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In the medical field where the volume of information to be studied and reproduced is enormous,

note taking and note making becomes an integral part of an effective learning process. Not only does it
simplify the learning process, it also eases last minute revision and improves presentation skills in
examinations. Knowing when and where to begin taking notes, which topics to take notes on, and how
to take notes is crucial before investing one’s quality time. Restructuring a content into a table,
flowchart, or an illustrative figure depicts your understanding and hard work. It can fetch more marks
and save time during examinations. (S. Nachiappan., 2022)

A simulation imitates the operation of real world processes or systems with the use of models.
These are usually computer-based, using a software-generated model actual representational model to
provide support for the students and teachers. Simulation techniques aid understanding and
experimentation, as the models are both visual and interactive. (A. Watsons., 2013)

A number of teachers thought that students taking notes with phone and tablet cameras was a
useful strategy, but they were far outnumbered by dissenters. Some commenters viewed it as evidence
of bad teaching, kids’ laziness, and/or the dumbing down of the next generation. Most people who
objected pointed out that writing things down helps students to memorize and creates new neural
pathways: they view note taking as an integral part of the lesson, not busywork., said A. Watsons,

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