo (One Piece) is a Little Shit,
Portgas D. Ace is a Little Shit, Luffy Is a Little Shit, Protectiveness,
Childhood Memories, Tears, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts,
Ace: "Ew emotions. Get that shit away from me", Sabo: "Ayyy~
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Talk back
Collections: Fanfics I Wish Were Canon 3000
Stats: Published: 2023-01-28 Words: 7,292 Chapters: 1/1

by Dezace


Sabo didn't know what he was going to get when he watched the Coliseum fight. He was
supposed to be working but he got something he wanted to have for the past twelve years.

He got his memories back, all because his mouth was faster than his brain.

(Or: An ASL Reunion fic in Dressrosa)


See the end of the work for notes

Sabo walked under the Coliseum, head distracted and unaware of what was going on around him.
He knew that was something he shouldn’t do, but something was taking his attention away from
his mission. He had no idea why, but earlier he caught sight of a challenger. It was like his eyes
were magnetized to the man, unable to look away. He saw a slight scar under the man’s left eye,
and something about the Devil Fruit abilities made something in him clamor. He had no idea why,
but Sabo couldn’t ignore it.

His feet carried him below the Coliseum, absentminded. His cloak flowed behind him, covering his
face and characteristic scar. Sabo may not have a bounty, but his position would net a good amount
of money if he was caught or traded for information.

Sabo paused, hearing voices in the next hallway. He put his back to the wall and glanced around
the corner, making sure the shadows covered him. He blinked, seeing three people.

He recognized the green-haired pirate, Bartolomeo the Cannibal. Sabo saw his fight earlier. His
Devil Fruit looked troublesome, but Sabo knew all Devil Fruits had an opening. It was just how
fast you could find it in a fight.

Sabo was an expert at that.

It had gotten to a point his coworkers called him the Killer of Devil Fruits. Sabo thought it was too
edgy, but his coworkers called him that, and it wouldn’t change anytime soon. He knew Koala was
laughing her ass off at his face when he first heard it.

“Luffy, I can take care of this. Go take care of your friends.”

“But Ace-”

“Don’t “but Ace” me. I can take care of myself, but you have a job to do. Go help your friend,

Sabo watched the man who caused the reaction in him to shuffle his feet, not looking happy at the
other man. Sabo squinted his eyes at the other black-haired man. Sabo didn’t recognize him from
fighters in the tournament, but he recognized the man from somewhere. The taller one was wearing
an orange vest that was open in the front, only covering his back. He was wearing a hat covered
with another hat, making it look odd to an outsider. Sabo glanced at the man and noticed a tattoo
on the man's left arm, and he knew who this man was. Well, his name should have been the clue

He was Portgas D. Ace, the Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. He was also
known as Fire Fist Ace, the son of the late Pirate King. And that must mean who he was talking

“I can’t leave without it.”

Fire Fist sighed, rubbing his nose past the shitty disguise. It was a fake black beard.

“Fine. I can do it. I-”

““-hope your friend appreciates this.””

Sabo flinches, and his mouth moved before he was even aware. The words came out of his mouth
unbidden, and he was confused, mind empty, but shocked all the same. He had no idea why he
spoke, but it felt natural, of all things. Sure, he had always had a few peculiarities when he tried to
talk, especially when he first joined the Army, but they faded with the time spent with the
Revolutionary Army.

Sabo realized he shouldn’t have thought about it right then and there when a hand grasped his
shoulders and threw him into the light.

Sabo tried to land on his feet, but his shoes caught on the edge of a brick. He tripped and rolled,
getting to his feet quick enough but not enough time to miss the look Fire Fist sent his way. It was
fierce, filled with a potential for violence if Sabo made one wrong move.

Sabo subtly moved his back, still feeling his pipe where it was, but knew that would be an action
that might set off Fire Fist. Sabo didn’t want to fight a Commander of Whitebeard since there was
no use to do so. There was no gain. And Sabo had a mission to do.

Sabo raised his hand in surrender since he didn’t feel like there was a threat to him. Yet, at least.
He knew pirates weren’t the best people at temper control. Especially the famous hot head of the
Whitebeard Pirates. He had a reputation for setting things on fire if they pissed him off.
Sabo studied the two men in front of them, and the air in his lungs didn’t seem to do its job. He
was oddly breathless, like no matter how much he wanted, he couldn’t breathe. The hard light of
Fire Fist’s grey eyes and the hidden energy of Strawhat made a spike of ice form through his heart.
Sabo blinked, the images behind his eyes still shadowed, but he thought he could start to see more

“Who the fuck-”

““-are you?””

Sabo blinked some more, eyes blank, but a hand came to his mouth. Confusion and apprehension
came to his expression. Ace started to scowl more, and a light of fire blazed in his eyes. Sabo
looked into his eyes absentmindedly, trying to figure out why his voice seemed to not want to listen
to him. It was like when he did something out of habit, like how he twirled his pipe and used it as a
cane. How he tilted his hat in greeting, body moving before he was aware.

Sabo put a hand to his throat, swallowing the spit in his mouth, his mouth was dry, but he knew
that shouldn’t be.


““-are you copying me?””

Sabo felt his lungs constrict, legs feeling shaky as if they would collapse at any second. His arms
were weak, trembling like a leaf in the wind. Sabo wanted to stumble back, away from the two
men, but his feet were stuck in place, unable to move. It felt like there was concrete around his
ankles, holding him in place. Sabo looked at Fire Fist, who looked more unsettled by the second. It
didn’t look like he knew why this was happing any more than Sabo. Sabo didn’t know if that was a
good thing or not.

Fire Fist grabbed Sabo’s cloak, pulling him forward with strong force. Sabo went forward,
miraculously keeping his balance on his shaky legs.

““Oi bastard, stop that!””

Sabo’s mouth continued to move without his consent. He felt out of his depth, floundering in the
sea without an island in sight without a life raft. His mind swirled, coming up with empty thoughts,
trying to push through, but something stopped it.

Sabo saw out of the corner of his eyes that Strawhat was looking between them with confusion, but
Strawhat started to look at him, squinting his eyes in what could have been recognition. But that
couldn’t be right. Why would Strawhat recognize him?

Sabo’s eyes widened, remembering a forgotten fact. The brothers were from the Goa Kingdom, the
same kingdom Dragon picked him up from. Could Sabo have known…?

Sabo looked back into Fire Fist’s eyes, seeing the anger, but also the concern, probably for
Strawhat, but that made the proverbial dots connect.

A light burst in his mind, making everything sharpen.

Ace, Luffy. How could I forget them?

All his missing memories came rushing back, and it took all he had to stay on his feet. The
memories were so powerful that it hurt his brain, but he finally, finally, could remember.

He knew why he left that day. He knew what his childhood was like. He could remember the
instant all of the attachment he had for nobles, as infinitesimal it was, was finally snuffed out. He
knew why the pipe came so easily to him. He knew why fighting came easy to him.

He knew why these two men created such discord in his mind.

It was because they were his brothers. The two people Sabo cared for most in the world, and all
that came rushing back.

Tears began forming in his eyes, not yet fallen, but they were gathering, and it was only time before
they fell.

“It’s been a long time, Ace, Luffy.”

Ace widened his eyes and let go of Sabo, taking a few stumbling steps back. Sabo stood, mind still
whirring and legs still shaking but only with strong will did he not collapse there.

Sabo smiled wide, happy tears slowly going down his face. He finally got the part of his brain
online, taking off his cloak and showing his noble clothes. Sabo reached behind him, grabbed his
top hat, and put it on. Sabo smiled wider, seeing the two equally shocked faces, disbelief and
incredulity plainly seen.

Luffy stuttered, voice cracking, and pointed at Sabo with a shaking finger.

“You can’t be-!”

Sabo smiled wider, and tears started to fall more honestly. They were happy tears.

“We all exchanged cups of sake. Ace stole the bottle from Dadan.”

There was a bout of silence, the two coming to terms with what was happening, and the next thing
Sabo knew, he was being tackled to the ground. The air was knocked out of his lungs with the hard
contact with the cold stone, but he couldn’t get the wide smile off his face. Sabo glanced at the two
who knocked him to the ground, both crying to some measure. Sabo’s heart hurt at the sight.

He couldn’t believe he forgot his brothers and caused them such pain, thinking he was gone for the
past, god, twelve years. He never thought he left anything behind when he joined the
Revolutionary Army since Dragon said he was running when he first met Sabo. That Sabo was a
noble child horrified by the actions of his community, wishing to run away from the horrible place.
Sabo didn’t blame Dragon for his version of events since it was the truth, but Dragon couldn’t have
known Sabo had already run away from that place before and created a family of three with two
other slum rats.

Dragon couldn’t have known Sabo was leaving behind two other boys who would have missed him
more than anyone.

Sabo saw Ace crying quietly into his jacket, silent tears trailing down his face, face scrunched up
like he was in pain, holding in his sobs. Luffy was doing no such thing, sobbing loudly into Sabo’s
neck. They were holding him down with all their strength, causing Sabo not to move for fear of
cracking bones. Not like he wanted to get out of the hold of his two brothers he didn’t know he
missed so much.

Sabo was still crying silently, managing to hug his brother back even from his position. Luffy
gripped his jacket harder, Sabo feeling the hand clench from behind him.


Sabo laughed wetly, swallowing the stone in his throat.

“Hey, Luffy. I’m right here. I am not going anywhere.”

Ace growled, not that threateningly because his voice was audibly weak, but the meaning came

“You better, you bastard. I have words for you.”

Sabo chuckled, not even afraid of Ace’s ire. That could come later when they all weren’t crying.
Sabo set his head back on the stone, feeling safe under the weight of his brothers. He could
remember the last time they had a dogpile when they were children. But they weren’t children
anymore, all powerhouses on the Grandline and bright futures ahead of them. Sabo smiled proudly,
happy to see how far his brothers had come.

He would have to collect their bounties after he got back to Baltigo.

The two let go of him, allowing them to stand up. Sabo shuffled his feet, unsure of how he should
start. Luckily, or unlikely for him, Ace glared at him, crossing his arms. He tried to look
intimidating, but Sabo still saw the bloodshot eyes. Luffy was sniffling, whipping his nose with his
shirt, watching Sabo with watery eyes. It looked like Luffy was still a bit of a crybaby. Sabo smiled
slightly at the thought, but Ace’s glare got him back on track.

Sabo sighed, taking off his hat and brushing a hand through his hair, visibly nervous. It wasn’t like
Sabo could have been prepared. Who could have thought he would have gotten back his memories
today and would meet the two people he remembered the best?
“Ace, Luffy, I…”

Sabo swallowed, putting his hat back on his head. He wanted to do something with his hands, but
he knew that would show just how much his emotions were getting a hold of him, so he stuffed his
hands in his jacket pockets. He tried not to hunch his shoulders, but the look in both his brothers'
eyes showed they noticed. Sabo mentally slapped his cheeks, getting himself together.

Sabo bit his lip but shook his head, sighing again.

“I… didn’t know. I didn’t know anything.”

Ace’s eyes narrowed, hands uncrossing, and now hung at his sides. He came closer to Sabo, Sabo
bowing his head, unable to meet his brother’s eyes. Sabo suddenly felt ashamed, unable to meet the
eyes of the people he hurt unknowingly, but he hurt them anyway.

““What do you mean by that?””

Sabo chuckled at the unison of voices. It looked like they still did that without Sabo. He was glad.
He knew how much that made Ace happy. Sabo stopped chuckling, fiddling his fingers in his

“I forgot. I forgot everything. How shitty is that?”

Sabo took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down from having an anxiety attack. He was close
to hyperventilating as it is, didn’t need to add another thing to that. A hand on his shoulder snapped
him out of it, partially. Sabo looked up slowly, seeing Ace look concerned at him. Sabo didn’t
know what he looked like, but it probably wasn’t good.


Sabo heard the concern in that, making him try to talk again, calmly.

“The sinking…”
Sabo took his hands out of his pockets, miming the sinking of a ship with his hands, just to do
something because he was nervous as fuck.

“... It… the injuries I sustained weren’t pretty.”

Sabo gestured to his face. The Army’s doctors said it was lucky Sabo wasn’t blinded in his left
eye. The scarring was worse when he was healing, more vivid and rough, with what it is now, a
smoother pink scar tissue. It was a horrible injury, taking some of his nerve endings with the initial
hit. Part of it was numb, and even when he was hit there full force, Sabo sometimes couldn’t feel it.

Ace poked his scar, a frown on his face. Sabo didn’t swat his hand away as he would do to anyone
else. Luffy was still crying, but it was silent this time. Luffy somehow got to his side and was now
attacked like a stubborn barnacle, wrapping his rubbery limbs around Sabo’s body.

“It hasn’t healed as much as a facial scar should.”

Sabo smiled wryly, the two probably seeing how paper thin the smile was.

“It was worse. Anyway… When I woke up initially after almost drowning, I didn’t… I didn’t
remember anything.”

Sabo made an explosion gesture, making a “poof” sound.

“Nothing. It was like my brain was a blank sheet. I couldn't even remember my name. The only
reason why I knew my name was because of my handkerchief my rescuers found. The one with my
name embroidered on it.”

Sabo unconsciously half-hugged Luffy back, almost desperate for closeness. Sabo never thought he
was touch starved, but with his memories coming back, he was almost desperate with proving this
was real. That he got his memories back, and his brothers were at his side.

Sabo looked up, shifting through his memories, new and old.
“I stayed in their care since I didn’t know I had anything for me back on Dawn.”

His brothers flinched, making Sabo feel like shit. Ace looked close to murder or crying again, and
Sabo didn’t know which one Ace would land on. It was a toss-up, really. Luffy only hung onto
Sabo tighter.

“And that’s history. I joined the people who found me, swearing on their cause. I actually like to
work for them, so…”

Sabo’s feet twitched, wanting to move somehow, anxiousness exuding from every pore. He didn’t
know what Ace was thinking, but the way his face shifted every moment only showed how close
Ace was to doing something stupid.

“What organization did you join? It better not be the Marines.”

Sabo barked out a laugh at that, shaking his head with mirth.

“God no. It’s the opposite. I joined the Revolutionary Army. I am quite influential if I do say so

Ace huffed, a half smile on his face.

“Huh, a Rev. Hm...”

Ace put a hand on his chin, looking Sabo up and down, then tilting his head with a slight grin.

“I can see it. But Sabo…”

Sabo let the smile fall off his face, seeing the seriousness Ace exuded. Luffy seemed to pick it up
as well, looking up at Ace from his perch. Ace crossed his arms again, simmering in repressed

“Why did you not meet us when you got your memory back? Luffy and I are easy enough to find if
you have the right contacts, which you probably do, so why? How long did you have your

Sabo chuckled hesitantly, brought his hand up, and counted fingers.

“Maybe two minutes?”

Ace blinked, not expecting that.


Sabo scratched the part of his head that wasn’t covered by his hat. He held up two fingers, not
looking into either of his brothers’ eyes.

“I have had my memories back for two minutes.”

Ace gapped, looking close to a crisis.

““You’re an idiot.””

Sabo shrugged, not as if he could refuse it. Koala certainly agrees. Oh, no. Koala. He could not let
her meet his brothers. They would have way too much fun at his expense. Yep, keeping those two
far away from his partner is the goal.

Sabo started smiling more softly, looking at the two of them. They tilted their heads at the same
time, curious at his expression change. The smile grew softer, and regret started to blossom in his
chest. He missed so much.

“You two kept up with it. I’m happy.”

Luffy blushed slightly while Ace looked away, still embarrassed at showing his emotions. Guess
Ace got a little better at expressing his emotions since they were kids, but not by much. Better than
the nothing Ace used to have.
““It wasn’t a joke anymore. It’s a habit now.””

Sabu hummed, realizing that could happen if they kept up with it for the amount of time they spent
together without him. Another pang of regret formed, but he pushed it away. Not the time. Sabo
smiled wide, the glee on his face.

“Does it still freak people out?”

Ace matched his smile and nodded, and Luffy was making happy noise at his side.

“Oh definitely. My crew, specifically the Commanders, half of them think we are just two little
shits, while the other half think we are possessed by a demon hellbent on creating chaos in the
world. They’re taking bets.”

Sabo smirked at that, remembering his odd speech patterns when he was first with the Army. That
makes sense in hindsight.

Luffy chirped at Sabo's side, still hanging on his coat like a koala.

“They’re funny. They make funny faces when we talk. It’s even better than messing with Dadan.”

Sabo chuckled, patting Luffy on his disguised hatted head.

“I bet.”

Sabo was about to say more, but there were cheers above them, causing the brothers to frown. Sabo
looked to Ace, still keeping a hand on Luffy from doing something stupid.

“What were you guys talking about earlier?”

Ace sighed, gesturing to Luffy, who was pouting.

“One of Luffy’s friends had a friend who had a Devil Fruit. They died, and that friend wants it, not
like he said that by Luffy’s explanation. It just sounds like Luffy wants to help his friend.”

Luffy scowled, shaking a hand at Ace. Sabo could still see Luffy through the disguise, especially
with his actions, but maybe other people couldn’t.

“Torao is my friend. I want to help him get his friend's fruit!”

Ace rubbed the bridge of his nose as if he had said it before, which was likely he had.

“And that same friend needs help since they were taken by Doflamingo. Let me take care of this. I
can get the fruit.”

Ace made a gesture, a gimme gesture, and Sabo thought it was for what Luffy was wearing as a
disguise. Sabo thought it over and shrugged. Ace was probably the best person to imitate Luffy, but
Sabo was not the best candidate because even though he could imitate Luffy, he had blonde hair.
Ace had black hair, and the helmet would block his freckles. And the cloak and shirt would cover
his distinguishable tattoos.

Sabo was surprised he wasn’t caught already with his name tattoo out and about.

Luffy pouted but nodded with no argument. Guess Ace whittled him down earlier so he didn’t fight
too much now. Ace moved his shoulders, almost like he was warming up right now.

“Well, now we have to get Luffy out without being discovered.”

Sabo grinned, a light glowing in his eyes. His brothers noticed, and Sabo was smug while he
rubbed his nose.

“I can do that. I have a few tricks up my sleeves.”

Ace slowly smirked, and Luffy smiled happily, still looking a second away from crying again, but
it was better than earlier.

“Let’s hear it, Sabo.”

Sabo matched Ace’s smirk and started explaining. It was a good day to be the Chief of Staff of the
Revolutionary Army.

After Ace got the fruit and made a mess of the Coliseum with his firepower, causing panic and
mayhem, Ace and Sabo met up in the tunnels.

Sabo guided Ace back to the meeting spot, and soon enough, he saw Koala and Hack. Koala
waved for him but visibly studied Ace. He was still wearing the disguise. Sabo walked to them
with a smile, the leftover happiness of meeting up with his brothers still there.

“Sabo, whose this?”

Ace waved but was busy getting the disguise off. He throws off the fake bird and the glasses, takes
off the cover for his orange hat, and puts it on his head. He shed the shirt and cloak, and Sabo
could finally see the Whitebeard mark on his back. Ace grinned, a smirk on his face, showing his

Sabo sighed and pointed with his thumb back at Ace.

“Ace, Koala, Hack. Koala, Hack, Ace. There, you guys are introduced.”

Koala widened her eyes, looking between Sabo and Ace with shocked eyes. She pointed between
them, confused as all hell.

“Sabo, do you know the Second Divison Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates?”

Sabo opened his mouth but was stopped by an arm over his shoulders. He looked over to see Ace
leaning on him, a playful smirk on his face. He looked ready to be a menace.

“Sabo, you didn’t tell them about me? I’m hurt.”

Ace put a hand over his heart, fake hurt, but Sabo could see the hidden amusement in his eyes.
Sabo huffed, shrugging.

“You know why.”

Ace's smile thinned a bit, but it came back the same. Koala looked to Sabo, who smiled slightly,
relief in his eyes. Sabo clapped because he really didn’t want to have this conversation right now. It
could wait for later. Sabo spoke, voice purposefully louder than usual.

“Sooo~ it's time to go people.”

Ace shrugged and let got Sabo, bounce in his step. Koala looked at Sabo with narrowed eyes, and
Sabo was sheepish.

“How do you guys know each other?”

Sabo looked back to Ace, who only saluted him with mock sympathy. Why did he decide to be
friends with him again?
Sabo looked back at Koala and beamed even though Ace was annoying. The circumstance was a
happy occasion, and he wouldn’t change it for a thing.

“He’s my brother.”

Koala stared blankly at Sabo for a moment, then screeched.


Ace couldn’t stop smiling,

Sure, everything was going to shit, and chaos abounded, but it couldn’t dampen his happiness. He
was riding a high, and he was sure he wouldn’t come off of it until he could calm done from
everything plus the fighting. The adrenaline was certainly not helping, but Ace couldn’t care. Sabo
was a steady presence at his side, and Ace was floating.

It had been so long since Ace felt this great. In fact, the last time he felt this happy was when Pops
welcomed him into the family, one of the best days of his life. Finding out one of his brothers was
alive was certainly a great occasion.

Knowing that they were all alive was something Ace didn’t dare to hope for. But now with Sabo at
his side with a pipe in hand, Ace couldn’t think of a place he would rather be. Sure, it could be
better since they were fighting through a battlefield. The entire island of Dressrosa was in chaos,
with fighting everywhere. But Ace didn’t mind. With every metallic hit from his side, his grin
grew wider.

Fighting next to Sabo was easy as breathing, and Ace could feel the bond reforming. They were
starting to sync up again, and Ace had a skip in his step.

Ace got serious again when he saw a Marine battalion moving toward where Luffy was. Ace saw
the lead man, an Admiral. Ace had heard of the new Admiral who replaced Aokijji. From
everything he had heard, it seemed like he was an okay guy, but Ace always knew there was more
to a person than rumors. Especially Admirals. Ace was still looking forward to fighting Akianu
again, looking forward to punching his face in. No, it doesn't matter to Ace that he was now the
Fleet Admiral, it just gave Ace more motivation to go through with it, despite his crewmate's words
on why that was a bad idea.

Hah, Ace was filled with bad ideas, and that was not one of them. He was just waiting for that
moment to strike, and Akainu wouldn’t know what hit him.

Ace gestured his head to the Marines, and Sabo saw it too. His eyes narrowed but smirked slightly
at Ace. Ace grinned, dark intentions swimming in his eyes. He looked to the Marines and the
Admiral. This would be fun.
Ace set the scene with outstretched arms, making a ring of flames surrounding the marines. The
Admiral frowned but didn’t lose his cool like his underlings. Ace walked through the fire with a
dark grin, making the flames go higher, and with more heat.

Sabo made his entrance, spinning his pipe while knocking out a Marine who got too far away front
he main force to get help. Sabo smirked and set his bloodstained pipe on his shoulder. Ace made
sure that his flames wouldn’t hurt his brother. Ace and Sabo caught the other's eyes, and their grins
grew wider.

Ace set his feet, fist in front of him, and Sabo pointed at the Marines with his pipe.

““Don’t even think of going forward. You have to deal with us first before you get Luffy.””

The Marines shifted while the Admiral was frowning. The Vice Admiral was making some odd
movements, so the two switched to glare at him, telling him to try it. Ace cocked his head and
grinned menacingly, letting his flames grow even higher. He had his Devil Fruit for five years
now. He knew some tricks.

“"If you take another step, I will fry” “beat” “you up so bad no one would recognize your body.
Don’t try it.””

“For your sake, at least.”

Ace scoffed lightly at Sabo’s added words but figured it was on brand for him. Ever the polite one,
even while threatening people. The masked Marine seemed to take offense at that, saying
something or another that Ace only took as a person who needed a reality check. Ace made his
flames spread, creating a smokescreen of fire when Sabo rushed forward. Ace made a path free of
fire, and Sabo used it to get in front of the Marine faster than he could react.

The Marine swung down with his cleaver, Ace blocking the Admiral with a blast of fire before he
could help, and Sabo caught the sword with a hand. Sabo looked up and grinned, clenching down,
and the metal broke like it was tin foil. Sabo cackled darkly, and it unnerved the Marines. Sabo
didn’t let up, immediately jumping up and grasping the Vice Admiral's head with the same claw
gesture, and started to clench.

The Admiral got through Ace’s attacks easily since Ace only wanted to stall him. He gave his
flames more full and allowed them to blast anyone who wasn’t Sabo full of heat. Sabo moved
while the Marines were distracted, coming back to Ace’s side without interference. Ace’s smile
quirked up, and he allowed the fire to dim.

Once the Marines could see them again, Sabo was still smiling, his darkened glee of a smile, and
held up a mask that disintegrated in his hand. Ace whistled, impressed. It looked like Sabo wasn’t
goofing off on his training.

The Admiral stepped forward, holding out a hand for the other Marines.

“Stand back, you men are not a match for them. Let me handle this.”

The blind man seemed to be looking in their direction, a frown on his face even though Ace didn’t
think it was because his men refused to leave him.

“I know why Fire Fist is here, but why is the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army at his

Ace tilted his head and looked at Sabo. Sabo shrugged like it was out of his hands. Ace scoffed and
shook his head.

“You, the Chief of Staff of the Revs. I am surprised they’re still up and running with your dumbass
in charge.”

Sabo gasped, hand over his heart in mock betrayal as he did earlier. Bitch. He pointed aggressively
at the smirking logia.

“I’ll have you know I am very good at my job.”

“Oh yeah? Then tell me the last time you did any paperwork.”
Sabo opened his mouth, paused, and closed it with a pout. He kicked his feet as he used to when
they were kids and crossed his arms.

“That’s foul play. And you, mister, are a Commander of Whitebeard. I think that question goes for
you too.”

Ace shrugged, unrepentant, and everyone knew it.

“Yeah, well, I am a pirate. I don’t need to do paperwork when I only have to punch people. If I
can’t punch it, it’s not my problem.”

Sabo raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

“I could have never guessed.”

Sabo blinked, and Ace realized Sabo never answered the Admiral’s question. They both turned to
the Admiral that watched the interaction with a frown. Sabo twirled his pipe and tapped it down on
the ground like a cane. He smiled and cocked his head, looking straight at the Marine.

“Because I am their brother. I would be a shitty brother if I don’t keep you guys off our little
brother’s back.”

Ace nodded in agreement, liking how Sabo phrased it. The Admiral frowned harder when the
Marines behind him freaked out. Ace looked at them and then shook his head. Marines always got
caught up in the weirdest things. Some Marines looked at them in fear, and Ace let it go right over
his head. Ace got used to the looks after he became a pirate.

“Strawhat’s brothers…! His brothers are the Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard
Pirates and the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army! What are these three!!”

“What a terrible set of brothers.”

That was what the Admiral said, and Ace and Sabo both reacted with a grin.

““Yep. That’s us.””

Ace put his fists up, and Sabo leaned forward, realizing that the talk was over. The Admiral
unsheathed his sword and held it out, face set in seriousness.

Well, at least he wasn’t alone.

The fight against Fujitora was a pain. It ended in a draw, but Ace knew he and Sabo could have
taken him down if they got enough time, which they didn’t have. It also should be noted Ace
didn’t get an overall feeling of malice most Admirals gave off. In all actuality, Fujitora seemed…
kind in a sense. They were still enemies, but Ace didn’t have much of a problem as he did with him
than other specific Marines(cough Akainu cough).

Well, Ace didn’t dwell on it much, with more important things keeping him occupied. Most
importantly, keeping his brother safe when he was out of haki and clearly recovering. He and Sabo
did guard duty, always keeping an eye on where he was and taking care of any who sought to harm
him. They took them out before they could get near Luffy.

They were just that good.

Ace and Sabo didn’t get involved with Luffy’s fight, only watching with pride when Luffy gave
that final punch to the Warlord. Ace and Sabo high-fived each other, beaming with pride at what
their brother accomplished. Luffy had come a long way from the boy who punched himself with
his own rubbery fist. Now he was at the stage where everyone knew he was strong and should be
careful when engaging.
Ace was so proud.

They kept their distance, not wanting to interrupt Luffy’s more-than-earned rest. Ace and Sabo got
caught up during that time, something they didn’t have a chance for earlier. Sabo tried to retreat
into a guilty ball, but Ace pulled him out of it with a scoff. Ace didn’t give a shit that Sabo was
guilty, he was still his brother, and it was his job to make sure his brothers weren’t beating
themselves up for something out of their control.

Sure, Ace still wanted to get at least one good hit on Sabo for the shit he pulled, but he was waiting
for the second Sabo least expected it.

Ace told Sabo all about the Whitebeards, and Sabo told him about the Army. Ace was surprised to
find out it was Dragon that saved Sabo, and he truly felt the world was a small place. From what
Ace gleaned from Sabo’s words and expressions, Sabo loved being in the Army. As long as Sabo
was happy, Ace wouldn’t say anything, even though he had a few… thoughts about Dragon.

Ace might have a chance to convince Sabo that pranking Dragon was a good idea, but that plan
was for later.

Ace didn't realize it was night until the sun went down, too enraptured in talking to his missing
brother. They both looked at each other and nodded. They made their way to the little house in the
middle of a flower field, the place they followed the Strawhat and Co. to earlier.

Ace could hear conversations from behind the wooden door, including something about alcohol.
Sabo opened the door without a preamble, and Ace could hear the beginning of a sword being
unsheathed when Sabo threw a bottle inside, apparently at the person who was asking for a drink.


“Yo! Nice to see you, Robin.”

Sabo walked into the shack, and Ace poked his out from behind Sabo’s shoulder, giving a small
wave to his brother’s crew and allies.
“Hey, guys. It’s been a while.”


Zoro and Usopp grinned, the only Strawhats here that Ace met in Alabasta, the rest of the ones he
met were not here at the moment. Ace nodded to the crewmates of Luffy’s he hasn’t met before,
giving a friendly smile. The people in the house relaxed, seeing Ace and knowing he wouldn’t
bring in someone who would threaten his brother.

Nico Robin, the crewmember Luffy got after Alabasta, only looked between them with curiosity.

“Sabo, why are you here? The Revolutionary Army should have left by now.”

Sabo shrugged, sitting on the bed Luffy was passed out on. Ace leaned by the door, seeing it was
crowded enough on the floor. Sabo looked down at Luffy with a small smile and looked back at
Nico Robin.

“Some circumstances came up, and Dragon gave me another day to stay around.”

Ace shook his head wryly, chuckling.

“Why do you have to be so cryptic all the time, Sabo?”

Sabo stuck his tongue at Ace, pulling down the skin below his eye, making a raspberry sound.

“I have to keep up my reputation.”

“Yeah, you're an idiot.”

“I don’t want to hear that from you!!”

Nico Robin raised an eyebrow, “Sabo, you didn’t tell me you knew my Captain’s brother.”

Sabo’s smile thinned, and Ace sighed, shaking his head. Ace raised his eyebrow at Sabo, knowing
it wasn’t his place to explain. Sabo pouted at him, and Ace shrugged. Sabo sighed and looked at
Robin, who was more curious than before. Everyone was, even with how tired they all seemed to
be. Zoro kept an eye out for threats, but Ace knew he was relaxed.

Sabo turned to Robin, a wry smile on his face.

“Robin, you are aware of my situation, right?”

Robin nodded, poker face on, “You have amnesia, not remembering a time before you joined the
Revolutionary Army.”

Sabo nodded, looking down at his gloved hands.

“That used to be the case. I recently got all my memories back. And well…”

Sabo looked up at Ace, and Ace could give him this. Ace walked to Sabo, sitting next to him, and
made sure not to bother Luffy’s sleeping figure. Ace looked at Robin, gesturing with his head to

“Before Sabo forgot everything and joined the Army, Luffy and I knew him quite well. He’s our

There was a burst of surprised shouting, and Ace swore he heard, “There’s two more?!”

Robin looked surprised, and Sabo continued.

“It turns out seeing both of my brothers in the flesh was the thing to give my memories a

Sabo started to look guilty again, so Ace elbowed him in the side. Hard. Sabo let out a grunt of
pain and curled over, glaring at Ace over his shoulder. Ace smirked, mentally saying “what could
he do?”

“Don’t start with that shit Sabo. We don’t blame you. Oh, but do expect a punch when you least
expect it. It’s for thinking you were dead for twelve years.”

Sabo opened his mouth, and closed it, unable to give Ace a good enough reason to not punch him.

“Just don’t use your fire. I can live without that.”

Ace grinned smugly, cracking his knuckles.

“Okay, I can live with that.”

Usopp looked between them, pointing at them with leftover surprise on his face.

“So if you guys are all brothers, do you two do that weird-”

Ace and Sabo gave matching grins at Usopp, who looked close to dying in fear.

““You mean this?””

Usopp nodded, and Zoro groaned, the only two that knew Ace’s and Luffy’s antics when they were
near each other. Yes, fresh victims to unnerve.

Ace leaned back, and Sabo leaned on his fist, legs crossed.

““We may not have seen each other in years, but a habit couldn’t be forgotten that fast.””

Ace started, Sabo grinning madly. Ace could tell he missed this, even though he didn’t know why
when his memories were locked away.
“In fact, when we were young-”

“-I was the one that said it was a good idea. It-”

“-made our guardians freak the fuck out, something-”

“-we enjoyed doing. You should see it when all of us are together. I-”

“-heard that it was really creepy. My crew thinks me and Luffy are possessed by Demons.”

Sabo grinned widely, and Ace knew he was going to enjoy this. Sabo looked at Ace, uncaring for
the looks they all got with that exchange.

“I can come over sometime with Luffy, give that rumor more biases.”

Ace rubbed his hand in glee, chuckling with dark glee. His eyes were alight with humor, and god,
he missed this.

“That sounds like so much fun.”

Sabo nodded, their thinking on the same wavelength. Zoro looked between the two and shrugged,
his expression saying it wasn’t his problem. That thought was shared with everyone in the shack,
including Trafalgar Law, who looked to be regretting everything.

Sucks to be him. He should have expected this when he allied with Luffy.
After a few more hours, everyone passed out except Ace and Sabo. They were quiet, not wanting
to wake the people who deserved the rest. Ace pointed at the door, and Sbao nodded, both of them
making their way out of the wooden house, steps silent. The door close behind them, and Ace
walked forward until he was in the middle of the flower field and sat down, looking up at the calm
night sky, not a cloud in sight.

Sabo sat by him, Ace catching the movement out of his peripheral vision. They were silent for a
moment until Sabo spoke.

“I will have to leave tomorrow.”


Sabo sighed, laying down on the bed of flowers and eyes looking up. He caught Ace’s eyes and
then covered his own with his arm. The top hat was next to his head, and Sabo breathed out
heavily. Ace looked back up to the sky, hands in his lap.

The silence went on for a long time until Ace broke it. He knew what Sabo was thinking, and Sabo
knew what he was thinking. There was no need for words when they knew what they would say.
They knew their lives would go on but in different directions. Sabo to the Army and Ace to the sea.
But Ace knew he would see him again, so Ace didn’t say what was in his head. It was too much
like a goodbye, and Ace didn’t want to say goodbye to Sabo, not again.

“Hey, Sabo, a question for ya.”

“What is it?”
“Do the Revs actually use guillotines, or is that just rumors?”

Sabo stared at Ace, and Ace did a cutting motion at his neck and made a death sound. Sabo looked
to be regretting getting his memory back at this point. His moping was gone, and Ace gave himself
a pat on the back.

“They are just rumors. We don’t do that.”

Ace tsked, and Sabo narrowed his eyes at Ace. Ace gestured further out of the field of flowers to
where the Marines most likely were.

“Here I thought the Revs were more interesting than the Marines. Chop this head, chop that head
with two swords. It gets boring after the first couple of times.”

Sabo sat up, looking at Ace with done eyes.

“Ace, what the fuck?”

Ace shrugged, a shit-eating smile on his face.

“What? A man needs variety, you know?”

“Not at his own fucking execution!!!”

Ace tried to keep a straight face, but Sabo’s righteous fury made it hard. Ace couldn't stop himself,
and burst out laughing, bellowing laughs that almost hurt. He had his hands on his stomach, rolling
around with laughter. Sabo screeched in fury.

“Ace, don’t laugh at me!!”

Ace just laughed harder, tears coming out of the corner of his eyes.

Ace tried to stop laughing, but every time he saw Sabo’s face, it started up again.

Laughing in the middle of a field of flowers, both of his brothers safe and sound, Ace couldn’t be

End Notes

Bartolomeo: "Crying his little fangirl heart out while watching Luffy reunite with his
Bartolomeo: This is so beautiful!!

Sabo reunions with Ace and Luffy in my past fics.

Sabo: "punched", check
Sabo: "hugged", check
Sabo: "punched and hugged", double check

I always hate repeating stuff I already wrote, so trying to find appropriate reactions to
certain things always makes my job harder and more fun. So I decided that Sabo should be
tackled this time. Aggressive caring is right up the ASL's alley.

I didn't plan on making a continuation, but while writing Jinx, I had the idea of Sabo
coming to find his brothers but didn't think of a good situation, so it was just Ace and Luffy.
And I got this idea from a comment on Jinx, so thank Silvalina for the idea!! It was perfect.

The guillotine part came to me at 2 AM, so I wrote it.

And for my regular readers, I am sorry for not writing that many fics the past month. I was
making an Ace cosplay and I just finished it(god, making Ace's hat and the Alabasta robe
took so much time) so I will probably write more. Here's to hoping! :)

Comment and Kudos are very much appreciated.

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