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Text: elections

Elections are organized every five (05) years in Burkina. In Burkina Faso like in many
countries, we have three (03) types of elections: presidential elections which are organized
to elect the president, legislative elections to elect deputies (MPs), and municipal elections
to elect mayors. The mandate is five years. To be a voter, you must be a Burkinabe of
eighteen years old and have a voting card. To organize elections, we must have voting
materials such as ballot papers, ballot boxes, polling booths, voting cards, some ink, and a
voter list.
On the elections day, the voter goes to the polling station with his voting card. He shows his
voting card to the assessors, they check his name on the voting list. If the voter’s name is on
the list, they will give him a ballot paper, he will go in the polling booth, will put his finger in
the ink and he will then put it on the ballot paper to choose his candidate. For the
presidential elections, after the first ballotif one of the candidates does not have more fifty
percent of the voting, there will be a second ballot.
Author : David Palenfo
Difficult words or expressions
A deputy (syn- an MP= member of Parliament) a mayor : un maire
A mandate : un mandat. A voter : un votant. A voting card : une carte d’électeur.
A ballot paper : un bulletin de vote. A ballot box : une urne.
A pooling booth : un isoloirs. Ink : l’encre. A voter list : une liste électorale.
A polling station : un bureau de vote. The first ballot : le premier tour
Fifty percent : cinquante pourcent. The second ballot : le second tour.
The assessors : les assesseurs.

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