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AJOS, Elvie Jane S.

Grade 11 – Silver
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Part II – Writing a Position Paper

Vaccination for Minors (18 years old and below)

Public health has been the primary concern of the government as Covid-19
hits the Philippines. As a way to fight against the deadly virus, vaccination program
takes place. On its implementation, the National Immunization Technical Advisory
Group (NITAG), a group of health experts advising the Inter-Agency Task Force on
Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), created a list to ensure fair allocation of the
vaccine. Frontline workers in health facilities, senior citizens and above, persons with
comorbidities, and indigent persons were the top most priority that time. However, as
vaccination continues and the supply of Covid-19 vaccines is no longer an issue,
health officials encourage newly eligible 12 to 17 years old to get vaccinated.
Primarily, there are three reasons why minors have to get vaccinated. First, is
to ensure that they have the immunity they needed for their body to fight against
Covid-19. As for the reason why the IATF haven’t still allowed those who are 18
years old below to be out in public is the fact that they are still susceptible to the
virus. Second, is to ready students to the gradual reopening of limited face-to-face
classes. The sudden shift of education system from the traditional face-to-face
learning to blended learning modality is a real challenge. In a poll conducted by an
independent research firm, the Options Ventures Corporation, results showed that
the topmost challenges encountered by students includes unstable internet
connection, difficulty in self-studying, and distractions coming from the environment.
This not only applicable to those who have online classes but also to those who
undergone modular. And for the third reason, is to double the number of fully
vaccinated individuals in the country before the year 2021 ends. As of the first week
of November 2021, data showed that around 28.7 million people were fully
vaccinated, and roughly 33.8 million were still waiting for their second dose of the
vaccine. Although there is notable progress about the data being presented but still
there are few more steps to take before the country will be able to achieve the herd
To say, vaccination for minors is a good step to ensure public health as the
battle against Covid-19 pandemic continues. There are three reasons why this age
bracket (12 to 17 years old) is encouraged to get vaccinated, namely; to ensure that
they have the immunity they needed for their body to fight against Covid-19, to ready
students to the gradual reopening of limited face-to-face classes, and to double the
percentage of fully vaccinated individuals in the country by the end of the year 2021.

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