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Preparing date: 09/10/2023

Teaching date: 10 - 12/10/2023


Part 1:
Prompt questions:
How many people are there in the picture?
Where are they?
What is he/she wearing?
What does he/she look like?
What is he/she doing?
Answer key:
1. The boy by the pond is counting fish – Ben.
2. The girl is drawing flowers – Lucy.
3. The girl is on the skateboard – Eva.
4. The boy with the tennis racket is hitting the ball – Tom.
5. The boy is sleeping on the mat – Pat.
Part 2:
Answer key:
1. Ball
2. Mouse
3. 19/nineteen
4. Nick
5. 10/ten
Part 3:
mine: cái của tôi
yours: cái của bạn
Answer key:
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
Part 4:
Answer key:
1. The duck is on the bookcase – purple.
2. The duck is under the lamp – yellow.
3. The duck is in the girl’s arms – brown.
4. The duck is on the TV – red.
5. The duck is on the table – grey.
Part 1:
Answer key:
* Scene picture → Points to items in picture
(Point to the sun) Here’s the sun.
(1) Where is the giraffe? / Is this the giraffe?
(2) Where are the balloons? / Are these the balloons?
* Object cards → Points to Object card and puts it in place
T: Now look at these.
(1)Which is the bee/polar bear? / Is this the bee/polar bear?
I’m putting the bee/polar bear on the elephant.
Can you put the bee/polar bear under the tree? (Where is the tree?)
(2)Which is the robot/baseball cap? (Is this the robot/baseball cap?)
Can you put the robot/baseball cap next to the man?
(Where is the man?)

Part 2:
Answer key:
* Scene picture
(1) What is this? (/ Is it a balloon?)
→ (This/It’s a) balloon.
(2) How many balloons are there? (Are there three? Two?)
→ (There are) three balloons.
(3) What color are they? (Are they red? Pink?)
→ (They’re) red, yellow and green.
(4) What’s the woman doing? (Is she taking a photo?)
→ (The woman/She) is taking a photo.
(5) Tell me about this boy.
(What’s this boy doing? / What’s he holding?)
→ He’s pointing at the animals. He’s holding an ice cream.

Part 3:
Answer key:
* Object cards
(1) show mat card
- What is this? (/Is it a mat? - Yes, it is. It’s a mat.)
→ (This/It is) a mat.
- Have you got a mat at home?
→ Yes, I have. I have got a mat at home. / No, I haven’t. I haven’t got a mat
at home.
- What color is your/this mat? (Is your/this mat red and yellow?)
→ My mat/this mat /It is pink and purple.
(2) show milk card
- What is this? (/Is it milk? - Yes, it is. It’s milk.)
→ (This/It is) milk.
- Do you like drinking milk?
→ Yes, I do. I like drinking milk. / No, I don’t. I don’t like drinking milk.
- What’s your favorite drink? (Do you like drinking orange juice? - Yes, I do. I
like drinking orange juice. / No, I don’t. I don’t like drinking orange juice.)
→ My favorite drink is ____ (milk/orange juice/tea/coffee/bubble tea…).
(3) show crayons card
- What are these? (Are they crayons? - Yes, are they. They’re crayons.)
→ (These/They are) crayons.
- What color are these crayons? (Are these crayons red, blue, green and
yellow? – Yes, they are. These crayons /They are red, blue, green and
→ These crayons/They are red, blue, green and yellow.
- Are these crayons new or old?
→ These crayons/They are new.
(4) show board game card
- What is this? (/Is it a board game? - Yes, it is. It’s a board game.)
→ (This/It is a) board game.
- Can you play board game?
→ Yes, I can. I can play board game. / No, I can’t. I can’t play board game.
- Who do you play board game with?
→ I play board game with ____ (my friends/my brothers/my sisters/…).

Part 4:
1. Who do you sit next to at school? (Do you sit next to your friend? – Yes, I
→ I sit next to ____ (my friend/Alex/Mark/John/…) at school.
2. Is your English teacher a man or a woman? (/Is your English teacher a
→ My English teacher is ____ (a woman /a man).
3. What’s your favorite lesson?
→ My favorite lesson is ____ (English/Math/Arts/P.E./…).

Vocabulary (COPY):
mine: cái của tôi
yours: cái của bạn
FF3 - Unit Starter (Lesson 1,2,3,4)
Lesson 1
Exercise 2:
1. Leo
2. Amy
3. Holly
4. Max

Lesson 2
Exercise 1:
1. T 2. T 3. F
4. T 5. F 6. T
Exercise 2:
1. bigger
2. taller
3. faster
4. smaller
Exercise 3:
1. T 2. F 3. T
4. T 5. F

Lesson 3
January: tháng 1 July: tháng 7
February: tháng 2 August: tháng 8
March: tháng 3 September: tháng 9
April: tháng 4 October: tháng 10
May: tháng 5 November: tháng 11
June: tháng 6 December: tháng 12

Exercise 2:
- When’s your birthday?
→ My birthday is in June.
- How old are you?
→ I’m nine years old.
- When’s your birthday?
→ My birthday is in February.
- How old are you?
→ I’m ten years old.

Lesson 4
Exercise 1:
10: ten 60: sixty
20: twenty 70: seventy
30: thirty 80: eighty
40: forty 90: ninety
50: fifty 100: one hundred

Exercise 2:
21: twenty-one 26: twenty-six
22: twenty-two 27: twenty-seven
23: twenty-three 28: twenty-eight
24: twenty-four 29: twenty-nine
25: twenty-five

Exercise 3:
1. sixty
2. eighty
3. forty
4. ninety-four
5. fifty-nine
6. one hundred
7. eighty
8. thirty-eight

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