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Foreign Related Studies

From Computerized Registration for High School of Kenneth Lee Fore in the
year of 2014

“With the economic condition of public schools worsening, school

administrators must rely more and more on automation and the computer in
maximizing the quality of education with the number of resources available.
Many manual chores of administration that are already automated in
business must receive similar attention in school districts. It is unfortunate
that the staff of 1 most secondary school are burdened with the task of
performing the detailed, yet essential, clerical functions, semester after
semester, year after year, when their time is urgently needed for instruction
of the students, professional counseling, guidance, and the continuous
evaluation of the system to shape the policies necessary to move the
education process forward.”

From the thesis The Enrollment Strategic Assessment of Colorado in the year
of March 2015,

“State and federal health reforms require essential, sustainable

changes to Colorado’s eligibility and enrollment systems for health coverage
programs. Current eligibility and enrollment systems and processes in
Colorado are straining to meet demand. Despite intense efforts by state and
local governments and advocacy organizations, tens of thousands of
Coloradans are eligible for public insurance programs but are not enrolled.
State and federal reforms will bring about significant changes, including
dramatic increases in the number of people eligible for coverage, entirely
new programs and systems, and a transformation in eligibility and
enrollment requirements. With state and local budgets under intense
pressure, it is critical to realize as much efficiency as possible and to
leverage all available sources of funding, including federal funding and
private support. Promising practices have been identified in other states and
some Colorado counties; additionally, recently released federal guidance
provides a long-term vision for transforming eligibility and enrollment.”

The overall functionality of the system is broken down into feature

sets. These features set often based upon use cases from the analysis stage,
containing group of individual features that are related, typically by a
functional area (Stephen McHenry, 2014) Adopting the theory of Stephen
McHenry which is known as the iterative implementation covers the
breakdown of overall functionality of the system to a what he called feature
set and those feature sets represents different process involve in an
enrollment system. It helps locate what feature an enrollment system will
have since that this kind of systems does many activities and processes.

As said by Dunn and Scott (2013), science and technology are the root of
emerging innovations in this world. For many years now, a person in this
field of expertise does not stop to reshape the landscape of today’s business
world. Enrollment system has made huge impact into the school arena. It is
a system that is built on innovative program strategies. It is a system that
will help both the enrollment personnel-in-charge and the students to easily
process the enrollment at a lesser time. Distinct from traditional enrollment,
LAN enrollment system process large assortment of student records and
provides efficient and consistent information services. This system becomes
a powerful tool in dealing with information management regarding
enrollment transactions. According to Forman (2016), continuing innovation
in technologies can lead to organizational changes that range from
improvement of day-to-day operation and for easy accessit provides for the
end users. Many schools today have adapted this innovation in offering of
their services.

This system becomes a powerful tool in dealing with information

management regarding enrollment transactions. According to Forman
(2016), continuing innovation in technologies can lead to organizational
changes that range from improvement of day-to-day operation and for easy
accessit provides for the end users. Many schools today have adapted this
innovation in offering of their services

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